- Added setBaud() function - Added CheckNetworkStatus() function - Improved messaging system

Dependents:   IoT_Ex BatteryModelTester BatteryModelTester

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00001 #include "WiflyInterface.h"
00003 #define DEBUG
00004 #define INFOMESSAGES
00005 #define WARNMESSAGES
00006 #define ERRMESSAGES
00007 #define FUNCNAME "WiflyInterface"
00008 #include "messages.h"
00011 WiflyInterface::WiflyInterface( PinName tx, PinName rx, PinName reset, PinName tcp_status,
00012                                 const char * ssid, const char * phrase, Security sec) :
00013     Wifly(tx, rx, reset, tcp_status, ssid, phrase, sec)
00014 {
00015     ip_set = false;
00016     DBG("WiflyInterface Constructed");
00017 }
00019 int WiflyInterface::init()
00020 {
00021     state.dhcp = true;
00022     reset();
00023     INFO("WiflyInterface Initialized.");
00024     return 0;
00025 }
00027 int WiflyInterface::init(const char* ip, const char* mask, const char* gateway)
00028 {
00029     state.dhcp = false;
00030     this->ip = ip;
00031     strcpy(ip_string, ip);
00032     ip_set = true;
00033     this->netmask = mask;
00034     this->gateway = gateway;
00035     reset();
00037     return 0;
00038 }
00040 int WiflyInterface::connect()
00041 {
00042     // join() returns a boolean, it does not like it all the time, thus casting it as int
00043     int ii = (int) join();
00044     INFO("join() complete, return value: %d",ii);
00045     return ii;
00046 }
00048 int WiflyInterface::disconnect()
00049 {
00050     return Wifly::disconnect();
00051 }
00053 char * WiflyInterface::getIPAddress()
00054 {
00055     char * match = 0;
00056     if (!ip_set) {
00057         if (!sendCommand("get ip a\r", NULL, ip_string))
00058             return NULL;
00059         exit();
00060         flush();
00061         match = strstr(ip_string, "<");
00062         if (match != NULL) {
00063             *match = '\0';
00064         }
00065         if (strlen(ip_string) < 6) {
00066             match = strstr(ip_string, ">");
00067             if (match != NULL) {
00068                 int len = strlen(match + 1);
00069                 memcpy(ip_string, match + 1, len);
00070             }
00071         }
00072         ip_set = true;
00073     }
00074     return ip_string;
00075 }