
Dependencies:   PokittoLib

Fork of HelloWorld by Pokitto Community Team

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Sat Sep 01 18:14:19 2018 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

My_settings.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
PokittoLib.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
raycastlib.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 16f87b0371e8 -r a91849bc5265 My_settings.h
--- a/My_settings.h	Sat Jul 21 12:33:50 2018 +0000
+++ b/My_settings.h	Sat Sep 01 18:14:19 2018 +0000
@@ -12,5 +12,7 @@
 #define PROJ_HIRES 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 16f87b0371e8 -r a91849bc5265 PokittoLib.lib
--- a/PokittoLib.lib	Sat Jul 21 12:33:50 2018 +0000
+++ b/PokittoLib.lib	Sat Sep 01 18:14:19 2018 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
diff -r 16f87b0371e8 -r a91849bc5265 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Sat Jul 21 12:33:50 2018 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Sep 01 18:14:19 2018 +0000
@@ -1,13 +1,147 @@
+  WIP raycasting demo for Pokitto.
+  author: Miloslav "drummyfish" Ciz
+  license: CC0
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "raycastlib.h"
 #include "Pokitto.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+class Level
+  int16_t getHeight(int16_t x, int16_t y)
+  {
+    if (x > 12 || y > 12)
+      return max(x,y) - 10;
+    if (y < 5 && y > 2)
+      return x;
+    return (x < 0 || y < 0 || x > 9 || y > 9) ? 4 : 0;
+  }
+class Character
+  Camera mCamera;
-Pokitto::Core mygame;
+  Character()
+  {
+    mCamera.position.x = 400;
+    mCamera.position.y = 6811;
+    mCamera.direction = 660;
+    mCamera.fovAngle = UNITS_PER_SQUARE / 4;
+    mCamera.height = 0;
+    mCamera.resolution.x = 36;
+    mCamera.resolution.y = 88;
+  } 
+Pokitto::Core p;
+Character player;
+Level level;
+Unit heightFunc(int16_t x, int16_t y)
+  return level.getHeight(x,y) * UNITS_PER_SQUARE / 4;
+bool dither(uint8_t intensity, uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
+  switch (intensity)
+  {
+    case 0: return false; break;
+    case 1: return x % 2 == 0 && y % 2 == 0; break;
+    case 2: return x % 2 == y % 2; break;
+    case 3: return x % 2 != 0 || y % 2 != 0; break;
+    default: return true; break;
+  }
+void pixelFunc(PixelInfo pixel)
+  uint8_t c = pixel.isWall ? pixel.hit.direction + 4 : 3;
+  uint16_t x = pixel.position.x * 3;
+  uint16_t y = pixel.position.y;
+  uint8_t d = pixel.depth / (UNITS_PER_SQUARE * 2);
-int main () {
-    mygame.begin();
-    while (mygame.isRunning()) {
-        if (mygame.update()) {            
-            mygame.display.print("Hello World!");
-            } 
-        }    
+  p.display.color = dither(d,x,y) ? 0 : c;
+  p.display.drawPixel(x,pixel.position.y);
+  x++;
+  p.display.color = dither(d,x,y) ? 0 : c;
+  p.display.drawPixel(x,pixel.position.y);
+  x++;
+  p.display.color = dither(d,x,y) ? 0 : c;
+  p.display.drawPixel(x,pixel.position.y);
+void draw()
+  RayConstraints c;
+  c.maxHits = 3;
+  c.maxSteps = 10;
+  render(player.mCamera,heightFunc,pixelFunc,c);
+int main()
+  p.begin();
+  p.setFrameRate(30);
+  p.display.setFont(fontTiny);
+  while (p.isRunning())
+  {
+    if (p.update())
+    {
+      draw();
+      const int16_t step = 50;
+      const int16_t step2 = 10;
+      Vector2D d = angleToDirection(player.mCamera.direction);
+      d.x = (d.x * step) / UNITS_PER_SQUARE;
+      d.y = (d.y * step) / UNITS_PER_SQUARE;
+      if (p.upBtn())
+      {
+        player.mCamera.position.x += d.x;
+        player.mCamera.position.y += d.y;
+      }
+      else if (p.downBtn())
+      {
+        player.mCamera.position.x -= d.x;
+        player.mCamera.position.y -= d.y;
+      }
+      if (p.rightBtn())
+        player.mCamera.direction += step2;
+      else if (p.leftBtn())
+        player.mCamera.direction -= step2;
+      if (p.bBtn())
+        player.mCamera.height += step;
+      else if (p.cBtn())
+        player.mCamera.height -= step;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 16f87b0371e8 -r a91849bc5265 raycastlib.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/raycastlib.h	Sat Sep 01 18:14:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
+  raycastlib - Small C header-only raycasting library for embedded and low
+  performance computers, such as Arduino. Only uses integer math and stdint
+  standard library.
+  author: Miloslav "drummyfish" Ciz
+  license: CC0
+  - Game field's bottom left corner is at [0,0].
+  - X axis goes right.
+  - Y axis goes up.
+  - Each game square is UNITS_PER_SQUARE * UNITS_PER_SQUARE.
+  - Angles are in Units, 0 means pointing right (x+) and positively rotates
+    clockwise, a full angle has UNITS_PER_SQUARE Units.
+  */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#define UNITS_PER_SQUARE 1024 ///< No. of Units in a side of a spatial square.
+typedef int32_t Unit;   /**< Smallest spatial unit, there is UNITS_PER_SQUARE
+                             units in a square's length. This effectively
+                             serves the purpose of a fixed-point arithmetic. */
+#define logVector2D(v)\
+  printf("[%d,%d]\n",v.x,v.y);
+#define logRay(r){\
+  printf("ray:\n");\
+  printf("  start: ");\
+  logVector2D(r.start);\
+  printf("  dir: ");\
+  logVector2D(r.direction);}\
+#define logHitResult(h){\
+  printf("hit:\n");\
+  printf("  sqaure: ");\
+  logVector2D(h.square);\
+  printf("  pos: ");\
+  logVector2D(h.position);\
+  printf("  dist: %d\n", h.distance);\
+  printf("  texcoord: %d\n", h.textureCoord);}\
+/// Position in 2D space.
+typedef struct
+  int32_t y;
+  int32_t x;
+} Vector2D;
+typedef struct
+  Vector2D start;
+  Vector2D direction;
+} Ray;
+typedef struct
+  Vector2D square;     ///< Collided square coordinates.
+  Vector2D position;   ///< Exact collision position in Units.
+  Unit     distance;   /**< Euclidean distance to the hit position, or -1 if
+                            no collision happened. */
+  Unit     textureCoord;    /**< Normalized (0 to UNITS_PER_SQUARE - 1) texture
+                                 coordinate. */
+  uint8_t  direction;       ///< Direction of hit.
+} HitResult;
+typedef struct
+  Vector2D position;
+  Unit direction;
+  Vector2D resolution;
+  Unit fovAngle;
+  Unit height;
+} Camera;
+typedef struct
+  Vector2D position; ///< On-screen position.
+  int8_t isWall;     ///< Whether the pixel is a wall or a floor(/ceiling).
+  Unit depth;        ///< Corrected depth.
+  HitResult hit;     ///< Corresponding ray hit.
+} PixelInfo;
+typedef struct
+  uint16_t maxHits;
+  uint16_t maxSteps;
+} RayConstraints;
+ Function used to retrieve the cells of the rendered scene. It should return
+ a "type" of given square as an integer (e.g. square height) - between squares
+ that return different numbers there is considered to be a collision.
+typedef Unit (*ArrayFunction)(int16_t x, int16_t y);
+typedef void (*PixelFunction)(PixelInfo info);
+typedef void
+  (*ColumnFunction)(HitResult *hits, uint16_t hitCount, uint16_t x, Ray ray);
+ Simple-interface function to cast a single ray.
+ @return          The first collision result.
+ */
+HitResult castRay(Ray ray, ArrayFunction arrayFunc);
+ Casts a single ray and returns a list of collisions.
+ */
+void castRayMultiHit(Ray ray, ArrayFunction arrayFunc, HitResult *hitResults,
+  uint16_t *hitResultsLen, RayConstraints constraints);
+Vector2D angleToDirection(Unit angle);
+Unit cosInt(Unit input);
+Unit sinInt(Unit input);
+/// Normalizes given vector to have UNITS_PER_SQUARE length.
+Vector2D normalize(Vector2D v);
+/// Computes a cos of an angle between two vectors.
+Unit vectorsAngleCos(Vector2D v1, Vector2D v2);
+uint16_t sqrtInt(uint32_t value);
+Unit dist(Vector2D p1, Vector2D p2);
+Unit len(Vector2D v);
+ Converts an angle in whole degrees to an angle in Units that this library
+ uses.
+ */   
+Unit degreesToUnitsAngle(int16_t degrees);
+///< Computes the change in size of an object due to perspective.
+Unit perspectiveScale(Unit originalSize, Unit distance, Unit fov);
+ Casts rays for given camera view and for each hit calls a user provided
+ function.
+ */
+void castRaysMultiHit(Camera cam, ArrayFunction arrayFunc,
+  ColumnFunction columnFunc, RayConstraints constraints);
+void render(Camera cam, ArrayFunction arrayFunc, PixelFunction pixelFunc,
+  RayConstraints constraints);
+// privates
+  // function call counters for profiling
+  uint32_t profile_sqrtInt = 0;
+  uint32_t profile_clamp = 0;
+  uint32_t profile_cosInt = 0;
+  uint32_t profile_angleToDirection = 0;
+  uint32_t profile_dist = 0;
+  uint32_t profile_len = 0;
+  uint32_t profile_pointIsLeftOfRay = 0;
+  uint32_t profile_castRaySquare = 0;
+  uint32_t profile_castRayMultiHit = 0; 
+  uint32_t profile_castRay = 0;
+  uint16_t profile_normalize = 0;
+  uint16_t profile_vectorsAngleCos = 0;
+  #define profileCall(c) profile_##c += 1
+  #define printProfile() {\
+    printf("profile:\n");\
+    printf("  sqrtInt: %d\n",profile_sqrtInt);\
+    printf("  clamp: %d\n",profile_clamp);\
+    printf("  cosInt: %d\n",profile_cosInt);\
+    printf("  angleToDirection: %d\n",profile_angleToDirection);\
+    printf("  dist: %d\n",profile_dist);\
+    printf("  len: %d\n",profile_len);\
+    printf("  pointIsLeftOfRay: %d\n",profile_pointIsLeftOfRay);\
+    printf("  castRaySquare: %d\n",profile_castRaySquare);\
+    printf("  castRayMultiHit : %d\n",profile_castRayMultiHit);\
+    printf("  castRay: %d\n",profile_castRay);\
+    printf("  normalize: %d\n",profile_normalize);\
+    printf("  vectorsAngleCos: %d\n",profile_vectorsAngleCos); }
+  #define profileCall(c)
+Unit clamp(Unit value, Unit valueMin, Unit valueMax)
+  profileCall(clamp);
+  if (value < valueMin)
+    return valueMin;
+  if (value > valueMax)
+    return valueMax;
+  return value;
+// Bhaskara's cosine approximation formula
+#define trigHelper(x) (UNITS_PER_SQUARE *\
+  (UNITS_PER_SQUARE / 2 * UNITS_PER_SQUARE / 2 - 4 * (x) * (x)) /\
+  (UNITS_PER_SQUARE / 2 * UNITS_PER_SQUARE / 2 + (x) * (x)))
+Unit cosInt(Unit input)
+  profileCall(cosInt);
+  input = input % UNITS_PER_SQUARE;
+  if (input < 0)
+    input = UNITS_PER_SQUARE + input;
+  if (input < UNITS_PER_SQUARE / 4)
+    return trigHelper(input);
+  else if (input < UNITS_PER_SQUARE / 2)
+    return -1 * trigHelper(UNITS_PER_SQUARE / 2 - input);
+  else if (input < 3 * UNITS_PER_SQUARE / 4)
+    return -1 * trigHelper(input - UNITS_PER_SQUARE / 2);
+  else
+    return trigHelper(UNITS_PER_SQUARE - input);
+#undef trigHelper
+Unit sinInt(Unit input)
+  return cosInt(input - UNITS_PER_SQUARE / 4);
+Vector2D angleToDirection(Unit angle)
+  profileCall(angleToDirection);
+  Vector2D result;
+  result.x = cosInt(angle);
+  result.y = -1 * sinInt(angle);
+  return result;
+uint16_t sqrtInt(uint32_t value)
+  profileCall(sqrtInt);
+  uint32_t result = 0;
+  uint32_t a  = value;
+  uint32_t b = 1u << 30;
+  while (b > a)
+    b >>= 2;
+  while (b != 0)
+  {
+    if (a >= result + b)
+    {
+      a -= result + b;
+      result = result +  2 * b;
+    }
+    b >>= 2;
+    result >>= 1;
+  }
+  return result;
+Unit dist(Vector2D p1, Vector2D p2)
+  profileCall(dist);
+  int32_t dx = p2.x - p1.x;
+  int32_t dy = p2.y - p1.y;
+  dx = dx * dx;
+  dy = dy * dy;
+  return sqrtInt((uint32_t) (dx + dy));
+Unit len(Vector2D v)
+  profileCall(len);
+  v.x *= v.x;
+  v.y *= v.y;
+  return sqrtInt(((uint32_t) v.x) + ((uint32_t) v.y));
+int8_t pointIsLeftOfRay(Vector2D point, Ray ray)
+  profileCall(pointIsLeftOfRay);
+  Unit dX    = point.x - ray.start.x;
+  Unit dY    = point.y - ray.start.y;
+  return (ray.direction.x * dY - ray.direction.y * dX) > 0;
+         // ^ Z component of cross-product
+  Casts a ray within a single square, to collide with the square borders.  
+ */
+void castRaySquare(Ray localRay, Vector2D *nextCellOff, Vector2D *collOff)
+  profileCall(castRaySquare);
+  nextCellOff->x = 0;
+  nextCellOff->y = 0;
+  Ray criticalLine = localRay;
+  #define helper(c1,c2,n)\
+    {\
+      nextCellOff->c1 = n;\
+      collOff->c1 = criticalLine.start.c1 - localRay.start.c1;\
+      collOff->c2 = \
+        (((int32_t) collOff->c1) * localRay.direction.c2) /\
+        ((localRay.direction.c1 == 0) ? 1 : localRay.direction.c1);\
+    }
+  #define helper2(n1,n2,c)\
+    if (pointIsLeftOfRay(localRay.start,criticalLine) == c)\
+      helper(y,x,n1)\
+    else\
+      helper(x,y,n2)
+  if (localRay.direction.x > 0)
+  {
+    criticalLine.start.x = UNITS_PER_SQUARE - 1;
+    if (localRay.direction.y > 0)
+    {
+      // top right
+      criticalLine.start.y = UNITS_PER_SQUARE - 1;
+      helper2(1,1,1)
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      // bottom right
+      criticalLine.start.y = 0;
+      helper2(-1,1,0)
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    criticalLine.start.x = 0;
+    if (localRay.direction.y > 0)
+    {
+      // top left
+      criticalLine.start.y = UNITS_PER_SQUARE - 1;
+      helper2(1,-1,0)
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      // bottom left
+      criticalLine.start.y = 0;
+      helper2(-1,-1,1)
+    }
+  }
+  #undef helper2
+  #undef helper
+  collOff->x += nextCellOff->x;
+  collOff->y += nextCellOff->y;
+void castRayMultiHit(Ray ray, ArrayFunction arrayFunc, HitResult *hitResults,
+  uint16_t *hitResultsLen, RayConstraints constraints)
+  profileCall(castRayMultiHit);
+  Vector2D initialPos = ray.start;
+  Vector2D currentPos = ray.start;
+  Vector2D currentSquare;
+  currentSquare.x = ray.start.x / UNITS_PER_SQUARE;
+  currentSquare.y = ray.start.y / UNITS_PER_SQUARE;
+  *hitResultsLen = 0;
+  int16_t squareType = arrayFunc(currentSquare.x,currentSquare.y);
+  Vector2D no, co; // next cell offset, collision offset
+  no.x = 0;        // just to supress a warning
+  no.y = 0;
+  for (uint16_t i = 0; i < constraints.maxSteps; ++i)
+  {
+    int16_t currentType = arrayFunc(currentSquare.x,currentSquare.y);
+    if (currentType != squareType)
+    {
+      // collision
+      HitResult h;
+      h.position = currentPos;
+      h.square   = currentSquare;
+      h.distance = dist(initialPos,currentPos);
+      if (no.y > 0)
+        h.direction = 0;
+      else if (no.x > 0)
+        h.direction = 1;
+      else if (no.y < 0)
+        h.direction = 2;
+      else
+        h.direction = 3;
+      hitResults[*hitResultsLen] = h;
+      *hitResultsLen += 1;
+      squareType = currentType;
+      if (*hitResultsLen >= constraints.maxHits)
+        break;
+    }
+    ray.start.x = currentPos.x % UNITS_PER_SQUARE;
+    ray.start.y = currentPos.y % UNITS_PER_SQUARE;
+    castRaySquare(ray,&no,&co);
+    currentSquare.x += no.x;
+    currentSquare.y += no.y;
+    // offset into the next cell
+    currentPos.x += co.x;
+    currentPos.y += co.y;
+  }
+HitResult castRay(Ray ray, ArrayFunction arrayFunc)
+  profileCall(castRay);
+  HitResult result;
+  uint16_t  len;
+  RayConstraints c;
+  c.maxSteps = 1000;
+  c.maxHits = 1;
+  castRayMultiHit(ray,arrayFunc,&result,&len,c);
+  if (len == 0)
+    result.distance = -1;
+  return result;
+void castRaysMultiHit(Camera cam, ArrayFunction arrayFunc,
+  ColumnFunction columnFunc, RayConstraints constraints)
+  uint16_t fovHalf = cam.fovAngle / 2;
+  Vector2D dir1 = angleToDirection(cam.direction - fovHalf);
+  Vector2D dir2 = angleToDirection(cam.direction + fovHalf);
+  Unit dX = dir2.x - dir1.x;
+  Unit dY = dir2.y - dir1.y;
+  HitResult hits[constraints.maxHits];
+  Ray rays[constraints.maxHits];
+  uint16_t hitCount;
+  Ray r;
+  r.start = cam.position;
+  for (uint16_t i = 0; i < cam.resolution.x; ++i)
+  {
+    r.direction.x = dir1.x + (dX * i) / cam.resolution.x;
+    r.direction.y = dir1.y + (dY * i) / cam.resolution.x;
+    castRayMultiHit(r,arrayFunc,hits,&hitCount,constraints);
+    columnFunc(hits,hitCount,i,r);
+  }
+PixelFunction _pixelFunction = 0;
+ArrayFunction _arrayFunction = 0;
+Camera _camera;
+Unit _floorDepthStep = 0; 
+Unit _startHeight = 0;
+void _columnFunction(HitResult *hits, uint16_t hitCount, uint16_t x, Ray ray)
+  int32_t y = _camera.resolution.y - 1; // on screen y, will only go upwards
+  Unit worldZPrev = _startHeight;
+  Unit previousDepth = 1;
+  uint16_t middleRow = _camera.resolution.y / 2;
+  PixelInfo p;
+  p.position.x = x;
+  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < hitCount; ++j)
+  {
+    HitResult hit = hits[j];
+    /* FIXME/TODO: The adjusted (=orthogonal, camera-space) distance could
+       possibly be computed more efficiently by not computing Euclidean
+       distance at all, but rather compute the distance of the collision
+       point from the projection plane (line). */
+    Unit dist = // adjusted distance
+      (hit.distance * vectorsAngleCos(angleToDirection(_camera.direction),
+      ray.direction)) / UNITS_PER_SQUARE;
+    dist = dist == 0 ? 1 : dist; // prevent division by zero
+    Unit wallHeight = _arrayFunction(hit.square.x,hit.square.y);
+    Unit worldZ2 = -1 * _camera.height + wallHeight;
+    int16_t z1Screen = middleRow -
+      perspectiveScale(
+        (worldZPrev * _camera.resolution.y) / UNITS_PER_SQUARE,
+        dist,1);
+    z1Screen = clamp(z1Screen,0,_camera.resolution.y - 1);
+    int16_t z2Screen = middleRow -
+      perspectiveScale(
+        (worldZ2 * _camera.resolution.y) / UNITS_PER_SQUARE,
+        dist,1);
+    z2Screen = clamp(z2Screen,0,_camera.resolution.y - 1);
+    Unit zTop = z1Screen < z2Screen ? z1Screen : z2Screen;
+    // draw floor until the wall
+    p.isWall = 0;
+    Unit depthDiff = dist - previousDepth;
+    Unit floorCameraDiff = _camera.height - worldZPrev;
+    for (int32_t i = y; i > zTop; --i)
+    {
+      p.position.y = i;
+      p.depth = (_camera.resolution.y - i) * _floorDepthStep + floorCameraDiff;
+      _pixelFunction(p);  
+    }
+    // draw the wall
+    p.isWall = 1;
+    p.depth = dist;
+    for (int32_t i = z1Screen < y ? z1Screen : y; i > z2Screen; --i)
+    {
+      p.position.y = i;
+      p.hit = hit;
+      _pixelFunction(p);
+    }
+    y = y > zTop ? zTop : y;
+    worldZPrev = worldZ2;
+    previousDepth = dist;
+  }
+  // draw floor until horizon
+  p.isWall = 0;
+  Unit floorCameraDiff = _camera.height - worldZPrev;
+  for (int32_t i = y; i >= middleRow; --i)
+  {
+    p.position.y = i;
+    p.depth = (_camera.resolution.y - i) * _floorDepthStep + floorCameraDiff;
+    _pixelFunction(p);
+  }
+void render(Camera cam, ArrayFunction arrayFunc, PixelFunction pixelFunc,
+  RayConstraints constraints)
+  _pixelFunction = pixelFunc;
+  _arrayFunction = arrayFunc;
+  _camera = cam;
+  _startHeight = arrayFunc(
+    cam.position.x / UNITS_PER_SQUARE,
+    cam.position.y / UNITS_PER_SQUARE) -1 * cam.height;
+  // TODO
+  _floorDepthStep = (16 * UNITS_PER_SQUARE) / cam.resolution.y; 
+  castRaysMultiHit(cam,arrayFunc,_columnFunction,constraints);
+Vector2D normalize(Vector2D v)
+  profileCall(normalize);
+  Vector2D result;
+  Unit l = len(v);
+  result.x = (v.x * UNITS_PER_SQUARE) / l;
+  result.y = (v.y * UNITS_PER_SQUARE) / l;
+  return result;
+Unit vectorsAngleCos(Vector2D v1, Vector2D v2)
+  profileCall(vectorsAngleCos);
+  v1 = normalize(v1);
+  v2 = normalize(v2);
+  return (v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2.y) / UNITS_PER_SQUARE;
+Unit degreesToUnitsAngle(int16_t degrees)
+  return (degrees * UNITS_PER_SQUARE) / 360;
+Unit perspectiveScale(Unit originalSize, Unit distance, Unit fov)
+return (originalSize * UNITS_PER_SQUARE) / distance;
+  distance *= fov;
+  distance = distance == 0 ? 1 : distance; // prevent division by zero
+  return originalSize / distance; 
\ No newline at end of file