Driver library for SX1272/SX1276 transceivers

Dependents:   LORA_RX LORA_TX WindConcentrator hid_test ... more


Driver library for SX1272 and SX1276 radio transceivers.

This device uses CSS modulation to provide much improved link budget. The RF hardware is same as in FSK devices, just with added LoRa spread-spectrum modem.

This library provides functions to configure radio chip and transmit & receive packets.

Using This Library

Library function service_radio() must be called continuously from main loop, to service interrupts from radio.


Board Specific implementation

FunctionPointer for rf_switch callback allows the program to implement control of RF switch unique to their board. Example options are:

  • SKY13373 for external power amplifier implementation. Requires two DigitalOut pins.
  • SKY13350 using PA_BOOST. requires two DigitalOut pins.
  • PE4259-63: controlled directly by radio chip, no software function needed. However, in the case of SX1276MB1xAS, the RXTX pin on IO2 should be driven by this callback function when R16 is installed (without R15) on this shield board.

Some configurations may need to force the use of RFO or PA_BOOST, or a board could offer both options. The rf_switch function pointer callback should support the implementation choice on the board.

further reading

--- a/sx127x_fsk.h	Wed Apr 30 22:49:43 2014 +0000
+++ b/sx127x_fsk.h	Fri May 02 01:18:59 2014 +0000
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
         uint8_t RestartRxOnCollision    : 1;    // 7
     } bits;
     uint8_t octet;
-} FSKRegRxConfig_t;
+} RegRxConfig_t;
 typedef union {
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
         uint8_t unused        : 3;  // 5,6,7 
     } bits;
     uint8_t octet;
-} FSKRegAfcFei_t;
+} RegAfcFei_t;
 typedef union {
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
         uint8_t RssiOffset      : 5;    // 3,4,5,6,7
     } bits;
     uint8_t octet;
-} FSKRegRssiConfig_t;
+} RegRssiConfig_t;
 typedef union {
     struct {    // sx1272 register 0x12
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
         uint8_t reserved        : 1;    // 7 
     } bits;
     uint8_t octet;
-} FSKRegRxBw_t;
+} RegRxBw_t;
 typedef union {
     struct {    // sx1272 register 0x14
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
         uint8_t bsync_opt          : 1; // 7    not used
     } bits;
     uint8_t octet;
-} FSKRegOokPeak_t; // DEMOD1 0x14
+} RegOokPeak_t; // DEMOD1 0x14
 typedef union {
     struct {    // sx1272 register 0x1f
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
         uint8_t PreambleDetectorOn    : 1;  // 7
     } bits;
     uint8_t octet;
-} FSKRegPreambleDetect_t;
+} RegPreambleDetect_t;
 typedef union {
     struct {    // sx1232 register 0x27
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
         uint8_t AutoRestartRxMode   : 2;    // 6,7  00b=do not restart 10b=wait-for-pll
     } bits;
     uint8_t octet;
-} FSKRegSyncConfig_t;
+} RegSyncConfig_t;
 typedef union {
     struct {    // sx1232 register 0x30
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
         uint8_t PacketFormatVariable : 1;   // 7       1=variable length, 0=fixed
     } bits;
     uint8_t octet;
-} FSKRegPktConfig1_t;
+} RegPktConfig1_t;
 typedef union {
     struct {    // sx1272 register 0x31 and 0x32
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
         uint16_t unused             : 1;    // 15 
     } bits;
     uint16_t word;
-} FSKRegPktConfig2_t;
+} RegPktConfig2_t;
 typedef union {
     struct {    // sx1272 register 0x35
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
         uint8_t TxStartCondition    : 1;    // 7        0=fifoThresh 1=fifoNotEmpty
     } bits;
     uint8_t octet;
-} FSKRegFifoThreshold_t;
+} RegFifoThreshold_t;
 typedef union {
     struct {    // sx1272 register 0x36
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
         uint8_t SequencerStart    : 1;  // 7
     } bits;
     uint8_t octet;
-} FSKRegSeqConfig1_t;   // @0x36
+} RegSeqConfig1_t;   // @0x36
 typedef union {
     struct {    // sx1272 register 0x37
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
         uint8_t unused       : 2;   // 6,7
     } bits;
     uint8_t octet;
-} FSKRegTimerResol_t;   // HL42 @0x38
+} RegTimerResol_t;   // HL42 @0x38
 typedef union {
     struct {    // sx1272 register 0x3b
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
         uint8_t AutoImageCalOn  : 1;    // 7
     } bits;
     uint8_t octet;
-} FSKRegImageCal_t;   // 
+} RegImageCal_t;   // 
 typedef union {
     struct {    // sx1232 register 0x3e
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
         uint8_t ModeReady          : 1; // 7 
     } bits;
     uint8_t octet;
-} FSKRegIrqFlags1_t;   // STAT0
+} RegIrqFlags1_t;   // STAT0
 typedef union {
     struct {    // sx1232 register 0x3f
@@ -252,17 +252,18 @@
         uint8_t FifoFull        : 1;    // 7 
     } bits;
     uint8_t octet;
-} FSKRegIrqFlags2_t;   // STAT1 @0x3f
+} RegIrqFlags2_t;   // STAT1 @0x3f
 //class SX127x_fsk : public SX127x
 class SX127x_fsk {
         //SX127x_fsk(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs, PinName rst, PinName dio_0, PinName dio_1, PinName fem_ctx, PinName fem_cps);
-        SX127x_fsk(SX127x r);
+        SX127x_fsk(SX127x& r);
-        /** changes from LoRa mode to FSK mdoe */
+        /** switches from LoRa mode to FSK mdoe
+         * before SX127x_fsk can be used, eanble() must be called.  LoRa mode is unavailable while FSK is in use. */
         void enable(void);
         /** fills radio FIFO with payload contents, prior to transmission
@@ -274,6 +275,8 @@
         void start_tx(uint16_t len);
         void start_rx(void);
+        uint8_t rx_buf_length;
+        void config_dio0_for_pktmode_rx(void);
         uint32_t get_rx_bw_hz(uint8_t addr);
@@ -282,25 +285,28 @@
         service_action_e service(void); // (SLIH) ISR bottom half 
-        FSKRegRxConfig_t        RegRxConfig;         // 0x0d
-        FSKRegRssiConfig_t      RegRssiConfig;       // 0x0e
-        uint8_t                 RegRssiThresh;       // 0x10
-        FSKRegRxBw_t            RegRxBw;             // 0x12
-        FSKRegRxBw_t            RegAfcBw;            // 0x13
-        FSKRegOokPeak_t         RegOokPeak;          // 0x14
-        FSKRegAfcFei_t          RegAfcFei;           // 0x1a
-        FSKRegPreambleDetect_t  RegPreambleDetect;   // 0x1f
-        FSKRegSyncConfig_t      RegSyncConfig;       // 0x27
-        FSKRegPktConfig1_t      RegPktConfig1;       // 0x30
-        FSKRegPktConfig2_t      RegPktConfig2;       // 0x31 -> 0x32
-        FSKRegFifoThreshold_t   RegFifoThreshold;    // 0x35
-        FSKRegSeqConfig1_t      RegSeqConfig1;       // 0x36
-        RegSeqConfig2_t         RegSeqConfig2;       // 0x37
-        FSKRegTimerResol_t      RegTimerResol;       // 0x38
-        FSKRegImageCal_t        RegImageCal;         // 0x3b
+        RegRxConfig_t        RegRxConfig;         // 0x0d
+        RegRssiConfig_t      RegRssiConfig;       // 0x0e
+        uint8_t              RegRssiThresh;       // 0x10
+        RegRxBw_t            RegRxBw;             // 0x12
+        RegRxBw_t            RegAfcBw;            // 0x13
+        RegOokPeak_t         RegOokPeak;          // 0x14
+        RegAfcFei_t          RegAfcFei;           // 0x1a
+        int16_t              RegAfcValue;         // 0x1c
+        RegPreambleDetect_t  RegPreambleDetect;   // 0x1f
+        RegSyncConfig_t      RegSyncConfig;       // 0x27
+        RegPktConfig1_t      RegPktConfig1;       // 0x30
+        RegPktConfig2_t      RegPktConfig2;       // 0x31 -> 0x32
+        RegFifoThreshold_t   RegFifoThreshold;    // 0x35
+        RegSeqConfig1_t      RegSeqConfig1;       // 0x36
+        RegSeqConfig2_t      RegSeqConfig2;       // 0x37
+        RegTimerResol_t      RegTimerResol;       // 0x38
+        RegImageCal_t        RegImageCal;         // 0x3b
         uint32_t ComputeRxBw( uint8_t mantisse, uint8_t exponent );
         void ComputeRxBwMantExp( uint32_t rxBwValue, uint8_t* mantisse, uint8_t* exponent );
-        SX127x m_xcvr;                  
+        SX127x& m_xcvr;
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