This is an example of BLE GATT Client, which receives broadcast data from BLE_Server_BME280 ( a GATT server) , then transfers values up to mbed Device Connector (cloud).

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M2MConnectionSecurityPimpl Class Reference

M2MConnectionSecurityPimpl Class Reference

The M2MConnectionSecurityPimpl class. More...

#include <m2mconnectionsecuritypimpl.h>

Inherits M2MTimerObserver.

Public Member Functions

 M2MConnectionSecurityPimpl (M2MConnectionSecurity::SecurityMode mode)
virtual ~M2MConnectionSecurityPimpl ()
void reset ()
 Resets the socket connection states.
int init (const M2MSecurity *security)
 Initiatlizes the socket connection states.
int start_connecting_non_blocking (M2MConnectionHandler *connHandler)
 Starts the connection in non-blocking mode.
int continue_connecting ()
 Continues connectivity logic for secure connection.
int connect (M2MConnectionHandler *connHandler)
 Connects the client to the server.
int send_message (unsigned char *message, int len)
 Sends data to the server.
int read (unsigned char *buffer, uint16_t len)
 Reads the data received from the server.
void set_random_number_callback (random_number_cb callback)
 Sets the function callback that will be called by mbed-client for fetching random number from application for ensuring strong entropy.
void set_entropy_callback (entropy_cb callback)
 Sets the function callback that will be called by mbed-client for providing entropy source from application for ensuring strong entropy.

Detailed Description

The M2MConnectionSecurityPimpl class.

Definition at line 49 of file m2mconnectionsecuritypimpl.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

M2MConnectionSecurityPimpl ( M2MConnectionSecurity::SecurityMode  mode )


Definition at line 70 of file m2mconnectionsecuritypimpl.cpp.

~M2MConnectionSecurityPimpl (  ) [virtual]


Definition at line 86 of file m2mconnectionsecuritypimpl.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

int connect ( M2MConnectionHandler *  connHandler )

Connects the client to the server.

connHandlerThe ConnectionHandler object that maintains the socket.
Returns the state of the connection. Successful or not.

Definition at line 247 of file m2mconnectionsecuritypimpl.cpp.

int continue_connecting (  )

Continues connectivity logic for secure connection.

Returns an error code if any while continuing the connection sequence.

Definition at line 322 of file m2mconnectionsecuritypimpl.cpp.

int init ( const M2MSecurity *  security )

Initiatlizes the socket connection states.

Definition at line 125 of file m2mconnectionsecuritypimpl.cpp.

int read ( unsigned char *  buffer,
uint16_t  len 

Reads the data received from the server.

messageThe data to be read.
lenThe length of the data.
Indicates whether the data is read successfully or not.

Definition at line 358 of file m2mconnectionsecuritypimpl.cpp.

void reset ( void   )

Resets the socket connection states.

Definition at line 112 of file m2mconnectionsecuritypimpl.cpp.

int send_message ( unsigned char *  message,
int  len 

Sends data to the server.

messageThe data to be sent.
lenThe length of the data.
Indicates whether the data is sent successfully or not.

Definition at line 343 of file m2mconnectionsecuritypimpl.cpp.

void set_entropy_callback ( entropy_cb  callback )

Sets the function callback that will be called by mbed-client for providing entropy source from application for ensuring strong entropy.

entropy_callbackA function pointer that will be called by mbed-client while performing secure handshake. Function signature , if using mbed-client-mbedtls should be int (*mbedtls_entropy_f_source_ptr)(void *data, unsigned char *output, size_t len, size_t *olen);

Definition at line 450 of file m2mconnectionsecuritypimpl.cpp.

void set_random_number_callback ( random_number_cb  callback )

Sets the function callback that will be called by mbed-client for fetching random number from application for ensuring strong entropy.

random_callbackA function pointer that will be called by mbed-client while performing secure handshake. Function signature should be uint32_t (*random_number_callback)(void);

Definition at line 445 of file m2mconnectionsecuritypimpl.cpp.

int start_connecting_non_blocking ( M2MConnectionHandler *  connHandler )

Starts the connection in non-blocking mode.

connHandlerThe ConnectionHandler object that maintains the socket.
Returns the state of the connection. Successful or not.

Definition at line 273 of file m2mconnectionsecuritypimpl.cpp.