MCUFRIEND_kbv library for MBED depends on ADA_GFX_kbv library

Dependents:   TFT_Touch_botao_v1 TFT_Touch_exemplo5_git_touch TESTE_1 TFT_Touch_exemplo6_git_touch_button_3_ ... more

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/utility/pin_shield_1.h	Mon Apr 26 14:44:21 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1009 @@
+#ifndef PIN_SHIELD_1_H_
+#define PIN_SHIELD_1_H_
+// just provide macros for the Arduino pins
+#define LPC810  810
+#define LPC812  812
+#define LPC1343 1343
+#define LPC1768 1768
+#define LPC2103 2103
+#define LPC2148 2148
+#define ISTARGET_NUCLEO64 (0 \
+        || defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F072RB) \
+        || defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F103RB) \
+        || defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE) \
+        || defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F411RE) \
+        || defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE) \
+        || defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_L433RC_P) \
+        || defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_L476RG) \
+        )
+#define ISTARGET_NUCLEO144 (0 \
+        || defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F767ZI) \
+        )
+//#warning Using pin_SHIELD_1.h
+#if 0
+#elif defined(MY_BLUEPILL)
+#define PIN_MODE2(reg, pin, mode) reg=(reg&~(0x3<<((pin)<<1)))|(mode<<((pin)<<1))
+  #if defined(__CC_ARM)
+  #include <STM32F10X.h>
+  #else
+  #include <STM32F1XX.h>
+  #endif
+  #define D0_PORT GPIOB
+  #define D0_PIN  11
+  #define D1_PORT GPIOB
+  #define D1_PIN  10
+  #define D2_PORT GPIOB
+  #define D2_PIN  6
+  #define D3_PORT GPIOB
+  #define D3_PIN  7
+  #define D4_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D4_PIN  0
+  #define D5_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D5_PIN  1
+  #define D6_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D6_PIN  2
+  #define D7_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D7_PIN  3
+  #define D8_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D8_PIN  9
+  #define D9_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D9_PIN  10
+  #define D10_PORT GPIOB
+  #define D10_PIN  12
+  #define D11_PORT GPIOB
+  #define D11_PIN  15
+  #define D12_PORT GPIOB
+  #define D12_PIN  14
+  #define D13_PORT GPIOB
+  #define D13_PIN  13
+  #define A0_PORT GPIOB
+  #define A0_PIN  1
+  #define A1_PORT GPIOB
+  #define A1_PIN  0
+  #define A2_PORT GPIOA
+  #define A2_PIN  7
+  #define A3_PORT GPIOA
+  #define A3_PIN  6
+  #define A4_PORT GPIOA
+  #define A4_PIN  5
+  #define A5_PORT GPIOB
+  #define A5_PIN  4
+// Shield Control macros
+#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port)->BSRR = (1<<((pin)+16))
+#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port)->BSRR = (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_READ(port, pin)   (port)->IDR & (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_MODE4(reg, pin, mode) reg=(reg&~(0xF<<((pin)<<2)))|(mode<<((pin)<<2))
+#define PIN_OUTPUT(port, pin) {if (pin > 7) PIN_MODE4((port)->CRH, (pin&7), 0x3); else  PIN_MODE4((port)->CRL, pin, 0x3); } //50MHz push-pull only 0-7
+#define PIN_INPUT(port, pin) {if (pin > 7) PIN_MODE4((port)->CRH, (pin&7), 0x4); else  PIN_MODE4((port)->CRL, pin, 0x4); }  //input
+#elif defined(BLUEPILL)
+#define PIN_MODE2(reg, pin, mode) reg=(reg&~(0x3<<((pin)<<1)))|(mode<<((pin)<<1))
+  #if defined(__CC_ARM)
+  #include <STM32F10X.h>
+  #else
+  #include <STM32F1XX.h>
+  #endif
+  #define D0_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D0_PIN  10
+  #define D1_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D1_PIN  9
+  #define D2_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D2_PIN  2
+  #define D3_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D3_PIN  3
+  #define D4_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D4_PIN  4
+  #define D5_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D5_PIN  5
+  #define D6_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D6_PIN  6
+  #define D7_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D7_PIN  7
+  #define D8_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D8_PIN  0
+  #define D9_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D9_PIN  1
+  #define D10_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D10_PIN  15
+  #define D11_PORT GPIOB
+  #define D11_PIN  5
+  #define D12_PORT GPIOB
+  #define D12_PIN  4
+  #define D13_PORT GPIOB
+  #define D13_PIN  3
+  #define A0_PORT GPIOB
+//  #define A0_PIN  5      //original pcb uses SPI pin 
+  #define A0_PIN  0      //hardware mod to Adapter to PB0.  Allows use of PB5 for SD Card
+  #define A1_PORT GPIOB
+  #define A1_PIN  6
+  #define A2_PORT GPIOB
+  #define A2_PIN  7
+  #define A3_PORT GPIOB
+  #define A3_PIN  8
+  #define A4_PORT GPIOB
+  #define A4_PIN  9
+  #define A5_PORT GPIOB
+  #define A5_PIN  10
+// Shield Control macros
+#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port)->BSRR = (1<<((pin)+16))
+#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port)->BSRR = (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_READ(port, pin)   (port)->IDR & (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_MODE4(reg, pin, mode) reg=(reg&~(0xF<<((pin)<<2)))|(mode<<((pin)<<2))
+#define PIN_OUTPUT(port, pin) {if (pin > 7) PIN_MODE4((port)->CRH, (pin&7), 0x3); else  PIN_MODE4((port)->CRL, pin, 0x3); } //50MHz push-pull only 0-7
+#define PIN_INPUT(port, pin) {if (pin > 7) PIN_MODE4((port)->CRH, (pin&7), 0x4); else  PIN_MODE4((port)->CRL, pin, 0x4); }  //input
+#elif defined(ITEADMAPLE)
+#define PIN_MODE2(reg, pin, mode) reg=(reg&~(0x3<<((pin)<<1)))|(mode<<((pin)<<1))
+  #if defined(__CC_ARM)
+  #include <STM32F10X.h>
+  #else
+  #include <STM32F1XX.h>
+  #endif
+  #define D0_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D0_PIN  3
+  #define D1_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D1_PIN  2
+  #define D2_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D2_PIN  0
+  #define D3_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D3_PIN  1
+  #define D4_PORT GPIOB
+  #define D4_PIN  5
+  #define D5_PORT GPIOB
+  #define D5_PIN  6
+  #define D6_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D6_PIN  8
+  #define D7_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D7_PIN  9
+  #define D8_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D8_PIN  10
+  #define D9_PORT GPIOB
+  #define D9_PIN  7
+  #define D10_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D10_PIN  4
+  #define D11_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D11_PIN  7
+  #define D12_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D12_PIN  6
+  #define D13_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D13_PIN  5
+  #define A0_PORT GPIOC
+  #define A0_PIN  0
+  #define A1_PORT GPIOC
+  #define A1_PIN  1
+  #define A2_PORT GPIOC
+  #define A2_PIN  2
+  #define A3_PORT GPIOC
+  #define A3_PIN  3
+  #define A4_PORT GPIOC
+  #define A4_PIN  4
+  #define A5_PORT GPIOC
+  #define A5_PIN  5
+// Shield Control macros
+#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port)->BSRR = (1<<((pin)+16))
+#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port)->BSRR = (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_READ(port, pin)   (port)->IDR & (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_MODE4(reg, pin, mode) reg=(reg&~(0xF<<((pin)<<2)))|(mode<<((pin)<<2))
+#define PIN_OUTPUT(port, pin) {if (pin > 7) PIN_MODE4((port)->CRH, (pin&7), 0x3); else  PIN_MODE4((port)->CRL, pin, 0x3); } //50MHz push-pull only 0-7
+#define PIN_INPUT(port, pin) {if (pin > 7) PIN_MODE4((port)->CRH, (pin&7), 0x4); else  PIN_MODE4((port)->CRL, pin, 0x4); }  //input
+#elif defined(NUCLEO144) || ISTARGET_NUCLEO144
+#define PIN_MODE2(reg, pin, mode) reg=(reg&~(0x3<<((pin)<<1)))|(mode<<((pin)<<1))
+#if __MBED__
+#warning MBED knows everything
+#elif defined(STM32F767xx)
+  #include <STM32F7XX.h>
+  #define D0_PORT GPIOG
+  #define D0_PIN  9
+  #define D1_PORT GPIOG
+  #define D1_PIN  14
+  #define D2_PORT GPIOF
+  #define D2_PIN  15
+  #define D3_PORT GPIOE
+  #define D3_PIN  13
+  #define D4_PORT GPIOF
+  #define D4_PIN  14
+  #define D5_PORT GPIOE
+  #define D5_PIN  11
+  #define D6_PORT GPIOE
+  #define D6_PIN  9
+  #define D7_PORT GPIOF
+  #define D7_PIN  13
+  #define D8_PORT GPIOF
+  #define D8_PIN  12
+  #define D9_PORT GPIOD
+  #define D9_PIN  15
+  #define D10_PORT GPIOD
+  #define D10_PIN  14
+  #define D11_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D11_PIN  7
+  #define D12_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D12_PIN  6
+  #define D13_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D13_PIN  5
+  #define A0_PORT GPIOA
+  #define A0_PIN  3
+  #define A1_PORT GPIOC
+  #define A1_PIN  0
+  #define A2_PORT GPIOC
+  #define A2_PIN  3
+  #define A3_PORT GPIOF
+  #define A3_PIN  3
+  #define A4_PORT GPIOF
+  #define A4_PIN  5
+  #define A5_PORT GPIOF
+  #define A5_PIN  10
+// Shield Control macros
+#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port)->BSRR = (1<<((pin)+16))
+#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port)->BSRR = (1<<(pin))
+//#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port)->ODR &= ~(1<<(pin))
+//#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port)->ODR |=  (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_READ(port, pin)   (port)->IDR & (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_OUTPUT(port, pin) PIN_MODE2((port)->MODER, pin, 0x1)
+#define PIN_INPUT(port, pin) PIN_MODE2((port)->MODER, pin, 0x0)   //.kbv check this
+#elif defined(NUCLEO) || ISTARGET_NUCLEO64
+#define PIN_MODE2(reg, pin, mode) reg=(reg&~(0x3<<((pin)<<1)))|(mode<<((pin)<<1))
+#if __MBED__
+#warning MBED knows everything
+#elif defined(STM32F072xB)
+  #include <STM32F0XX.h>
+#elif defined(STM32F103xB)
+  #if defined(__CC_ARM)
+  #include <STM32F10X.h>
+  #else
+  #include <STM32F1XX.h>
+  #endif
+#elif defined(STM32L476xx) || defined(STM32L433xx)
+  #include <STM32L4XX.h>
+#elif defined(STM32F401xE) || defined(STM32F411xE) || defined(STM32F446xx)
+  #include <STM32F4XX.h>
+  #define D0_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D0_PIN  3
+  #define D1_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D1_PIN  2
+  #define D2_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D2_PIN  10
+  #define D3_PORT GPIOB
+  #define D3_PIN  3
+  #define D4_PORT GPIOB
+  #define D4_PIN  5
+  #define D5_PORT GPIOB
+  #define D5_PIN  4
+  #define D6_PORT GPIOB
+  #define D6_PIN  10
+  #define D7_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D7_PIN  8
+  #define D8_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D8_PIN  9
+  #define D9_PORT GPIOC
+  #define D9_PIN  7
+  #define D10_PORT GPIOB
+  #define D10_PIN  6
+  #define D11_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D11_PIN  7
+  #define D12_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D12_PIN  6
+  #define D13_PORT GPIOA
+  #define D13_PIN  5
+  #define A0_PORT GPIOA
+  #define A0_PIN  0
+  #define A1_PORT GPIOA
+  #define A1_PIN  1
+  #define A2_PORT GPIOA
+  #define A2_PIN  4
+  #define A3_PORT GPIOB
+  #define A3_PIN  0
+  #define A4_PORT GPIOC
+  #define A4_PIN  1
+  #define A5_PORT GPIOC
+  #define A5_PIN  0
+// Shield Control macros
+#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port)->BSRR = (1<<((pin)+16))
+#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port)->BSRR = (1<<(pin))
+//#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port)->ODR &= ~(1<<(pin))
+//#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port)->ODR |=  (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_READ(port, pin)   (port)->IDR & (1<<(pin))
+#if defined(STM32F103xB)
+  #warning STM32F103xB ******************************
+#define PIN_MODE4(reg, pin, mode) reg=(reg&~(0xF<<((pin)<<2)))|(mode<<((pin)<<2))
+#define PIN_OUTPUT(port, pin) PIN_MODE4((port)->CRL, pin, 0x3)   //50MHz push-pull only 0-7
+#define PIN_INPUT(port, pin)  PIN_MODE4((port)->CRL, pin, 0x4)   //digital input 
+#define PIN_OUTPUT(port, pin) PIN_MODE2((port)->MODER, pin, 0x1)
+#define PIN_INPUT(port, pin) PIN_MODE2((port)->MODER, pin, 0x0)   //.kbv check this
+#elif __TARGET_PROCESSOR == LPC1768
+  #include <LPC17xx.h>
+// configure macros for the control pins
+  #define D0_PORT LPC_GPIO0
+  #define D0_PIN  3
+  #define D1_PORT LPC_GPIO0
+  #define D1_PIN  2
+  #define D2_PORT LPC_GPIO0
+  #define D2_PIN  24           //p16
+  #define D3_PORT LPC_GPIO0
+  #define D3_PIN  23           //p15
+  #define D4_PORT LPC_GPIO0
+  #define D4_PIN  16           //p14
+  #define D5_PORT LPC_GPIO0
+  #define D5_PIN  15           //p13
+  #define D6_PORT LPC_GPIO0
+  #define D6_PIN  17           //p12
+  #define D7_PORT LPC_GPIO0
+  #define D7_PIN  18           //p11
+  #define D8_PORT LPC_GPIO0
+  #define D8_PIN  1            //p10
+  #define D9_PORT LPC_GPIO0
+  #define D9_PIN  0            //p9
+  #define D10_PORT LPC_GPIO0
+  #define D10_PIN  6           //p8
+  #define D11_PORT LPC_GPIO0
+  #define D11_PIN  9           //p5
+  #define D12_PORT LPC_GPIO0
+  #define D12_PIN  8           //p6 miso
+  #define D13_PORT LPC_GPIO0
+  #define D13_PIN  7           //p7
+  #define A0_PORT LPC_GPIO0
+  #define A0_PIN  25           //p17
+  #define A1_PORT LPC_GPIO0
+  #define A1_PIN  26           //p18
+  #define A2_PORT LPC_GPIO1
+  #define A2_PIN  30           //p19
+  #define A3_PORT LPC_GPIO1
+  #define A3_PIN  31           //p20
+  #define A4_PORT LPC_GPIO0
+  #define A4_PIN  10           //p28
+  #define A5_PORT LPC_GP100
+  #define A5_PIN  11           //p27
+// Shield Control macros
+#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port)->FIOCLR = (1u<<(pin))
+#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port)->FIOSET = (1u<<(pin))
+#define PIN_OUTPUT(port, pin) (port)->FIODIR |= (1u<<(pin))
+#define PIN_INPUT(port, pin)  (port)->FIODIR &= ~(1u<<(pin))
+#define PIN_READ(port, pin)   (port)->FIOPIN & (1u<<(pin))
+#elif (defined(MK20D7) && defined(TEENSY)) || defined(TARGET_TEENSY3_1)
+#if __MBED__
+#warning MBED knows everything
+  #include <MK20D5.h>
+  #define D0_PORT PTB
+  #define D0_PIN  16
+  #define D1_PORT PTB
+  #define D1_PIN  17
+  #define D2_PORT PTD
+  #define D2_PIN  0
+  #define D3_PORT PTA
+  #define D3_PIN  12
+  #define D4_PORT PTA
+  #define D4_PIN  13
+  #define D5_PORT PTD
+  #define D5_PIN  7
+  #define D6_PORT PTD
+  #define D6_PIN  4
+  #define D7_PORT PTD
+  #define D7_PIN  2
+  #define D8_PORT PTD
+  #define D8_PIN  3
+  #define D9_PORT PTC
+  #define D9_PIN  3
+  #define D10_PORT PTC
+  #define D10_PIN  4
+  #define D11_PORT PTC
+  #define D11_PIN  6
+  #define D12_PORT PTC
+  #define D12_PIN  7
+  #define D13_PORT PTC
+  #define D13_PIN  5
+  #define A0_PORT PTD
+  #define A0_PIN  1
+  #define A1_PORT PTC
+  #define A1_PIN  0
+  #define A2_PORT PTB
+  #define A2_PIN  0
+  #define A3_PORT PTB
+  #define A3_PIN  1
+  #define A4_PORT PTB
+  #define A4_PIN  3
+  #define A5_PORT PTB
+  #define A5_PIN  2
+// Shield Control macros.   Deliberately avoid the IOSET registers
+#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port)->PCOR =  (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port)->PSOR =  (1<<(pin))
+//#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port)->PDOR &= ~(1<<(pin))
+//#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port)->PDOR |=  (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_OUTPUT(port, pin) (port)->PDDR |= (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_INPUT(port, pin)  (port)->PDDR &= ~(1u<<(pin))
+#define PIN_READ(port, pin)   (port)->PDIR & (1u<<(pin))
+#elif defined(MKL25Z4) || defined(TARGET_KL25Z)
+  #include <MKL25Z4.h>
+  #define D0_PORT PTA
+  #define D0_PIN  1
+  #define D1_PORT PTA
+  #define D1_PIN  2
+  #define D2_PORT PTD
+  #define D2_PIN  4
+  #define D3_PORT PTA
+  #define D3_PIN  12
+  #define D4_PORT PTA
+  #define D4_PIN  4
+  #define D5_PORT PTA
+  #define D5_PIN  5
+  #define D6_PORT PTC
+  #define D6_PIN  8
+  #define D7_PORT PTC
+  #define D7_PIN  9
+  #define D8_PORT PTA
+  #define D8_PIN  13
+  #define D9_PORT PTD
+  #define D9_PIN  5
+  #define D10_PORT PTD
+  #define D10_PIN  0
+  #define D11_PORT PTD
+  #define D11_PIN  2
+  #define D12_PORT PTD
+  #define D12_PIN  3
+  #define D13_PORT PTD
+  #define D13_PIN  1
+  #define A0_PORT PTB
+  #define A0_PIN  0
+  #define A1_PORT PTB
+  #define A1_PIN  1
+  #define A2_PORT PTB
+  #define A2_PIN  2
+  #define A3_PORT PTB
+  #define A3_PIN  3
+  #define A4_PORT PTC
+  #define A4_PIN  2
+  #define A5_PORT PTC
+  #define A5_PIN  1
+// Shield Control macros.   Deliberately avoid the IOSET registers
+#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port)->PCOR =  (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port)->PSOR =  (1<<(pin))
+//#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port)->PDOR &= ~(1<<(pin))
+//#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port)->PDOR |=  (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_OUTPUT(port, pin) (port)->PDDR |= (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_INPUT(port, pin)  (port)->PDDR &= ~(1u<<(pin))
+#define PIN_READ(port, pin)   (port)->PDIR & (1u<<(pin))
+#elif defined(MKL26Z4)
+  #include <MKL26Z4.h>
+  #define D0_PORT PTA
+  #define D0_PIN  1
+  #define D1_PORT PTA
+  #define D1_PIN  2
+  #define D2_PORT PTD
+  #define D2_PIN  3      //PTD4 on KL25
+  #define D3_PORT PTA
+  #define D3_PIN  12
+  #define D4_PORT PTA
+  #define D4_PIN  4
+  #define D5_PORT PTA
+  #define D5_PIN  5
+  #define D6_PORT PTC
+  #define D6_PIN  8
+  #define D7_PORT PTC
+  #define D7_PIN  9
+  #define D8_PORT PTA
+  #define D8_PIN  13
+  #define D9_PORT PTD
+  #define D9_PIN  2      //PTD5 on KL25
+  #define D10_PORT PTD
+  #define D10_PIN  4      //PTD0
+  #define D11_PORT PTD
+  #define D11_PIN  6      //PTD2
+  #define D12_PORT PTD
+  #define D12_PIN  7      //PTD3
+  #define D13_PORT PTD
+  #define D13_PIN  5      //PTD1
+  #define A0_PORT PTB
+  #define A0_PIN  0
+  #define A1_PORT PTB
+  #define A1_PIN  1
+  #define A2_PORT PTB
+  #define A2_PIN  2
+  #define A3_PORT PTB
+  #define A3_PIN  3
+  #define A4_PORT PTC
+  #define A4_PIN  2
+  #define A5_PORT PTC
+  #define A5_PIN  1
+// Shield Control macros.   Deliberately avoid the IOSET registers
+#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port)->PCOR =  (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port)->PSOR =  (1<<(pin))
+//#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port)->PDOR &= ~(1<<(pin))
+//#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port)->PDOR |=  (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_OUTPUT(port, pin) (port)->PDDR |= (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_INPUT(port, pin)  (port)->PDDR &= ~(1u<<(pin))
+#define PIN_READ(port, pin)   (port)->PDIR & (1u<<(pin))
+#elif defined(MKL05Z4) || defined(TARGET_KL05Z)
+  #include <MKL05Z4.h>
+  #define D0_PORT PTB
+  #define D0_PIN  2
+  #define D1_PORT PTB
+  #define D1_PIN  1
+  #define D2_PORT PTA
+  #define D2_PIN  11
+  #define D3_PORT PTB
+  #define D3_PIN  5
+  #define D4_PORT PTA
+  #define D4_PIN  10
+  #define D5_PORT PTA
+  #define D5_PIN  12
+  #define D6_PORT PTB
+  #define D6_PIN  6
+  #define D7_PORT PTB
+  #define D7_PIN  7
+  #define D8_PORT PTB
+  #define D8_PIN  13
+  #define D9_PORT PTB
+  #define D9_PIN  5
+  #define D10_PORT PTA
+  #define D10_PIN  0
+  #define D11_PORT PTA
+  #define D11_PIN  2
+  #define D12_PORT PTA
+  #define D12_PIN  3
+  #define D13_PORT PTB
+  #define D13_PIN  1
+  #define A0_PORT PTB
+  #define A0_PIN  8
+  #define A1_PORT PTB
+  #define A1_PIN  9
+  #define A2_PORT PTA
+  #define A2_PIN  8
+  #define A3_PORT PTA
+  #define A3_PIN  0
+  #define A4_PORT PTA
+  #define A4_PIN  9
+  #define A5_PORT PTB
+  #define A5_PIN  13
+// Shield Control macros
+//#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port)->PCOR =  (1<<(pin))
+//#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port)->PSOR =  (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port)->PDOR &= ~(1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port)->PDOR |=  (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_OUTPUT(port, pin) (port)->PDDR |= (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_INPUT(port, pin)  (port)->PDDR &= ~(1u<<(pin))
+#define PIN_READ(port, pin)   (port)->PDIR & (1u<<(pin))
+#elif defined(MK20D5) || defined(TARGET_K20D50M)
+  #include <MK20D5.h>
+  #define D0_PORT PTE
+  #define D0_PIN  1
+  #define D1_PORT PTE
+  #define D1_PIN  0
+  #define D2_PORT PTA
+  #define D2_PIN  5
+  #define D3_PORT PTD
+  #define D3_PIN  4
+  #define D4_PORT PTC
+  #define D4_PIN  8
+  #define D5_PORT PTA
+  #define D5_PIN  1
+  #define D6_PORT PTC
+  #define D6_PIN  3
+  #define D7_PORT PTC
+  #define D7_PIN  4
+  #define D8_PORT PTA
+  #define D8_PIN  12
+  #define D9_PORT PTA
+  #define D9_PIN  2
+  #define D10_PORT PTC
+  #define D10_PIN  2
+  #define D11_PORT PTD
+  #define D11_PIN  2
+  #define D12_PORT PTD
+  #define D12_PIN  3
+  #define D13_PORT PTD
+  #define D13_PIN  1
+  #define A0_PORT PTC
+  #define A0_PIN  0
+  #define A1_PORT PTC
+  #define A1_PIN  1
+  #define A2_PORT PTD
+  #define A2_PIN  6
+  #define A3_PORT PTD
+  #define A3_PIN  5
+  #define A4_PORT PTB
+  #define A4_PIN  1
+  #define A5_PORT PTB
+  #define A5_PIN  0
+// Shield Control macros.   Deliberately avoid the IOSET registers
+#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port)->PCOR =  (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port)->PSOR =  (1<<(pin))
+//#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port)->PDOR &= ~(1<<(pin))
+//#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port)->PDOR |=  (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_OUTPUT(port, pin) (port)->PDDR |= (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_INPUT(port, pin)  (port)->PDDR &= ~(1u<<(pin))
+#define PIN_READ(port, pin)   (port)->PDIR & (1u<<(pin))
+#elif defined(ZERO)
+  #include <samd21.h>
+// configure macros for the data pins
+#if defined(D21_XPRO)
+  #define D0_PORT PORT->Group[1]
+  #define D0_PIN  9
+  #define D1_PORT PORT->Group[1]
+  #define D1_PIN  8
+  #define D2_PORT PORT->Group[1]
+  #define D2_PIN  14
+  #define D3_PORT PORT->Group[1]
+  #define D3_PIN  2
+  #define D4_PORT PORT->Group[1]
+  #define D4_PIN  5
+  #define D5_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define D5_PIN  21
+  #define D6_PORT PORT->Group[1]
+  #define D6_PIN  15
+  #define D7_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define D7_PIN  17
+  #define D8_PORT PORT->Group[1]
+  #define D8_PIN  6
+  #define D9_PORT PORT->Group[1]
+  #define D9_PIN  7
+  #define D10_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define D10_PIN  5
+  #define D11_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define D11_PIN  6
+  #define D12_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define D12_PIN  4
+  #define D13_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define D13_PIN  7
+  #define A0_PORT PORT->Group[1]
+  #define A0_PIN  0
+  #define A1_PORT PORT->Group[1]
+  #define A1_PIN  1
+  #define A2_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define A2_PIN  10
+  #define A3_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define A3_PIN  11
+  #define A4_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define A4_PIN  8
+  #define A5_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define A5_PIN  9
+#elif defined(M0_PRO)
+  #define D0_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define D0_PIN  11
+  #define D1_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define D1_PIN  10
+	//M0 and Zero physical PA08 and PA14 are swapped
+  #define D2_PORT PORT->Group[0] //PA08  (Zero-D4)
+  #define D2_PIN  8
+  #define D3_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define D3_PIN  9
+  #define D4_PORT PORT->Group[0] //PA14  (Zero-D2)
+  #define D4_PIN  14
+  #define D5_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define D5_PIN  15
+  #define D6_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define D6_PIN  20
+  #define D7_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define D7_PIN  21
+  #define D8_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define D8_PIN  6
+  #define D9_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define D9_PIN  7
+  #define D10_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define D10_PIN  18
+  #define D11_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define D11_PIN  16
+  #define D12_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define D12_PIN  19
+  #define D13_PORT PORT->Group[0]
+  #define D13_PIN  17
+	//M0 and Zero Arduino digital pin numbering is DIFFERENT
+  #define D16_PORT PORT->Group[0] //PA22 (SDA)  (Zero-D20)
+  #define D16_PIN  22
+  #define D17_PORT PORT->Group[0] //PA23 (SCL)  (Zero-D21)
+  #define D17_PIN  23
+  #define D18_PORT PORT->Group[0] //PA12 (MISO) (Zero-D22)
+  #define D18_PIN  12
+  #define D20_PORT PORT->Group[1] //PB11 (SCK)  (Zero-D24)
+  #define D20_PIN  11
+  #define D21_PORT PORT->Group[1] //PB10 (MOSI) (Zero-D23)
+  #define D21_PIN  10
+  #define A0_PORT PORT->Group[0] //PA02(M0-D24) (Zero-D14)   
+  #define A0_PIN  2
+  #define A1_PORT PORT->Group[1] //PB08
+  #define A1_PIN  8
+  #define A2_PORT PORT->Group[1] //PB09
+  #define A2_PIN  9
+  #define A3_PORT PORT->Group[0] //PA04
+  #define A3_PIN  4
+  #define A4_PORT PORT->Group[0] //PA05
+  #define A4_PIN  5
+  #define A5_PORT PORT->Group[1] //PB02
+  #define A5_PIN  2
+// Shield Control macros.
+#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port).OUTCLR.reg = (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port).OUTSET.reg = (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_OUTPUT(port, pin) (port).DIR.reg |= (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_INPUT(port, pin)  (port).DIR.reg &= ~(1u<<(pin))
+#define PIN_READ(port, pin)   (port).IN.reg & (1u<<(pin))
+//####################################### DUE ############################
+#elif defined(__SAM3X8E__)
+  #include <sam3xa.h>
+  #define D0_PORT PIOA
+  #define D0_PIN  8
+  #define D1_PORT PIOA
+  #define D1_PIN  9
+  #define D2_PORT PIOB
+  #define D2_PIN  25
+  #define D3_PORT PIOC
+  #define D3_PIN  28
+  #define D4_PORT PIOC   //also PA29
+  #define D4_PIN  26
+  #define D5_PORT PIOC
+  #define D5_PIN  25
+  #define D6_PORT PIOC
+  #define D6_PIN  24
+  #define D7_PORT PIOC
+  #define D7_PIN  23
+  #define D8_PORT PIOC
+  #define D8_PIN  22
+  #define D9_PORT PIOC
+  #define D9_PIN  21
+  #define D10_PORT PIOC  //also PA28
+  #define D10_PIN  29
+  #define D11_PORT PIOD
+  #define D11_PIN  7
+  #define D12_PORT PIOD
+  #define D12_PIN  8
+  #define D13_PORT PIOB
+  #define D13_PIN  27
+  #define A0_PORT PIOA
+  #define A0_PIN  16
+  #define A1_PORT PIOA
+  #define A1_PIN  24
+  #define A2_PORT PIOA
+  #define A2_PIN  23
+  #define A3_PORT PIOA
+  #define A3_PIN  22
+  #define A4_PORT PIOA
+  #define A4_PIN  6
+  #define A5_PORT PIOA
+  #define A5_PIN  4
+// Shield Control macros.
+#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port)->PIO_CODR = (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port)->PIO_SODR = (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_OUTPUT(port, pin) (port)->PIO_OER = (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_INPUT(port, pin)  (port)->PIO_ODR &= ~(1u<<(pin))
+#define PIN_READ(port, pin)   (port)->PIO_PDSR & (1u<<(pin))
+#elif defined(__AVR_ATxmegaA4U__)
+  #include <avr/io.h>
+  // PD6, PD7 is used for USB.   I could have used PORTA for bus,  PORTC for MSPI, SPI and remap
+    #define D0_PORT PORTE
+  #define D0_PIN  2
+  #define D1_PORT PORTE
+  #define D1_PIN  3
+  #define D2_PORT PORTC
+  #define D2_PIN  2
+  #define D3_PORT PORTC
+  #define D3_PIN  3
+  #define D4_PORT PORTC
+  #define D4_PIN  4
+  #define D5_PORT PORTC
+  #define D5_PIN  5
+  #define D6_PORT PORTC
+  #define D6_PIN  6
+  #define D7_PORT PORTC
+  #define D7_PIN  7
+  #define D8_PORT PORTC
+  #define D8_PIN  0
+  #define D9_PORT PORTC
+  #define D9_PIN  1
+  #define D10_PORT PORTD
+  #define D10_PIN  0
+  #define D11_PORT PORTD
+  #define D11_PIN  3
+  #define D12_PORT PORTD
+  #define D12_PIN  2
+  #define D13_PORT PORTD
+  #define D13_PIN  1
+  #define A0_PORT PORTB
+  #define A0_PIN  0
+  #define A1_PORT PORTB
+  #define A1_PIN  1
+  #define A2_PORT PORTB
+  #define A2_PIN  2
+  #define A3_PORT PORTB
+  #define A3_PIN  3
+  #define A4_PORT PORTE
+  #define A4_PIN  0
+  #define A5_PORT PORTE
+  #define A5_PIN  1
+// Shield Control macros.
+#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port).OUTCLR.reg = (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port).OUTSET.reg = (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_OUTPUT(port, pin) (port).DIR.reg |= (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_INPUT(port, pin)  (port).DIR.reg &= ~(1u<<(pin))
+#define PIN_READ(port, pin)   (port).IN.reg & (1u<<(pin))
+#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega4809__) && defined(ARDUINO_AVR_NANO_EVERY)   //NANO-EVERY
+#warning using NANO-EVERY
+  #include <avr/io.h>
+  #define D0_PORT PORTC
+  #define D0_PIN  5
+  #define D1_PORT PORTC
+  #define D1_PIN  4
+  #define D2_PORT PORTA
+  #define D2_PIN  0
+  #define D3_PORT PORTF
+  #define D3_PIN  5
+  #define D4_PORT PORTC
+  #define D4_PIN  6
+  #define D5_PORT PORTB
+  #define D5_PIN  2
+  #define D6_PORT PORTF
+  #define D6_PIN  4
+  #define D7_PORT PORTA
+  #define D7_PIN  1
+  #define D8_PORT PORTE
+  #define D8_PIN  3
+  #define D9_PORT PORTB
+  #define D9_PIN  0
+  #define D10_PORT PORTB //PB1
+  #define D10_PIN  1
+  #define D11_PORT PORTE
+  #define D11_PIN  0
+  #define D12_PORT PORTE
+  #define D12_PIN  1
+  #define D13_PORT PORTE
+  #define D13_PIN  2
+  #define A0_PORT PORTD
+  #define A0_PIN  3
+  #define A1_PORT PORTD
+  #define A1_PIN  2
+  #define A2_PORT PORTD
+  #define A2_PIN  1
+  #define A3_PORT PORTD
+  #define A3_PIN  0
+  #define A4_PORT PORTF
+  #define A4_PIN  2
+  #define A5_PORT PORTF
+  #define A5_PIN  3
+  #define A6_PORT PORTD
+  #define A6_PIN  5
+  #define A7_PORT PORTD
+  #define A7_PIN  4
+// Shield Control macros.
+#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port).OUTCLR.reg = (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port).OUTSET.reg = (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_OUTPUT(port, pin) (port).DIR.reg |= (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_INPUT(port, pin)  (port).DIR.reg &= ~(1u<<(pin))
+#define PIN_READ(port, pin)   (port).IN.reg & (1u<<(pin))
+#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega4809__)    //XPRO_4809 with XPRO_SHIELD_ADAPTER
+#warning using XPRO_4809 with XPRO_SHIELD_ADAPTER
+  #include <avr/io.h>
+  #define D0_PORT PORTA
+  #define D0_PIN  1
+  #define D1_PORT PORTA
+  #define D1_PIN  0
+  #define D2_PORT PORTB
+  #define D2_PIN  2
+  #define D3_PORT PORTC
+  #define D3_PIN  6
+  #define D4_PORT PORTC
+  #define D4_PIN  7
+  #define D5_PORT PORTF
+  #define D5_PIN  6
+  #define D6_PORT PORTB
+  #define D6_PIN  3
+  #define D7_PORT PORTE
+  #define D7_PIN  1
+  #define D8_PORT PORTA
+  #define D8_PIN  2
+  #define D9_PORT PORTA
+  #define D9_PIN  3
+  #define D10_PORT PORTA
+  #define D10_PIN  7
+  #define D11_PORT PORTA //PC5
+  #define D11_PIN  4
+  #define D12_PORT PORTA
+  #define D12_PIN  5
+  #define D13_PORT PORTA
+  #define D13_PIN  6
+  #define A0_PORT PORTD
+  #define A0_PIN  2
+  #define A1_PORT PORTD
+  #define A1_PIN  3
+  #define A2_PORT PORTD
+  #define A2_PIN  4
+  #define A3_PORT PORTD
+  #define A3_PIN  5
+  #define A4_PORT PORTC
+  #define A4_PIN  2
+  #define A5_PORT PORTC
+  #define A5_PIN  3
+// Shield Control macros.
+#define PIN_LOW(port, pin)    (port).OUTCLR.reg = (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin)   (port).OUTSET.reg = (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_OUTPUT(port, pin) (port).DIR.reg |= (1<<(pin))
+#define PIN_INPUT(port, pin)  (port).DIR.reg &= ~(1u<<(pin))
+#define PIN_READ(port, pin)   (port).IN.reg & (1u<<(pin))
+#elif defined(__AVR_ATtiny1634__)
+  #include <avr/io.h>
+  // 
+  #define D0_PORT PORTA //PA7
+  #define D0_PIN  7
+  #define D1_PORT PORTB //PB0
+  #define D1_PIN  0
+  #define D2_PORT PORTC //PC2
+  #define D2_PIN  2
+  #define D3_PORT PORTA //PA3
+  #define D3_PIN  3
+  #define D4_PORT PORTA //PA4
+  #define D4_PIN  4
+  #define D5_PORT PORTC //PC4
+  #define D5_PIN  4
+  #define D6_PORT PORTA //PA1
+  #define D6_PIN  1
+  #define D7_PORT PORTA //PA0
+  #define D7_PIN  0
+  #define D8_PORT PORTA //PA2
+  #define D8_PIN  2
+  #define D9_PORT PORTC //PC5
+  #define D9_PIN  5
+  #define D10_PORT PORTA //PA6
+  #define D10_PIN  6
+  #define D11_PORT PORTB //PB2
+  #define D11_PIN  2
+  #define D12_PORT PORTB //PB1
+  #define D12_PIN  1
+  #define D13_PORT PORTC //PC1
+  #define D13_PIN  1
+  #define A0_PORT PORTB //PB3
+  #define A0_PIN  3
+  #define A1_PORT PORTC //PC0
+  #define A1_PIN  0
+  #define A2_PORT PORTA //PA5
+  #define A2_PIN  5
+  #define A3_PORT PORTB //PB2
+  #define A3_PIN  2
+  #define A4_PORT PORTB //PB1
+  #define A4_PIN  1
+  #define A5_PORT PORTC //PC1
+  #define A5_PIN  1
+#error MCU unselected
+#endif        // MCUs
+#endif     //PIN_SHIELD_1_H
+#if 0
+#if defined(M0_PRO)
+#if defined(D21_XPRO)