ARM 6x7 Segment Display BoB - dispBoB

This is a purpose built breakout board, utilizing the PCA9635 IO bus expander as an LED driver. The dispBoB library requires the inclusion of the PCA9635 library in order to function correctly.


The library is set up such that it is possible to illuminate individual LEDs or simply send strings to the display, for which there are two separate options.

void write(string str) - this simply displays a 6 character long max. string statically.

void scroll(string str, float speed) - this takes strings of any length and scrolls them across the display, each frame lasts for a duration, specified by the speed parameter.

For instance:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "dispBoB.h"

dispBoB db(p28, p27, p26);

int main() {

    while(1) {
        db.scroll("This is a dispBoB message!", 0.5);

The above code displays an output message reading This is a dispBoB message!

Cool App

Connect your mbed to the internet via an Ethernet cable, when plugged into the dispBoB. Import this program, then type a short message into this web app. The message you typed then shows up on the dispBoB!! Cool or what! Source code here




Additional notes

The following ASCII encoded characters are supported:

! ' ( ) { } [ ] - _ .


, is not supported

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