TLC59108 8-bit LED Sink Driver module (C) 2013 Christopher Smith <> GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0

Dependents:   chuk



File content as of revision 1:b204db0e7687:

#ifndef __TLC59108_H__
#define __TLC59108_H__

#include "mbed.h"

class TLC59108

    typedef uint8_t byte;

    // default I2C addresses
    // datasheet, pp 12-13
    struct I2C_ADDR
        static const byte BASE = 0x80;
        static const byte SWRESET = 0x4b;
        static const byte ALLCALL = 0x90;
        static const byte SUB1 = 0x92;
        static const byte SUB2 = 0x94;
        static const byte SUB3 = 0x98;

    // register auto-increment modes for setting multiple registers
    // datasheet, p 13
        static const byte ALL = 0x80; // increment through all registers (for initial setup)
        static const byte IND = 0xa0; // increment through individual brightness registers
        static const byte GLOBAL = 0xc0; // increment through global control registers
        static const byte INDGLOBAL = 0xe0; // increment through individual and global registers

    struct LED_MODE
        static const byte OFF = 0;
        static const byte FULL_ON = 1;
        static const byte PWM_IND = 2;
        static const byte PWM_INDGRP = 3;

    // register names
    // datasheet, p 16
    struct REGISTER
        struct MODE1
            static const byte ADDR = 0x00;

            static const byte OSC_OFF = 0x10;
            static const byte SUB1 = 0x08;
            static const byte SUB2 = 0x04;
            static const byte SUB3 = 0x02;
            static const byte ALLCALL = 0x01;

        struct MODE2
            static const byte ADDR = 0x01;

            static const byte EFCLR = 0x80;
            static const byte DMBLNK = 0x20;
            static const byte OCH = 0x08;

        struct PWM0
            static const byte ADDR = 0x02;

        struct PWM1
            static const byte ADDR = 0x03;

        struct PWM2
            static const byte ADDR = 0x04;

        struct PWM3
            static const byte ADDR = 0x05;

        struct PWM4
            static const byte ADDR = 0x06;

        struct PWM5
            static const byte ADDR = 0x07;

        struct PWM6
            static const byte ADDR = 0x08;

        struct PWM7
            static const byte ADDR = 0x09;

        struct GRPPWM
            static const byte ADDR = 0x0a;

        struct GRPFREQ
            static const byte ADDR = 0x0b;

        struct LEDOUT0
            static const byte ADDR = 0x0c;

        struct LEDOUT1
            static const byte ADDR = 0x0d;

        struct SUBADR1
            static const byte ADDR = 0x0e;

        struct SUBADR2
            static const byte ADDR = 0x0f;

        struct SUBADR3
            static const byte ADDR = 0x10;

        struct ALLCALLADR
            static const byte ADDR = 0x11;

        struct IREF
            static const byte ADDR = 0x12;

            static const byte CM = 0x80; // current multiplier
            static const byte HC = 0x40; // subcurrent

        struct EFLAG
            static const byte ADDR = 0x13;

    struct ERROR
        static const uint8_t EINVAL = 2;

    TLC59108(const PinName sda, const PinName scl, const byte selectable_address = 0):
        addr(I2C_ADDR::BASE | selectable_address),
        i2c(sda, scl) {

    uint8_t setLedOutputMode(const uint8_t outputMode)
        if(outputMode & 0xfc)
            return ERROR::EINVAL;
        byte regValue = (outputMode << 6) | (outputMode << 4) | (outputMode << 2) | outputMode;
        uint8_t retVal = setRegister(REGISTER::LEDOUT0::ADDR, regValue);
        retVal &= setRegister(REGISTER::LEDOUT1::ADDR, regValue);
        return retVal;

    uint8_t setBrightness(const uint8_t pwmChannel, const uint8_t dutyCycle)
        if(pwmChannel > 7)
            return ERROR::EINVAL;
        return setRegister(REGISTER::PWM0::ADDR + pwmChannel, dutyCycle);

    uint8_t setBrightness(const uint8_t dutyCycle)
        uint8_t status = 0;
        status &= i2c.write(addr);
        status &= i2c.write(REGISTER::PWM0::ADDR | AUTO_INCREMENT::IND);
        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_CHANNELS; i++)
            status &= i2c.write(dutyCycle);
        return status;
    uint8_t setBrightness(const byte dutyCycles[], const uint8_t length = NUM_CHANNELS) 
        return setRegisters(REGISTER::PWM0::ADDR, dutyCycles, length);

    uint8_t setGroupBrightness(const uint8_t dutyCycle)
        return setRegister(REGISTER::GRPPWM::ADDR, dutyCycle);

    int setRegister(const byte reg, const byte value) {
        char cmd[2] = { reg, value };
        return i2c.write(addr, cmd, 2);
    int setRegisters(const byte reg, const byte values[], const uint8_t length) {
        uint8_t status = 0;
        status &= i2c.write(addr);
        status &= i2c.write(reg | AUTO_INCREMENT::ALL);
        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
            status &= i2c.write(values[i]);
        return status;

    const static uint8_t NUM_CHANNELS = 8;
    byte addr;
    I2C i2c;
