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00002 #include "mbed.h"
00003 #include "EthernetNetIf.h"
00004 #include "HTTPClient.h"
00005 #include "NokiaLCD.h"
00007 NokiaLCD lcd(p5, p7, p8, p9, NokiaLCD::LCD6610); // mosi, sclk, cs, rst, type
00009 EthernetNetIf eth; 
00010 HTTPClient http;
00011 LocalFileSystem local("local"); 
00012 HTTPResult result;
00013 bool completed = false;
00015 void request_callback(HTTPResult r)
00016 {
00017   result = r;
00018   completed = true;
00019 }
00021 int main() {
00023    lcd.background(0x0000FF);
00024     lcd.cls();
00026   printf("Start\n");
00028   printf("Setting up...\n");
00029   EthernetErr ethErr = eth.setup();
00030   if(ethErr)
00031   {
00032     printf("Error %d in setup.\n", ethErr);
00033     return -1;
00034   }
00035   printf("Setup OK\n");
00037   HTTPStream stream;
00039   int flag = 0;
00040   int count = 0;
00041   int pixel = 1;
00042   char c;
00043   char buffer[100];
00044   char BigBuf[512 + 1] = {0};
00045   stream.readNext((byte*)BigBuf, 512); //Point to buffer for the first read
00047   HTTPResult r = http.get("http://rss.cnn.com/rss/cnn_topstories.rss", &stream, request_callback); //Load a very large page, such as the hackaday RSS feed
00048   FILE *fp = fopen("/local/out.txt", "w");  // Open "out.txt" on the local file system for writing
00049   while(!completed)
00050   {
00051     Net::poll(); //Polls the Networking stack
00052     if(stream.readable())
00053     {
00054       BigBuf[stream.readLen()] = 0; //Transform this buffer in a zero-terminated char* string
00055       fprintf(fp,BigBuf);
00056       //Note: some servers do not like if you throttle them too much, so printf'ing during a request is generally bad practice
00057       stream.readNext((byte*)BigBuf, 512); //Buffer has been read, now we can put more data in it
00058     }
00059   }
00060   fclose(fp); 
00061   fp = fopen( "/local/out.txt", "r");
00062   if (fp==NULL) printf ("Error opening file");
00063   else
00064   {
00065     do
00066     {
00067       c = fgetc (fp);
00068       if (c == '<')
00069       {
00070         c = fgetc(fp);
00071         if(c == 't')
00072         {
00073           c = fgetc(fp);
00074           if(c == 'i')
00075           {
00076             c = fgetc(fp);
00077             if(c == 't')
00078             {
00079               c = fgetc(fp);
00080               if( c == 'l')
00081               {
00082                 c = fgetc(fp);
00083                 if( c == 'e')
00084                 {
00085                   c = fgetc(fp);
00086                   if(c == '>')
00087                   {
00088                     count++;
00089                     if((count >=3) && (count <=5))
00090                     {
00091                     if(count == 6) break;
00092                     int i = 0;
00093                     c = fgetc(fp);
00094                     while(c != '<')
00095                     {
00096                         buffer[i] = c;
00097                         i++;
00098                         c = fgetc(fp);
00099                     }
00100                     buffer[i] = '\0';
00101                     lcd.locate(0,pixel);
00102                     lcd.printf("%s",buffer);
00103                     pixel += 5;
00104                     }
00105                   }
00106                 }
00107               }
00108             }
00109           }
00110         }
00111       }
00112     }while (count <= 5);
00113     fclose (fp);
00114   } 
00116   if(result == HTTP_OK)
00117   {
00118     printf("Read completely\n"); 
00119   }
00120   else
00121   {
00122     printf("Error %d\n", result);
00123   }
00125   return 0;
00127 }