Test the set param mode

Dependencies:   FastPWM3

--- a/structs.h	Thu Aug 08 17:39:43 2019 +0000
+++ b/structs.h	Fri Mar 26 05:28:00 2021 +0000
@@ -33,7 +33,10 @@
     int timeout;                                            // Watchdog counter
     int mode;
     int ovp_flag;                                           // Over-voltage flag
-    float p_des, v_des, kp, kd, t_ff;                       // Desired position, velocity, gians, torque
+    // float p_des, v_des, kp, kd, t_ff;                    // Desired position, velocity, gians, torque
+        float p_des, v_des, t_ff;                                       // Desired position, velocity, torque
+        float kp_L, kp_M1, kp_M2, kp_H, kd ;                                            // kp, kd
+        float range_L, range_M, range_H;                                                    // The range of error
     float v_ref, fw_int;                                     // output voltage magnitude, field-weakening integral
     float cogging[128];
     } ControllerStruct;