Test the set param mode

Dependencies:   FastPWM3

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00001 #ifndef STRUCTS_H
00002 #define STRUCTS_H
00004 #include "mbed.h"
00005 #include "FastPWM.h"
00008 typedef struct{
00009     DigitalOut *enable;
00010     DigitalOut *led;
00011     FastPWM *pwm_u, *pwm_v, *pwm_w;
00012     } GPIOStruct;
00014 typedef struct{
00016     }COMStruct;
00018 typedef struct{
00019     int adc1_raw, adc2_raw, adc3_raw;                       // Raw ADC Values
00020     float i_a, i_b, i_c;                                    // Phase currents
00021     float v_bus;                                            // DC link voltage
00022     float theta_mech, theta_elec;                           // Rotor mechanical and electrical angle
00023     float dtheta_mech, dtheta_elec, dtheta_elec_filt;       // Rotor mechanical and electrical angular velocit
00024     float i_d, i_q, i_q_filt, i_d_filt;                               // D/Q currents
00025     float v_d, v_q;                                         // D/Q voltages
00026     float dtc_u, dtc_v, dtc_w;                              // Terminal duty cycles
00027     float v_u, v_v, v_w;                                    // Terminal voltages
00028     float k_d, k_q, ki_d, ki_q, alpha;                      // Current loop gains, current reference filter coefficient
00029     float d_int, q_int;                                     // Current error integrals
00030     int adc1_offset, adc2_offset;                           // ADC offsets
00031     float i_d_ref, i_q_ref, i_d_ref_filt, i_q_ref_filt;     // Current references
00032     int loop_count;                                         // Degubbing counter
00033     int timeout;                                            // Watchdog counter
00034     int mode;
00035     int ovp_flag;                                           // Over-voltage flag
00036     // float p_des, v_des, kp, kd, t_ff;                    // Desired position, velocity, gians, torque
00037         float p_des, v_des, t_ff;                                       // Desired position, velocity, torque
00038         float kp_L, kp_M1, kp_M2, kp_H, kd ;                                            // kp, kd
00039         float range_L, range_M, range_H;                                                    // The range of error
00040     float v_ref, fw_int;                                     // output voltage magnitude, field-weakening integral
00041     float cogging[128];
00042     } ControllerStruct;
00044 typedef struct{
00045     double temperature;                                              // Estimated temperature
00046     double temperature2;
00047     float resistance;
00048     }   ObserverStruct;
00049 #endif