This example presents field data from sensor BME280 connecting to cloud, mbed Device Connector.

Please read details at the link.


File content as of revision 0:a9bcda5b678a:

# connector-api-python-quickstart_4BME280
This is a quickstart application for the [mbed-connector-api-python]( package.
The goal of this application is to get the user up and running, using the mbed-connector-python package and talking to devices through mbed Device Connector in under 5 min, 5 steps or less.
The quickstart webapp is meant to be paired with the [BLEClient_mbedDevConn]( and the [BLE_Server_BME280]( The quickstart web app will allow the user to see measured sensor value through Device Connector.

### Pre-requisites
- A [mbed connector]( account and have generated an [API token](
- A endpoint running the [BLEClient_mbedDevConn](
- A device running the [BLE_Server_BME280]( for BLE broadcasting data on field
- Install the required packages `pip install -r requirements.txt`

### Use
1. Put your [API key]( into the file, replace the following text
    token = "Change Me" # replace with your API token
    or set an evironment variable called `ACCESS_KEY` with the value of your API key
2. Run the `` file
python ./
3. Open a web page to the server. Usually [http://localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080) will work.
4. Touch BME280 by finger to see temperature and humidity change on the web app.
5. Modify : go checkout the API for the [mbed-connector-api-python library]( and make your own applications!

  Make sure `\views\index.hbs` file is encoded as UTF8.

## Troubleshooting
Here are some common problems and their solutions.

##### Cannot establish a secure connection
This is most likely caused by not having the `requests[security]` package installed. If you are using Ubuntu 14.4 LTS you may need to update pip first `pip install -U pip` and then install the requests security package `pip install -U requests[security]`.

##### WebSocket transport not available
Dont worry about that warning message, it is not applicable to this demo, but likewise the warning message cannot be disabled.

##### ERROR 500 on trying to run the file
Make sure you added your [Access Key]( to the app. You can do this by either changing the value of the `token` variable in the file or by setting the `ACCESS_KEY` environment variable to your access key.

## Screenshot
![Screenshot of Demo](./static/img/python_BME280_screenshot.png)