Dependencies:   MAX44000 PWM_Tone_Library nexpaq_mdk

Fork of LED_Demo by Maxim nexpaq

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbd_os/features/FEATURE_COMMON_PAL/nanostack-libservice/source/nsdynmemLIB/nsdynmemLIB.c	Sat Sep 17 16:32:05 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "nsdynmemLIB.h"
+#include "platform/arm_hal_interrupt.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "ns_list.h"
+void (*heap_failure_callback)(heap_fail_t);
+static int *heap_main = 0;
+static int *heap_main_end = 0;
+static uint16_t heap_size = 0;
+typedef enum mem_stat_update_t {
+} mem_stat_update_t;
+static mem_stat_t *mem_stat_info_ptr = 0;
+typedef struct {
+    ns_list_link_t link;
+} hole_t;
+static NS_LIST_DEFINE(holes_list, hole_t, link);
+// size of a hole_t in our word units
+#define HOLE_T_SIZE ((sizeof(hole_t) + sizeof(int) - 1) / sizeof(int))
+static NS_INLINE hole_t *hole_from_block_start(int *start)
+    return (hole_t *)(start + 1);
+static NS_INLINE int *block_start_from_hole(hole_t *start)
+    return ((int *)start) - 1;
+static void heap_failure(heap_fail_t reason)
+    if (heap_failure_callback) {
+        heap_failure_callback(reason);
+    }
+void ns_dyn_mem_init(uint8_t *heap, uint16_t h_size, void (*passed_fptr)(heap_fail_t), mem_stat_t *info_ptr)
+    int *ptr;
+    int temp_int;
+    /* Do memory alignment */
+    temp_int = ((uintptr_t)heap % sizeof(int));
+    if (temp_int) {
+        heap += (sizeof(int) - temp_int);
+        h_size -= (sizeof(int) - temp_int);
+    }
+    /* Make correction for total length also */
+    temp_int = (h_size % sizeof(int));
+    if (temp_int) {
+        h_size -= (sizeof(int) - temp_int);
+    }
+    heap_main = (int *)heap; // SET Heap Pointer
+    heap_size = h_size; //Set Heap Size
+    temp_int = (h_size / sizeof(int));
+    temp_int -= 2;
+    ptr = heap_main;
+    *ptr = -(temp_int);
+    ptr += (temp_int + 1);
+    *ptr = -(temp_int);
+    heap_main_end = ptr;
+    ns_list_init(&holes_list);
+    ns_list_add_to_start(&holes_list, hole_from_block_start(heap_main));
+    //RESET Memory by Hea Len
+    if (info_ptr) {
+        mem_stat_info_ptr = info_ptr;
+        memset(mem_stat_info_ptr, 0, sizeof(mem_stat_t));
+        mem_stat_info_ptr->heap_sector_size = heap_size;
+    }
+    heap_failure_callback = passed_fptr;
+const mem_stat_t *ns_dyn_mem_get_mem_stat(void)
+    return mem_stat_info_ptr;
+    return NULL;
+void dev_stat_update(mem_stat_update_t type, int16_t size)
+    if (mem_stat_info_ptr) {
+        switch (type) {
+            case DEV_HEAP_ALLOC_OK:
+                mem_stat_info_ptr->heap_sector_alloc_cnt++;
+                mem_stat_info_ptr->heap_sector_allocated_bytes += size;
+                if (mem_stat_info_ptr->heap_sector_allocated_bytes_max < mem_stat_info_ptr->heap_sector_allocated_bytes) {
+                    mem_stat_info_ptr->heap_sector_allocated_bytes_max = mem_stat_info_ptr->heap_sector_allocated_bytes;
+                }
+                mem_stat_info_ptr->heap_alloc_total_bytes += size;
+                break;
+            case DEV_HEAP_ALLOC_FAIL:
+                mem_stat_info_ptr->heap_alloc_fail_cnt++;
+                break;
+            case DEV_HEAP_FREE:
+                mem_stat_info_ptr->heap_sector_alloc_cnt--;
+                mem_stat_info_ptr->heap_sector_allocated_bytes -= size;
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+static int convert_allocation_size(int16_t requested_bytes)
+    if (heap_main == 0) {
+        heap_failure(NS_DYN_MEM_HEAP_SECTOR_UNITIALIZED);
+    } else if (requested_bytes < 1) {
+        heap_failure(NS_DYN_MEM_ALLOCATE_SIZE_NOT_VALID);
+    } else if (requested_bytes > (heap_size - 2 * sizeof(int)) ) {
+        heap_failure(NS_DYN_MEM_ALLOCATE_SIZE_NOT_VALID);
+    }
+    return (requested_bytes + sizeof(int) - 1) / sizeof(int);
+// Checks that block length indicators are valid
+// Block has format: Size of data area [1 word] | data area [abs(size) words]| Size of data area [1 word]
+// If Size is negative it means area is unallocated
+// For direction, use 1 for direction up and -1 for down
+static int8_t ns_block_validate(int *block_start, int direction)
+    int8_t ret_val = -1;
+    int *end = block_start;
+    int size_start = *end;
+    end += (1 + abs(size_start));
+    if (size_start != 0 && size_start == *end) {
+        ret_val = 0;
+    }
+    return ret_val;
+// For direction, use 1 for direction up and -1 for down
+static void *ns_dyn_mem_internal_alloc(const int16_t alloc_size, int direction)
+    int *block_ptr = NULL;
+    platform_enter_critical();
+    int data_size = convert_allocation_size(alloc_size);
+    if (!data_size) {
+        goto done;
+    }
+    // ns_list_foreach, either forwards or backwards, result to ptr
+    for (hole_t *cur_hole = direction > 0 ? ns_list_get_first(&holes_list)
+                                          : ns_list_get_last(&holes_list);
+         cur_hole;
+         cur_hole = direction > 0 ? ns_list_get_next(&holes_list, cur_hole)
+                                  : ns_list_get_previous(&holes_list, cur_hole)
+        ) {
+        int *p = block_start_from_hole(cur_hole);
+        if (ns_block_validate(p, direction) != 0 || *p >= 0) {
+            //Validation failed, or this supposed hole has positive (allocated) size
+            heap_failure(NS_DYN_MEM_HEAP_SECTOR_CORRUPTED);
+            break;
+        }
+        if (-*p >= data_size) {
+            // Found a big enough block
+            block_ptr = p;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!block_ptr) {
+        goto done;
+    }
+    int block_data_size = -*block_ptr;
+    if (block_data_size >= (data_size + 2 + HOLE_T_SIZE)) {
+        int hole_size = block_data_size - data_size - 2;
+        int *hole_ptr;
+        //There is enough room for a new hole so create it first
+        if ( direction > 0 ) {
+            hole_ptr = block_ptr + 1 + data_size + 1;
+            // Hole will be left at end of area.
+            // Would like to just replace this block_ptr with new descriptor, but
+            // they could overlap, so ns_list_replace might fail
+            //ns_list_replace(&holes_list, block_ptr, hole_from_block_start(hole_ptr));
+            hole_t *before = ns_list_get_previous(&holes_list, hole_from_block_start(block_ptr));
+            ns_list_remove(&holes_list, hole_from_block_start(block_ptr));
+            if (before) {
+                ns_list_add_after(&holes_list, before, hole_from_block_start(hole_ptr));
+            } else {
+                ns_list_add_to_start(&holes_list, hole_from_block_start(hole_ptr));
+            }
+        } else {
+            hole_ptr = block_ptr;
+            // Hole remains at start of area - keep existing descriptor in place.
+            block_ptr += 1 + hole_size + 1;
+        }
+        hole_ptr[0] = -hole_size;
+        hole_ptr[1 + hole_size] = -hole_size;
+    } else {
+        // Not enough room for a left-over hole, so use the whole block
+        data_size = block_data_size;
+        ns_list_remove(&holes_list, hole_from_block_start(block_ptr));
+    }
+    block_ptr[0] = data_size;
+    block_ptr[1 + data_size] = data_size;
+ done:
+    if (mem_stat_info_ptr) {
+        if (block_ptr) {
+            //Update Allocate OK
+            dev_stat_update(DEV_HEAP_ALLOC_OK, (data_size + 2) * sizeof(int));
+        } else {
+            //Update Allocate Fail, second parameter is not used for stats
+            dev_stat_update(DEV_HEAP_ALLOC_FAIL, 0);
+        }
+    }
+    platform_exit_critical();
+    return block_ptr ? block_ptr + 1 : NULL;
+    void *retval = NULL;
+    if (alloc_size) {
+        platform_enter_critical();
+        retval = malloc(alloc_size);
+        platform_exit_critical();
+    }
+    return retval;
+void *ns_dyn_mem_alloc(int16_t alloc_size)
+    return ns_dyn_mem_internal_alloc(alloc_size, -1);
+void *ns_dyn_mem_temporary_alloc(int16_t alloc_size)
+    return ns_dyn_mem_internal_alloc(alloc_size, 1);
+static void ns_free_and_merge_with_adjacent_blocks(int *cur_block, int data_size)
+    // Theory of operation: Block is always in form | Len | Data | Len |
+    // So we need to check length of previous (if current not heap start)
+    // and next (if current not heap end) blocks. Negative length means
+    // free memory so we can merge freed block with those.
+    hole_t *existing_start = NULL;
+    hole_t *existing_end = NULL;
+    int *start = cur_block;
+    int *end = cur_block + data_size + 1;
+    //invalidate current block
+    *cur_block = -data_size;
+    *end = -data_size;
+    int merged_data_size = data_size;
+    if (cur_block != heap_main) {
+        cur_block--;
+        if (*cur_block < 0) {
+            merged_data_size += (2 - *cur_block);
+            start -= (2 - *cur_block);
+            if (-*start >= HOLE_T_SIZE) {
+                existing_start = hole_from_block_start(start);
+            }
+        }
+        cur_block++;
+    }
+    if (end != heap_main_end) {
+        end++;
+        if (*end < 0) {
+            merged_data_size += (2 - *end);
+            if (-*end >= HOLE_T_SIZE) {
+                existing_end = hole_from_block_start(end);
+            }
+            end += (1 - *end);
+        }else{
+            end--;
+        }
+    }
+    hole_t *to_add = hole_from_block_start(start);
+    hole_t *before = NULL;
+    if (existing_end) {
+        // Extending hole described by "existing_end" downwards.
+        // Will replace with descriptor at bottom of merged block.
+        // (Can't use ns_list_replace, because of danger of overlap)
+        // Optimisation - note our position for insertion below.
+        before = ns_list_get_next(&holes_list, existing_end);
+        ns_list_remove(&holes_list, existing_end);
+    }
+    if (existing_start) {
+        // Extending hole described by "existing_start" upwards.
+        // No need to modify that descriptor - it remains at the bottom
+        // of the merged block to describe it.
+    } else {
+        // Didn't find adjacent descriptors, but may still
+        // be merging with small blocks without descriptors.
+        if ( merged_data_size >= HOLE_T_SIZE ) {
+            // Locate hole position in list, if we don't already know
+            // from merging with the block above.
+            if (!existing_end) {
+                ns_list_foreach(hole_t, ptr, &holes_list) {
+                    if (ptr > to_add) {
+                        before = ptr;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (before) {
+                ns_list_add_before(&holes_list, before, to_add);
+            } else {
+                ns_list_add_to_end(&holes_list, to_add);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    *start = -merged_data_size;
+    *end = -merged_data_size;
+void ns_dyn_mem_free(void *block)
+    int *ptr = block;
+    int size;
+    if (!block) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!heap_main) {
+        heap_failure(NS_DYN_MEM_HEAP_SECTOR_UNITIALIZED);
+        return;
+    }
+    platform_enter_critical();
+    ptr --;
+    //Read Current Size
+    size = *ptr;
+    if (size < 0) {
+        heap_failure(NS_DYN_MEM_DOUBLE_FREE);
+    } else if (ptr < heap_main || ptr >= heap_main_end) {
+        heap_failure(NS_DYN_MEM_POINTER_NOT_VALID);
+    } else if ((ptr + size) >= heap_main_end) {
+        heap_failure(NS_DYN_MEM_POINTER_NOT_VALID);
+    } else {
+        if (ns_block_validate(ptr, 1) != 0) {
+            heap_failure(NS_DYN_MEM_HEAP_SECTOR_CORRUPTED);
+        } else {
+            ns_free_and_merge_with_adjacent_blocks(ptr, size);
+            if (mem_stat_info_ptr) {
+                //Update Free Counter
+                dev_stat_update(DEV_HEAP_FREE, (size + 2) * sizeof(int));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    platform_exit_critical();
+    platform_enter_critical();
+    free(block);
+    platform_exit_critical();