mbed-os for GR-LYCHEE

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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
_ARM_CFSTORE_STATUSStatus structure returned from the ARM_CFSTORE_DRIVER (*GetStatus)() function
_ARM_DRIVER_CFSTOREThis is the set of operations constituting the Configuration Store driver
_ARM_DRIVER_STORAGEThis is the set of operations constituting the Storage driver
_ARM_STORAGE_BLOCKA storage block is a range of memory with uniform attributes
_ARM_STORAGE_BLOCK_ATTRIBUTESAttributes of the storage range within a storage block
_ARM_STORAGE_CAPABILITIESStorage Driver API Capabilities
_ARM_STORAGE_INFOStorage information
_ARM_STORAGE_SECURITY_FEATURESDevice Data Security Protection Features
_ARM_STORAGE_STATUSOperating status of the storage controller
_FlashJournal_InfoFlash Journal information
_FlashJournalHeaderMeta-data placed at the head of a Journal
_SequentialFlashJournalHeaderMeta-data placed at the head of a Journal
_SequentialFlashJournalLogHeadMeta-data placed at the head of a sequential-log entry
_SequentialFlashJournalLogTailMeta-data placed at the tail of a sequential-log entry
AnalogInAn analog input, used for reading the voltage on a pin
AnalogOutAn analog output, used for setting the voltage on a pin
api_msgThis struct includes everything that is necessary to execute a function for a netconn in another thread context (mainly used to process netconns in the tcpip_thread context to be thread safe)
APSR_TypeUnion type to access the Application Program Status Register (APSR)
arc4_contextARC4 context structure
arm_bilinear_interp_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point bilinear interpolation function
arm_bilinear_interp_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 bilinear interpolation function
arm_bilinear_interp_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 bilinear interpolation function
arm_bilinear_interp_instance_q7Instance structure for the Q15 bilinear interpolation function
arm_biquad_cas_df1_32x64_ins_q31Instance structure for the high precision Q31 Biquad cascade filter
arm_biquad_cascade_df2T_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point transposed direct form II Biquad cascade filter
arm_biquad_cascade_df2T_instance_f64Instance structure for the floating-point transposed direct form II Biquad cascade filter
arm_biquad_cascade_stereo_df2T_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point transposed direct form II Biquad cascade filter
arm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_f32Instance structure for the floating-point Biquad cascade filter
arm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_q15Instance structure for the Q15 Biquad cascade filter
arm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_q31Instance structure for the Q31 Biquad cascade filter
arm_cfft_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point CFFT/CIFFT function
arm_cfft_instance_q15Instance structure for the fixed-point CFFT/CIFFT function
arm_cfft_instance_q31Instance structure for the fixed-point CFFT/CIFFT function
arm_cfft_radix2_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point CFFT/CIFFT function
arm_cfft_radix2_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 CFFT/CIFFT function
arm_cfft_radix2_instance_q31Instance structure for the Radix-2 Q31 CFFT/CIFFT function
arm_cfft_radix4_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point CFFT/CIFFT function
arm_cfft_radix4_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 CFFT/CIFFT function
arm_cfft_radix4_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 CFFT/CIFFT function
ARM_CFSTORE_ACCESS_CONTROL_LISTThe access control permissions for the key-value
ARM_CFSTORE_CAPABILITIESFind the capabilities of the configuration store
ARM_CFSTORE_FMODEFile mode bit-field structure for specifying flags for the following operations:

  • ARM_CFSTORE_DRIVER::(*Create)(), when creating a KV
ARM_CFSTORE_KEYDESCDescriptor used to create keys
arm_dct4_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point DCT4/IDCT4 function
arm_dct4_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 DCT4/IDCT4 function
arm_dct4_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 DCT4/IDCT4 function
arm_fir_decimate_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point FIR decimator
arm_fir_decimate_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 FIR decimator
arm_fir_decimate_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 FIR decimator
arm_fir_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point FIR filter
arm_fir_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 FIR filter
arm_fir_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 FIR filter
arm_fir_instance_q7Instance structure for the Q7 FIR filter
arm_fir_interpolate_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point FIR interpolator
arm_fir_interpolate_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 FIR interpolator
arm_fir_interpolate_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 FIR interpolator
arm_fir_lattice_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point FIR lattice filter
arm_fir_lattice_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 FIR lattice filter
arm_fir_lattice_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 FIR lattice filter
arm_fir_sparse_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point sparse FIR filter
arm_fir_sparse_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 sparse FIR filter
arm_fir_sparse_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 sparse FIR filter
arm_fir_sparse_instance_q7Instance structure for the Q7 sparse FIR filter
arm_iir_lattice_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point IIR lattice filter
arm_iir_lattice_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 IIR lattice filter
arm_iir_lattice_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 IIR lattice filter
arm_linear_interp_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point Linear Interpolate function
arm_lms_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point LMS filter
arm_lms_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 LMS filter
arm_lms_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 LMS filter
arm_lms_norm_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point normalized LMS filter
arm_lms_norm_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 normalized LMS filter
arm_lms_norm_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 normalized LMS filter
arm_matrix_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point matrix structure
arm_matrix_instance_f64Instance structure for the floating-point matrix structure
arm_matrix_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 matrix structure
arm_matrix_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 matrix structure
arm_pid_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point PID Control
arm_pid_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 PID Control
arm_pid_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 PID Control
arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point RFFT/RIFFT function
arm_rfft_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point RFFT/RIFFT function
arm_rfft_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 RFFT/RIFFT function
arm_rfft_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 RFFT/RIFFT function
autoipAutoIP state information per netif
base_control_tPOD version of the class control_t
BlockDeviceA hardware device capable of writing and reading blocks
buffer_sGeneric buffer structure
BusInA digital input bus, used for reading the state of a collection of pins
BusInOutA digital input output bus, used for setting the state of a collection of pins
BusOutA digital output bus, used for setting the state of a collection of pins
Callback< R()>Callback class based on template specialization
Callback< R(A0)>Callback class based on template specialization
Callback< R(A0, A1)>Callback class based on template specialization
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2)>Callback class based on template specialization
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3)>Callback class based on template specialization
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)>Callback class based on template specialization
CANA can bus client, used for communicating with can devices
CANMessageCANMessage class
CaseTest case wrapper class
CellularInterfaceCellularInterface class
CircularBuffer< T, BufferSize, CounterType >Templated Circular buffer class
control_tControl class for specifying test case attributes
CThunk< T >Class for created a pointer with data bound to it
des_contextDES context structure
dhcp_msgMinimum set of fields of any DHCP message
DigitalInA digital input, used for reading the state of a pin
DigitalInOutA digital input/output, used for setting or reading a bi-directional pin
DigitalOutA digital output, used for setting the state of a pin
DirDir class
DirHandleRepresents a directory stream
dns_api_msgAs lwip_netconn_do_gethostbyname requires more arguments but doesn't require a netconn, it has its own struct (to avoid struct api_msg getting bigger than necessary)
dns_hdrDNS message header
eth_hdrEthernet header
eth_vlan_hdrVLAN header inserted between ethernet header and payload if 'type' in ethernet header is ETHTYPE_VLAN
etharp_hdrARP message, see RFC 826 ("Packet format")
etharp_q_entryStruct for queueing outgoing packets for unknown address defined here to be accessed by memp.h
EthernetAn ethernet interface, to use with the ethernet pins
EthernetInterfaceEthernetInterface class Implementation of the NetworkStack for LWIP
EthInterfaceEthInterface class
Event< void()>Event
Event< void(A0)>Event
Event< void(A0, A1)>Event
Event< void(A0, A1, A2)>Event
Event< void(A0, A1, A2, A3)>Event
Event< void(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)>Event
failure_tContains the reason and location of the failure
FATFileSystemFATFileSystem based on ChaN's Fat Filesystem library v0.8
FileFile class
FileHandleAn OO equivalent of the internal FILEHANDLE variable and associated _sys_* functions
FileSystemA filesystem-like object is one that can be used to open files though it by fopen("/name/filename", flags)
FileSystemLikeA filesystem-like object is one that can be used to open files though it by fopen("/name/filename", mode)
FlashIAPFlash IAP driver
FlashJournal_Ops_tThis is the set of operations offered by the flash-journal abstraction
FlashJournal_tAn opaque handle constituting the Flash Journal
handlers_tA table of handlers
HarnessTest Harness
HookErrorGeneric Target class that reads and interprets the data in targets.json
I2CAn I2C Master, used for communicating with I2C slave devices
i2c_tAsynch I2C HAL structure
I2CSlaveAn I2C Slave, used for communicating with an I2C Master device
icmp6_echo_hdrThis is the ICMP6 header adapted for echo req/resp
icmp6_hdrThis is the standard ICMP6 header
icmp_echo_hdrThis is the standard ICMP header only that the u32_t data is split to two u16_t like ICMP echo needs it
igmp_groupIgmp group structure - there is a list of groups for each interface these should really be linked from the interface, but if we keep them separate we will not affect the lwip original code too much
igmp_msgIGMP packet format
InterruptInA digital interrupt input, used to call a function on a rising or falling edge
InterruptManagerUse this singleton if you need to chain interrupt handlers
ip4_addrThis is the aligned version of ip4_addr_t, used as local variable, on the stack, etc
ip4_addr2Struct ipaddr2 is used in the definition of the ARP packet format in order to support compilers that don't have structure packing
ip4_addr_packedThis is the packed version of ip4_addr_t, used in network headers that are itself packed
ip6_addrThis is the aligned version of ip6_addr_t, used as local variable, on the stack, etc
ip6_addr_packedThis is the packed version of ip6_addr_t, used in network headers that are itself packed
ip6_hdrThe IPv6 header
ip6_reassdataIPv6 reassembly helper struct
ip_addrA union struct for both IP version's addresses
ip_globalsGlobal variables of this module, kept in a struct for efficient access using base+index
ip_reassdataIP reassembly helper struct
local_hostlist_entryStruct used for local host-list
LocalFileSystemA filesystem for accessing the local mbed Microcontroller USB disk drive
LowPowerTickerLow Power Ticker
LowPowerTimeoutLow Power Timout
LowPowerTimerLow power timer
lwip_cyclic_timerThis struct contains information about a stack-internal timer function that has to be called at a defined interval
lwip_setgetsockopt_dataThis struct is used to pass data to the set/getsockopt_internal functions running in tcpip_thread context (only a void* is allowed)
Mail< T, queue_sz >The Mail class allow to control, send, receive, or wait for mail
mbedtls_aes_contextAES context structure
mbedtls_arc4_contextARC4 context structure
mbedtls_asn1_bitstringContainer for ASN1 bit strings
mbedtls_asn1_bufType-length-value structure that allows for ASN1 using DER
mbedtls_asn1_named_dataContainer for a sequence or list of 'named' ASN.1 data items
mbedtls_asn1_sequenceContainer for a sequence of ASN.1 items
mbedtls_blowfish_contextBlowfish context structure
mbedtls_camellia_contextCAMELLIA context structure
mbedtls_ccm_contextCCM context structure
mbedtls_cipher_base_tBase cipher information
mbedtls_cipher_context_tGeneric cipher context
mbedtls_cipher_info_tCipher information
mbedtls_cmac_context_tCMAC context structure - Contains internal state information only
mbedtls_ctr_drbg_contextCTR_DRBG context structure
mbedtls_des3_contextTriple-DES context structure
mbedtls_des_contextDES context structure
mbedtls_dhm_contextDHM context structure
mbedtls_ecdh_contextECDH context structure
mbedtls_ecjpake_contextEC J-PAKE context structure
mbedtls_ecp_curve_infoCurve information for use by other modules
mbedtls_ecp_groupECP group structure
mbedtls_ecp_keypairECP key pair structure
mbedtls_ecp_pointECP point structure (jacobian coordinates)
mbedtls_entropy_contextEntropy context structure
mbedtls_entropy_source_stateEntropy source state
mbedtls_gcm_contextGCM context structure
mbedtls_havege_stateHAVEGE state structure
mbedtls_hmac_drbg_contextHMAC_DRBG context
mbedtls_md2_contextMD2 context structure
mbedtls_md4_contextMD4 context structure
mbedtls_md5_contextMD5 context structure
mbedtls_md_context_tGeneric message digest context
mbedtls_md_info_tMessage digest information
mbedtls_mpiMPI structure
mbedtls_net_contextWrapper type for sockets
mbedtls_oid_descriptor_tBase OID descriptor structure
mbedtls_pem_contextPEM context structure
mbedtls_pk_contextPublic key container
mbedtls_pk_debug_itemItem to send to the debug module
mbedtls_pk_rsassa_pss_optionsOptions for RSASSA-PSS signature verification
mbedtls_pkcs11_contextContext for PKCS #11 private keys
mbedtls_ripemd160_contextRIPEMD-160 context structure
mbedtls_rsa_contextRSA context structure
mbedtls_sha1_contextSHA-1 context structure
mbedtls_sha256_contextSHA-256 context structure
mbedtls_sha512_contextSHA-512 context structure
mbedtls_ssl_cache_contextCache context
mbedtls_ssl_cache_entryThis structure is used for storing cache entries
mbedtls_ssl_ciphersuite_tThis structure is used for storing ciphersuite information
mbedtls_ssl_configSSL/TLS configuration to be shared between mbedtls_ssl_context structures
mbedtls_ssl_cookie_ctxContext for the default cookie functions
mbedtls_ssl_ticket_contextContext for session ticket handling functions
mbedtls_ssl_ticket_keyInformation for session ticket protection
mbedtls_timing_delay_contextContext for mbedtls_timing_set/get_delay()
mbedtls_timing_hr_timeTimer structure
mbedtls_x509_crlCertificate revocation list structure
mbedtls_x509_crl_entryCertificate revocation list entry
mbedtls_x509_crtContainer for an X.509 certificate
mbedtls_x509_crt_profileSecurity profile for certificate verification
mbedtls_x509_csrCertificate Signing Request (CSR) structure
mbedtls_x509_timeContainer for date and time (precision in seconds)
mbedtls_x509write_certContainer for writing a certificate (CRT)
mbedtls_x509write_csrContainer for writing a CSR
mbedtls_xtea_contextXTEA context structure
md4_contextMD4 context structure
md5_contextMD5 context structure
mem_stat_t/struct mem_stat_t /brief Struct for Memory stats Buffer structure
MemoryPool< T, pool_sz >Define and manage fixed-size memory pools of objects of a given type
memp_descMemory pool descriptor
memp_malloc_helperThis structure is used to save the pool one element came from
MeshInterfaceMeshInterface class
mld_groupMLD group
mld_headerMulticast listener report/query/done message header
mqtt_client_tMQTT client
mqtt_connect_client_info_tClient information and connection parameters
mqtt_request_tPending request item, binds application callback to pending server requests
mqtt_ringbuf_tRing buffer
MutexUsed to synchronise the execution of threads
na_headerNeighbor advertisement message header
nd6_neighbor_cache_entryStruct for tables
nd6_q_entryStruct for queueing outgoing packets for unknown address defined here to be accessed by memp.h
netbuf"Network buffer" - contains data and addressing info
netconnA netconn descriptor
netifGeneric data structure used for all lwIP network interfaces
NetworkInterfaceNetworkInterface class
NetworkStackNetworkStack class
ns_headerNeighbor solicitation message header
ns_iovecScatter-gather descriptor
ns_listUnderlying generic linked list head
ns_list_linkThe type for the link member in the user's entry structure
nsapi_addrIP address structure for passing IP addresses by value
nsapi_stackNsapi_stack structure
nsapi_stack_apiNsapi_stack_api structure
nsapi_wifi_apNsapi_wifi_ap structure
pbufMain packet buffer struct
pbuf_customA custom pbuf: like a pbuf, but following a function pointer to free it
pbuf_custom_refA custom pbuf that holds a reference to another pbuf, which is freed when this custom pbuf is freed
pbuf_romHelper struct for const-correctness only
PlatformMutexA stub mutex for when an RTOS is not present
PortInA multiple pin digital input
PortInOutA multiple pin digital in/out used to set/read multiple bi-directional pins
PortOutA multiple pin digital out
PwmOutA pulse-width modulation digital output
Queue< T, queue_sz >The Queue class allow to control, send, receive, or wait for messages
raw_pcbRAW protocol control block
RawSerialA serial port (UART) for communication with other serial devices This is a variation of the Serial class that doesn't use streams, thus making it safe to use in interrupt handlers with the RTOS
redirect_headerRedirect message header
registration_info_Used for creating manually registration message with sn_coap_register()
rs_headerRouter solicitation message header
RtosTimerAllow creating and and controlling of timer functions in the system
SemaphoreUsed to manage and protect access to a set of shared resources
SerialA serial port (UART) for communication with other serial devices
serial_tAsynch serial HAL structure
SerialBaseA base class for serial port implementations Can't be instantiated directly (use Serial or RawSerial)
sha1_contextSHA-1 context structure
SingletonPtr< T >Utility class for creating an using a singleton
sn_coap_hdr_Main CoAP message struct
sn_coap_options_list_Structure for CoAP Options
sn_nsdl_addr_Address structure of Packet data
sn_nsdl_transmit_This structure is returned by sn_coap_exec() for sending
snmp_leaf_nodeSNMP leaf node
snmp_mibSingle mib with its base oid and root node
snmp_next_oid_stateState for next_oid_init / next_oid_check functions
snmp_nodeNode "base class" layout, the mandatory fields for a node
snmp_node_instanceSNMP node instance
snmp_obj_idInternal object identifier representation
snmp_oid_rangeOID range structure
snmp_scalar_array_nodeBasic scalar array node
snmp_scalar_array_node_defScalar array node - a tree node which contains scalars only as children
snmp_scalar_nodeBasic scalar node
snmp_table_col_defDefault (customizable) read/write table
snmp_table_nodeTable node
snmp_table_simple_nodeSimple read-only table node
snmp_threadsync_instanceThread sync instance
snmp_threadsync_nodeSNMP thread sync proxy leaf node
snmp_tree_nodeSNMP tree node
snmp_varbindSNMP variable binding descriptor (publically needed for traps)
snmp_varbind_lenA helper struct keeping length information about varbinds
snmp_variant_valueSNMP variant value, used as reference in struct snmp_node_instance and table implementation
SocketAbstract socket class
SocketAddressSocketAddress class
SpecificationTest specification containing the setup and teardown handlers and test cases
SPIA SPI Master, used for communicating with SPI slave devices
spi_tAsynch SPI HAL structure
SPISlaveA SPI slave, used for communicating with a SPI Master device
stats_LwIP stats container
stats_igmpIGMP stats
stats_memMemory stats
stats_mib2SNMP MIB2 stats
stats_mib2_netif_ctrsSNMP MIB2 interface stats
stats_protoProtocol related stats
stats_sysSystem stats
stats_syselemSystem element stats
StreamFile stream
tcp_pcbTCP protocol control block
tcp_pcb_listenTCP protocol control block for listening pcbs
TCPServerTCP socket server
TCPSocketTCP socket connection
tftp_contextTFTP context containing callback functions for TFTP transfers
ThreadAllow defining, creating, and controlling thread functions in the system
threadsync_dataThread sync runtime data
tHTTPHeaderThis struct is used for a list of HTTP header strings for various filename extensions
TickerA Ticker is used to call a function at a recurring interval
ticker_data_tTicker's data structure
ticker_event_queue_tTicker's event queue structure
ticker_event_sTicker's event structure
ticker_interface_tTicker's interface structure - required API for a ticker
TimeoutA Timeout is used to call a function at a point in the future
TimerA general purpose timer
TimerEventBase abstraction for timer interrupts
Transaction< Class >Transaction class defines a transaction
transaction_tTransaction structure
udp_pcbUDP protocol control block
UDPSocketUDP socket
utest_v1_scheduler_tThe scheduler interface consists out of the `post` and `cancel` functions, which you must implement to use `utest`
WiFiAccessPointWiFiAccessPoint class
WiFiInterfaceWiFiInterface class