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00001 /* Copyright (c) 2013 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
00002  *
00003  * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
00004  * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
00006  *
00007  * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
00008  * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
00009  * the file.
00010  *
00011  */
00013 /**@file
00014  *
00015  * @defgroup ble_sdk_srv_dfu Device Firmware Update Service
00016  * @{
00017  * @ingroup  ble_sdk_srv
00018  * @brief    Device Firmware Update Service
00019  *
00020  * @details  The Device Firmware Update (DFU) service is a GATT based service that can be used for
00021  *           performing firmware updates over BLE. Note that this implementation uses vendor
00022  *           specific UUIDs for service and characteristics and is intended to demonstrate the
00023  *           firmware updates over BLE. Refer @ref ota_spec_sec and @ref
00024  *            ota_profile_section for more information on the service and profile respectively.
00025  */
00027 #ifndef BLE_DFU_H__
00028 #define BLE_DFU_H__
00030 #include <stdint.h>
00031 #include "ble_gatts.h"
00032 #include "ble_gap.h"
00033 #include "ble.h"
00034 #include "ble_srv_common.h "
00036 #define BLE_DFU_SERVICE_UUID                 0x1530                       /**< The UUID of the DFU Service. */
00037 #define BLE_DFU_PKT_CHAR_UUID                0x1532                       /**< The UUID of the DFU Packet Characteristic. */
00038 #define BLE_DFU_CTRL_PT_UUID                 0x1531                       /**< The UUID of the DFU Control Point. */
00039 #define BLE_DFU_STATUS_REP_UUID              0x1533                       /**< The UUID of the DFU Status Report Characteristic. */
00040 #define BLE_DFU_REV_CHAR_UUID                0x1534                       /**< The UUID of the DFU Revision Characteristic. */
00042 /**@brief   DFU Event type.
00043  *
00044  * @details This enumeration contains the types of events that will be received from the DFU Service.
00045  */
00046 typedef enum
00047 {
00048     BLE_DFU_START,                                                      /**< The event indicating that the peer wants the application to prepare for a new firmware update. */
00049     BLE_DFU_RECEIVE_INIT_DATA,                                          /**< The event indicating that the peer wants the application to prepare to receive init parameters. */
00050     BLE_DFU_RECEIVE_APP_DATA,                                           /**< The event indicating that the peer wants the application to prepare to receive the new firmware image. */
00051     BLE_DFU_VALIDATE,                                                   /**< The event indicating that the peer wants the application to validate the newly received firmware image. */
00052     BLE_DFU_ACTIVATE_N_RESET,                                           /**< The event indicating that the peer wants the application to undergo activate new firmware and restart with new valid application */
00053     BLE_DFU_SYS_RESET,                                                  /**< The event indicating that the peer wants the application to undergo a reset and start the currently valid application image.*/
00054     BLE_DFU_PKT_RCPT_NOTIF_ENABLED,                                     /**< The event indicating that the peer has enabled packet receipt notifications. It is the responsibility of the application to call @ref ble_dfu_pkts_rcpt_notify each time the number of packets indicated by num_of_pkts field in @ref ble_dfu_evt_t is received.*/
00055     BLE_DFU_PKT_RCPT_NOTIF_DISABLED,                                    /**< The event indicating that the peer has disabled the packet receipt notifications.*/
00056     BLE_DFU_PACKET_WRITE,                                               /**< The event indicating that the peer has written a value to the 'DFU Packet' characteristic. The data received from the peer will be present in the @ref BLE_DFU_PACKET_WRITE element contained within @ref ble_dfu_evt_t.*/
00057     BLE_DFU_BYTES_RECEIVED_SEND                                         /**< The event indicating that the peer is requesting for the number of bytes of firmware data last received by the application. It is the responsibility of the application to call @ref ble_dfu_pkts_rcpt_notify in response to this event. */
00058 } ble_dfu_evt_type_t;
00060 /**@brief   DFU Procedure type.
00061  *
00062  * @details This enumeration contains the types of DFU procedures.
00063  */
00064 typedef enum
00065 {
00066     BLE_DFU_START_PROCEDURE        = 1,                                 /**< DFU Start procedure.*/
00067     BLE_DFU_INIT_PROCEDURE         = 2,                                 /**< DFU Initialization procedure.*/
00068     BLE_DFU_RECEIVE_APP_PROCEDURE  = 3,                                 /**< Firmware receiving procedure.*/
00069     BLE_DFU_VALIDATE_PROCEDURE     = 4,                                 /**< Firmware image validation procedure .*/
00070     BLE_DFU_PKT_RCPT_REQ_PROCEDURE = 8                                  /**< Packet receipt notification request procedure. */
00071 } ble_dfu_procedure_t;
00073 /**@brief   DFU Response value type.
00074  */
00075 typedef enum
00076 {
00077     BLE_DFU_RESP_VAL_SUCCESS = 1,                                       /**< Success.*/
00078     BLE_DFU_RESP_VAL_INVALID_STATE,                                     /**< Invalid state.*/
00079     BLE_DFU_RESP_VAL_NOT_SUPPORTED,                                     /**< Operation not supported.*/
00080     BLE_DFU_RESP_VAL_DATA_SIZE,                                         /**< Data size exceeds limit.*/
00081     BLE_DFU_RESP_VAL_CRC_ERROR,                                         /**< CRC Error.*/
00082     BLE_DFU_RESP_VAL_OPER_FAILED                                        /**< Operation failed.*/
00083 } ble_dfu_resp_val_t;
00086 /**@brief   DFU Packet structure.
00087  *
00088  * @details This structure contains the value of the DFU Packet characteristic as written by the
00089  *          peer and the length of the value written. It will be filled by the DFU Service when the
00090  *          peer writes to the DFU Packet characteristic.
00091  */
00092 typedef struct
00093 {
00094     uint8_t                      len;                                   /**< Length of the packet received. */
00095     uint8_t *                    p_data;                                /**< Pointer to the received packet. This will point to a word aligned memory location.*/
00096 } ble_dfu_pkt_write_t;
00098 /**@brief   Packet receipt notification request structure.
00099  *
00100  * @details This structure contains the contents of the packet receipt notification request
00101  *          sent by the DFU Controller.
00102  */
00103 typedef struct
00104 {
00105     uint16_t                     num_of_pkts;                           /**< The number of packets of firmware data to be received by application before sending the next Packet Receipt Notification to the peer. */
00106 } ble_pkt_rcpt_notif_req_t;
00108 /**@brief   DFU Event structure.
00109  *
00110  * @details This structure contains the event generated by the DFU Service based on the data
00111  *          received from the peer.
00112  */
00113 typedef struct
00114 {
00115     ble_dfu_evt_type_t           ble_dfu_evt_type;                      /**< Type of the event.*/
00116     union
00117     {
00118         ble_dfu_pkt_write_t      ble_dfu_pkt_write;                     /**< The DFU packet received. This field is when the @ref ble_dfu_evt_type field is set to @ref BLE_DFU_PACKET_WRITE.*/
00119         ble_pkt_rcpt_notif_req_t pkt_rcpt_notif_req;                    /**< Packet receipt notification request. This field is when the @ref ble_dfu_evt_type field is set to @ref BLE_DFU_PKT_RCPT_NOTIF_ENABLED.*/
00120     } evt;
00121 } ble_dfu_evt_t;
00123 // Forward declaration of the ble_dfu_t type.
00124 typedef struct ble_dfu_s ble_dfu_t;
00126 /**@brief DFU Service event handler type. */
00127 typedef void (*ble_dfu_evt_handler_t) (ble_dfu_t * p_dfu, ble_dfu_evt_t * p_evt);
00129 /**@brief   DFU service structure.
00130  *
00131  * @details This structure contains status information related to the service.
00132  */
00133 struct ble_dfu_s
00134 {
00135     uint16_t                     conn_handle;                           /**< Handle of the current connection (as provided by the S110 SoftDevice). This will be BLE_CONN_HANDLE_INVALID when not in a connection. */
00136     uint16_t                     revision;                              /**< Handle of DFU Service (as provided by the S110 SoftDevice). */
00137     uint16_t                     service_handle;                        /**< Handle of DFU Service (as provided by the S110 SoftDevice). */
00138     uint8_t                      uuid_type;                             /**< UUID type assigned for DFU Service by the S110 SoftDevice. */
00139     ble_gatts_char_handles_t     dfu_pkt_handles;                       /**< Handles related to the DFU Packet characteristic. */
00140     ble_gatts_char_handles_t     dfu_ctrl_pt_handles;                   /**< Handles related to the DFU Control Point characteristic. */
00141     ble_gatts_char_handles_t     dfu_status_rep_handles;                /**< Handles related to the DFU Status Report characteristic. */
00142     ble_gatts_char_handles_t     dfu_rev_handles;                       /**< Handles related to the DFU Revision characteristic. */
00143     ble_dfu_evt_handler_t        evt_handler;                           /**< The event handler to be called when an event is to be sent to the application.*/
00144     ble_srv_error_handler_t      error_handler;                         /**< Function to be called in case of an error. */
00145 };
00147 /**@brief      DFU service initialization structure.
00148  *
00149  * @details    This structure contains the initialization information for the DFU Service. The
00150  *             application needs to fill this structure and pass it to the DFU Service using the
00151  *             @ref ble_dfu_init function.
00152  */
00153 typedef struct
00154 {
00155     uint16_t                     revision;                              /**< Revision number to be exposed by the DFU service. */
00156     ble_dfu_evt_handler_t        evt_handler;                           /**< Event handler to be called for handling events in the Device Firmware Update Service. */
00157     ble_srv_error_handler_t      error_handler;                         /**< Function to be called in case of an error. */
00158 } ble_dfu_init_t;
00160 /**@brief      Function for handling a BLE event.
00161  *
00162  * @details    The DFU service expects the application to call this function each time an event
00163  *             is received from the S110 SoftDevice. This function processes the event, if it is
00164  *             relevant for the DFU service and calls the DFU event handler of the application if
00165  *             necessary.
00166  *
00167  * @param[in]  p_dfu        Pointer to the DFU service structure.
00168  * @param[in]  p_ble_evt    Pointer to the event received from S110 SoftDevice.
00169  */
00170 void ble_dfu_on_ble_evt(ble_dfu_t * p_dfu, ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt);
00172 /**@brief      Function for initializing the DFU service.
00173  *
00174  * @param[out] p_dfu        Device Firmware Update service structure. This structure will have to be
00175  *                          supplied by the application. It will be initialized by this function,
00176  *                          and will later be used to identify the service instance.
00177  * @param[in]  p_dfu_init   Information needed to initialize the service.
00178  *
00179  * @return     NRF_SUCCESS if the DFU service and its characteristics were successfully added to the
00180  *             S110 SoftDevice. Otherwise an error code.
00181  *             This function returns NRF_ERROR_NULL if the value of evt_handler in p_dfu_init
00182  *             structure provided is NULL or if the pointers supplied as input are NULL.
00183  */
00184 uint32_t ble_dfu_init(ble_dfu_t * p_dfu, ble_dfu_init_t * p_dfu_init);
00186 /**@brief       Function for sending response to a control point command.
00187  *
00188  * @details     This function will encode a DFU Control Point response using the given input
00189  *              parameters and will send a notification of the same to the peer.
00190  *
00191  * @param[in]   p_dfu       Pointer to the DFU service structure.
00192  * @param[in]   dfu_proc    Procedure for which this response is to be sent.
00193  * @param[in]   resp_val    Response value.
00194  *
00195  * @return      NRF_SUCCESS if the DFU Service has successfully requested the S110 SoftDevice to
00196  *              send the notification. Otherwise an error code.
00197  *              This function returns NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE if the device is not connected to a
00198  *              peer or if the DFU service is not initialized or if the notification of the DFU
00199  *              Status Report characteristic was not enabled by the peer. It returns NRF_ERROR_NULL
00200  *              if the pointer p_dfu is NULL.
00201  */
00202 uint32_t ble_dfu_response_send(ble_dfu_t *          p_dfu,
00203                                ble_dfu_procedure_t  dfu_proc,
00204                                ble_dfu_resp_val_t   resp_val);
00206 /**@brief      Function for notifying the peer about the number of bytes of firmware data received.
00207  *
00208  * @param[in]  p_dfu                      Pointer to the DFU service structure.
00209  * @param[in]  num_of_firmware_bytes_rcvd Number of bytes.
00210  *
00211  * @return     NRF_SUCCESS if the DFU Service has successfully requested the S110 SoftDevice to send
00212  *             the notification. Otherwise an error code.
00213  *             This function returns NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE if the device is not connected to a
00214  *             peer or if the DFU service is not initialized or if the notification of the DFU
00215  *             Status Report characteristic was not enabled by the peer. It returns NRF_ERROR_NULL
00216  *             if the pointer p_dfu is NULL.
00217  */
00218 uint32_t ble_dfu_bytes_rcvd_report(ble_dfu_t * p_dfu, uint32_t num_of_firmware_bytes_rcvd);
00220 /**@brief      Function for sending Packet Receipt Notification to the peer.
00221  *
00222  *             This function will encode the number of bytes received as input parameter into a
00223  *             notification of the control point characteristic and send it to the peer.
00224  *
00225  * @param[in]  p_dfu                      Pointer to the DFU service structure.
00226  * @param[in]  num_of_firmware_bytes_rcvd Number of bytes of firmware image received.
00227  *
00228  * @return     NRF_SUCCESS if the DFU Service has successfully requested the S110 SoftDevice to send
00229  *             the notification. Otherwise an error code.
00230  *             This function returns NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE if the device is not connected to a
00231  *             peer or if the DFU service is not initialized or if the notification of the DFU
00232  *             Status Report characteristic was not enabled by the peer. It returns NRF_ERROR_NULL
00233  *             if the pointer p_dfu is NULL.
00234  */
00235 uint32_t ble_dfu_pkts_rcpt_notify(ble_dfu_t * p_dfu, uint32_t num_of_firmware_bytes_rcvd);
00237 #endif // BLE_DFU_H__
00239 /** @} */