Testing getting PJON working on mbed https://github.com/gioblu/PJON

Dependencies:   mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include <pjon.h>
00003 /*
00004 // network(Arduino pin used, selected device id)
00005 PJON network(p12, 1);
00006 DigitalOut myled(LED1);
00008 int main() {
00009     network.send(44, "B", 1, 1000000);
00010     while(1) {
00011         network.update();
00012         myled = 1;
00013         wait(0.2);
00014         myled = 0;
00015         wait(0.2);
00016     }
00017 }
00018 */
00020 float test;
00021 float mistakes;
00022 int busy;
00023 int fail;
00025 // network(Arduino pin used, selected device id)
00026 PJON network(p21, 45);
00027 Serial serial(USBTX, USBRX);
00028 Timer timer;
00029 int packet;
00030 char content[] = "01234567890123456789";
00032 void setup() {
00033   serial.baud(19200);
00034   timer.start();
00035   serial.printf("PJON - Network analysis\n\r");
00036   serial.printf("Starting a 10 seconds communication test..\n\r\n\r");
00037 }
00039 void loop() {
00040   Timer t2;
00041   long time = timer.read_ms();
00042   while(timer.read_ms() - time < 10000) {
00044     /*
00045     Here send_string low level function is used to
00046     be able to catch every single sending result. 
00047     */
00049     int response = network.send_string(44, content, 20);
00050     if(response == ACK)
00051       test++;
00052     if(response == NAK)
00053       mistakes++;
00054     if(response == BUSY)
00055       busy++;
00056     if(response == FAIL)
00057       fail++;
00058     wait_us(50);
00059   }
00061   serial.printf("Absolute com speed: ");
00062   serial.printf("%i", (test * 24 ) / 10 );
00063   serial.printf("B/s\n\r");
00064   serial.printf("Practical bandwidth: ");
00065   serial.printf("%i", (test * 20 ) / 10 );
00066   serial.printf("B/s\n\r");
00067   serial.printf("Packets sent: ");
00068   serial.printf("%f\n\r", test);
00069   serial.printf("Mistakes (error found with CRC) ");
00070   serial.printf("%f\n\r", mistakes);
00071   serial.printf("Fail (no answer from receiver) ");
00072   serial.printf("%i\n\r", fail);
00073   serial.printf("Busy (Channel is busy or affected by interference) ");
00074   serial.printf("%i\n\r", busy);
00075   serial.printf("Accuracy: ");
00076   serial.printf("%i", 100 - (100 / (test / mistakes)));
00077   serial.printf(" %\n\r");
00078   serial.printf(" --------------------- \n\r");
00080   test = 0; 
00081   mistakes = 0;
00082   busy = 0;
00083   fail = 0;
00084 };
00086 int main(){
00087     setup();
00088     while(true){
00089         loop();
00090     }   
00091 }