Reads in audio signal on ADC, performs FFT and displays spectrum on Nokia 5110 LCD display.

Dependencies:   N5110 mbed


Simple code which samples audio on ADC, calculates FFT and displays spectrum on LCD display. default tip

2014-07-24, by eencae [Thu, 24 Jul 2014 15:25:26 +0000] rev 3

Simple code which samples audio on ADC, calculates FFT and displays spectrum on LCD display.

Added RGB LED which shows relative frequency components on each colour using PSM.

2014-07-22, by eencae [Tue, 22 Jul 2014 17:52:59 +0000] rev 2

Added RGB LED which shows relative frequency components on each colour using PSM.

Added in spectrum analyser display on Nokia 5110 LCD.

2014-07-22, by eencae [Tue, 22 Jul 2014 15:42:39 +0000] rev 1

Added in spectrum analyser display on Nokia 5110 LCD.

Initial version.; ; Reads in audio signal through ADC (signal needs externally biasing at Vcc/2).; ; Performs FFT on signal and extracts highest frequency component.; ; Also gets the RMS power in each set of samples and display a bar graph on the LEDs.

2014-07-22, by eencae [Tue, 22 Jul 2014 15:03:32 +0000] rev 0

Initial version.; ; Reads in audio signal through ADC (signal needs externally biasing at Vcc/2).; ; Performs FFT on signal and extracts highest frequency component.; ; Also gets the RMS power in each set of samples and display a bar graph on the LEDs.