Code for The game of Pong using Photocell Resistors

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE SDFileSystem mbed-rtos mbed wave_player

diff -r 000000000000 -r 2a96017a6c8e main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Oct 19 22:59:32 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "uLCD_4DGL.h"
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+#include "wave_player.h"
+#include <string>
+#include "rtos.h"
+// ULCD
+uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p9,p10,p17); // serial tx, serial rx, reset pin;
+// Speaker Output
+AnalogOut DACout(p18);
+wave_player waver(&DACout);
+// SD Cards
+SDFileSystem sd(p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd");
+// Paddle Left
+AnalogIn photocellleft(p15);
+// Paddle Right
+AnalogIn photocellright(p16);
+//std::string a
+void Sound(std::string event){
+    FILE *wave_file;
+    if(event == "hit")
+        wave_file=fopen("/sd/wavfiles/pac_bonus.wav","r");
+    else if(event == "end")
+        wave_file=fopen("/sd/wavfiles/BUZZER.wav","r");
+    else if(event == "start")
+        wave_file=fopen("/sd/wavfiles/BUZZER.wav","r");
+    fclose(wave_file);
+    wait(1);
+ }
+int border = 128;
+int paddlesizex = 5;
+int paddlesizey = 20;
+int paddlecolor = 0x00FF00;
+int ballradius = 3;
+int ballcolor = 0xFF00FF;
+int black = 0x000000;
+// Paddle left
+int paddlelx = 0;
+int paddlely = 0;
+int paddlerx = border-paddlesizex;
+int paddlery = 50;
+int oldpaddlely = paddlely;
+int oldpaddlery = paddlery;
+int paddlelincr = 1;
+int paddlerincr = 1;
+// Ball x,y , should be randomized to begin
+int ballx = border/2;
+int bally = rand() % 100; 
+int oldballx = ballx;
+int oldbally = bally;
+    // Increments for ball
+int ballxincr = -1;
+int ballyincr = -1;
+int oldphotocell = photocellleft;
+int hitvariable = 0;
+// Threading
+void function_thread3(void const *name){
+    FILE *wave_file;
+    //printf("\n\n\nHello, wave world!\n");
+    while(true){
+        if(hitvariable == 1){
+            wave_file=fopen("/sd/wavfiles/pac_bonus.wav","r");
+  ;
+            fclose(wave_file);
+            hitvariable = 0;
+            //wait(.2);
+        }
+    }
+ }
+ // ULCD Functions
+void DrawPaddle(int x, int y,int color){
+       // Green paddles
+       uLCD.filled_rectangle(x, y, x+paddlesizex, y+paddlesizey, color);
+void DrawBall(int x, int y,int color){
+    uLCD.filled_circle(x, y, ballradius, color);
+int main() {
+    // Begin the game
+    Sound("start");
+    // Thread for Sound
+    Thread thread3(function_thread3);
+    // Baudrate
+    uLCD.baudrate(300000);
+    int initialphotocell = photocellleft*100/2;
+    //uLCD.printf("%d",initialphotocell);
+    //wait(10);
+    // Rectangle
+    DrawPaddle(paddlelx,paddlely,paddlecolor);
+    //wait(5);
+    DrawPaddle(paddlerx,paddlery,paddlecolor);
+    DrawBall(ballx,bally,ballcolor);
+    while(true){
+        oldballx = ballx;
+        oldbally = bally;
+        ballx += ballxincr;
+        bally += ballyincr;
+        oldpaddlely = paddlely;
+        oldpaddlery = paddlery;
+        paddlely += paddlelincr;
+        paddlery += paddlerincr;
+        if(ballx+ballradius>=border){
+            // Lose
+            //ballxincr = -2;
+            Sound("end");
+            ballx = border/2;
+            bally = rand() % 100;
+            ballxincr = -1;
+            ballyincr = -ballyincr;
+            //hitvariable = 1;
+            //Sound("hit");
+        }
+        else if(ballx<=0){
+            // Lose
+            Sound("end");
+            ballx = border/2;
+            bally = rand() % 100;
+            ballxincr = 1;
+            ballyincr = -ballyincr;
+            //hitvariable = 1;
+            //Sound("hit");
+        }
+        if(bally+ballradius>=border){
+            ballyincr = -1;
+            hitvariable = 1;
+            //Sound("hit");
+        }
+        else if(bally<=0){
+            ballyincr = 1;
+            hitvariable = 1;
+            //Sound("hit");
+        }
+        // Left Paddle Collisions
+        if(ballx-ballradius<=paddlelx+paddlesizex && bally+ballradius>paddlely && bally-ballradius<paddlely+paddlesizey){
+          ballxincr = 1;
+        }
+        // Right Paddle Collision
+        else if(ballx+ballradius>=paddlerx && bally+ballradius>paddlery && bally-ballradius<paddlery+paddlesizey){
+          ballxincr = -1;
+        }
+        if(paddlely<0){
+          paddlely = 0;
+          //paddlelincr = 1;
+        }
+        else if(paddlely+paddlesizey>=border){
+          paddlely = border - paddlesizey;
+          //paddlelincr = -1;
+        }
+        if(paddlery<=0){
+          paddlery = 0;
+          //paddlerincr = 1;
+        }
+        else if(paddlery+paddlesizey>=border){
+          paddlery = border - paddlesizey;
+          //paddlerincr = -1;
+        }
+        //paddlelincr = 1;//(oldphotocell - photocell)/oldphotocell - photocell;
+        // Find a way to multiply by a certain fraction to obtain the difference in value high enough to write the line above. From old to new
+        // A matter of change. Or just leave it the way it is. But it should fluctuate with how fast the light changes, if the change is drastic, then we slide down the line fast. 
+        // Or maybe it doesn't need to be so drastic. Just a simple, cover and unveil. Cover and unveil would work for this part of the game. 
+        // Hardware Wise add teh other paddle. and software wise, simply add a new photocell at pin 16. and copy the code below. 
+        if(photocellleft*100 >initialphotocell)
+        {
+            paddlelincr = -2;   
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            paddlelincr = 2;   
+        }
+        if(photocellright*100 > initialphotocell)
+        {
+            paddlerincr = -2;   
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            paddlerincr = 2;   
+        }
+        //oldphotocell = photocell;
+        DrawBall(oldballx,oldbally,black);
+        DrawBall(ballx,bally,ballcolor);
+        DrawPaddle(paddlelx,oldpaddlely,black);
+        DrawPaddle(paddlerx,oldpaddlery,black);
+        DrawPaddle(paddlelx,paddlely,paddlecolor);
+        DrawPaddle(paddlerx,paddlery,paddlecolor);
+    }
+    // Collisions
+    // For the hits might have to use threading, so that gameplay doesn't slow down when sound
+    // plays
+    //Sound("hit");
+    // Game over 
+    //Sound("end");