This is a sample using ESP32 AT command for BLE.

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "ESP32.h"
00005 #define BLE_INDICATION_CHAR   7
00007 BufferedSerial esp32(P7_1, P0_1, 1024);
00008 ATParser_os esp_parser(esp32);
00009 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
00010 DigitalOut esp_en(P5_3);
00011 DigitalOut esp_io0(P3_14);
00012 DigitalOut led_green(LED1);
00013 DigitalOut led_yellow(LED2);
00014 DigitalOut led_orange(LED3);
00015 DigitalOut led_red(LED4);
00016 InterruptIn button0(USER_BUTTON0);
00017 InterruptIn button1(USER_BUTTON1);
00018 Semaphore event_sem(0);
00020 const char ble_name[] = "GR-LYCHEE";
00021 bool ble_advertizing;
00022 bool ble_connected;
00023 uint8_t ble_conn_index;
00024 uint8_t ble_srv_index;
00026 bool button0_flag = false;
00027 bool button1_flag = false;
00028 bool ble_notification_on = false;
00029 bool ble_indication_on = false;
00031 void esp32_event() {
00032     event_sem.release();
00033 }
00035 void ble_client_read() {
00036     uint8_t mac[6] = {0};
00038     led_yellow = 1;
00039     esp_parser.recv("%hhd,\"%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx\"",
00040             &ble_conn_index, &mac[0], &mac[1], &mac[2], &mac[3], &mac[4], &mac[5]);
00041     printf("conn_index=%d, mac[%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x]\r\n",
00042             ble_conn_index, mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]);
00043     led_yellow = 0;
00044 }
00046 void ble_client_write() {
00047     uint8_t char_index, desc_index = 0;
00048     uint16_t len;
00050     led_orange = 1;
00051     esp_parser.recv("%hhd,%hhd,%hhd,", &ble_conn_index, &ble_srv_index, &char_index);
00052     printf("conn=%d srv=%d char=%d\r\n", ble_conn_index, ble_srv_index, char_index);
00054     char c = esp_parser.getc();
00055     if (c != ',') {
00056         desc_index = c;
00057         esp_parser.getc(); // to read ',' after desc_index.
00058         printf("desc=%d\r\n", desc_index);
00059     }
00061     esp_parser.recv("%hhd,", &len);
00062     printf("length=%d\r\n", len);
00064     uint8_t *data = (uint8_t *)malloc(len * sizeof(uint8_t));
00065     for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
00066         data[i] = esp_parser.getc();
00067         printf("%x\r\n", data[i]);
00068     }
00070     if ((desc_index == 49) && (char_index == BLE_NOTIFICATION_CHAR)) {
00071         if (data[0] == 1) {
00072             printf("Notification On\r\n");
00073             ble_notification_on = true;
00074         } else {
00075             printf("Notification Off\r\n");
00076             ble_notification_on = false;
00077         }
00078     } else if ((desc_index == 49) && (char_index == BLE_INDICATION_CHAR)) {
00079         if (data[0] == 2) {
00080             printf("Indication On\r\n");
00081             ble_indication_on = true;
00082         } else {
00083             printf("Indication Off\r\n");
00084             ble_indication_on = false;
00085         }
00086     }
00087     led_orange = 0;
00088 }
00090 void ble_client_disconn() {
00091     led_green = 0;
00092     printf("disconnected client\r\n");
00093     ble_connected = false;
00094 }
00096 void ble_client_conn() {
00097     uint8_t mac[6] = {0};
00098     esp_parser.recv("%hhd,\"%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx\"",
00099                     &ble_conn_index, &mac[0], &mac[1], &mac[2], &mac[3], &mac[4], &mac[5]);
00100     printf("connected client conn_index is %d, mac[%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x]\r\n",
00101             ble_conn_index, mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]);
00103     led_green = 1;
00104     ble_advertizing = false;
00105     ble_connected = true;
00106 }
00108 void ub0_interrupt() {
00109     if (button0_flag == false) {
00110         button0_flag = true;
00111         event_sem.release();
00112     }
00113 }
00115 void ub1_interrupt() {
00116     if (button1_flag == false) {
00117         button1_flag = true;
00118         event_sem.release();
00119     }
00120 }
00122 int main() {
00124     printf("Bluetooth sample started\r\n");
00125     led_green = 0;
00126     led_yellow = 0;
00127     led_orange = 0;
00128     led_red = 0;
00129     ble_advertizing = false;
00130     ble_connected = false;
00131     button0.fall(ub0_interrupt);
00132     button1.fall(ub1_interrupt);
00134     // Initializing esp32 access
00135     esp32.baud(115200);
00136     esp32.attach(Callback<void()>(esp32_event));
00137     esp_io0 = 1;
00138     esp_en = 0;
00139     Thread::wait(10);
00140     esp_en = 1;
00141     esp_parser.setTimeout(1500);
00142     if (esp_parser.recv("ready")) {
00143         printf("ESP32 ready\r\n");
00144     } else {
00145         printf("ESP32 error\r\n");
00146         led_red = 1;
00147         while (1);
00148     }
00150     // Initializing esp32 as a server with GATT service
00151     esp_parser.setTimeout(5000);
00152     if (esp_parser.send("AT+BLEINIT=2") && esp_parser.recv("OK")
00153             && esp_parser.send("AT+BLENAME=\"%s\"", ble_name) && esp_parser.recv("OK")
00154             && esp_parser.send("AT+BLEGATTSSRVCRE") && esp_parser.recv("OK")
00155             && esp_parser.send("AT+BLEGATTSSRVSTART") && esp_parser.recv("OK")) {
00156         printf("GATT initialized\r\n");
00157     } else {
00158         printf("fail to initialize\r\n");
00159         led_red = 1;
00160         while (1);
00161     }
00163     uint8_t start, type;
00164     uint16_t uuid;
00165     esp_parser.send("AT+BLEGATTSSRV?");
00166     if (esp_parser.recv("+BLEGATTSSRV:%hhd,%hhd,%hhx,%hhd\r\nOK", &ble_srv_index, &start, &uuid, &type)) {
00167         printf("srv_index is %d\r\n", ble_srv_index);
00168     } else {
00169         printf("fail to get service\r\n");
00170         led_red = 1;
00171     }
00173     esp_parser.oob("+READ:", ble_client_read);
00174     esp_parser.oob("+WRITE:", ble_client_write);
00175     esp_parser.oob("+BLEDISCONN:", ble_client_disconn);
00176     esp_parser.oob("+BLECONN:", ble_client_conn);
00178     while (1) {
00179         esp_parser.setTimeout(5000);
00180         if (esp_parser.send("AT+BLEADVSTART") && esp_parser.recv("OK")) {
00181             printf("Advertising started. Please connect to any client\r\n");
00182             ble_advertizing = true;
00183         } else {
00184             printf("fail to start advertising\r\n");
00185             led_red = 1;
00186             while (1);
00187         }
00189         while (ble_connected || ble_advertizing) {
00190             event_sem.wait();
00191             esp_parser.setTimeout(5);
00192             esp_parser.recv(" ");  //dummy read for parser callback
00194             // Set attribute of C300
00195             if (button0_flag) {
00196                 static uint8_t data = 1; // write data
00197                 esp_parser.setTimeout(5000);
00198                 // AT+BLEGATTSSETATTR=<srv_index>,<char_index>[,<desc_index>],<length>
00199                 if (esp_parser.send("AT+BLEGATTSSETATTR=%d,1,,1", ble_srv_index) && esp_parser.recv(">")) {
00200                     if (esp_parser.putc(data) && esp_parser.recv("OK")) {
00201                         printf("success to send\r\n");
00202                     } else {
00203                         printf("fail to send\r\n");
00204                     }
00205                 } else {
00206                     printf("fail to command AT\r\n");
00207                 }
00208                 esp_parser.flush();
00209                 button0_flag = false;
00210                 data++;
00211             }
00213             // Set notification of C305
00214             if (button1_flag && ble_notification_on) {
00215                 static uint8_t data = 0xff; // write data
00216                 esp_parser.setTimeout(5000);
00217                 // AT+BLEGATTSNTFY=<conn_index>,<srv_index>,<char_index>,<length>
00218                 if (esp_parser.send("AT+BLEGATTSNTFY=%d,%d,%d,1", ble_conn_index, ble_srv_index, BLE_NOTIFICATION_CHAR)
00219                     && esp_parser.recv(">")) {
00220                     if (esp_parser.putc(data) && esp_parser.recv("OK")) {
00221                         printf("success to notify\r\n");
00222                     } else {
00223                         printf("fail to notify\r\n");
00224                     }
00225                 } else {
00226                     printf("fail to command AT\r\n");
00227                 }
00228                 esp_parser.flush();
00229                 button1_flag = false;
00230                 data--;
00231             }
00232         }
00233     }
00234 }