Program to update the Firmware of the CC3000 wlan module
Dependencies: NVIC_set_all_priorities cc3000_hostdriver_mbedsocket mbed
The program will update the firmware version of the CC3000 wlan module to version 1.32. The update itself is cut off the texas instruments updater for the msp430 based code.
Connect the mbed with a serial terminal with 115200bd . The program read out the actual firmware version and ask to update. You have to press 'y' to start the update.
serial output:
*************************************** * CC3000 firmware update 1.32 * *************************************** Checking connection to cc3000 chip ... Found Firmware Version : 1.24 Found MAC Address : 70:FF:76:01:7F:F1 press y to start update update wlan driver ... Update wlan driver sucessfull update wlan firmware ... Update firmware driver sucessfull New Firmware Version : 1.32 *************************************** * END * ***************************************