Test the set param mode

Dependencies:   FastPWM3

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00001 #ifndef DRV_H
00002 #define DRV_H
00004 /// Registers ///
00005 #define FSR1            0x0     /// Fault Status Register 1
00006 #define FSR2            0x1     /// Fault Status Register 2
00007 #define DCR             0x2     /// Drive Control Register
00008 #define HSR             0x3     /// Gate Drive HS Register 
00009 #define LSR             0x4     /// Gate Drive LS Register  
00010 #define OCPCR           0x5     /// OCP Control Register    
00011 #define CSACR           0x6     /// CSA Control Register    
00013 /// Drive Control Fields ///
00014 #define DIS_CPUV_EN         0x0     /// Charge pump UVLO fault
00015 #define DIS_CPUV_DIS        0x1
00016 #define DIS_GDF_EN          0x0     /// Gate drive fauilt
00017 #define DIS_GDF_DIS         0x1
00018 #define OTW_REP_EN          0x1     /// Over temp warning reported on nFAULT/FAULT bit
00019 #define OTW_REP_DIS         0x0
00020 #define PWM_MODE_6X         0x0     /// PWM Input Modes
00021 #define PWM_MODE_3X         0x1
00022 #define PWM_MODE_1X         0x2
00023 #define PWM_MODE_IND        0x3
00024 #define PWM_1X_COM_SYNC     0x0     /// 1x PWM Mode synchronou rectification
00025 #define PWM_1X_COM_ASYNC    0x1
00026 #define PWM_1X_DIR_0        0x0     /// In 1x PWM mode this bit is ORed with the INHC (DIR) input
00027 #define PWM_1X_DIR_1        0x1
00029 /// Gate Drive HS Fields ///
00030 #define LOCK_ON             0x6
00031 #define LOCK_OFF            0x3
00032 #define IDRIVEP_HS_10MA     0x0     /// Gate drive high side turn on current
00033 #define IDRIVEP_HS_30MA     0x1
00034 #define IDRIVEP_HS_60MA     0x2
00035 #define IDRIVEP_HS_80MA     0x3
00036 #define IDRIVEP_HS_120MA    0x4
00037 #define IDRIVEP_HS_140MA    0x5
00038 #define IDRIVEP_HS_170MA    0x6
00039 #define IDRIVEP_HS_190MA    0x7
00040 #define IDRIVEP_HS_260MA    0x8
00041 #define IDRIVEP_HS_330MA    0x9
00042 #define IDRIVEP_HS_370MA    0xA
00043 #define IDRIVEP_HS_440MA    0xB
00044 #define IDRIVEP_HS_570MA    0xC
00045 #define IDRIVEP_HS_680MA    0xD
00046 #define IDRIVEP_HS_820MA    0xE
00047 #define IDRIVEP_HS_1000MA   0xF
00048 #define IDRIVEN_HS_20MA     0x0     /// High side turn off current
00049 #define IDRIVEN_HS_60MA     0x1     
00050 #define IDRIVEN_HS_120MA    0x2
00051 #define IDRIVEN_HS_160MA    0x3
00052 #define IDRIVEN_HS_240MA    0x4
00053 #define IDRIVEN_HS_280MA    0x5
00054 #define IDRIVEN_HS_340MA    0x6
00055 #define IDRIVEN_HS_380MA    0x7
00056 #define IDRIVEN_HS_520MA    0x8
00057 #define IDRIVEN_HS_660MA    0x9
00058 #define IDRIVEN_HS_740MA    0xA
00059 #define IDRIVEN_HS_880MA    0xB
00060 #define IDRIVEN_HS_1140MA   0xC
00061 #define IDRIVEN_HS_1360MA   0xD
00062 #define IDRIVEN_HS_1640MA   0xE
00063 #define IDRIVEN_HS_2000MA   0xF
00065 /// Gate Drive LS Fields ///
00066 #define TDRIVE_500NS        0x0     /// Peak gate-current drive time
00067 #define TDRIVE_1000NS       0x1
00068 #define TDRIVE_2000NS       0x2
00069 #define TDRIVE_4000NS       0x3
00070 #define IDRIVEP_LS_10MA     0x0     /// Gate drive high side turn on current
00071 #define IDRIVEP_LS_30MA     0x1
00072 #define IDRIVEP_LS_60MA     0x2
00073 #define IDRIVEP_LS_80MA     0x3
00074 #define IDRIVEP_LS_120MA    0x4
00075 #define IDRIVEP_LS_140MA    0x5
00076 #define IDRIVEP_LS_170MA    0x6
00077 #define IDRIVEP_LS_190MA    0x7
00078 #define IDRIVEP_LS_260MA    0x8
00079 #define IDRIVEP_LS_330MA    0x9
00080 #define IDRIVEP_LS_370MA    0xA
00081 #define IDRIVEP_LS_440MA    0xB
00082 #define IDRIVEP_LS_570MA    0xC
00083 #define IDRIVEP_LS_680MA    0xD
00084 #define IDRIVEP_LS_820MA    0xE
00085 #define IDRIVEP_LS_1000MA   0xF
00086 #define IDRIVEN_LS_20MA     0x0     /// High side turn off current
00087 #define IDRIVEN_LS_60MA     0x1     
00088 #define IDRIVEN_LS_120MA    0x2
00089 #define IDRIVEN_LS_160MA    0x3
00090 #define IDRIVEN_LS_240MA    0x4
00091 #define IDRIVEN_LS_280MA    0x5
00092 #define IDRIVEN_LS_340MA    0x6
00093 #define IDRIVEN_LS_380MA    0x7
00094 #define IDRIVEN_LS_520MA    0x8
00095 #define IDRIVEN_LS_660MA    0x9
00096 #define IDRIVEN_LS_740MA    0xA
00097 #define IDRIVEN_LS_880MA    0xB
00098 #define IDRIVEN_LS_1140MA   0xC
00099 #define IDRIVEN_LS_1360MA   0xD
00100 #define IDRIVEN_LS_1640MA   0xE
00101 #define IDRIVEN_LS_2000MA   0xF
00103 /// OCP Control Fields ///
00104 #define TRETRY_4MS          0x0     /// VDS OCP and SEN OCP retry time
00105 #define TRETRY_50US         0x1
00106 #define DEADTIME_50NS       0x0     /// Deadtime
00107 #define DEADTIME_100NS      0x1
00108 #define DEADTIME_200NS      0x2
00109 #define DEADTIME_400NS      0x3
00110 #define OCP_LATCH           0x0     /// OCP Mode
00111 #define OCP_RETRY           0x1
00112 #define OCP_REPORT          0x2
00113 #define OCP_NONE            0x3
00114 #define OCP_DEG_2US         0x0     /// OCP Deglitch Time
00115 #define OCP_DEG_4US         0x1
00116 #define OCP_DEG_6US         0x2
00117 #define OCP_DEG_8US         0x3
00118 #define VDS_LVL_0_06        0x0
00119 #define VDS_LVL_0_13        0x1
00120 #define VDS_LVL_0_2         0x2
00121 #define VDS_LVL_0_26        0x3
00122 #define VDS_LVL_0_31        0x4
00123 #define VDS_LVL_0_45        0x5
00124 #define VDS_LVL_0_53        0x6
00125 #define VDS_LVL_0_6         0x7
00126 #define VDS_LVL_0_68        0x8
00127 #define VDS_LVL_0_75        0x9
00128 #define VDS_LVL_0_94        0xA
00129 #define VDS_LVL_1_13        0xB
00130 #define VDS_LVL_1_3         0xC
00131 #define VDS_LVL_1_5         0xD
00132 #define VDS_LVL_1_7         0xE
00133 #define VDS_LVL_1_88        0xF
00135 /// CSA Control Fields ///
00136 #define CSA_FET_SP          0x0     /// Current sense amplifier positive input
00137 #define CSA_FET_SH          0x1
00138 #define VREF_DIV_1          0x0     /// Amplifier reference voltage is VREV/1
00139 #define VREF_DIV_2          0x1     /// Amplifier reference voltage is VREV/2
00140 #define CSA_GAIN_5          0x0     /// Current sensor gain
00141 #define CSA_GAIN_10         0x1
00142 #define CSA_GAIN_20         0x2
00143 #define CSA_GAIN_40         0x3
00144 #define DIS_SEN_EN          0x0     /// Overcurrent Fault
00145 #define DIS_SEN_DIS         0x1
00146 #define SEN_LVL_0_25        0x0     /// Sense OCP voltage level
00147 #define SEN_LVL_0_5         0x1
00148 #define SEN_LVL_0_75        0x2
00149 #define SEN_LVL_1_0         0x3
00151 class DRV832x {
00152     public:
00153         DRV832x(SPI *spi, DigitalOut *cs);
00154         int read_FSR1();
00155         int read_FSR2();
00156         int read_register(int reg);
00157         void write_register(int reg, int val);
00158         void write_DCR(int DIS_CPUV, int DIS_GDF, int OTW_REP, int PWM_MODE, int PWM_COM, int PWM_DIR, int COAST, int BRAKE, int CLR_FLT);
00159         void write_HSR(int LOCK, int IDRIVEP_HS, int IDRIVEN_HS);
00160         void write_LSR(int CBC, int TDRIVE, int IDRIVEP_LS, int IDRIVEN_LS);
00161         void write_OCPCR(int TRETRY, int DEAD_TIME, int OCP_MODE, int OCP_DEG, int VDS_LVL);
00162         void write_CSACR(int CSA_FET, int VREF_DIV, int LS_REF, int CSA_GAIN, int DIS_SEN, int CSA_CAL_A, int CSA_CAL_B, int CSA_CAL_C, int SEN_LVL);
00163         void enable_gd(void);
00164         void disable_gd(void);
00165         void calibrate(void);
00166         void print_faults();
00168     private:
00169         SPI *_spi;
00170         DigitalOut *_cs;
00171         uint16_t spi_write(uint16_t val);
00172 };
00174 #endif