Updated memory address #defines to avoid clashes with other libraries and f411re board defines

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu May 14 21:04:13 2015 +0000
Commit message:
renamed memory address #defines to avoid clashes with other libraries and f411re board

Changed in this revision

MCP23S17.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MCP23S17.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/MCP23S17.cpp	Sun Jan 29 19:11:42 2012 +0000
+++ b/MCP23S17.cpp	Thu May 14 21:04:13 2015 +0000
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@
     char MCP23S17::read(Port port)
-        return _read(port, GPIOA);    
+        return _read(port, MCP23S17_INTCAPA );    
     void MCP23S17::write(Port port, char data)
-        _write(port, OLATA, data);
+        _write(port, MCP23S17_OLATA, data);
     void MCP23S17::reset()
@@ -59,37 +59,37 @@
     void MCP23S17::config_control_register(char data)
-        _write(IOCON, data);
+        _write(MCP23S17_IOCON, data);
     void MCP23S17::config_pullups(Port port, char data)
-        _write(port, GPPUA, data);
+        _write(port, MCP23S17_GPPUA, data);
     void MCP23S17::config_direction(Port port, char data)
-        _write(port, IODIRA, data);
+        _write(port, MCP23S17_IODIRA, data);
     void MCP23S17::config_polarity(Port port, char data)
-        _write(port, IPOLA, data);
+        _write(port, MCP23S17_IPOLA, data);
     void MCP23S17::config_interrupt_enable(Port port, char data)
-        _write(port, GPINTENA, data);
+        _write(port, MCP23S17_GPINTENA, data);
     void MCP23S17::config_interrupt_control(Port port, char data)
-        _write(port, INTCONA, data);
+        _write(port, MCP23S17_INTCONA , data);
     void MCP23S17::config_mirror_interrupt(bool mirror)
-        char kopi_iocon = _read(IOCON);
+        char kopi_iocon = _read(MCP23S17_IOCON);
         if (mirror)
             kopi_iocon = kopi_iocon | INTERRUPT_MIRROR_BIT;
@@ -98,17 +98,17 @@
             kopi_iocon = kopi_iocon & ~INTERRUPT_MIRROR_BIT;
-        _write(IOCON, kopi_iocon);
+        _write(MCP23S17_IOCON, kopi_iocon);
     void MCP23S17::config_defaultvalue(Port port, char data)
-        _write(port, DEFVALA, data);
+        _write(port, MCP23S17_DEFVALA, data);
     void MCP23S17::config_interrupt_polarity(Polarity polarity)
-        char kopi_iocon = _read(IOCON);
+        char kopi_iocon = _read(MCP23S17_IOCON);
         if (polarity == ACTIVE_LOW)
             kopi_iocon = kopi_iocon | INTERRUPT_POLARITY_BIT;
@@ -117,17 +117,17 @@
             kopi_iocon = kopi_iocon & ~INTERRUPT_POLARITY_BIT;
-        _write(IOCON, kopi_iocon);
+        _write(MCP23S17_IOCON, kopi_iocon);
     char MCP23S17::read_interrupt_flag(Port port)
-        return _read(port, INTFA);
+        return _read(port, MCP23S17_INTFA);
     char MCP23S17::read_interrupt_capture(Port port)
-        return _read(port, INTCAPA);
+        return _read(port, MCP23S17_INTCAPA );
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
     void MCP23S17::_initialization()
-        _write(IOCON, 0x2A); // setup af control register (BANK = 0, MIRROR = 0, SEQOP = 1, DISSLW = 0, HAEN = 1, ODR = 0, INTPOL = 1, NC = 0)
+        _write(MCP23S17_IOCON, 0x2A); // setup af control register (BANK = 0, MIRROR = 0, SEQOP = 1, DISSLW = 0, HAEN = 1, ODR = 0, INTPOL = 1, NC = 0)
     void MCP23S17::_make_opcode(int _hardwareaddress)
--- a/MCP23S17.h	Sun Jan 29 19:11:42 2012 +0000
+++ b/MCP23S17.h	Thu May 14 21:04:13 2015 +0000
@@ -29,27 +29,27 @@
 // All Registers and there Address if BANK = 0
-#define IODIRA   0x00       // Controls the direction of the data I/O on Port A       
-#define IODIRB   0x01       // Controls the direction of the data I/O on Port B
-#define IPOLA    0x02       // Configure the polarity on the corresponding GPIO (Port A)
-#define IPOLB    0x03       // Configure the polarity on the corresponding GPIO (Port B)
-#define GPINTENA 0x04       // Controls the interrupt-on change feature for each pin for Port A
-#define GPINTENB 0x05       // Controls the interrupt-on change feature for each pin for Port B
-#define DEFVALA  0x06       // The default comparison value if the INTCONA is set to "1" for Port A
-#define DEFVALB  0x07       // The default comparison value if the INTCONA is set to "1" for Port B
-#define INTCONA  0x08       // Controls how the associated pin value is compared for the interrupt-on-change feature for Port A
-#define INTCONB  0x09       // Controls how the associated pin value is compared for the interrupt-on-change feature for Port B
-#define IOCON    0x0A       // Contains several bits for configuring the device
-#define GPPUA    0x0C       // Controls the pull-up resistors for the port pins for port A
-#define GPPUB    0x0D       // Controls the pull-up resistors for the port pins for port B
-#define INTFA    0x0E       // READ ONLY // reflects the interrupt condition on port A pins of any pin that is enabled for interrupts via the GPINTEN register.
-#define INTFB    0x0F       // READ ONLY // reflects the interrupt condition on port B pins of any pin that is enabled for interrupts via the GPINTEN register.
-#define INTCAPA  0x10       // READ ONLY // captures the GPIO port A value at the time the interrupt occurred
-#define INTCAPB  0x11       // READ ONLY // captures the GPIO port B value at the time the interrupt occurred
-#define GPIOA    0x12       // Reflects the value on the port A (doing write function it only read input)
-#define GPIOB    0x13       // Reflects the value on the port B (doing write function it only read input)
-#define OLATA    0x14       // A write to this register modifies the output latches that modifies the pins configured as outputs for Port A
-#define OLATB    0x15       // A write to this register modifies the output latches that modifies the pins configured as outputs for Port B
+#define MCP23S17_IODIRA   0x00       // Controls the direction of the data I/O on Port A       
+#define MCP23S17_IODIRB   0x01       // Controls the direction of the data I/O on Port B
+#define MCP23S17_IPOLA    0x02       // Configure the polarity on the corresponding GPIO (Port A)
+#define MCP23S17_IPOLB    0x03       // Configure the polarity on the corresponding GPIO (Port B)
+#define MCP23S17_GPINTENA 0x04       // Controls the interrupt-on change feature for each pin for Port A
+#define MCP23S17_GPINTENB 0x05       // Controls the interrupt-on change feature for each pin for Port B
+#define MCP23S17_DEFVALA  0x06       // The default comparison value if the INTCONA is set to "1" for Port A
+#define MCP23S17_DEFVALB  0x07       // The default comparison value if the INTCONA is set to "1" for Port B
+#define MCP23S17_INTCONA  0x08       // Controls how the associated pin value is compared for the interrupt-on-change feature for Port A
+#define MCP23S17_INTCONB  0x09       // Controls how the associated pin value is compared for the interrupt-on-change feature for Port B
+#define MCP23S17_IOCON    0x0A       // Contains several bits for configuring the device
+#define MCP23S17_GPPUA    0x0C       // Controls the pull-up resistors for the port pins for port A
+#define MCP23S17_GPPUB    0x0D       // Controls the pull-up resistors for the port pins for port B
+#define MCP23S17_INTFA    0x0E       // READ ONLY // reflects the interrupt condition on port A pins of any pin that is enabled for interrupts via the GPINTEN register.
+#define MCP23S17_INTFB    0x0F       // READ ONLY // reflects the interrupt condition on port B pins of any pin that is enabled for interrupts via the GPINTEN register.
+#define MCP23S17_INTCAPA  0x10       // READ ONLY // captures the GPIO port A value at the time the interrupt occurred
+#define MCP23S17_INTCAPB  0x11       // READ ONLY // captures the GPIO port B value at the time the interrupt occurred
+#define MCP23S17_GPIOA    0x12       // Reflects the value on the port A (doing write function it only read input)
+#define MCP23S17_GPIOB    0x13       // Reflects the value on the port B (doing write function it only read input)
+#define MCP23S17_OLATA    0x14       // A write to this register modifies the output latches that modifies the pins configured as outputs for Port A
+#define MCP23S17_OLATB    0x15       // A write to this register modifies the output latches that modifies the pins configured as outputs for Port B
 // Declaration of variables & custom #defines