Lib for FTDI FT800 graphic controller "EVE" The API is changed from the FTDI original names. It use smaller names now. DL() will add something to the display list instead of Ft_App_WrCoCmd_Buffer ... The FTDI programmer Guide is also using this commands.

Dependents:   FT800_RGB_demo FT800_RGB_demo2 FT800_demo_for_habr Temp_&_RH_at_TFT-demo ... more

Fork of FT800 by Peter Drescher

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00001 /*!
00002  * \file FT_GPU_HAL.h
00003  *
00004  * \author FTDI
00005  * \date 2013.04.24
00006  *
00007  * Copyright 2013 Future Technology Devices International Limited
00008  *
00009  * Project: FT800 or EVE compatible silicon
00010  * File Description:
00011  *    This file defines the generic APIs of host access layer for the FT800 or EVE compatible silicon.
00012  *    Application shall access FT800 or EVE resources over these APIs. In addition, there are
00013  *    some helper functions defined for FT800 coprocessor engine as well as host commands.
00014  * Rivision History:
00015  * ported to mbed by Peter Drescher, DC2PD 2014
00016  *
00017  */
00019 #ifndef FT_GPU_HAL_H
00020 #define FT_GPU_HAL_H
00022 #include "mbed.h"
00023 #include "FT_DataTypes.h"
00025 typedef enum {
00026     FT_GPU_I2C_MODE = 0,
00027     FT_GPU_SPI_MODE,
00029     FT_GPU_MODE_COUNT,
00031 } FT_GPU_HAL_MODE_E;
00033 typedef enum {
00034     OPENED,
00035     READING,
00036     WRITING,
00037     CLOSED,
00038     STATUS_COUNT,
00042 typedef struct {
00043     ft_uint8_t reserved;
00044 } Ft_Gpu_App_Context_t;
00046 typedef struct {
00047     /* Total number channels for libmpsse */
00048     ft_uint32_t TotalChannelNum;
00049 } Ft_Gpu_HalInit_t;
00051 typedef enum {
00052     FT_GPU_READ = 0,
00053     FT_GPU_WRITE,
00057 typedef struct {
00058     ft_uint32_t length; //IN and OUT
00059     ft_uint32_t address;
00060     ft_uint8_t  *buffer;
00061 } Ft_Gpu_App_Transfer_t;
00063 class FT800
00064 {
00065 public:
00066     FT800(PinName mosi,
00067           PinName miso,
00068           PinName sck,
00069           PinName ss,
00070           PinName intr,
00071           PinName pd);
00073 private:
00074     SPI _spi;
00075     DigitalOut  _ss;
00076     DigitalOut  _pd;
00077     InterruptIn _f800_isr;
00078 public:
00079     /* Global used for buffer optimization */
00080     //Ft_Gpu_Hal_Context_t host,*phost;
00081     Ft_Gpu_App_Context_t        app_header;
00082     ft_uint16_t cmd_fifo_wp; //coprocessor fifo write pointer
00083     ft_uint16_t dl_buff_wp;  //display command memory write pointer
00084     FT_GPU_HAL_STATUS_E        status;            //OUT
00085     ft_void_t*                 hal_handle;        //IN/OUT
00086     ft_uint32_t CmdBuffer_Index;
00087     ft_uint32_t DlBuffer_Index;
00088     ft_int16_t DispWidth;
00089     ft_int16_t DispHeight;
00090     ft_int16_t DispHCycle;
00091     ft_int16_t DispHOffset;
00092     ft_int16_t DispHSync0;
00093     ft_int16_t DispHSync1;
00094     ft_int16_t DispVCycle;
00095     ft_int16_t DispVOffset;
00096     ft_int16_t DispVSync0;
00097     ft_int16_t DispVSync1;
00098     ft_uint8_t DispPCLK;
00099     ft_char8_t DispSwizzle;
00100     ft_char8_t DispPCLKPol;
00103     ft_void_t BootupConfig(void);
00104     ft_bool_t Bootup(void);
00107     /*The basic APIs Level 1*/
00108     ft_bool_t              Init( );
00109     ft_bool_t              Open( );
00111     /*The APIs for reading/writing transfer continuously only with small buffer system*/
00112     ft_void_t              StartTransfer(FT_GPU_TRANSFERDIR_T rw,ft_uint32_t addr);
00113     ft_uint8_t             Transfer8(ft_uint8_t value);
00114     ft_uint16_t            Transfer16(ft_uint16_t value);
00115     ft_uint32_t            Transfer32(ft_uint32_t value);
00116     ft_void_t              EndTransfer( );
00118     /*Read & Write APIs for both burst and single transfer,depending on buffer size*/
00119     ft_void_t              Read(Ft_Gpu_App_Transfer_t *transfer);
00120     ft_void_t              Write(Ft_Gpu_App_Transfer_t *transfer);
00122     ft_void_t              Close();
00123     ft_void_t              DeInit();
00125     /*Helper function APIs Read*/
00126     ft_uint8_t  Rd8(ft_uint32_t addr);
00127     ft_uint16_t Rd16(ft_uint32_t addr);
00128     ft_uint32_t Rd32(ft_uint32_t addr);
00130     /*Helper function APIs Write*/
00131     ft_void_t Wr8(ft_uint32_t addr, ft_uint8_t v);
00132     ft_void_t Wr16(ft_uint32_t addr, ft_uint16_t v);
00133     ft_void_t Wr32(ft_uint32_t addr, ft_uint32_t v);
00135     /*******************************************************************************/
00136     /*******************************************************************************/
00137     /*APIs for coprocessor Fifo read/write and space management*/
00138     ft_void_t Updatecmdfifo(ft_uint16_t count);
00139     ft_void_t WrCmd32(ft_uint32_t cmd);
00140     ft_void_t WrCmdBuf(ft_uint8_t *buffer,ft_uint16_t count);
00141     ft_void_t WaitCmdfifo_empty();
00142     ft_void_t ResetCmdFifo();
00143     ft_void_t CheckCmdBuffer(ft_uint16_t count);
00144     ft_void_t ResetDLBuffer();
00146     ft_void_t StartCmdTransfer(FT_GPU_TRANSFERDIR_T rw, ft_uint16_t count);
00147     ft_void_t Powercycle(ft_bool_t up);
00150     /*******************************************************************************/
00151     /*******************************************************************************/
00152     /*APIs for Host Commands*/
00153     typedef enum {
00154         FT_GPU_INTERNAL_OSC = 0x48, //default
00155         FT_GPU_EXTERNAL_OSC = 0x44,
00156     } FT_GPU_PLL_SOURCE_T;
00157     typedef enum {
00158         FT_GPU_PLL_48M = 0x62,  //default
00159         FT_GPU_PLL_36M = 0x61,
00160         FT_GPU_PLL_24M = 0x64,
00161     } FT_GPU_PLL_FREQ_T;
00163     typedef enum {
00164         FT_GPU_ACTIVE_M =  0x00,
00165         FT_GPU_STANDBY_M = 0x41,//default
00166         FT_GPU_SLEEP_M =   0x42,
00167         FT_GPU_POWERDOWN_M = 0x50,
00168     } FT_GPU_POWER_MODE_T;
00170 #define FT_GPU_CORE_RESET  (0x68)
00172     ft_int32_t hal_strlen(const ft_char8_t *s);
00173     ft_void_t Sleep(ft_uint16_t ms);
00174     ft_void_t ClockSelect(FT_GPU_PLL_SOURCE_T pllsource);
00175     ft_void_t PLL_FreqSelect(FT_GPU_PLL_FREQ_T freq);
00176     ft_void_t PowerModeSwitch(FT_GPU_POWER_MODE_T pwrmode);
00177     ft_void_t CoreReset();
00178 //ft_void_t Ft_Gpu_Hal_StartTransfer( ,FT_GPU_TRANSFERDIR_T rw,ft_uint32_t addr);
00179     ft_void_t WrMem(ft_uint32_t addr, const ft_uint8_t *buffer, ft_uint32_t length);
00180     ft_void_t WrMemFromFlash(ft_uint32_t addr,const ft_prog_uchar8_t *buffer, ft_uint32_t length);
00181     ft_void_t WrCmdBufFromFlash(FT_PROGMEM ft_prog_uchar8_t *buffer,ft_uint16_t count);
00182     ft_void_t RdMem(ft_uint32_t addr, ft_uint8_t *buffer, ft_uint32_t length);
00183     ft_void_t WaitLogo_Finish();
00184     ft_uint8_t TransferString(const ft_char8_t *string);
00185     ft_void_t HostCommand(ft_uint8_t cmd);
00186     ft_int32_t Dec2Ascii(ft_char8_t *pSrc,ft_int32_t value);
00188     ft_void_t Text(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t font, ft_uint16_t options, const ft_char8_t* s);
00189     ft_void_t Number(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t font, ft_uint16_t options, ft_int32_t n);
00190     ft_void_t LoadIdentity();
00191     ft_void_t Toggle(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t w, ft_int16_t font, ft_uint16_t options, ft_uint16_t state, const ft_char8_t* s);
00192     ft_void_t Gauge(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t r, ft_uint16_t options, ft_uint16_t major, ft_uint16_t minor, ft_uint16_t val, ft_uint16_t range);
00193     ft_void_t RegRead(ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t result);
00194     ft_void_t GetProps(ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t w, ft_uint32_t h);
00195     ft_void_t Memcpy(ft_uint32_t dest, ft_uint32_t src, ft_uint32_t num);
00196     ft_void_t Spinner(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_uint16_t style, ft_uint16_t scale);
00197     ft_void_t BgColor(ft_uint32_t c);
00198     ft_void_t Swap();
00199     ft_void_t Inflate(ft_uint32_t ptr);
00200     ft_void_t Translate(ft_int32_t tx, ft_int32_t ty);
00201     ft_void_t Stop();
00202     ft_void_t Slider(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t w, ft_int16_t h, ft_uint16_t options, ft_uint16_t val, ft_uint16_t range);
00203     ft_void_t Interrupt(ft_uint32_t ms);
00204     ft_void_t FgColor(ft_uint32_t c);
00205     ft_void_t Rotate(ft_int32_t a);
00206     ft_void_t Button(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t w, ft_int16_t h, ft_int16_t font, ft_uint16_t options, const ft_char8_t* s);
00207     ft_void_t MemWrite(ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t num);
00208     ft_void_t Scrollbar(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t w, ft_int16_t h, ft_uint16_t options, ft_uint16_t val, ft_uint16_t size, ft_uint16_t range);
00209     ft_void_t GetMatrix(ft_int32_t a, ft_int32_t b, ft_int32_t c, ft_int32_t d, ft_int32_t e, ft_int32_t f);
00210     ft_void_t Sketch(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_uint16_t w, ft_uint16_t h, ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint16_t format);
00211     ft_void_t MemSet(ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t value, ft_uint32_t num);
00212     ft_void_t Calibrate(ft_uint32_t result);
00213     ft_void_t SetFont(ft_uint32_t font, ft_uint32_t ptr);
00214     ft_void_t Bitmap_Transform(ft_int32_t x0, ft_int32_t y0, ft_int32_t x1, ft_int32_t y1, ft_int32_t x2, ft_int32_t y2, ft_int32_t tx0, ft_int32_t ty0, ft_int32_t tx1, ft_int32_t ty1, ft_int32_t tx2, ft_int32_t ty2, ft_uint16_t result);
00215     ft_void_t GradColor(ft_uint32_t c);
00216     ft_void_t Append(ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t num);
00217     ft_void_t MemZero(ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t num);
00218     ft_void_t Scale(ft_int32_t sx, ft_int32_t sy);
00219     ft_void_t Clock(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t r, ft_uint16_t options, ft_uint16_t h, ft_uint16_t m, ft_uint16_t s, ft_uint16_t ms);
00220     ft_void_t Gradient(ft_int16_t x0, ft_int16_t y0, ft_uint32_t rgb0, ft_int16_t x1, ft_int16_t y1, ft_uint32_t rgb1);
00221     ft_void_t SetMatrix();
00222     ft_void_t Track(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t w, ft_int16_t h, ft_int16_t tag);
00223     ft_void_t GetPtr(ft_uint32_t result);
00224     ft_void_t Progress(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t w, ft_int16_t h, ft_uint16_t options, ft_uint16_t val, ft_uint16_t range);
00225     ft_void_t ColdStart();
00226     ft_void_t Keys(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t w, ft_int16_t h, ft_int16_t font, ft_uint16_t options, const ft_char8_t* s);
00227     ft_void_t Dial(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t r, ft_uint16_t options, ft_uint16_t val);
00228     ft_void_t LoadImage(ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t options);
00229     ft_void_t DLstart();
00230     ft_void_t Snapshot(ft_uint32_t ptr);
00231     ft_void_t ScreenSaver();
00232     ft_void_t Memcrc(ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t num, ft_uint32_t result);
00234     ft_void_t Logo();
00236     ft_void_t SendCmd( ft_uint32_t cmd);
00237     ft_void_t SendStr( const ft_char8_t *s);
00238     ft_void_t StartFunc( ft_uint16_t count);
00239     ft_void_t EndFunc( ft_uint16_t count);
00240     ft_void_t TouchTransform( ft_int32_t x0, ft_int32_t y0, ft_int32_t x1, ft_int32_t y1, ft_int32_t x2, ft_int32_t y2, ft_int32_t tx0, ft_int32_t ty0, ft_int32_t tx1, ft_int32_t ty1, ft_int32_t tx2, ft_int32_t ty2, ft_uint16_t result);
00241     ft_void_t BitmapTransform( ft_int32_t x0, ft_int32_t y0, ft_int32_t x1, ft_int32_t y1, ft_int32_t x2, ft_int32_t y2, ft_int32_t tx0, ft_int32_t ty0, ft_int32_t tx1, ft_int32_t ty1, ft_int32_t tx2, ft_int32_t ty2, ft_uint16_t result);
00242     ft_void_t MemCrc( ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t num, ft_uint32_t result);
00244     ft_uint16_t fifo_Freespace( );
00246     ft_void_t DL(ft_uint32_t cmd);
00247     ft_void_t WrDlCmd_Buffer(ft_uint32_t cmd);
00248     ft_void_t Flush_DL_Buffer();
00249     ft_void_t Flush_Co_Buffer();
00250     ft_void_t fadeout();
00251     ft_void_t fadein();
00252     ft_void_t DLSwap(ft_uint8_t DL_Swap_Type);
00254     ft_void_t Sound_ON();
00255     ft_void_t Sound_OFF();
00257     int Load_jpg(char* filename, ft_int16_t* x_size, ft_int16_t* y_size);
00258     ft_void_t Calibrate();
00259     ft_void_t read_calibrate(ft_uint8_t data[24]);
00260     ft_void_t write_calibrate(ft_uint8_t data[24]);
00262     ft_uint32_t color_rgb(ft_uint8_t red,ft_uint8_t green, ft_uint8_t blue);
00263     ft_uint32_t clear_color_rgb(ft_uint8_t red,ft_uint8_t green, ft_uint8_t blue);
00265 };  // end of class
00267 #endif  /*FT_GPU_HAL_H*/