Racing Robots Session

Dependencies:   MbedJSONValue m3pi

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Show/hide line numbers robot_logic.h Source File


00001 #ifndef H_ROBOT_LOGIC
00002 #define H_ROBOT_LOGIC
00004 #include "mbed.h"
00005 #include "m3pi.h"
00007 typedef enum {
00008    LED_1 = 0,
00009    LED_2 = 1,
00010    LED_3 = 2,
00011    LED_4 = 3,
00012    LED_5 = 4,
00013    LED_6 = 5,
00014    LED_7 = 6,
00015    LED_8 = 7
00016 } LedIndex;
00018 typedef enum {
00019     LED_ON = 0,
00020     LED_OFF = 1,
00021     LED_TOGGLE = 2
00022 } LedState;
00025 /**
00026  * Drive the robot forward or backward.
00027  * If the robot was turning it will stop turning and drive in a straight line.
00028  *
00029  * @param speed The speed percentage with which to drive forward or backward.
00030  * Can range from -100 (full throttle backward) to +100 (full throttle forward).
00031  */
00032 void drive(int speed);
00034 /**
00035  * Turn the robot left or right while driving.
00036  *
00037  * @param turnspeed The percentage with which to turn the robot.
00038  *          Can range from -100 (full throttle left) to +100 (full throttle right).
00039  */
00040 void turn(int turnspeed);
00042 /**
00043  * Stop the robot.
00044  */
00045 void stop(void);
00047 /**
00048  * Calibrate the line follow sensors.
00049  * Take note that the robot should be placed over the line
00050  * before this function is called and that it will rotate to
00051  * both sides.
00052  */
00053 void sensor_calibrate(void);
00055 /**
00056  * Read the value from the line sensor. The returned value indicates the
00057  * position of the line. The value ranges from -100 to +100 where -100 is
00058  * fully left, +100 is fully right and 0 means the line is detected in the middle.
00059  *
00060  * @return The position of the line with a range of -100 to +100.
00061  */
00062 int line_sensor(void);
00064 /**
00065  * Initialize the PID drive control with
00066  * the P, I and D factors.
00067  *
00068  * @param p The P factor
00069  * @param i The I factor
00070  * @param d The D factor
00071  */
00072 void pid_init(int p, int i, int d);
00074 /**
00075  * Determine PID turnspeed with which the robot should
00076  * turn to follow the line at the given position.
00077  *
00078  * @param line_position The position of the line in a range of [-100, +100]
00079  *
00080  * @return The turnspeed in a range of [-100, +100]
00081  */
00082 int pid_turn(int line_position);
00084 /**
00085   *Show speed, turn and sensor data on the LCD
00086   */
00087 void show_stats();
00089 /**
00090  * Shows the name of the robot on the display.
00091  *
00092  * @param name C character string (null-terminated) with the name of the robot (max 8 chars)
00093  */
00094 void show_name(char * name);
00097 /**
00098   * Turn on, off or toggle a specific LED
00099   * @param i the LED number LED_0 .. LED_7
00100   * @param state the LED state LED_ON, LED_OFF, LED_TOGGLE 
00101   * @example led(LED_0, LED_ON); turns LED 0 on.
00102   */
00103 void led(LedIndex i, LedState state);
00105 /**
00106  * Wait for an approximate number of milliseconds.
00107  *
00108  * @param milliseconds The number of milliseconds to wait.
00109  */
00110 void await(int milliseconds);
00112 /**
00113  * If using Xbee to start/stop the robot, you can set a unique code to prevent starting or stopping other robots.
00114  * To start or stop the robot, send the a json string only containing a "start" or "stop" key with the code as a value.
00115  * eg: {"start": 1234} will start the robot with code set to 1234, {"stop": 9876} will stop the robot with code 9876.
00116  *
00117  * @param code A number between 0 and 1000.
00118  */
00119 void setCode(int code);
00121 /**
00122  * Use this method if you need to know if something (eg: Xbee) is preventing the robot from driving
00123  * 
00124  * @return Boolean true if the robot can drive, false if the robot cannot drive
00125  */
00126 int canDrive();
00128 #endif