Getting up and running offline

Im using Debian Squeeze and tried to compile binaries for the mbed lpc1768 in Eclipse, Ive spent alot of time and no luck. I have managed to succeessfully make using files from and recently using Adam Greens' work. Im happy to setup and environment around this, so Im getting to know Kate and playing with make.

Looking back it seems most of my problems were due to only recently installing Debian from a live DVD and legacy settings/files from all the other unsuccessful attempts. As an example, I got stuck on a problem in eclipse when installing the arm plugin, one of the errors I was receiving was an "unknow problem" with make. After many hours of trying different combinations of eclipse, codesourcery and the plugin I went back to basics and sure enough the "Unknow problem" with make was the make program wasnt installed.

Ive found this with svn and curl when installing Adams setup which saw me do much of the installation by hand. Im guessing this was because I used the 1 dvd version of Debian live, there are many "standard" goodies not installed compared to the 4 dvd version (Debian is awesome).

Maybe after the blood pressure comes down I should revisit the Eclipse setup, but for now Im happy to be running simply.

Thanks to all the people who have shared their experience and time producing offline solutions.

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