Lib for FTDI FT800 graphic controller "EVE" The API is changed from the FTDI original names. It use smaller names now. DL() will add something to the display list instead of Ft_App_WrCoCmd_Buffer ... The FTDI programmer Guide is also using this commands.

Dependents:   FT800_RGB_demo FT800_RGB_demo2 FT800_demo_for_habr Temp_&_RH_at_TFT-demo ... more

Fork of FT800 by Peter Drescher

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00001 #include "FT_Platform.h"
00002 #include "mbed.h"
00004 /* function to load jpg file from filesystem */
00005 /* return 0 if jpg is ok                     */
00006 /* return x_size and y_size of jpg           */
00008 int FT800::Load_jpg(char* filename, ft_int16_t* x_size, ft_int16_t* y_size)
00009 {
00010     unsigned char pbuff[8291];
00011     unsigned short marker;
00012     unsigned short length;
00013     unsigned char data[4];
00015     ft_uint16_t blocklen;
00017     FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
00018     if(fp == NULL) return (-1);         // connot open file
00020     // search for 0xFFC0 marker
00021     fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
00022     unsigned int Fsize = ftell(fp);
00023     fseek(fp, 2, SEEK_SET);
00024     fread(data,4,1,fp);
00025     marker = data[0] << 8 | data[1];
00026     length = data[2] << 8 | data[3];
00027     do {
00028         if(marker == 0xFFC0) break;
00029         if(marker & 0xFF00 != 0xFF00) break;
00030         if (fseek(fp, length - 2,SEEK_CUR) != 0) break;
00031         fread(data,4,1,fp);
00032         marker = data[0] << 8 | data[1];
00033         length = data[2] << 8 | data[3];
00034     } while(1);
00035     if(marker != 0xFFC0) return (-2);  // no FFC0 Marker, wrong format no baseline DCT-based JPEG
00036     fseek(fp, 1,SEEK_CUR);
00037     fread(data,4,1,fp);
00038     *y_size = (data[0] << 8 | data[1]);
00039     *x_size = (data[2] << 8 | data[3]);
00041     //if(*x_size > DispWidth || *y_size > DispHeight) return (-3);  // to big to fit on screen
00043     fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
00044     WrCmd32(CMD_LOADIMAGE);  // load a JPEG image
00045     WrCmd32(0);              //destination address of jpg decode
00046     WrCmd32(0);              //output format of the bitmap - default is rgb565
00047     while(Fsize > 0) {
00048         /* download the data into the command buffer by 8kb one shot */
00049         blocklen = Fsize>8192?8192:Fsize;
00050         /* copy the data into pbuff and then transfter it to command buffer */
00051         fread(pbuff,1,blocklen,fp);
00052         Fsize -= blocklen;
00053         /* copy data continuously into command memory */
00054         WrCmdBuf(pbuff, blocklen); //alignment is already taken care by this api
00055     }
00056     fclose(fp);
00058     return(0);
00059 }
00062 /* calibrate touch */
00063 ft_void_t FT800::Calibrate()
00064 {
00065     /*************************************************************************/
00066     /* Below code demonstrates the usage of calibrate function. Calibrate    */
00067     /* function will wait untill user presses all the three dots. Only way to*/
00068     /* come out of this api is to reset the coprocessor bit.                 */
00069     /*************************************************************************/
00070     {
00072         DLstart();                                       // start a new display command list
00073         DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(64,64,64));       // set the clear color R, G, B
00074         DL(CLEAR(1,1,1));                    // clear buffers -> color buffer,stencil buffer, tag buffer
00075         DL(COLOR_RGB(0xff,0xff,0xff));       // set the current color R, G, B
00076         Text((DispWidth/2), (DispHeight/2), 27, OPT_CENTER, "Please Tap on the dot");  // draw Text at x,y, font 27, centered
00077         Calibrate(0);                                    // start the calibration of touch screen
00078         Flush_Co_Buffer();                               // download the commands into FT800 FIFO
00079         WaitCmdfifo_empty();                             // Wait till coprocessor completes the operation
00080     }
00081 }
00084 /* API to give fadeout effect by changing the display PWM from 100 till 0 */
00085 ft_void_t FT800::fadeout()
00086 {
00087    ft_int32_t i;
00089     for (i = 100; i >= 0; i -= 3) 
00090     {
00091         Wr8(REG_PWM_DUTY,i);
00092         Sleep(2);//sleep for 2 ms
00093     }
00094 }
00096 /* API to perform display fadein effect by changing the display PWM from 0 till 100 and finally 128 */
00097 ft_void_t FT800::fadein()
00098 {
00099     ft_int32_t i;
00101     for (i = 0; i <=100 ; i += 3) 
00102     {
00103         Wr8(REG_PWM_DUTY,i);
00104         Sleep(2);//sleep for 2 ms
00105     }
00106     /* Finally make the PWM 100% */
00107     i = 128;
00108     Wr8(REG_PWM_DUTY,i);
00109 }
00111 ft_void_t FT800::read_calibrate(ft_uint8_t data[24]){
00112     unsigned int i;
00113     for(i=0;i<24;i++){
00114         data[i] = Rd8(REG_TOUCH_TRANSFORM_A + i);
00115         }
00116 }
00118 ft_void_t FT800::write_calibrate(ft_uint8_t data[24]){
00119     unsigned int i;
00120     for(i=0;i<24;i++) {
00121         Wr8(REG_TOUCH_TRANSFORM_A + i,data[i]);
00122         }
00123 }
00125 ft_uint32_t FT800::color_rgb(ft_uint8_t red,ft_uint8_t green, ft_uint8_t blue){
00126     return ((4UL<<24)|(((red)&255UL)<<16)|(((green)&255UL)<<8)|(((blue)&255UL)<<0));
00127     }
00129 ft_uint32_t FT800::clear_color_rgb(ft_uint8_t red,ft_uint8_t green, ft_uint8_t blue){
00130     return ((2UL<<24)|(((red)&255UL)<<16)|(((green)&255UL)<<8)|(((blue)&255UL)<<0));
00131     }