CDC/ECM driver for mbed, based on USBDevice by mbed-official. Uses PicoTCP to access Ethernet USB device. License: GPLv2

Dependents:   USBEthernet_TEST

Fork of USB_Ethernet by Daniele Lacamera



File content as of revision 2:540f6e142d59:

PicoTCP. Copyright (c) 2012 TASS Belgium NV. Some rights reserved.
See LICENSE and COPYING for usage.


#define DECLARE_HEAP(type, orderby) \
struct heap_##type {   \
  uint32_t size;       \
  uint32_t n;       \
  type *top;        \
}; \
typedef struct heap_##type heap_##type; \
static inline int heap_insert(struct heap_##type *heap, type *el) \
{ \
  int i; \
  type * newTop; \
  if (++heap->n >= heap->size) {                                                \
    newTop = pico_zalloc((heap->n + 1) * sizeof(type)); \
    if(!newTop) \
      return -1; \
    if (heap->top)  {\
      memcpy(newTop,heap->top,heap->n*sizeof(type)); \
      pico_free(heap->top); \
    } \
    heap->top = newTop;                \
    heap->size++;                                                                \
  }                                                                              \
  if (heap->n == 1) {                                                          \
    memcpy(&heap->top[1], el, sizeof(type));                                    \
    return 0;                                                                    \
  }                                                                              \
  for (i = heap->n; ((i > 1) && (heap->top[i / 2].orderby > el->orderby)); i /= 2) {          \
    memcpy(&heap->top[i], &heap->top[i / 2], sizeof(type));                        \
  }              \
  memcpy(&heap->top[i], el, sizeof(type));                                      \
  return 0;                                                                       \
} \
static inline int heap_peek(struct heap_##type *heap, type *first) \
{ \
  type *last;              \
  int i, child;          \
  if(heap->n == 0) {      \
    return -1;             \
  }                      \
  memcpy(first, &heap->top[1], sizeof(type));      \
  last = &heap->top[heap->n--];                  \
  for(i = 1; (i * 2) <= heap->n; i = child) {      \
    child = 2 * i;                                \
    if ((child != heap->n) &&                     \
        (heap->top[child + 1]).orderby             \
        < (heap->top[child]).orderby)            \
        child++;                                \
    if (last->orderby >                         \
        heap->top[child].orderby)                \
        memcpy(&heap->top[i], &heap->top[child],\
                sizeof(type));                    \
    else                                        \
        break;                                    \
  }                                              \
  memcpy(&heap->top[i], last, sizeof(type));      \
  return 0;                                      \
} \
static inline type *heap_first(heap_##type *heap)  \
{ \
  if (heap->n == 0)      \
    return NULL;        \
  return &heap->top[1];  \
} \
static inline heap_##type *heap_init(void) \
{ \
  heap_##type *p = (heap_##type *)pico_zalloc(sizeof(heap_##type));  \
  return p;      \
} \
static inline void heap_destroy(heap_##type *h) \
{ \
  pico_free(h->top);   \
  pico_free(h);       \
} \