LCD TFT for ssd0139 driver 8 bit mode
Dependents: receiver TFT_CJS_ssd0139 poster8x8_ranger
Fork of LCDTFT by
Updated so example code now has correct definition fo the port; uses a single 8 bit busout command.; May need slight change if one wants to speed things up and use the portout version....
2015-06-09, by cstevens [Tue, 09 Jun 2015 10:29:06 +0000] rev 5
Updated so example code now has correct definition fo the port; uses a single 8 bit busout command.; May need slight change if one wants to speed things up and use the portout version....
modified for kl25zports
2015-06-09, by cstevens [Tue, 09 Jun 2015 09:15:28 +0000] rev 4
modified for kl25zports
modified for ssd0139 driver and 240x320 tftlcd display;
2014-09-02, by cstevens [Tue, 02 Sep 2014 14:13:31 +0000] rev 3
modified for ssd0139 driver and 240x320 tftlcd display;
based on fuentes library for tft lcd - this does the ssd0139 samsung driver for 240x320 color screens like those often sold on ebay
2014-09-02, by cstevens [Tue, 02 Sep 2014 09:02:18 +0000] rev 2
based on fuentes library for tft lcd - this does the ssd0139 samsung driver for 240x320 color screens like those often sold on ebay