Driver library for SX1272/SX1276 transceivers

Dependents:   LORA_RX LORA_TX WindConcentrator hid_test ... more


Driver library for SX1272 and SX1276 radio transceivers.

This device uses CSS modulation to provide much improved link budget. The RF hardware is same as in FSK devices, just with added LoRa spread-spectrum modem.

This library provides functions to configure radio chip and transmit & receive packets.

Using This Library

Library function service_radio() must be called continuously from main loop, to service interrupts from radio.


Board Specific implementation

FunctionPointer for rf_switch callback allows the program to implement control of RF switch unique to their board. Example options are:

  • SKY13373 for external power amplifier implementation. Requires two DigitalOut pins.
  • SKY13350 using PA_BOOST. requires two DigitalOut pins.
  • PE4259-63: controlled directly by radio chip, no software function needed. However, in the case of SX1276MB1xAS, the RXTX pin on IO2 should be driven by this callback function when R16 is installed (without R15) on this shield board.

Some configurations may need to force the use of RFO or PA_BOOST, or a board could offer both options. The rf_switch function pointer callback should support the implementation choice on the board.

further reading

--- a/sx127x_fsk.h	Mon Jul 18 21:13:50 2016 +0000
+++ b/sx127x_fsk.h	Thu Jul 28 00:57:22 2016 +0000
@@ -137,6 +137,15 @@
 } RegPreambleDetect_t;
 typedef union {
+    struct {    // sx127x register 0x24
+        uint8_t ClkOut         : 3;   // 0,1,2
+        uint8_t rc_cal_trigger : 1;    // 3
+        uint8_t unused         : 4;  // 4,5,6,7
+    } bits;
+    uint8_t octet;
+} RegOsc_t;
+typedef union {
     struct {    // sx1232 register 0x27
         uint8_t SyncSize            : 3;    // 0,1,2
         uint8_t FifoFillCondition   : 1;    // 3    rx fifo fill starting 0=start-on-sync
@@ -293,6 +302,9 @@
         uint32_t get_tx_fdev_hz(void);
         void set_tx_fdev_hz(uint32_t);
+        uint8_t get_modulation_shaping(void);
+        void set_modulation_shaping(uint8_t);
         service_action_e service(void); // (SLIH) ISR bottom half 
         RegRxConfig_t        RegRxConfig;         // 0x0d