TekstLCD used for driving Arduino 16x2 LCD on I2C comm.

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Tue Jun 17 17:41:47 2014 +0000
Commit message:
Tested with PCF2116

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TextLCD.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TextLCD.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/TextLCD.cpp	Sat Jun 14 17:04:25 2014 +0000
+++ b/TextLCD.cpp	Tue Jun 17 17:41:47 2014 +0000
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
  *               2014, v08: WH, Refactored in Base and Derived Classes to deal with mbed lib change regarding 'NC' defined pins 
  *               2014, v09: WH/EO, Added Class for Native SPI controllers such as ST7032 
  *               2014, v10: WH, Added Class for Native I2C controllers such as ST7032i, Added support for MCP23008 I2C portexpander, Added support for Adafruit module  
+ *               2014, v11: WH, Added support for native I2C controllers such as PCF21XX, improved the _initCtrl() method to deal with differences between all supported controllers  
  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
  * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@@ -33,6 +34,11 @@
 #include "TextLCD.h"
 #include "mbed.h"
+DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+DigitalOut led2(LED2);
 /** Create a TextLCD_Base interface
   * @param type  Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
@@ -86,76 +92,281 @@
     // Display is now in 4-bit mode
     // Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
-    // Device specific initialisations for DC/DC converter to generate VLCD or VLED
+    // Device specific initialisations: DC/DC converter to generate VLCD or VLED, number of lines etc
     switch (_ctrl) {
-      case ST7036:
-          // ST7036 controller: Initialise Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=5V
-          // Note: supports 1,2 or 3 lines
-          _writeCommand(0x29);    // 4-bit Databus, 2 Lines, Select Instruction Set = 1
-          wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms 
-          _writeCommand(0x14);    // Bias: 1/5, 2-Lines LCD 
-//          _writeCommand(0x15);    // Bias: 1/5, 3-Lines LCD           
-          wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
-          _writeCommand(0x55);    // Icon off, Booster on, Set Contrast C5, C4
-          wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
-          _writeCommand(0x6D);    // Voltagefollower On, Ampl ratio Rab2, Rab1, Rab0
-          wait_ms(200);           // > 200ms!
-          _writeCommand(0x78);    // Set Contrast C3, C2, C1, C0
-          wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
-          _writeCommand(0x28);    // Return to Instruction Set = 0
-          wait_ms(50);      
-          break;
+      case KS0078:
+          // Initialise Display configuration
+          switch (_type) {
+            case LCD8x1:         //8x1 is a regular 1 line display
+            case LCD8x2B:        //8x2B is a special case of 16x1
+//            case LCD12x1:                                
+            case LCD16x1:                                            
+            case LCD24x1:
+//@TODO check config
+              _writeCommand(0x20); // Function set 001 DL N F - -
+                                   //  DL=0 (4 bits bus)             
+                                   //   N=0 (1 line)
+                                   //   F=0 (5x7 dots font)
+              break;                                
+            case LCD24x4B:
+              // Special mode for KS0078
+              _writeCommand(0x2A); // Function set 001 DL N RE DH REV
+                                   //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
+                                   //    N=1  (Dont care for KS0078)
+                                   //   RE=0  (Dis. Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
+                                   //   DH=1  (Disp shift, special mode for KS0078)                                
+                                   //   REV=0 (Reverse, special mode for KS0078)
+              _writeCommand(0x2E); // Function set 001 DL N RE DH REV
+                                   //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
+                                   //    N=1  (Dont care for KS0078)
+                                   //   RE=1  (Ena Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
+                                   //   DH=1  (Disp shift, special mode for KS0078)                                
+                                   //   REV=0 (Reverse, special mode for KS0078)
+              _writeCommand(0x09); // Ext Function set 0000 1 FW BW NW
+                                   //   FW=0  (5-dot font, special mode for KS0078)
+                                   //   BW=0  (Cur BW invert disable, special mode for KS0078)
+                                   //   NW=1  (4 Line, special mode for KS0078)                                
+              _writeCommand(0x2A); // Function set 001 DL N RE DH REV
+                                   //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
+                                   //    N=1  (Dont care for KS0078)
+                                   //   RE=0  (Dis. Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
+                                   //   DH=1  (Disp shift, special mode for KS0078)                                
+                                   //   REV=0 (Reverse, special mode for KS0078)
+            // All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays (including LCD40x4)
+            default:
+//@TODO check config            
+              _writeCommand(0x28); // Function set 001 DL N F - -
+                                   //  DL=0 (4 bits bus)
+                                   //  Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                                 
+                                   //   N=1 (2 lines)
+                                   //   F=0 (5x7 dots font, only option for 2 line display)
+                                   //    -  (Don't care)                                
+              break;
+          } // switch type
+          break; // case KS0078 Controller
       case ST7032_3V3:
           // ST7032 controller: Initialise Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=3V3
-//          _writeCommand(0x39);    //FUNCTION SET 8 bit,N=1 2-line display mode,5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
-          _writeCommand(0x29);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
-                                  //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
+          // Initialise Display configuration
+          switch (_type) {
+            case LCD8x1:         //8x1 is a regular 1 line display
+            case LCD8x2B:        //8x2B is a special case of 16x1
+//            case LCD12x1:                                
+            case LCD16x1:                                            
+            case LCD24x1:                    
-          _writeCommand(0x1C);    //Internal OSC frequency adjustment Framefreq=183HZ, bias will be 1/4 
+//              _writeCommand(0x31);    //FUNCTION SET 8 bit,N=0 1-line display mode,5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
+              _writeCommand(0x21);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=0 1-line display mode, 5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
+                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
+              _writeCommand(0x1C);    //Internal OSC frequency adjustment Framefreq=183HZ, bias will be 1/4 
-          _writeCommand(0x73);    //Contrast control low byte
+              _writeCommand(0x73);    //Contrast control low byte
-          _writeCommand(0x57);    //booster circuit is turned on. /ICON display off. /Contrast control high byte
-          wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
+              _writeCommand(0x57);    //booster circuit is turned on. /ICON display off. /Contrast control high byte
+              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
+              _writeCommand(0x6C);    //Follower control
+              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
-          _writeCommand(0x6C);    //Follower control
-          wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
+//              _writeCommand(0x30);    //FUNCTION SET 8 bit,N=0 1-line display mode,5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0        
+              _writeCommand(0x20);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=0 1-line display mode, 5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0                  
+                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                                                                          
+              break;  
+            default:
+              // All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays        
+//              _writeCommand(0x39);    //FUNCTION SET 8 bit,N=1 2-line display mode,5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
+              _writeCommand(0x29);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
+                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
+              _writeCommand(0x1C);    //Internal OSC frequency adjustment Framefreq=183HZ, bias will be 1/4 
+              _writeCommand(0x73);    //Contrast control low byte
+              _writeCommand(0x57);    //booster circuit is turned on. /ICON display off. /Contrast control high byte
+              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
-//          _writeCommand(0x38);    //FUNCTION SET 8 bit,N=1 2-line display mode,5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0        
-          _writeCommand(0x28);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0                  
-                                  //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices    
-          _writeCommand(0x14);    // Cursor or Display shift 0001 S/C R/L x x 
-                                  //   S/C=0 Cursor moves
-                                  //   R/L=1 Right
-                                  //    
-          break;
+              _writeCommand(0x6C);    //Follower control
+              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
+//              _writeCommand(0x38);    //FUNCTION SET 8 bit,N=1 2-line display mode,5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0        
+              _writeCommand(0x28);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0                  
+                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                                                                          
+          } // switch type    
+          break; // case ST7032_3V3 Controller
       case ST7032_5V:
           // ST7032 controller: Disable Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=5V      
-//          _writeCommand(0x39);    //FUNCTION SET 8 bit,N=1 2-line display mode,5*7dot, Instruction Set = 1
-          _writeCommand(0x29);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
-                                  //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices         
+          // Initialise Display configuration
+          switch (_type) {
+            case LCD8x1:         //8x1 is a regular 1 line display
+            case LCD8x2B:        //8x2B is a special case of 16x1
+//            case LCD12x1:                                
+            case LCD16x1:                                            
+            case LCD24x1:                    
+//              _writeCommand(0x31);    //FUNCTION SET 8 bit,N=0 1-line display mode,5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
+              _writeCommand(0x21);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=0 1-line display mode, 5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
+                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
+              _writeCommand(0x1C);    //Internal OSC frequency adjustment Framefreq=183HZ, bias will be 1/4 
+              _writeCommand(0x73);    //Contrast control low byte
-          _writeCommand(0x1C);    //Internal OSC frequency adjustment 183HZ, bias will be 1/4 
+              _writeCommand(0x53);    //booster circuit is turned off. /ICON display off. /Contrast control high byte
+              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
+              _writeCommand(0x6C);    //Follower control
+              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
+//              _writeCommand(0x30);    //FUNCTION SET 8 bit,N=0 1-line display mode,5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0        
+              _writeCommand(0x20);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=0 1-line display mode, 5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0                  
+                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                                                                          
+              break;  
-          _writeCommand(0x73);    //Contrast control low byte
+            default:
+              // All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays        
+//              _writeCommand(0x39);    //FUNCTION SET 8 bit,N=1 2-line display mode,5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
+              _writeCommand(0x29);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
+                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
+              _writeCommand(0x1C);    //Internal OSC frequency adjustment Framefreq=183HZ, bias will be 1/4 
+              _writeCommand(0x73);    //Contrast control low byte
+              _writeCommand(0x53);    //booster circuit is turned off. /ICON display off. /Contrast control high byte
+              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
+              _writeCommand(0x6C);    //Follower control
+              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
+//              _writeCommand(0x38);    //FUNCTION SET 8 bit,N=1 2-line display mode,5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0        
+              _writeCommand(0x28);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0                  
+                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                                                                          
+          } // switch type    
+          break; // case ST7032_5V Controller
-          _writeCommand(0x53);    //booster circuit is turned off. /ICON display off. /Contrast control high byte
-          wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
-          _writeCommand(0x6C);    //Follower control
-          wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
+      case ST7036:
+          // ST7036 controller: Initialise Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=5V
+          // Note: supports 1,2 or 3 lines
-//          _writeCommand(0x38);    //FUNCTION SET 8 bit,N=1 2-line display mode,5*7dot, Instruction Set = 0                  
-          _writeCommand(0x28);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0                            
-                                  //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                   
+          // Initialise Display configuration
+          switch (_type) {
+            case LCD8x1:         //8x1 is a regular 1 line display
+            case LCD8x2B:        //8x2B is a special case of 16x1
+//            case LCD12x1:                                
+            case LCD16x1:   
+            case LCD24x1:                                                                         
+              _writeCommand(0x21);    // 4-bit Databus, N=0 1 Line, DH=0 5x7font, IS2,IS1 = 01 Select Instruction Set = 1
+              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms 
+              _writeCommand(0x14);    // Bias: 1/5, 1 or 2-Lines LCD 
+//              _writeCommand(0x15);    // Bias: 1/5, 3-Lines LCD           
+              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
+              _writeCommand(0x55);    // Icon off, Booster on, Set Contrast C5, C4
+              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
+              _writeCommand(0x6D);    // Voltagefollower On, Ampl ratio Rab2, Rab1, Rab0
+              wait_ms(200);           // > 200ms!
+              _writeCommand(0x78);    // Set Contrast C3, C2, C1, C0
+              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
+              _writeCommand(0x20);    // Return to Instruction Set = 0
+              wait_ms(50);      
+              break;  
+//            case LCD12x3:                                            
+            case LCD16x3:                                            
+              _writeCommand(0x29);    // 4-bit Databus, N=1 2 Line, DH=0 5x7font, IS2,IS1 = 01 Select Instruction Set = 1
+              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms 
+//              _writeCommand(0x14);    // Bias: 1/5, 1 or 2-Lines LCD 
+              _writeCommand(0x15);    // Bias: 1/5, 3-Lines LCD           
+              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
+              _writeCommand(0x55);    // Icon off, Booster on, Set Contrast C5, C4
+              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
+              _writeCommand(0x6D);    // Voltagefollower On, Ampl ratio Rab2, Rab1, Rab0
+              wait_ms(200);           // > 200ms!
+              _writeCommand(0x78);    // Set Contrast C3, C2, C1, C0
+              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
+              _writeCommand(0x28);    // Return to Instruction Set = 0
+              wait_ms(50);      
+              break;  
+            default:
+              // All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays        
+              _writeCommand(0x29);    // 4-bit Databus, N=1 2 Line, DH=0 5x7font, IS2,IS1 = 01 Select Instruction Set = 1              
+              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms 
+              _writeCommand(0x14);    // Bias: 1/5, 2-Lines LCD 
+//             _writeCommand(0x15);    // Bias: 1/5, 3-Lines LCD           
+              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
+              _writeCommand(0x55);    // Icon off, Booster on, Set Contrast C5, C4
+              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
+              _writeCommand(0x6D);    // Voltagefollower On, Ampl ratio Rab2, Rab1, Rab0
+              wait_ms(200);           // > 200ms!
+              _writeCommand(0x78);    // Set Contrast C3, C2, C1, C0
+              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
+              _writeCommand(0x28);    // Return to Instruction Set = 0
+              wait_ms(50);      
+          } // switch type
+          break; // case ST7036 Controller
+      case PCF21XX_3V3:
+          // PCF21XX controller: Initialise Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=3V3
-          break;
+          // Initialise Display configuration
+          switch (_type) {
+            case LCD8x1:         //8x1 is a regular 1 line display
+            case LCD8x2B:        //8x2B is a special case of 16x1
+//            case LCD12x1:                                
+            case LCD16x1:                                            
+            case LCD24x1:                    
+              _writeCommand(0x22);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=0/M=0 1-line/24 chars display mode, G=1 Booster on                               
+                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for I2C mode
+              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up                                                    
+              break;  
+            case LCD12x3B:                    
+            case LCD12x4B:                                
+              _writeCommand(0x2E);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1/M=1 4-line/12 chars display mode, G=1 Booster on                               
+                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for I2C mode              
+              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up                                                    
+              break;  
+            default:
+              // All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays        
+              _writeCommand(0x2A);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1/M=0 2-line/24 chars display mode, G=1 Booster on
+                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for I2C mode
+              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up   
+              led1=!led1;
+          } // switch type    
+          break; // case PCF21XX_3V3 Controller
+//      case PCF21XX_5V:
+          // PCF21XX controller: No Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=5V
       case WS0010:         
           // WS0010 OLED controller: Initialise DC/DC Voltage converter for LEDs
           // Note: supports 1 or 2 lines (and 16x100 graphics)
@@ -170,66 +381,68 @@
           _writeCommand(0x17);   // DC/DC on        
           wait_ms(10);           // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
-          break;
+          // Initialise Display configuration
+          switch (_type) {                    
+            case LCD8x1:         //8x1 is a regular 1 line display
+            case LCD8x2B:        //8x2B is a special case of 16x1
+//            case LCD12x1:                                
+            case LCD16x1:                                            
+//            case LCD24x1:
+              _writeCommand(0x20); // Function set 001 DL N F - -
+                                   //  DL=0 (4 bits bus)             
+                                   //   N=0 (1 line)
+                                   //   F=0 (5x7 dots font)
+              break;  
+            default:
+              // All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays (including LCD40x4)       
+              _writeCommand(0x28); // Function set 001 DL N F - -
+                                   //  DL=0 (4 bits bus)
+                                   //   N=1 (2 lines)
+                                   //   F=0 (5x7 dots font, only option for 2 line display)
+                                   //    -  (Don't care)                                
+              break;
+           } // switch type
+           break; // case WS0100 Controller
-          // Devices that do not use DC/DC Voltage converters but external VLCD
-          break;                  
-    }
-    // Initialise Display configuration
-    switch (_type) {
-        case LCD8x1:
-        case LCD8x2B:        
-            //8x1 is a regular 1 line display
-            //8x2B is a special case of 16x1
-            _writeCommand(0x20); // Function set 001 DL N F - -
-                                 //  DL=0 (4 bits bus)             
-                                 //   N=0 (1 line)
-                                 //   F=0 (5x7 dots font)
-            break;                                
-        case LCD24x4:
-            // Special mode for KS0078
-            _writeCommand(0x2A); // Function set 001 DL N RE DH REV
-                                 //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
-                                 //    N=1  (Dont care for KS0078)
-                                 //   RE=0  (Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
-                                 //   DH=1  (Disp shift, special mode for KS0078)                                
-                                 //   REV=0 (Reverse, special mode for KS0078)
+          // Devices fully compatible to HD44780 that do not use any DC/DC Voltage converters but external VLCD
-            _writeCommand(0x2E); // Function set 001 DL N RE DH REV
-                                 //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
-                                 //    N=1  (Dont care for KS0078)
-                                 //   RE=1  (Ena Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
-                                 //   DH=1  (Disp shift, special mode for KS0078)                                
-                                 //   REV=0 (Reverse, special mode for KS0078)
-            _writeCommand(0x09); // Ext Function set 0000 1 FW BW NW
-                                 //   FW=0  (5-dot font, special mode for KS0078)
-                                 //   BW=0  (Cur BW invert disable, special mode for KS0078)
-                                 //   NW=1  (4 Line, special mode for KS0078)                                
+          // Initialise Display configuration
+          switch (_type) {
+            case LCD8x1:         //8x1 is a regular 1 line display
+            case LCD8x2B:        //8x2B is a special case of 16x1
+//            case LCD12x1:                                
+            case LCD16x1:                                            
+            case LCD24x1:
+              _writeCommand(0x20); // Function set 001 DL N F - -
+                                   //  DL=0 (4 bits bus)             
+                                   //   N=0 (1 line)
+                                   //   F=0 (5x7 dots font)
+              break;                                
+            // All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays (including LCD40x4)
+            default:
+              _writeCommand(0x28); // Function set 001 DL N F - -
+                                   //  DL=0 (4 bits bus)
+                                   //  Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                                 
+                                   //   N=1 (2 lines)
+                                   //   F=0 (5x7 dots font, only option for 2 line display)
+                                   //    -  (Don't care)                                
+              break;
+          } // switch type
-            _writeCommand(0x2A); // Function set 001 DL N RE DH REV
-                                 //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
-                                 //    N=1  (Dont care for KS0078)
-                                 //   RE=0  (Dis. Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
-                                 //   DH=1  (Disp shift, special mode for KS0078)                                
-                                 //   REV=0 (Reverse, special mode for KS0078)
-            break;
-// All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays (including LCD40x4)
-        default:
-            _writeCommand(0x28); // Function set 001 DL N F - -
-                                 //  DL=0 (4 bits bus)
-                                 //  Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                                 
-                                 //   N=1 (2 lines)
-                                 //   F=0 (5x7 dots font, only option for 2 line display)
-                                 //    -  (Don't care)                                
-            break;
-    }
+          break; // case default Controller
+    } // switch Controller specific initialisations 
+    // Controller general initialisations
     _writeCommand(0x01); // cls, and set cursor to 0
     wait_ms(10);         // The CLS command takes 1.64 ms.
                          // Since we are not using the Busy flag, Lets be safe and take 10 ms  
@@ -242,10 +455,17 @@
                          //   I/D=1 (Cur incr)
                          //     S=0 (No display shift)                        
+    _writeCommand(0x14); // Cursor or Display shift 0001 S/C R/L x x 
+                         //   S/C=0 Cursor moves
+                         //   R/L=1 Right
+                         // 
 //    _writeCommand(0x0C); // Display Ctrl 0000 1 D C B
 //                         //   Display On, Cursor Off, Blink Off   
+    led2=!led2;    
@@ -262,28 +482,31 @@
     // Second LCD controller Clearscreen
     _writeCommand(0x01);  // cls, and set cursor to 0    
-    wait_ms(10);     // The CLS command takes 1.64 ms.
-                     // Since we are not using the Busy flag, Lets be safe and take 10 ms
+    wait_ms(10);          // The CLS command takes 1.64 ms.
+                          // Since we are not using the Busy flag, Lets be safe and take 10 ms
     _ctrl_idx=_LCDCtrl_0; // Select primary controller
   // Primary LCD controller Clearscreen
   _writeCommand(0x01);    // cls, and set cursor to 0
-  wait_ms(10);     // The CLS command takes 1.64 ms.
-                   // Since we are not using the Busy flag, Lets be safe and take 10 ms
+  wait_ms(10);            // The CLS command takes 1.64 ms.
+                          // Since we are not using the Busy flag, Lets be safe and take 10 ms
   // Restore cursormode on primary LCD controller when needed
   if(_type==LCD40x4) {
-  _row=0;          // Reset Cursor location
-  _column=0;
+  setAddress(0, 0);  // Reset Cursor location
+                     // Note: this is needed because some rare displays (eg PCF21XX) don't use line 0 in the '3 Line' mode.   
-/** Move cursor to selected row and column
-  */
+/** Locate cursor to a screen column and row
+  *
+  * @param column  The horizontal position from the left, indexed from 0
+  * @param row     The vertical position from the top, indexed from 0
+  */ 
 void TextLCD_Base::locate(int column, int row) {
    // setAddress() does all the heavy lifting:
@@ -433,12 +656,26 @@
 // This is new method to return the memory address based on row, column and displaytype.
+/** Return the memoryaddress of screen column and row location
+   *
+   * @param column  The horizontal position from the left, indexed from 0
+   * @param row     The vertical position from the top, indexed from 0
+   * @param return  The memoryaddress of screen column and row location
+   */
 int TextLCD_Base::getAddress(int column, int row) {
     switch (_type) {
         case LCD8x1:
+        case LCD24x1:        
             return 0x00 + column;                        
+        case LCD16x1:
+            // LCD16x1 is a special layout of LCD8x2
+            if (column<8) 
+              return 0x00 + column;                        
+            else   
+              return 0x40 + (column - 8);                        
         case LCD8x2B:
             // LCD8x2B is a special layout of LCD16x1
             if (row==0) 
@@ -446,26 +683,44 @@
               return 0x08 + column;                        
-        case LCD16x1:
-            // LCD16x1 is a special layout of LCD8x2
-            if (column<8) 
-              return 0x00 + column;                        
-            else   
-              return 0x40 + (column - 8);                        
+        case LCD8x2:               
+        case LCD12x2:                
+        case LCD16x2:
+        case LCD20x2:
+        case LCD24x2:        
+        case LCD40x2:                
+            return 0x00 + (row * 0x40) + column;
+// Not sure about this one, seems wrong.
+// Left in for compatibility with original library
+        case LCD16x2B:      
+            return 0x00 + (row * 40) + column;
 // Special mode for ST7036 
 //        case LCD16x3:
-// Special mode for PCF2116 (and KS0078) 
-        case LCD12x3:
+// Special mode for PCF2116 
+        case LCD12x3B:
+            switch (row) {
+                case 0:
+                    return 0x20 + column;
+                case 1:
+                    return 0x40 + column;
+                case 2:
+                    return 0x60 + column;
+            }
+        case LCD12x4:
             switch (row) {
                 case 0:
                     return 0x00 + column;
                 case 1:
-                    return 0x20 + column;
+                    return 0x40 + column;
                 case 2:
-                    return 0x40 + column;
+                    return 0x0C + column;
+                case 3:
+                    return 0x4C + column;
 // Special mode for PCF2116 (and KS0078) 
@@ -481,20 +736,6 @@
                     return 0x60 + column;                   
-        case LCD12x4:
-            switch (row) {
-                case 0:
-                    return 0x00 + column;
-                case 1:
-                    return 0x40 + column;
-                case 2:
-                    return 0x0C + column;
-                case 3:
-                    return 0x4C + column;
-            }
         case LCD16x4:
             switch (row) {
                 case 0:
@@ -520,7 +761,7 @@
 // Special mode for KS0078
-        case LCD24x4:
+        case LCD24x4B:
             switch (row) {
                 case 0:
                     return 0x00 + column;
@@ -532,19 +773,6 @@
                     return 0x60 + column;
-// Not sure about this one, seems wrong.
-// Left in for compatibility with original library
-        case LCD16x2B:      
-            return 0x00 + (row * 40) + column;
-        case LCD8x2:               
-        case LCD12x2:                
-        case LCD16x2:
-        case LCD20x2:
-        case LCD24x2:        
-        case LCD40x2:                
-            return 0x00 + (row * 0x40) + column;
         case LCD40x4:                
           // LCD40x4 is a special case since it has 2 controllers
           // Each controller is configured as 40x2
@@ -588,8 +816,11 @@
-// Set row, column and update memoryaddress.
+/** Set the memoryaddress of screen column and row location
+  *
+  * @param column  The horizontal position from the left, indexed from 0
+  * @param row     The vertical position from the top, indexed from 0
+  */
 void TextLCD_Base::setAddress(int column, int row) {
 // Sanity Check column
@@ -617,6 +848,11 @@
     _writeCommand(0x80 | addr);
+/** Return the number of columns
+  *
+  * @param return  The number of columns
+  */   
 int TextLCD_Base::columns() {
     switch (_type) {
         case LCD8x1:
@@ -625,9 +861,9 @@
             return 8;
         case LCD12x2:        
-//        case LCD12x3:                
+        case LCD12x3B:                
         case LCD12x4:        
-//        case LCD12x4B:                
+        case LCD12x4B:                
             return 12;        
         case LCD16x1:        
@@ -641,8 +877,9 @@
         case LCD20x4:
             return 20;
+        case LCD24x1:
         case LCD24x2:
-        case LCD24x4:        
+        case LCD24x4B:        
             return 24;        
         case LCD40x2:
@@ -655,10 +892,15 @@
+/** Return the number of rows
+  *
+  * @param return  The number of rows
+  */
 int TextLCD_Base::rows() {
     switch (_type) {
         case LCD8x1: 
         case LCD16x1:         
+        case LCD24x1:                 
             return 1;           
         case LCD8x2:  
@@ -671,15 +913,15 @@
         case LCD40x2:                
             return 2;
-//        case LCD12x3:                
+        case LCD12x3B:                
 //        case LCD16x3:                
-//            return 3;
+            return 3;
         case LCD12x4:        
-//        case LCD12x4B:                
+        case LCD12x4B:                
         case LCD16x4:
         case LCD20x4:
-        case LCD24x4:        
+        case LCD24x4B:        
         case LCD40x4:
             return 4;
@@ -689,8 +931,10 @@
-// Set the Cursor Mode (Cursor Off & Blink Off, Cursor On & Blink Off, Cursor Off & Blink On, Cursor On & Blink On
+/** Set the Cursormode
+  *
+  * @param cursorMode  The Cursor mode (CurOff_BlkOff, CurOn_BlkOff, CurOff_BlkOn, CurOn_BlkOn)
+  */
 void TextLCD_Base::setCursor(LCDCursor cursorMode) { 
   // Save new cursor mode, needed when 2 controllers are in use or when display is switched off/on
@@ -701,7 +945,10 @@
-// Set the Displaymode (On/Off)
+/** Set the Displaymode
+  *
+  * @param displayMode The Display mode (DispOff, DispOn)
+  */
 void TextLCD_Base::setMode(LCDMode displayMode) { 
   // Save new displayMode, needed when 2 controllers are in use or when cursor is changed
@@ -745,14 +992,19 @@
-// Set the Displaymode (On/Off) and Cursortype for current controller
+/** Low level method to restore the cursortype and display mode for current controller
+  */     
 void TextLCD_Base::_setCursorAndDisplayMode(LCDMode displayMode, LCDCursor cursorType) { 
     // Configure current LCD controller       
     _writeCommand(0x08 | displayMode | cursorType);
-// Set the Backlight mode (Off/On)
+/** Set the Backlight mode
+  *
+  *  @param backlightMode The Backlight mode (LightOff, LightOn)
+  */
 void TextLCD_Base::setBacklight(LCDBacklight backlightMode) {
     if (backlightMode == LightOn) {
@@ -763,7 +1015,11 @@
+/** Set User Defined Characters
+  *
+  * @param unsigned char c   The Index of the UDC (0..7)
+  * @param char *udc_data    The bitpatterns for the UDC (8 bytes of 5 significant bits)     
+  */
 void TextLCD_Base::setUDC(unsigned char c, char *udc_data) {
   // Select and configure second LCD controller when needed
@@ -792,6 +1048,8 @@
+/** Low level method to store user defined characters for current controller
+  */     
 void TextLCD_Base::_setUDC(unsigned char c, char *udc_data) {
   // Select CG RAM for current LCD controller
@@ -854,6 +1112,18 @@
+/** Destruct a TextLCD interface for using regular mbed pins
+  *
+  * @param  none
+  * @return none
+  */ 
+TextLCD::~TextLCD() {
+   if (_bl != NULL) {delete _bl;}  // BL pin
+   if (_e2 != NULL) {delete _e2;}  // E2 pin
 /** Set E pin (or E2 pin)
   * Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
   * Default PinName value for E2 is NC, must be used as pointer to avoid issues with mbed lib and DigitalOut pins
@@ -917,16 +1187,6 @@
   _d = value & 0x0F;   // Write Databits 
-/** Destruct a TextLCD interface for using regular mbed pins
-  *
-  * @param  none
-  * @return none
-  */ 
-TextLCD::~TextLCD() {
-   if (_bl != NULL) {delete _bl;}  // BL pin
-   if (_e2 != NULL) {delete _e2;}  // E2 pin
 //----------- End TextLCD ---------------
@@ -1150,10 +1410,10 @@
   _slaveAddress = deviceAddress & 0xFE;
   // Setup the I2C bus
-  // The max bitrate for ST7032 is 400kbit, 
-//  _i2c->frequency(100000);
+  // The max bitrate for ST7032i is 400kbit, lets stick to default here
+  _i2c->frequency(100000);
+//  _i2c->frequency(50000);
   // The hardware Backlight pin is optional. Test and make sure whether it exists or not to prevent illegal access.
@@ -1196,6 +1456,12 @@
+// Not used in this mode
+void TextLCD_I2C_N::_setData(int value) {
 // Write a byte using I2C
 void TextLCD_I2C_N::_writeByte(int value) {
@@ -1204,10 +1470,6 @@
   _i2c->write(_slaveAddress, data, 2);
-// Not used in this mode
-void TextLCD_I2C_N::_setData(int value) {
 //-------- End TextLCD_I2C_N ------------
@@ -1313,7 +1575,6 @@
 // Place the 4bit data on the databus
 // Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
 void TextLCD_SPI::_setData(int value) {
@@ -1429,6 +1690,11 @@
+// Not used in this mode
+void TextLCD_SPI_N::_setData(int value) {
 // Write a byte using SPI
 void TextLCD_SPI_N::_writeByte(int value) {
     _cs = 0;
@@ -1438,9 +1704,6 @@
     _cs = 1;
-// Not used in this mode
-void TextLCD_SPI_N::_setData(int value) {
 //-------- End TextLCD_SPI_N ------------
--- a/TextLCD.h	Sat Jun 14 17:04:25 2014 +0000
+++ b/TextLCD.h	Tue Jun 17 17:41:47 2014 +0000
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
  *               2014, v08: WH, Refactored in Base and Derived Classes to deal with mbed lib change regarding 'NC' defined DigitalOut pins
  *               2014, v09: WH/EO, Added Class for Native SPI controllers such as ST7032 
  *               2014, v10: WH, Added Class for Native I2C controllers such as ST7032i, Added support for MCP23008 I2C portexpander, Added support for Adafruit module  
+ *               2014, v11: WH, Added support for native I2C controllers such as PCF21XX, improved the _initCtrl() method to deal with differences between all supported controllers  
  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
  * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@@ -69,14 +70,15 @@
 //LCD and serial portexpanders should be wired accordingly 
 //Select Hardware module (one option only)
-#define DEFAULT        1
-#define ADAFRUIT       0
+#define DEFAULT        0
+#define ADAFRUIT       1
 #define DFROBOT        0
 #if (DEFAULT==1)
-//Definitions for hardware used by WH 
+//Definitions for default (WH) mapping between serial port expander pins and LCD controller
 //This hardware supports the I2C bus expander (PCF8574/PCF8574A or MCP23008) and SPI bus expander (74595) interfaces
+//See https://mbed.org/cookbook/Text-LCD-Enhanced
 //Note: LCD RW pin must be connected to GND
 //      E2 is used for LCD40x4 (second controller)
@@ -98,8 +100,9 @@
 #if (ADAFRUIT==1)
-//Definitions for i2cspilcdbackpack from Adafruit, See http://www.ladyada.net/products/i2cspilcdbackpack
+//Definitions for Adafruit i2cspilcdbackpack mapping between serial port expander pins and LCD controller
 //This hardware supports both an I2C expander (MCP23008) and an SPI expander (74595) selectable by a jumper.
+//See http://www.ladyada.net/products/i2cspilcdbackpack
 //Note: LCD RW pin must be kept LOW
 //      E2 is not available on this hardware and so it does not support LCD40x4 (second controller)
@@ -121,8 +124,9 @@
 #if (DFROBOT==1)
-//Definitions for LCD2004 Module from DFROBOT, See http://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/LCD-Blue-I2C
+//Definitions for DFROBOT LCD2004 Module mapping between serial port expander pins and LCD controller
 //This hardware uses PCF8574 and is different from earlier/different Arduino I2C LCD displays
+//See http://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/LCD-Blue-I2C
 //Note: LCD RW pin must be kept LOW
 //      E2 is not available on default Arduino hardware and so it does not support LCD40x4 (second controller)
@@ -205,6 +209,9 @@
 /* ST7032I I2C slave address */
 #define ST7032_SA     0x7C
+/* PCF21XX I2C slave address */
+#define PCF21XX_SA0   0x74
+#define PCF21XX_SA1   0x76
 /** Some sample User Defined Chars 5x7 dots */
 const char udc_ae[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x1B, 0x05, 0x1F, 0x14, 0x1F, 0x00};  //æ
@@ -252,10 +259,10 @@
 //const char udc_ch_2[]  =  {0x00, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x1f};  // Hor bars 4 (inverted)
 //const char udc_ch_3[]  =  {0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15};  // Ver bars 3
 //const char udc_ch_4[]  =  {0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a};  // Ver bars 3 (inverted)
-//const char udc_ch_yr[] =  {0x08, 0x0f, 0x12, 0x0f, 0x0a, 0x1f, 0x02, 0x02};  // Year   (kanji)
-//const char udc_ch_mo[] =  {0x0f, 0x09, 0x0f, 0x09, 0x0f, 0x09, 0x09, 0x13};  // Month  (kanji)
-//const char udc_ch_dy[] =  {0x1f, 0x11, 0x11, 0x1f, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x1F};  // Day    (kanji)
-//const char udc_ch_mi[] =  {0x0C, 0x0a, 0x11, 0x1f, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x13};  // minute (kanji)
+//const char udc_ch_yr[] =  {0x08, 0x0f, 0x12, 0x0f, 0x0a, 0x1f, 0x02, 0x02};  // Year   (kana)
+//const char udc_ch_mo[] =  {0x0f, 0x09, 0x0f, 0x09, 0x0f, 0x09, 0x09, 0x13};  // Month  (kana)
+//const char udc_ch_dy[] =  {0x1f, 0x11, 0x11, 0x1f, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x1F};  // Day    (kana)
+//const char udc_ch_mi[] =  {0x0C, 0x0a, 0x11, 0x1f, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x13};  // minute (kana)
 /** A TextLCD interface for driving 4-bit HD44780-based LCDs
@@ -272,32 +279,37 @@
         LCD8x1,     /**<  8x1 LCD panel */    
         LCD8x2,     /**<  8x2 LCD panel */          
         LCD8x2B,    /**<  8x2 LCD panel (actually 16x1) */                  
+//        LCD12x1,    /**< 12x1 LCD panel */                          
+//        LCD12x1B,   /**< 12x1 LCD panel, special mode PCF21XX */                                  
         LCD12x2,    /**< 12x2 LCD panel */                          
-//        LCD12x3,    /**< 12x3 LCD panel, special mode PCF21XX */                                  
+        LCD12x3B,   /**< 12x3 LCD panel, special mode PCF21XX */                                  
         LCD12x4,    /**< 12x4 LCD panel */                  
-//        LCD12x4B,   /**< 12x4 LCD panel, special mode PCF21XX */                                          
+        LCD12x4B,   /**< 12x4 LCD panel, special mode PCF21XX */                                          
         LCD16x1,    /**< 16x1 LCD panel (actually 8x2) */          
         LCD16x2,    /**< 16x2 LCD panel (default) */
         LCD16x2B,   /**< 16x2 LCD panel alternate addressing */
-//        LCD16x3,    /**< 16x3 LCD panel, special mode ST7036 */                
+//        LCD16x3B,   /**< 16x3 LCD panel, special mode ST7036 */                
         LCD16x4,    /**< 16x4 LCD panel */        
+//        LCD20x1,    /**< 20x1 LCD panel */
         LCD20x2,    /**< 20x2 LCD panel */
         LCD20x4,    /**< 20x4 LCD panel */
+        LCD24x4B,   /**< 24x4 LCD panel, special mode KS0078 */                                                  
+        LCD24x1,    /**< 24x1 LCD panel */        
         LCD24x2,    /**< 24x2 LCD panel */        
-        LCD24x4,    /**< 24x4 LCD panel, special mode KS0078 */                
         LCD40x2,    /**< 40x2 LCD panel */                
         LCD40x4     /**< 40x4 LCD panel, Two controller version */                        
     /** LCD Controller Device */
     enum LCDCtrl {
-        HD44780,    /**<  HD44780 (default)        */    
-        WS0010,     /**<  WS0010  OLED Controller  */    
-        ST7036,     /**<  ST7036  3V3 with Booster */   
-        ST7032_3V3, /**<  ST7032  3V3 with Booster */   
-        ST7032_5V   /**<  ST7032  5V no Booster    */           
-//        PCF210X,    /**<  PCF210X 5V no Booster    */                   
-//        PCF211X     /**<  PCF211X 3V3 with Booster */                           
+        HD44780,     /**<  HD44780 (default)                           */    
+        WS0010,      /**<  WS0010  OLED Controller, 4/8 bit            */    
+        ST7036,      /**<  ST7036  3V3 with Booster, 4/8 bit, SPI      */   
+        ST7032_3V3,  /**<  ST7032  3V3 with Booster, 4/8 bit, SPI, I2C */   
+        ST7032_5V,   /**<  ST7032  5V no Booster, 4/8 bit, SPI, I2C    */           
+        KS0078,      /**<  KS0078  24x3 support                        */                   
+        PCF21XX_3V3, /**<  PCF21XX 3V3 with Booster, 4/8 bit, I2C      */                           
+//        PCF21XX_5V   /**<  PCF21XX 5V no Booster, 4/8 bit, I2C         */        
@@ -338,7 +350,7 @@
     int printf(const char* format, ...);
-    /** Locate to a screen column and row
+    /** Locate cursor to a screen column and row
      * @param column  The horizontal position from the left, indexed from 0
      * @param row     The vertical position from the top, indexed from 0
@@ -406,7 +418,9 @@
     void setUDC(unsigned char c, char *udc_data);
+    void _initCtrl();    
    /** LCD controller select, mainly used for LCD40x4
@@ -429,29 +443,70 @@
     virtual int _putc(int value);
     virtual int _getc();
-/** Low level methods for LCD controller
+/** Low level method for LCD controller
     void _init();    
-    void _initCtrl();    
+/** Low level initialisation method for LCD controller
+  */
+//    void _initCtrl();    
+/** Low level character address set method
+  */  
     int  _address(int column, int row);
+/** Low level cursor enable or disable method
+  */  
     void _setCursor(LCDCursor show);
+/** Low level method to store user defined characters for current controller
+  */     
     void _setUDC(unsigned char c, char *udc_data);   
+/** Low level method to restore the cursortype and display mode for current controller
+  */     
     void _setCursorAndDisplayMode(LCDMode displayMode, LCDCursor cursorType);       
-/** Low level write operations to LCD controller
+/** Low level nibble write operation to LCD controller (serial or parallel)
     void _writeNibble(int value);
-    virtual void _writeByte(int value);
+/** Low level command byte write operation to LCD controller.
+  * Methods resets the RS bit and provides the required timing for the command.
+  */
     void _writeCommand(int command);
+/** Low level data byte write operation to LCD controller (serial or parallel).
+  * Methods sets the RS bit and provides the required timing for the data.
+  */   
     void _writeData(int data);
+/** Pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial or parallel)
+  * Set the Enable pin.
+  */
+    virtual void _setEnable(bool value) = 0;
 /** Pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial or parallel)
-  */
-    virtual void _setEnable(bool value) = 0;
+  * Set the RS pin ( 0 = Command, 1 = Data).
+  */   
     virtual void _setRS(bool value) = 0;  
+/** Pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial or parallel)
+  * Set the BL pin (0 = Backlight Off, 1 = Backlight On).
+  */   
     virtual void _setBL(bool value) = 0;
+/** Pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial or parallel)
+  * Set the databus value (4 bit).
+  */   
     virtual void _setData(int value) = 0;
+/** Low level byte write operation to LCD controller (serial or parallel)
+  * Depending on the RS pin this byte will be interpreted as data or command
+  */
+    virtual void _writeByte(int value);
 //Display type
     LCDType _type;
@@ -503,12 +558,28 @@
     virtual ~TextLCD();
-//Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial or parallel)
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (parallel)
+  * Set the Enable pin.
+  */
     virtual void _setEnable(bool value);
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (parallel)
+  * Set the RS pin ( 0 = Command, 1 = Data).
+  */   
     virtual void _setRS(bool value);  
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (parallel)
+  * Set the BL pin (0 = Backlight Off, 1 = Backlight On).
+  */   
     virtual void _setBL(bool value);
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (parallel)
+  * Set the databus value (4 bit).
+  */   
     virtual void _setData(int value);
 /** Regular mbed pins bus
     DigitalOut _rs, _e;
@@ -542,13 +613,34 @@
     TextLCD_I2C(I2C *i2c, char deviceAddress = PCF8574_SA0, LCDType type = LCD16x2, LCDCtrl ctrl = HD44780);
-//Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial or parallel)
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial expander)
+  * Set the Enable pin.
+  */
     virtual void _setEnable(bool value);
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial expander)
+  * Set the RS pin ( 0 = Command, 1 = Data).
+  */   
     virtual void _setRS(bool value);  
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial expander)
+  * Set the BL pin (0 = Backlight Off, 1 = Backlight On).
+  */   
     virtual void _setBL(bool value);
-    virtual void _setData(int value); 
-// Write data to MCP23008 I2C portexpander
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial expander)
+  * Set the databus value (4 bit).
+  */   
+    virtual void _setData(int value);
+/** Write data to MCP23008 I2C portexpander
+  *  @param reg register to write
+  *  @param value data to write
+  *  @return none     
+  *
+  */
     void _write_register (int reg, int value);     
 //I2C bus
@@ -584,15 +676,35 @@
-//Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial or parallel)
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial expander)
+  * Set the Enable pin.
+  */
     virtual void _setEnable(bool value);
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial expander)
+  * Set the RS pin ( 0 = Command, 1 = Data).
+  */   
     virtual void _setRS(bool value);  
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial expander)
+  * Set the BL pin (0 = Backlight Off, 1 = Backlight On).
+  */   
     virtual void _setBL(bool value);
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial expander)
+  * Set the databus value (4 bit).
+  */   
     virtual void _setData(int value);
+/** Implementation of Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial expander)
+  * Set the CS pin (0 = select, 1 = deselect).
+  */   
     virtual void _setCS(bool value);
-//Low level writes to LCD serial bus only
-    void _writeBus();      
+///** Low level writes to LCD serial bus only (serial expander)
+//  */
+//    void _writeBus();      
 // SPI bus        
     SPI *_spi;
@@ -627,11 +739,31 @@
     virtual ~TextLCD_SPI_N(void);
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial native)
+  * Set the Enable pin.
+  */
     virtual void _setEnable(bool value);
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial native)
+  * Set the RS pin ( 0 = Command, 1 = Data).
+  */   
     virtual void _setRS(bool value);  
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial native)
+  * Set the BL pin (0 = Backlight Off, 1 = Backlight On).
+  */   
     virtual void _setBL(bool value);
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial native)
+  * Set the databus value (4 bit).
+  */   
     virtual void _setData(int value);
+/** Low level writes to LCD serial bus only (serial native)
+  */
     virtual void _writeByte(int value);
 // SPI bus        
     SPI *_spi;
@@ -663,12 +795,32 @@
     virtual ~TextLCD_I2C_N(void);
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial native)
+  * Set the Enable pin.
+  */
     virtual void _setEnable(bool value);
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial native)
+  * Set the RS pin ( 0 = Command, 1 = Data).
+  */   
     virtual void _setRS(bool value);  
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial native)
+  * Set the BL pin (0 = Backlight Off, 1 = Backlight On).
+  */   
     virtual void _setBL(bool value);
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial native)
+  * Set the databus value (4 bit).
+  */   
     virtual void _setData(int value);
+/** Low level writes to LCD serial bus only (serial native)
+  */
     virtual void _writeByte(int value);
 //I2C bus
     I2C *_i2c;
     char _slaveAddress;