AD9857 IQ DDS Digital Up Converter Experiment using Nucleo F401

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "dsp.h"
00004 extern Serial pc;
00007 int16_t htstat_buf[HILBERT_TRANSFORM_FIRSTATE_LENGTH];
00008 int16_t cap_buf[2][CAPTURE_LEN];
00010 int16_t fir_state[FIRSTATE_LENGTH];
00011 int16_t fir_buf[CAPTURE_LEN];
00013 int16_t cic_buf[CICBUF_LEN];
00014 int16_t dma_buf[2][DMA_DATALEN];
00016 CICState cic;
00018 void cic_interpolate_x10(CICState *cic, uint32_t *src, int src_len, uint32_t *dst)
00019 {
00020     uint32_t p0 = cic->p0;
00021     uint32_t s0 = cic->s0;
00022     int i;
00023     int j = 0;
00024     for (i = 0; i < src_len; i++) {
00025         uint32_t s = src[i];
00026         uint32_t d0 = __QSUB16(s, p0);
00027         s0 = __QADD16(s0, d0);        
00028         uint32_t s1 = __QADD16(s0, d0);        
00029         uint32_t s2 = __QADD16(s1, d0);        
00030         uint32_t s3 = __QADD16(s2, d0);        
00031         uint32_t s4 = __QADD16(s3, d0);        
00032         dst[j  ] = s0 >> 2;
00033         dst[j+1] = s1 >> 2;
00034         dst[j+2] = s2 >> 2;
00035         dst[j+3] = s3 >> 2;
00036         dst[j+4] = s4 >> 2;
00037         j += 5;
00038         s0 = s4;
00039         s0 = __QADD16(s0, d0);        
00040         s1 = __QADD16(s0, d0);
00041         s2 = __QADD16(s1, d0);        
00042         s3 = __QADD16(s2, d0);        
00043         s4 = __QADD16(s3, d0);        
00044         dst[j  ] = s0 >> 2;
00045         dst[j+1] = s1 >> 2;
00046         dst[j+2] = s2 >> 2;
00047         dst[j+3] = s3 >> 2;
00048         dst[j+4] = s4 >> 2;
00049         j += 5;
00050         s0 = s4;
00051         p0 = s;
00052     }
00053     cic->s0 = s0;
00054     cic->p0 = p0;
00055 }
00057 const int16_t fir_coeff[8][16] = {
00058        { -19,   -6,  102,  -22, -357,  264, 1798, 2064,  630, -337, -119,  111,   15,  -24,    0,    0},
00059        { -13,  -20,   76,   51, -311,  -29, 1441, 2206, 1037, -231, -223,   96,   45,  -25,   -6,    0},
00060        {  -6,  -25,   45,   96, -223, -231, 1037, 2206, 1441,  -29, -311,   51,   76,  -20,  -13,    0},
00061        {   0,  -24,   15,  111, -119, -337,  630, 2064, 1798,  264, -357,  -22,  102,   -6,  -19,    0},
00062        {   0,  -19,   -6,  102,  -22, -357,  264, 1798, 2064,  630, -337, -119,  111,   15,  -24,    0},
00063        {   0,  -13,  -20,   76,   51, -311,  -29, 1441, 2206, 1037, -231, -223,   96,   45,  -25,   -6},
00064        {   0,   -6,  -25,   45,   96, -223, -231, 1037, 2206, 1441,  -29, -311,   51,   76,  -20,  -13},
00065        {   0,    0,  -24,   15,  111, -119, -337,  630, 2064, 1798,  264, -357,  -22,  102,   -6,  -19}
00066 };
00068 void fir_resample_x4(uint32_t *src_state, uint32_t *dst, int dst_len)
00069 {
00070     uint32_t *src = src_state;
00071     int index = 0;
00072     int i;
00073     for (i = 0; i < dst_len; i++) {
00074         uint32_t *kp = (uint32_t*)fir_coeff[index];
00075         uint32_t acc_i = 0;
00076         uint32_t acc_q = 0;
00078         // 8cycle x 8       
00079 #define CELL(n) do { \
00080         uint32_t k = kp[n]; \
00081         uint32_t p0 = src[n*2]; \
00082         uint32_t p1 = src[n*2+1]; \
00083         uint32_t i01 = __PKHTB(p1, p0, 16); \
00084         uint32_t q01 = __PKHBT(p0, p1, 16); \
00085         acc_i = __SMLAD(k, i01, acc_i); \
00086         acc_q = __SMLAD(k, q01, acc_q); \
00087 } while(0)
00089         CELL(0);  CELL(1);  CELL(2);  CELL(3);
00090         CELL(4);  CELL(5);  CELL(6);  CELL(7);
00091         *dst++ = __PKHTB(__SSAT16(acc_i, 16), __SSAT16(acc_q, 16), 16);
00093         index++;
00094         if (index >= 8) {
00095             index = 0;
00096             src += 2;
00097         }
00098     }
00100     for (i = 0; i < FIRSTATE_LENGTH/2; i++)
00101         *src_state++ = *src++;
00102 }
00104 void
00105 interpolate_test()
00106 {
00107     int freq = 1000;
00108     int ampl = 3000;
00109     int rate = 48000;
00110     for (int i = 0; i < CAPTURE_LEN; i++){
00111         cap_buf[0][i*2] = sin(2*3.141592 * i * freq / rate) * ampl; // Lch
00112         cap_buf[0][i*2+1] = cos(2*3.141592 * i * freq / rate) * ampl; // Rch 
00113     }
00114 #if 0
00115     for (int i = 0; i < 48; i++){
00116         pc.printf("%d, ", cap_buf[i*2]);
00117     }
00118     pc.printf("\n\r");
00119 #endif
00120     fir_resample_x4((uint32_t *)&cap_buf[0], (uint32_t*)&cic_buf, CICBUF_LEN);
00121     cic_interpolate_x10(&cic, (uint32_t*)&cic_buf, CICBUF_LEN, (uint32_t*)dma_buf[0]);
00122     fir_resample_x4((uint32_t *)&cap_buf[0], (uint32_t*)&cic_buf, CICBUF_LEN);
00123     cic_interpolate_x10(&cic, (uint32_t*)&cic_buf, CICBUF_LEN, (uint32_t*)dma_buf[0]);
00124 #if 0
00125     for (int i = 0; i < 48*25/4; i++){
00126         pc.printf("%d, ", cic_buf[i*2]);
00127     }
00128     pc.printf("\n\r");
00129 #endif
00130 #if 0
00131     for (int i = DMA_DATALEN/2-400; i < DMA_DATALEN/2; i++){
00132         pc.printf("%d, ", dma_buf[i*2]);
00133     }
00134     pc.printf("\n\r");
00135     for (int i = 0; i < 400; i++){
00136         pc.printf("%d, ", dma_buf[i*2]);
00137     }
00138     pc.printf("\n\r");
00139 #endif
00140 }
00142 // hilbert transform by 127 taps fir
00143 int16_t hilbert127_fir_coeff[32] = {
00144         20848,  6917,  4112,  2897,  2212,  1768,  1454,  1219,  1036,
00145           887,   764,   661,   572,   496,   429,   371,   319,   274,
00146           234,   198,   167,   140,   117,    97,    79,    65,    53,
00147            44,    36,    31,    28,    26
00148 };
00150 void
00151 hilbert_transform(uint32_t *src, uint32_t *dst, int dst_len, int sign)
00152 {
00153     int j;
00154     int len = sizeof htstat_buf / sizeof(uint32_t);
00155     src -= len;
00156     // 240 * (208 + 12) = 52800cycle = 0.62ms@84MHz
00157     for (j = 0; j < dst_len; j++) {
00158         int i;
00159         int32_t acc = 0;
00160 #define OFFSET 64
00161         // 16 * (10 + 3) = 208 cycle
00162         for (i = 0; i < 32; i += 2) {
00163             // 10 cycle
00164             uint32_t c = *(uint32_t*)&hilbert127_fir_coeff[i];
00165             uint32_t a0 = src[OFFSET - i*2 - 1];
00166             uint32_t a1 = src[OFFSET - i*2 - 3];
00167             uint32_t b0 = src[OFFSET + i*2 + 1];
00168             uint32_t b1 = src[OFFSET + i*2 + 3];
00169             // fetch only R-ch (top half of word) from 2 successive samples
00170             uint32_t a = __PKHTB(a1, a0, 16);
00171             // and also do at symmetry samples
00172             uint32_t b = __PKHTB(b1, b0, 16);
00173             uint32_t d = __QSUB16(b, a);
00174             acc = __SMLAD(c, d, acc);
00175         }
00176         acc *= sign;
00177         int32_t real = src[OFFSET];
00178         real /= 2;
00179         *dst++ = __PKHTB(real, acc, 16);
00180         src++;
00181     }
00182 }
00184 void
00185 hilbert_transform_save_fir_state(uint32_t *src_tail)
00186 {
00187     int len = sizeof htstat_buf / sizeof(uint32_t);
00188     uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t*)&htstat_buf[0];
00189     uint32_t *src = src_tail - len;
00190     int i;
00191     for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
00192         *dst++ = *src++;
00193     }
00194 }
00196 const int16_t cos_sin_table[257][4] = {
00197     { -32767,   10,      0, -804 },
00198     { -32757,   29,   -804, -804 },
00199     { -32728,   50,  -1608, -802 },
00200     { -32678,   69,  -2410, -802 },
00201     { -32609,   88,  -3212, -799 },
00202     { -32521,  109,  -4011, -797 },
00203     { -32412,  127,  -4808, -794 },
00204     { -32285,  148,  -5602, -791 },
00205     { -32137,  166,  -6393, -786 },
00206     { -31971,  186,  -7179, -783 },
00207     { -31785,  205,  -7962, -777 },
00208     { -31580,  224,  -8739, -773 },
00209     { -31356,  243,  -9512, -766 },
00210     { -31113,  261, -10278, -761 },
00211     { -30852,  281, -11039, -754 },
00212     { -30571,  298, -11793, -746 },
00213     { -30273,  317, -12539, -740 },
00214     { -29956,  335, -13279, -731 },
00215     { -29621,  353, -14010, -722 },
00216     { -29268,  370, -14732, -714 },
00217     { -28898,  388, -15446, -705 },
00218     { -28510,  405, -16151, -695 },
00219     { -28105,  422, -16846, -684 },
00220     { -27683,  438, -17530, -674 },
00221     { -27245,  455, -18204, -664 },
00222     { -26790,  471, -18868, -651 },
00223     { -26319,  487, -19519, -640 },
00224     { -25832,  503, -20159, -628 },
00225     { -25329,  518, -20787, -616 },
00226     { -24811,  532, -21403, -602 },
00227     { -24279,  548, -22005, -589 },
00228     { -23731,  561, -22594, -576 },
00229     { -23170,  576, -23170, -561 },
00230     { -22594,  589, -23731, -548 },
00231     { -22005,  602, -24279, -532 },
00232     { -21403,  616, -24811, -518 },
00233     { -20787,  628, -25329, -503 },
00234     { -20159,  640, -25832, -487 },
00235     { -19519,  651, -26319, -471 },
00236     { -18868,  664, -26790, -455 },
00237     { -18204,  674, -27245, -438 },
00238     { -17530,  684, -27683, -422 },
00239     { -16846,  695, -28105, -405 },
00240     { -16151,  705, -28510, -388 },
00241     { -15446,  714, -28898, -370 },
00242     { -14732,  722, -29268, -353 },
00243     { -14010,  731, -29621, -335 },
00244     { -13279,  740, -29956, -317 },
00245     { -12539,  746, -30273, -298 },
00246     { -11793,  754, -30571, -281 },
00247     { -11039,  761, -30852, -261 },
00248     { -10278,  766, -31113, -243 },
00249     { -9512,  773, -31356, -224 },
00250     { -8739,  777, -31580, -205 },
00251     { -7962,  783, -31785, -186 },
00252     { -7179,  786, -31971, -166 },
00253     { -6393,  791, -32137, -148 },
00254     { -5602,  794, -32285, -127 },
00255     { -4808,  797, -32412, -109 },
00256     { -4011,  799, -32521,  -88 },
00257     { -3212,  802, -32609,  -69 },
00258     { -2410,  802, -32678,  -50 },
00259     { -1608,  804, -32728,  -29 },
00260     {  -804,  804, -32757,  -10 },
00261     {     0,  804, -32767,   10 },
00262     {   804,  804, -32757,   29 },
00263     {  1608,  802, -32728,   50 },
00264     {  2410,  802, -32678,   69 },
00265     {  3212,  799, -32609,   88 },
00266     {  4011,  797, -32521,  109 },
00267     {  4808,  794, -32412,  127 },
00268     {  5602,  791, -32285,  148 },
00269     {  6393,  786, -32137,  166 },
00270     {  7179,  783, -31971,  186 },
00271     {  7962,  777, -31785,  205 },
00272     {  8739,  773, -31580,  224 },
00273     {  9512,  766, -31356,  243 },
00274     { 10278,  761, -31113,  261 },
00275     { 11039,  754, -30852,  281 },
00276     { 11793,  746, -30571,  298 },
00277     { 12539,  740, -30273,  317 },
00278     { 13279,  731, -29956,  335 },
00279     { 14010,  722, -29621,  353 },
00280     { 14732,  714, -29268,  370 },
00281     { 15446,  705, -28898,  388 },
00282     { 16151,  695, -28510,  405 },
00283     { 16846,  684, -28105,  422 },
00284     { 17530,  674, -27683,  438 },
00285     { 18204,  664, -27245,  455 },
00286     { 18868,  651, -26790,  471 },
00287     { 19519,  640, -26319,  487 },
00288     { 20159,  628, -25832,  503 },
00289     { 20787,  616, -25329,  518 },
00290     { 21403,  602, -24811,  532 },
00291     { 22005,  589, -24279,  548 },
00292     { 22594,  576, -23731,  561 },
00293     { 23170,  561, -23170,  576 },
00294     { 23731,  548, -22594,  589 },
00295     { 24279,  532, -22005,  602 },
00296     { 24811,  518, -21403,  616 },
00297     { 25329,  503, -20787,  628 },
00298     { 25832,  487, -20159,  640 },
00299     { 26319,  471, -19519,  651 },
00300     { 26790,  455, -18868,  664 },
00301     { 27245,  438, -18204,  674 },
00302     { 27683,  422, -17530,  684 },
00303     { 28105,  405, -16846,  695 },
00304     { 28510,  388, -16151,  705 },
00305     { 28898,  370, -15446,  714 },
00306     { 29268,  353, -14732,  722 },
00307     { 29621,  335, -14010,  731 },
00308     { 29956,  317, -13279,  740 },
00309     { 30273,  298, -12539,  746 },
00310     { 30571,  281, -11793,  754 },
00311     { 30852,  261, -11039,  761 },
00312     { 31113,  243, -10278,  766 },
00313     { 31356,  224,  -9512,  773 },
00314     { 31580,  205,  -8739,  777 },
00315     { 31785,  186,  -7962,  783 },
00316     { 31971,  166,  -7179,  786 },
00317     { 32137,  148,  -6393,  791 },
00318     { 32285,  127,  -5602,  794 },
00319     { 32412,  109,  -4808,  797 },
00320     { 32521,   88,  -4011,  799 },
00321     { 32609,   69,  -3212,  802 },
00322     { 32678,   50,  -2410,  802 },
00323     { 32728,   29,  -1608,  804 },
00324     { 32757,   10,   -804,  804 },
00325     { 32767,  -10,      0,  804 },
00326     { 32757,  -29,    804,  804 },
00327     { 32728,  -50,   1608,  802 },
00328     { 32678,  -69,   2410,  802 },
00329     { 32609,  -88,   3212,  799 },
00330     { 32521, -109,   4011,  797 },
00331     { 32412, -127,   4808,  794 },
00332     { 32285, -148,   5602,  791 },
00333     { 32137, -166,   6393,  786 },
00334     { 31971, -186,   7179,  783 },
00335     { 31785, -205,   7962,  777 },
00336     { 31580, -224,   8739,  773 },
00337     { 31356, -243,   9512,  766 },
00338     { 31113, -261,  10278,  761 },
00339     { 30852, -281,  11039,  754 },
00340     { 30571, -298,  11793,  746 },
00341     { 30273, -317,  12539,  740 },
00342     { 29956, -335,  13279,  731 },
00343     { 29621, -353,  14010,  722 },
00344     { 29268, -370,  14732,  714 },
00345     { 28898, -388,  15446,  705 },
00346     { 28510, -405,  16151,  695 },
00347     { 28105, -422,  16846,  684 },
00348     { 27683, -438,  17530,  674 },
00349     { 27245, -455,  18204,  664 },
00350     { 26790, -471,  18868,  651 },
00351     { 26319, -487,  19519,  640 },
00352     { 25832, -503,  20159,  628 },
00353     { 25329, -518,  20787,  616 },
00354     { 24811, -532,  21403,  602 },
00355     { 24279, -548,  22005,  589 },
00356     { 23731, -561,  22594,  576 },
00357     { 23170, -576,  23170,  561 },
00358     { 22594, -589,  23731,  548 },
00359     { 22005, -602,  24279,  532 },
00360     { 21403, -616,  24811,  518 },
00361     { 20787, -628,  25329,  503 },
00362     { 20159, -640,  25832,  487 },
00363     { 19519, -651,  26319,  471 },
00364     { 18868, -664,  26790,  455 },
00365     { 18204, -674,  27245,  438 },
00366     { 17530, -684,  27683,  422 },
00367     { 16846, -695,  28105,  405 },
00368     { 16151, -705,  28510,  388 },
00369     { 15446, -714,  28898,  370 },
00370     { 14732, -722,  29268,  353 },
00371     { 14010, -731,  29621,  335 },
00372     { 13279, -740,  29956,  317 },
00373     { 12539, -746,  30273,  298 },
00374     { 11793, -754,  30571,  281 },
00375     { 11039, -761,  30852,  261 },
00376     { 10278, -766,  31113,  243 },
00377     {  9512, -773,  31356,  224 },
00378     {  8739, -777,  31580,  205 },
00379     {  7962, -783,  31785,  186 },
00380     {  7179, -786,  31971,  166 },
00381     {  6393, -791,  32137,  148 },
00382     {  5602, -794,  32285,  127 },
00383     {  4808, -797,  32412,  109 },
00384     {  4011, -799,  32521,   88 },
00385     {  3212, -802,  32609,   69 },
00386     {  2410, -802,  32678,   50 },
00387     {  1608, -804,  32728,   29 },
00388     {   804, -804,  32757,   10 },
00389     {     0, -804,  32767,  -10 },
00390     {  -804, -804,  32757,  -29 },
00391     { -1608, -802,  32728,  -50 },
00392     { -2410, -802,  32678,  -69 },
00393     { -3212, -799,  32609,  -88 },
00394     { -4011, -797,  32521, -109 },
00395     { -4808, -794,  32412, -127 },
00396     { -5602, -791,  32285, -148 },
00397     { -6393, -786,  32137, -166 },
00398     { -7179, -783,  31971, -186 },
00399     { -7962, -777,  31785, -205 },
00400     { -8739, -773,  31580, -224 },
00401     { -9512, -766,  31356, -243 },
00402     { -10278, -761,  31113, -261 },
00403     { -11039, -754,  30852, -281 },
00404     { -11793, -746,  30571, -298 },
00405     { -12539, -740,  30273, -317 },
00406     { -13279, -731,  29956, -335 },
00407     { -14010, -722,  29621, -353 },
00408     { -14732, -714,  29268, -370 },
00409     { -15446, -705,  28898, -388 },
00410     { -16151, -695,  28510, -405 },
00411     { -16846, -684,  28105, -422 },
00412     { -17530, -674,  27683, -438 },
00413     { -18204, -664,  27245, -455 },
00414     { -18868, -651,  26790, -471 },
00415     { -19519, -640,  26319, -487 },
00416     { -20159, -628,  25832, -503 },
00417     { -20787, -616,  25329, -518 },
00418     { -21403, -602,  24811, -532 },
00419     { -22005, -589,  24279, -548 },
00420     { -22594, -576,  23731, -561 },
00421     { -23170, -561,  23170, -576 },
00422     { -23731, -548,  22594, -589 },
00423     { -24279, -532,  22005, -602 },
00424     { -24811, -518,  21403, -616 },
00425     { -25329, -503,  20787, -628 },
00426     { -25832, -487,  20159, -640 },
00427     { -26319, -471,  19519, -651 },
00428     { -26790, -455,  18868, -664 },
00429     { -27245, -438,  18204, -674 },
00430     { -27683, -422,  17530, -684 },
00431     { -28105, -405,  16846, -695 },
00432     { -28510, -388,  16151, -705 },
00433     { -28898, -370,  15446, -714 },
00434     { -29268, -353,  14732, -722 },
00435     { -29621, -335,  14010, -731 },
00436     { -29956, -317,  13279, -740 },
00437     { -30273, -298,  12539, -746 },
00438     { -30571, -281,  11793, -754 },
00439     { -30852, -261,  11039, -761 },
00440     { -31113, -243,  10278, -766 },
00441     { -31356, -224,   9512, -773 },
00442     { -31580, -205,   8739, -777 },
00443     { -31785, -186,   7962, -783 },
00444     { -31971, -166,   7179, -786 },
00445     { -32137, -148,   6393, -791 },
00446     { -32285, -127,   5602, -794 },
00447     { -32412, -109,   4808, -797 },
00448     { -32521,  -88,   4011, -799 },
00449     { -32609,  -69,   3212, -802 },
00450     { -32678,  -50,   2410, -802 },
00451     { -32728,  -29,   1608, -804 },
00452     { -32757,  -10,    804, -804 },
00453     { -32767,  -10,      0,    0 }
00454 };
00456 static inline 
00457 uint32_t cos_sin(int16_t x)
00458 {
00459     int idx = x / 256;
00460     int mod = x & 0xff;
00461     uint32_t r = __PKHBT(0x0100, mod, 16);
00462     uint32_t *e = (uint32_t *)&cos_sin_table[idx+128];
00463     uint32_t cd = e[0];
00464     uint32_t sd = e[1];
00465     int32_t c = __SMUAD(r, cd);
00466     int32_t s = __SMUAD(r, sd);
00467     c >>= 8;
00468     s >>= 8;
00469     return __PKHBT(s, c, 16);
00470 }
00472 FMModState fmmod;
00474 void
00475 fmmod_init(FMModState *fmmod)
00476 {
00477     fmmod->phase = 0; 
00478 }
00480 void
00481 frequency_modulation(FMModState *fmmod, uint32_t *src, uint32_t *dst, int dst_len)
00482 {
00483     int j;
00484     uint16_t phase = fmmod->phase;
00485     for (j = 0; j < dst_len; j++) {
00486         uint32_t s = *src++;
00487         // fetch only R-ch (top half of word)
00488         int16_t x = s >> 16;
00489         phase += x;
00490         *dst++ = cos_sin(phase);
00491     }
00492     fmmod->phase = phase;
00493 }
00495 void
00496 amplitude_modulation(uint32_t *src, uint32_t *dst, int dst_len)
00497 {
00498     int j;
00499     for (j = 0; j < dst_len; j++) {
00500         uint32_t s = *src++;
00501         // fetch only R-ch (top half of word)
00502         int16_t x = s >> 16;
00503         // add DC and set zero at quadrature
00504         x = __SSAT(x + 0x3800, 16);
00505         *dst++ = __PKHBT(x, x, 16);
00506     }        
00507 }