Brew heater controller. Programmed to mash grain and to boil wort

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00002 enum goal { Null,Boil, Temp, Time};
00003 char *Message[7]={"","Add Hops","Add Flocculant","Add Grain","Sparge","Finished","Phase Done"};
00005 struct ProfileElement {
00006     goal    GoalType;
00007     uint8_t MessageNo;
00008     float   Temp;
00009     int8_t Power;
00010     int     Seconds;
00011 };
00012 struct Profile {
00013     char Name[20];
00014     ProfileElement Element[6];
00015 };
00016 char *TopLevelMenu[3]={"Top Menu           ","Manual             ","Programmed         "};
00017 //                                                                  12345678901234567890