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00001 #ifndef FSR_H
00002 #define FSR_H
00004 #include "mbed.h"
00006 /** Force sensitive resistor class using an AnalogIn pin
00007  *
00008  * Example:
00009  * @code
00010  * #include "mbed.h"
00011  * #include "FSR.h"
00012  * FSR fsr(p20, 10); // Pin 20 is used as the AnalogIn pin and a 10k resistor is used as a voltage divider
00013  * int main(){
00014  *     while (1)
00015  *     {
00016  *         printf("The raw data is %f\n", fsr.readRaw());
00017  *         printf("The resistance of the FSR is %f\n", fsr.readFSRResistance());
00018  *         printf("The weight on the FSR is %f\n\n", fsr.readWeight());
00019  *         wait(0.3); //just here to slow down the output for easier reading
00020  *     }
00021  * }
00022  * @endcode
00023  */
00025 class FSR
00026 {
00027 public:
00028     /** Create an FSR object
00029      *
00030      * @param Pin AnalogIn pin number
00031      * @param resistance resistance of the voltage divider resistor in k
00032      */
00033     FSR(PinName Pin, float resistance);
00035     /** Read the raw data
00036      *
00037      * @return the raw float data ranging from 0 to 1
00038      */
00039     float readRaw();
00041     /** Read the resistance of the FSR
00042      *
00043      * @return the resistance of the FSR
00044      */
00045     float readFSRResistance();   
00047     /** Read the weight in N. 0 anyway if the weight is less than 100g
00048      *
00049      * @return the weight ranging from 100g to 10000g
00050      */
00051      float readWeight();
00052 protected:
00053     AnalogIn _ain;
00054     float _r;
00055 };
00057 #endif