basic functional test of FT810 LCD via SPI

Dependencies:   FT810 mbed

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Jul 21 14:27:30 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Aug 15 15:32:45 2016 +0000
@@ -1,386 +1,397 @@
 Title Block
-**     Project     : data logger: lcd power levels
-**     Engineers   : Curtis Mattull
-**     Processor   : MK20
-**     Version     : 1.0
-**     Compiler    : mbed
-**     Date/Time   : 7/18/2016
-**     Abstract    : This program functions as a simple data logger.
-                     This program also serves as a learning experience with using touch screen LCDs.
-                     modes of operation: (mcu never sleeps)
-        NOTE: comment line 12 of FT_LCD_TYPE.h unless using beyondtek display!
+**  Project     : datalogger_ft810_bitmap_practice
+**  Engineers   : Curtis Mattull
+**  Processor   : MK20
+**  Version     : 1.0
+**  Compiler    : mbed
+**  Date        : 7/26/2016
+**  Abstract    : This program serves as a learning aid to reading/writing to sd card.
+    Note        : Thare are 2 locations to comment for changing lcd screens:
+                    -line __ within main(),       variable:   display_type
+                    -line 12 of FT_LCD_TYPE.h,  definition: beyondtek
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "FT_Platform.h"
+#include "FT_color.h"
 #include "stdio.h"
+#include "string.h"
 #include "float.h"
 #include "SDFileSystem.h"
-    global
-//comment out for standard display
-#define beyondtek
-#define mask_present_state      0x38
-#define mask_tag_input          0x7
-#define mask_reg_tracker_tag    0xF
-#define font_title  0x1F
-#define font_button 0x1D
-#define font_author 0x15
-// create object for the LCD, handles all of the data passing and slave select commands (SPI)
-FT800 TFT(  D11,    //mosi
-            D12,    //miso
-            D13,    //sclk
-            D9,     //ss
-            D8,     //intr
-            D14 );  // pd       
-DigitalIn card_present(D7);     // digital in pin connected to the SD card detect pin input
-AnalogIn analog_in9(A9);        // analog 9 pin connected to the PSE input   4
-AnalogIn analog_in8(A8);        // analog 9 pin connected to the PFW input   5
-AnalogIn analog_in3(A3);        // analog 9 pin connected to the ITV1 input            10
-AnalogIn analog_in2(A2);        // analog 9 pin connected to the ITV2 input            11 from usb, starting at 1
+#include "FATFileSystem.h"
     function prototypes
-void    Start_Screen(ft_char8_t *str);
-int16_t collect_data(void);
-void    plot_data();
-//for gui state machine
-void    main_menu(uint8_t tag);       //  main menu            0
-void    mode_a(uint8_t tag);          //  mode A               1
-void    mode_b(uint8_t tag);          //  mode B               2
-void    mode_c(uint8_t tag);          //  mode C               3
-//for plot state machine
+//for display type
+void rotate_newhaven(void);
+void rotate_beyondtek(void);
+//for gui states
+void    gui_manager(void);
+void    main_menu(uint32_t tracker, uint8_t tag);       //  main menu            0
+void    mode_a(uint32_t tracker, uint8_t tag);          //  mode A               1
+void    mode_b(uint32_t tracker, uint8_t tag);          //  mode B               2
+void    mode_c(uint32_t tracker, uint8_t tag);          //  mode C               3
+//for plot states
 void    plot_nothing(void);
 void    plot_square(void);
 void    plot_triangle(void);
 void    plot_sine(void);
+void    collect_data(void);
+//for sd card
+uint8_t read_calibration(void);
+uint8_t sd_test(void);
+uint8_t bitmap_test(uint16_t x,uint16_t y);
+int8_t  Load_jpg(char* filename, ft_int16_t* x_size, ft_int16_t* y_size, ft_uint32_t address);
+//general use
+void    display_message(uint8_t error,  const ft_char8_t *pass, const ft_char8_t *fail);
+void    start_screen(ft_char8_t *str);
+void    error_screen(ft_char8_t *str1, ft_char8_t *str2);
     function pointers
-void (*draw_screen[4])(uint8_t tag) = { main_menu,      //  0
-                                        mode_a,         //  1
-                                        mode_b,         //  2
-                                        mode_c };       //  3
+void (*draw_screen[4])(uint32_t tracker, uint8_t tag) = {   main_menu,      //  0
+        mode_a,         //  1
+        mode_b,         //  2
+        mode_c
+                                                        };       //  3
 void (*plot[4])(void) = {   plot_nothing,      //  0
                             plot_square,         //  1
                             plot_triangle,         //  2
-                            plot_sine };       //  3
+//                            plot_sine
+                            collect_data
+                        };       //  3
+void (*display_rotate[2])() = { rotate_newhaven,    //  0
+                                rotate_beyondtek
+                              }; //  1
-    lookup tables
+    global objects and variables
-//gui menu state table
-static const uint8_t state_lookup[32] = {0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,    0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1,
-                                         0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2,    0x3, 0x3, 0x3, 0x3, 0x0, 0x3, 0x3, 0x3,};
-///*              array index values:     {  0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7       8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15
-//                                          16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23      24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31};
-// */
-static const uint8_t plot_lookup[32] =  {0x0, 0x0, 0x2, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0,    0x1, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1, 0x1,
-                                         0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x3, 0x2, 0x0, 0x1, 0x2,    0x3, 0x3, 0x2, 0x3, 0x3, 0x0, 0x1, 0x3,};
-///*              array index values:   {  0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7       8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15
-//                                        16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23      24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31};
-//// //fallback gui menu state table
-//static const uint8_t state_lookup[32] = {0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,    0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
-//                                         0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2, 0x2,    0x3, 0x3, 0x3, 0x3, 0x0, 0x3, 0x3, 0x3};
+// create an LCD object
+FT800 TFT   (   D11,    D12,    D13,    D9,     D8,     D14 );
+//          (   mosi,   miso,   sclk,   ss,     intr,   pd );
+//Create an SDFileSystem object
+SDFileSystem sd (   D11,    D12,    D13,    D10,    "sd");
+//SDFileSystem  (   mosi,   miso,   sclk,   ss,     name);
+DigitalIn   sdcard_present(D7);   // SD card detect input pin.      card_present() is the name of a function within the SDFileSystem Class!!!
+AnalogIn    analog_in9(A9);     // analog 9 pin connected to the PSE input   4
+AnalogIn    analog_in8(A8);     // analog 9 pin connected to the PFW input   5
+AnalogIn    analog_in3(A3);     // analog 9 pin connected to the ITV1 input 10
+AnalogIn    analog_in2(A2);     // analog 9 pin connected to the ITV2 input 11 from usb, starting at 1
-///*              array index values:     {  0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7       8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15
-//                                          16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23      24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31};
-// */
-static const int16_t square_wave_lookup[40] = { -100,-100,-100,-100,-100,   100,100,100,100,100,
-                                                -100,-100,-100,-100,-100,   100,100,100,100,100,
-                                                -100,-100,-100,-100,-100,   100,100,100,100,100,
-                                                -100,-100,-100,-100,-100,   100,100,100,100,100};
+const uint8_t   font_button =   28,
+                font_title =    31,
+                font_author =   21;
+const ft_char8_t    text_menu[32]   = {"Data Logger\0"},
+                    text_a[32]      = {"Plot adc\0"},
+                    text_b[32]      = {"Settings\0"},
+                    text_c[32]      = {"ISE40A\0"},
+                    text_back[32]   = {"Back\0"},
+                    text_author[32] = {"by Curtis Mattull\0"};
+int16_t i = 0x00;
+static const uint32_t   mask_reg_tracker_tag        = 0x0000FFFF;
+static const uint32_t   mask_reg_tracker_tracker    = 0xFFFF0000;
+static const uint8_t    mask_tag                    = 0xFF;
+char buffer[50];                                                                                                    // temporary buffer for writing characters to the LCD
+ft_int16_t x_size, y_size;                                                                                          // stores size data for loaded jpegs, not currently used
-static const int16_t tri_wave_lookup[40] = {    100,0,-100,0,   100,0,-100,0,
-                                                100,0,-100,0,   100,0,-100,0,
-                                                100,0,-100,0,   100,0,-100,0,
-                                                100,0,-100,0,   100,0,-100,0,
-                                                100,0,-100,0,   100,0,-100,0};
+    function:   main()
+    description:
+        -calibrate touch screen
+        -display welcome screen
+        -manages touch screen input, system states, and calls draw_screen functions
+int main()
+//    static const uint8_t display_type = 0x00;   //not beyondtek display
+    static const uint8_t display_type = 0x01;
+    uint8_t error[4]    = { 0x00,   // sd_test error
+                            0x00,   // load_bitmap error
+                            0x00,   // bitmap write error
+                            0x00
+                          };  // gui_manager error
-static const int16_t sine_wave_lookup[40] = {   0,  16,     31,     45,     59,     71,     81,     89,     95,     99,
-                                              100,  99,     95,     89,     81,     71,     59,     45,     31,     16,
-                                               -0, -16,    -31,    -45,    -59,    -71,    -81,    -89,    -95,    -99,
-                                             -100, -99,    -95,    -89,    -81,    -71,    -59,    -45,    -31,    -16, };
-    global variables
+    (*display_rotate[display_type])();  // for proper orientation
+    error[3] = read_calibration();
+    display_message( error[3], "touch calibration load success!\0", "touch calibration save success!\0");
+    TFT.Sleep(100);                     // Wait ___ to show
+    //load jpg into graphics ram
+    error[1] = Load_jpg("/sd/Logo.jpg", &x_size, &y_size, RAM_G);
+    display_message( error[1], "load jpg success!\0", "load jpg failed!\0");
+    TFT.Sleep(100);                     // Wait ___ to show
-int16_t i =0;
-uint8_t     present_states =    0x0,
-            tags             =  0x0,
-            combo_inputs     =  0x0;
-// data sample from ADC
-int16_t data1[40] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 };
+    start_screen("gui by\0");           //unneccessary..
+    TFT.Sleep(100);                     // Wait ___ to show
+//    //sd card test
+//    error[0] = sd_test();
+//    display_message( error[0], "sd test passed!\0", "sd test failed!\0");
+//    TFT.Sleep(250);                     // Wait ___ to show
+//    //display bitmap
+//    error[2] = draw_bitmap(25,25);
+//    TFT.Sleep(250);                     // Wait ___ to show
+//    display_message( error[2], "draw_bitmap success!\0", "draw_bitmap failed!\0");
+//    TFT.Sleep(250);                     // Wait ___ to show
-//pointer to data1 array
-//int16_t *p = data1;
+    //draw initial screen
+    main_menu(0x0,0x0);
+    //program should not return from gui_manager...
+    gui_manager();
-static const ft_char8_t text_menu[32]=     {"Main Menu\0"};
-static const ft_char8_t text_a[32]=        {"Mode A\0"};
-static const ft_char8_t text_b[32]=        {"Mode B\0"};
-static const ft_char8_t text_c[32]=        {"Mode C\0"};
-static const ft_char8_t text_back[32]=     {"Back\0"};
-static const ft_char8_t text_author[32]=   {"by Curtis Mattull\0"};
+    // Wait ___ to show
+    display_message( 0x1, "\0", "gui_manager failed!\0");
+    while(1) {
+        TFT.Sleep(1000);
+    }
+    return 0;
-    main function:
-    -calibrate touch screen
-    -display welcome screen
-    -manages touch screen input, system states, and calls draw_screen functions
+    function: rotate_newhaven
+    description:  rotates
-int main()
+void rotate_newhaven(void)
-    uint8_t present_state   = 0x0,
-            tag             = 0x0,
-            combo_input     = 0x0;
-    TFT.Calibrate();
-    TFT.Flush_Co_Buffer();               // Download the command list into fifo
-    TFT.WaitCmdfifo_empty();             // Wait till coprocessor completes the operation
-//    Start_Screen("gui by\0");
-    main_menu(0x0);    
-    /* gui manager: -handles touch screen input     -updates system state   -calls draw screen function */
-    while(1)
-    {
-        tag = 0x0;
-        while(0x0 == tag)
-        { 
-            tag = ((TFT.Rd32(REG_TRACKER)) & mask_reg_tracker_tag);   //read tag register, update tag variable
-        }
-        combo_input = ( present_state << 3) + tag;      // concatenate present_state with tag to form combo input
-        present_state = state_lookup[combo_input];      // based on present state and touch input, update present state
-        (*draw_screen[present_state])(tag);                // use present_state as operand to draw screen function                                           
-        TFT.Sleep(10);                                  // wait 10ms for next check
-    } 
+    TFT.MemWrite(REG_ROTATE, 1);    // rotate screen
+    TFT.Rotate(1);
+    TFT.Flush_Co_Buffer();          // Download the command list into fifo
+    TFT.WaitCmdfifo_empty();        // Wait till coprocessor completes the operation
-    return 0;
+    function: rotate_beyondtek
+    description:  rotates
+void rotate_beyondtek(void)
+    //dont rotate
-// end of main()
-    function: collect_data
-    description:  store ADC samples
+    function: gui_manager()
+    description:  tracks input data and updates screen accordingly
-void collect_data(int16_t *p)
+void gui_manager(void)
-    for(i=0;i<400;i++)
-    {
-        //p points to data1 array
-        *(p +i) = square_wave_lookup[i];
+    static const uint8_t state_lookup[32] = {0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,    0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1,
+                                            0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2,    0x3, 0x3, 0x3, 0x3, 0x0, 0x3, 0x3, 0x3,
+                                            };
+    /*              array index values:     {  0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7       8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15
+                                              16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23      24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31};
+    */
+    static uint8_t  present_state   = 0x00,
+                    tag             = 0x00,
+                    combo_input     = 0x00;
+    static uint16_t tracker         = 0x00;
+    static uint32_t reg32           = 0x00;
+    //start of gui_manager()
+    while(1) {
+        tag = 0x0;
+        //while(0x0 == tag) 
+//        {
+            reg32 = TFT.Rd32(REG_TRACKER);
+            tag = reg32 & mask_reg_tracker_tag;   //read tag register, update tag variable
+            tracker = ( reg32 & mask_reg_tracker_tracker)>> 16;   //read tracker
+//        }
+        combo_input = ( present_state << 3) + tag;      // concatenate present_state with tag to form combo input
+        present_state = state_lookup[combo_input];      // based on combo input, update present state
+        (*draw_screen[present_state])(tracker,tag);                // use present_state as operand to draw screen function
     function: main menu
     description:  draw main menu screen
-void main_menu(uint8_t tag)
+void main_menu(uint32_t tracker, uint8_t tag)
-    TFT.Wr16(REG_PWM_DUTY, 100);
+//    TFT.Wr16(REG_PWM_DUTY, 100);
     //start new display list
     TFT.DLstart();                                                      // start a new display command list
     TFT.DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(255,255,255));                               // set the clear color to white
     TFT.DL(CLEAR(1,1,1));                                               // clear buffers -> color buffer,stencil buffer, tag buffer
+    //bitmaps
+    TFT.DL(TAG(0));     // assign TAG value 0 to bitmap
+    TFT.DL(BITMAP_LAYOUT(RGB565,x_size*2,y_size));
+    TFT.DL(BEGIN(BITMAPS));     //start drawing bitmaps
+    TFT.DL(VERTEX2II(10,10,0,0));                                      // draw logo image with bit handle 0
+    TFT.DL(END());
-    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00,  0x7C,   0xC4));
+    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0xFF,  0xFF,   0xFF)); //this sets the button text color
+    TFT.FgColor(0x007CC4);  // this sets the button color
     //button A
     TFT.Track( 50,  165, 200, 150, 1);  // track aree of button A
-    TFT.DL(TAG(1));     // assign TAG value 1 to "mode A" button    
-    TFT.Button(50, 165, 200, 150, font_button, 0, text_a);                 
+    TFT.DL(TAG(1));     // assign TAG value 1 to "mode A" button
+    TFT.Button(50, 165, 200, 150, font_title, 0, text_a);
     //button B
     TFT.Track( 300, 165, 200, 150, 2);  // track aree of button B
     TFT.DL(TAG(2));                         // assign TAG value 2 to "mode B" button
-    TFT.Button(300,  165, 200, 150, font_button, 0, text_b);
+    TFT.Button(300,  165, 200, 150, font_title, 0, text_b);
     //button C
-    TFT.Track( 550, 165, 200, 150, 3);  // track aree of button C      
+    TFT.Track( 550, 165, 200, 150, 3);  // track aree of button C
     TFT.DL(TAG(3));                         // assign TAG value 3 to "mode C" button
-    TFT.Button(550, 165, 200, 150, font_button, 0, text_c);
+    TFT.Button(550, 165, 200, 150, font_title, 0, text_c);
     TFT.DL(TAG(0));                         // assign TAG value 0 to everything else
-    //title text    
+    //title text
     TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00, 0x7C, 0xC4));
     TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), TFT.DispHeight/8, font_title, OPT_CENTERX, text_menu);        // draw Text with font 31
     //author text
-    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00,  0x00,   0x00));    
-    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth*15/16)-5, 460, font_author, OPT_CENTERX, text_author);            // draw Text with font 31
+    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00,  0x00,   0x00));
+    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth*7/8)+9, (TFT.DispHeight*15/16), font_button, OPT_CENTERX, text_author);            // draw Text with font 31
     //display the screen
     TFT.DL(DISPLAY());                     // display the image
     TFT.Swap();                            // swap the current display list
     TFT.Flush_Co_Buffer();                 // download the command list into fifo
     TFT.WaitCmdfifo_empty();               // wait till coprocessor completes the operation
-//fallback mode_a
-//    function: mode_a
-//    description: draws mode a screen
-//void mode_a(void)
-//    TFT.Track( 50, 355, 100, 75, 4);    // track aree of button back
-//    //start new display list
-//    TFT.DLstart();                                                      // start a new display command list
-//    TFT.DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(255,255,255));                               // set the clear color to white
-//    TFT.DL(CLEAR(1,1,1));                                               // clear buffers -> color buffer,stencil buffer, tag buffer
-//    //back button
-//    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00,  0x7C,   0xC4));
-//    TFT.DL(TAG(4));
-//    TFT.Button(50, 355, 100, 75, font_button, 0, text_back);                         // assign TAG value 4 to text_back button
-//    TFT.DL(TAG(0));                         // assign TAG value 0 to everything else
-//    //title text    
-//    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00, 0x7C, 0xC4));
-//    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), TFT.DispHeight/8, font_title, OPT_CENTERX, text_a);        // draw Text with font 31
-//    //author text
-//    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00,  0x00,   0x00));
-//    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth*15/16), 460, font_author, OPT_CENTERX, text_author);            // draw Text with font 31
-//    //display the screen
-//    TFT.DL(DISPLAY());                     // display the image
-//    TFT.Swap();                            // swap the current display list
-//    TFT.Flush_Co_Buffer();                 // download the command list into fifo
-//    TFT.WaitCmdfifo_empty();               // wait till coprocessor completes the operation
     function: mode_a
     description: draws mode a screen
-void mode_a(uint8_t tag)
-//  collect_data(p);
-    combo_inputs = ( present_states << 3) + tag;      // concatenate present_state with tag to form combo input
-    present_states = plot_lookup[combo_inputs];      // based on present state and touch input, update present state    
+void mode_a(uint32_t tracker, uint8_t tag)
+    static const uint8_t plot_lookup[32] =  {0x0, 0x0, 0x2, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0,    0x1, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1, 0x1,
+                                            0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x3, 0x2, 0x0, 0x1, 0x2,    0x3, 0x3, 0x2, 0x3, 0x3, 0x0, 0x1, 0x3 };
+    static const uint8_t    col_div   = 10,
+                            row_div   = 8;
+    static const uint8_t    col_step  = (TFT.DispWidth/col_div),
+                            row_step  = (TFT.DispHeight/row_div);
+    int8_t  row = 0,
+            col = 0;
+    //              array index values:     {  0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7       8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15
+    //                                        16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23      24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31};
+    static uint8_t  plot_state = 0x00,
+                    plot_combo = 0x00;
+    plot_combo = ( plot_state << 3) + tag;      // concatenate present_state with tag to form combo input
+    plot_state = plot_lookup[plot_combo];      // based on present state and touch input, update present state
     //start new display list
     TFT.DLstart();                                                      // start a new display command list
-    TFT.DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(255,255,255));                               // set the clear color to white
+    TFT.DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(0,0,0));                               // set the clear color to dark grey
     TFT.DL(CLEAR(1,1,1));                                               // clear buffers -> color buffer,stencil buffer, tag buffer
-    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00,  0x7C,   0xC4));
+    TFT.DL(TAG(0));                                                         // assign TAG value 0 to everything else
+    //plot grid
+    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(75,75,75));
+    TFT.DL(LINE_WIDTH(1 * 16));
+    //draw plot grid
+    //draw row lines
+    for(row = 0;row < row_div-1; row++)
+    {
+        TFT.DL(VERTEX2F(0,row_step*16 + row*row_step*16));
+        TFT.DL(VERTEX2F(800*16,row_step*16 + row*row_step*16));
+    }
+    //draw col lines
+    for(col = 0;col < col_div-1; col++)
+    {
+        TFT.DL(VERTEX2F(col_step*16 + col*col_step*16, 0));
+        TFT.DL(VERTEX2F(col_step*16 + col*col_step*16, 480*16));
+    }
+//    //bitmaps
+//    TFT.DL(TAG(0));     // assign TAG value 0 to bitmap
+//    TFT.DL(BITMAP_LAYOUT(RGB565,x_size*2,y_size));
+//    TFT.DL(BEGIN(BITMAPS));     //start drawing bitmaps
+//    TFT.DL(VERTEX2II(10,10,0,0));                                      // draw logo image with bit handle 0
+//    TFT.DL(END());
+    //buttons
+    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0xFF,  0xFF,   0xFF)); //this sets the button text color
+    TFT.FgColor(0x007CC4);  // this sets the button color
     //back button
     TFT.Track( 50, 355, 100, 75, 4);    // track aree of button back
     TFT.Button(50, 355, 100, 75, font_button, 4, text_back);                // assign TAG value 4 to text_back button
-    //plot square button
-    TFT.Track( 200, 355, 100, 75, 6);    // track aree of button square
-    TFT.DL(TAG(6));
-    TFT.Button(200, 355, 100, 75, font_button, 6, "square");                // assign TAG value 1 to text_back button//back button
-   //plot triangle button
-    TFT.Track( 350, 355, 100, 75, 2);    // track aree of button triangle
-    TFT.DL(TAG(2));
-    TFT.Button(350, 355, 100, 75, font_button, 2, "triangle");              // assign TAG value 2 to text_back button//back button
+    ////plot square button
+//    TFT.Track( 200, 355, 100, 75, 6);    // track aree of button square
+//    TFT.DL(TAG(6));
+//    TFT.Button(200, 355, 100, 75, font_button, 6, "square");                // assign TAG value 1 to text_back button//back button
+//    //plot triangle button
+//    TFT.Track( 350, 355, 100, 75, 2);    // track aree of button triangle
+//    TFT.DL(TAG(2));
+//    TFT.Button(350, 355, 100, 75, font_button, 2, "triangle");              // assign TAG value 2 to text_back button//back button
     //plot sine button
     TFT.Track( 500, 355, 100, 75, 3);    // track aree of button sine
-    TFT.Button(500, 355, 100, 75, font_button, 3, "sine");                  // assign TAG value 3 to text_back button//back button
+    TFT.Button(500, 355, 100, 75, font_button, 3, "adc in");                  // assign TAG value 3 to text_back button//back button
     //plot nothing button
     TFT.Track( 650, 355, 100, 75, 5);    // track aree of button square
     TFT.Button(650, 355, 100, 75, font_button, 5, "clear");                 // assign TAG value 1 to text_back button//back button
     TFT.DL(TAG(0));                                                         // assign TAG value 0 to everything else
+    //author text
+    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0xFF,  0xFF,   0xFF));
+    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth*7/8)+9, (TFT.DispHeight*15/16), font_button, OPT_CENTERX, text_author);            // draw Text with font 31
+    //plot algorithm
+    //    TFT.DL( BEGIN(LINE_STRIP) );    //works okay..
-    //border for plot
-    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00,0x00,0x00));
     TFT.DL(LINE_WIDTH(3 * 16));
-    TFT.DL(VERTEX2F(50*16,150*16));
-    TFT.DL(VERTEX2F(50*16,350*16));
-    TFT.DL(VERTEX2F(50*16,350*16));
-    TFT.DL(VERTEX2F(750*16,350*16));
-    TFT.DL(VERTEX2F(750*16,350*16));
-    TFT.DL(VERTEX2F(750*16,150*16));
-    TFT.DL(VERTEX2F(750*16,150*16));
-    TFT.DL(VERTEX2F(50*16,150*16));
-    TFT.DL(END());
-    //plot algorithm
-    TFT.DL(LINE_WIDTH(3 * 16));
-    (*plot[present_states])();                // use present_state as operand to draw screen function             
-    //title text    
-    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00, 0x7C, 0xC4));
-    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), TFT.DispHeight/8, font_title, OPT_CENTERX, text_a);        // draw Text with font 31
-    //author text
-    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00,  0x00,   0x00));         
-    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth*15/16)-5, 460, font_author, OPT_CENTERX, text_author);            // draw Text with font 31
+    (*plot[plot_state])();                // use present_state as operand to draw screen function
     //display the screen
     TFT.DL(DISPLAY());                     // display the image
@@ -390,76 +401,145 @@
-//fallback mode_b
-//    function: mode b
-//    description: draws mode b screen.
-//void mode_b(void)
-//    TFT.Track( 50, 355, 100, 75, 4);    // track aree of button back
-//    //start new display list
-//    TFT.DLstart();                                                      // start a new display command list
-//    TFT.DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(255,255,255));                               // set the clear color to white
-//    TFT.DL(CLEAR(1,1,1));                                               // clear buffers -> color buffer,stencil buffer, tag buffer
-//    //buttons
-//    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00,  0x7C,   0xC4));
-//    TFT.DL(TAG(4));
-//    TFT.Button(50, 355, 100, 75, font_button, 0, text_back);                         // assign TAG value 4 to text_back button
-//    TFT.DL(TAG(0));                         // assign TAG value 0 to everything else
-//    //title text    
-//    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00, 0x7C, 0xC4));
-//    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), TFT.DispHeight/8, font_title, OPT_CENTERX, text_b);        // draw Text with font 31
-//    //author text
-//    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00,  0x00,   0x00));
-//    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth*15/16), 460, font_author, OPT_CENTERX, text_author);            // draw Text with font 31
-//    //display the screen
-//    TFT.DL(DISPLAY());                     // display the image
-//    TFT.Swap();                            // swap the current display list
-//    TFT.Flush_Co_Buffer();                 // download the command list into fifo
-//    TFT.WaitCmdfifo_empty();               // wait till coprocessor completes the operation
     function: mode b
     description: draws mode b screen.
-void mode_b(uint8_t tag)
+void mode_b(uint32_t tracker, uint8_t tag)
+    static uint8_t val = 50;
     //start new display list
     TFT.DLstart();                                                      // start a new display command list
     TFT.DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(255,255,255));                               // set the clear color to white
     TFT.DL(CLEAR(1,1,1));                                               // clear buffers -> color buffer,stencil buffer, tag buffer
-    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00,  0x7C,   0xC4));
+    //bitmaps
+    TFT.DL(TAG(0));     // assign TAG value 0 to bitmap
+    TFT.DL(BITMAP_LAYOUT(RGB565,x_size*2,y_size));
+    TFT.DL(BEGIN(BITMAPS));     //start drawing bitmaps
+    TFT.DL(VERTEX2II(10,10,0,0));                                      // draw logo image with bit handle 0
+    TFT.DL(END());
+    //buttons
+    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0xFF,  0xFF,   0xFF)); //this sets the button text color
+    TFT.FgColor(0x007CC4);  // this sets the button color
     //back button
     TFT.Track( 50, 355, 100, 75, 4);    // track aree of button back
     TFT.Button(50, 355, 100, 75, font_button, 0, text_back);                         // assign TAG value 4 to text_back button
+    //backlight slider
+    TFT.Track( (TFT.DispWidth*1/3), 200, (TFT.DispWidth*1/3), 50, 1);    // track aree of backlight slider
+    TFT.DL(TAG(1));
+    TFT.Slider((TFT.DispWidth*1/3), 200, (TFT.DispWidth*1/3), 50,0, val , 127 );                         // assign TAG value 5 to text_back button
+//check if slider is touched
+    if (tag == 1) {
+        val = tracker/512;
+        //limit the backlight to <91
+       // if(val > 90)
+//        {
+//            val = 90;    
+//        }
+        TFT.Wr16(REG_PWM_DUTY, (val));
+    }
+    TFT.DL(TAG(0));     // assign TAG value 0 to bitmap
+    //backlight text
+    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00));
+    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), (TFT.DispHeight*5/8), font_button, OPT_CENTERX, "backlight pwm value:");        // draw Text with font 31
+    //sprintf(buffer, "%.1i", val+1);                     // write val to buffer
+//    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth*3/4)-20, (TFT.DispHeight*5/8), font_title, OPT_CENTERX, buffer);        // draw Text with font 31
+    TFT.Number((TFT.DispWidth*3/4)-40, (TFT.DispHeight*5/8)-15,font_title,0, val);
     TFT.DL(TAG(0));                         // assign TAG value 0 to everything else
-    //title text    
+    //title text
     TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00, 0x7C, 0xC4));
     TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), TFT.DispHeight/8, font_title, OPT_CENTERX, text_b);        // draw Text with font 31
     //author text
     TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00,  0x00,   0x00));
-    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth*15/16)-5, 460, font_author, OPT_CENTERX, text_author);            // draw Text with font 31
+    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth*7/8)+9, (TFT.DispHeight*15/16), font_button, OPT_CENTERX, text_author);            // draw Text with font 31
+    //display the screen
+    TFT.DL(DISPLAY());                     // display the image
+    TFT.Swap();                            // swap the current display list
+    TFT.Flush_Co_Buffer();                 // download the command list into fifo
+    TFT.WaitCmdfifo_empty();               // wait till coprocessor completes the operation
+    function: mode_c
+    description: draws mode C screen
+void mode_c(uint32_t tracker, uint8_t tag)
+    static uint16_t data_raw_a9 = 0x0000;     
+    data_raw_a9 = ((analog_in9.read_u16()>>7) & 0x1FF );
+    //start new display list
+    TFT.DLstart();                                                      // start a new display command list
+    TFT.DL(TAG(0));                                                         // assign TAG value 0 to everything else
+    if (data_raw_a9 > 0xFF)     // if greater than half of max input
+    {
+        //then ise40 "switch on!"    
+        TFT.DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(0,0xFF,0));      // set the clear color to green
+        TFT.DL(CLEAR(1,1,1));                   // clear buffers -> color buffer,stencil buffer, tag buffer
+        //message text
+        TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0,0,0)); // set text color to white
+        TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), (TFT.DispHeight/2), font_title, OPT_CENTERX, "SWITCH ON!");            // draw Text with font 31
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        //then ies40 "switch off!"  
+        TFT.DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(0xFF,0,0));      // set the clear color to green
+        TFT.DL(CLEAR(1,1,1));                   // clear buffers -> color buffer,stencil buffer, tag buffer
+        //message text
+        TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0,0,0)); // set text color to white
+        TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), (TFT.DispHeight/2), font_title, OPT_CENTERX, "SWITCH OFF!");            // draw Text with font 31  
+    }
+    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), (TFT.DispHeight/8), font_title, OPT_CENTERX, "ISE40A");            // draw Text with font 31
+    //buttons
+    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0xFF,  0xFF,   0xFF)); //this sets the button text color
+    TFT.FgColor(0x007CC4);  // this sets the button color
+    //back button
+    TFT.Track( 50, 355, 100, 75, 4);    // track aree of button back
+    TFT.DL(TAG(4));
+    TFT.Button(50, 355, 100, 75, font_button, 4, text_back);                // assign TAG value 4 to text_back button
+    TFT.DL(TAG(0));                                                         // assign TAG value 0 to everything else
+    //author text
+    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0,0,0));
+    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth*7/8)+9, (TFT.DispHeight*15/16), font_button, OPT_CENTERX, text_author);            // draw Text with font 31
     //display the screen
     TFT.DL(DISPLAY());                     // display the image
     TFT.Swap();                            // swap the current display list
@@ -468,80 +548,6 @@
-// fallback mode_c
-//    function: mode_c
-//    description: draws mode C screen
-//void mode_c(void)
-//    //start new display list
-//    TFT.DLstart();                                                      // start a new display command list
-//    TFT.DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(255,255,255));                               // set the clear color to white
-//    TFT.DL(CLEAR(1,1,1));                                               // clear buffers -> color buffer,stencil buffer, tag buffer
-//    //buttons
-//    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00,  0x7C,   0xC4));
-//    TFT.Track( 50, 355, 100, 75, 4);    // track aree of button back   
-//    TFT.DL(TAG(4));
-//    TFT.Button(50, 355, 100, 75, font_button, 0, text_back);                         // assign TAG value 4 to text_back button
-//    TFT.DL(TAG(0));                         // assign TAG value 0 to everything else
-//    //title text    
-//    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00, 0x7C, 0xC4));
-//    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), TFT.DispHeight/8, font_title, OPT_CENTERX, text_c);        // draw Text with font 31
-//    //author text
-//    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00,  0x00,   0x00));
-//    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth*15/16), 460, font_author, OPT_CENTERX, text_author);            // draw Text with font 31
-//    //display the screen
-//    TFT.DL(DISPLAY());                     // display the image
-//    TFT.Swap();                            // swap the current display list
-//    TFT.Flush_Co_Buffer();                 // download the command list into fifo
-//    TFT.WaitCmdfifo_empty();               // wait till coprocessor completes the operation
-    function: mode_c
-    description: draws mode C screen
-void mode_c(uint8_t tag)
-    //start new display list
-    TFT.DLstart();                                                      // start a new display command list
-    TFT.DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(255,255,255));                               // set the clear color to white
-    TFT.DL(CLEAR(1,1,1));                                               // clear buffers -> color buffer,stencil buffer, tag buffer
-    //back button
-    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00,  0x7C,   0xC4));
-    TFT.Track( 50, 355, 100, 75, 4);    // track aree of button back
-    TFT.DL(TAG(4));
-    TFT.Button(50, 355, 100, 75, font_button, 0, text_back);                         // assign TAG value 4 to text_back button
-    TFT.DL(TAG(0));                         // assign TAG value 0 to everything else
-    //title text    
-    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00, 0x7C, 0xC4));
-    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), TFT.DispHeight/8, font_title, OPT_CENTERX, text_c);        // draw Text with font 31
-    //author text
-    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00,  0x00,   0x00));
-    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth*15/16)-5, 460, font_author, OPT_CENTERX, text_author);            // draw Text with font 31
-    //display the screen
-    TFT.DL(DISPLAY());                     // display the image
-    TFT.Swap();                            // swap the current display list
-    TFT.Flush_Co_Buffer();                 // download the command list into fifo
-    TFT.WaitCmdfifo_empty();               // wait till coprocessor completes the operation
     function: plot_nothing
@@ -549,62 +555,410 @@
 void plot_nothing(void)
-        TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00,  0x00,   0x00));    
+    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00,  0x00,   0x00));
     function: plot_square
     description: plots square wave
 void plot_square(void)
-    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0xFF,  0x00,   0x00));    
-    for(i = 0;i<40;i++)
-    {
-        TFT.DL( VERTEX2F(50*16 +18*i*16, 250*16 + (square_wave_lookup[i])*16) );
+    static const int16_t square_wave_lookup[40] = { -100,-100,-100,-100,-100,   100,100,100,100,100,
+            -100,-100,-100,-100,-100,   100,100,100,100,100,
+            -100,-100,-100,-100,-100,   100,100,100,100,100,
+            -100,-100,-100,-100,-100,   100,100,100,100,100
+                                                  };
+    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0xFF,  0x00,   0x00));
+    for(i = 0; i<40; i++) {
+        TFT.DL( VERTEX2F(50*16 +18*i*16, 250*16 - (square_wave_lookup[i])*16) );
     function: plot_triangle
     description: plots triangle wave
 void plot_triangle(void)
-    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00,  0xFF,   0x00));    
-    for(i = 0;i<40;i++)
-    {
-        TFT.DL( VERTEX2F(50*16 +18*i*16, 250*16 + (tri_wave_lookup[i])*16) );
+    static const int16_t tri_wave_lookup[40] = {    100,0,-100,0,   100,0,-100,0,
+            100,0,-100,0,   100,0,-100,0,
+            100,0,-100,0,   100,0,-100,0,
+            100,0,-100,0,   100,0,-100,0,
+            100,0,-100,0,   100,0,-100,0
+                                               };
+    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0xFF,  0xFF,   0x00));
+    for(i = 0; i<40; i++) {
+        TFT.DL( VERTEX2F(50*16 +18*i*16, 250*16 - (tri_wave_lookup[i])*16) );
+//    function: plot_sine
+//    description: plots sine wave
+//void plot_sine(void)
+//    static const int16_t sine_wave_lookup[40] = {   0,  16,     31,     45,     59,     71,     81,     89,     95,     99,
+//            100,  99,     95,     89,     81,     71,     59,     45,     31,     16,
+//            -0, -16,    -31,    -45,    -59,    -71,    -81,    -89,    -95,    -99,
+//            -100, -99,    -95,    -89,    -81,    -71,    -59,    -45,    -31,    -16,
+//                                                };
+//    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0xFF,  0x00,   0xFF));
+//    for(i = 0; i<40; i++) {
+//        TFT.DL( VERTEX2F(50*16 +18*i*16, 250*16 + (sine_wave_lookup[i])*16) );
+//    }
-    function: plot_sine
-    description: plots sine wave
+    function: plot_data1
+    description: plots analog_in data1
 void plot_sine(void)
+    static const int16_t sine_wave_lookup[40] = {   0,  16,     31,     45,     59,     71,     81,     89,     95,     99,
+            100,  99,     95,     89,     81,     71,     59,     45,     31,     16,
+            -0, -16,    -31,    -45,    -59,    -71,    -81,    -89,    -95,    -99,
+            -100, -99,    -95,    -89,    -81,    -71,    -59,    -45,    -31,    -16,
+                                                };
     TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0xFF,  0x00,   0xFF));
-    for(i = 0;i<40;i++)
-    {
-        TFT.DL( VERTEX2F(50*16 +18*i*16, 250*16 + (sine_wave_lookup[i])*16) );
+    for(i = 0; i<40; i++) {
+        TFT.DL( VERTEX2F(50*16 +18*i*16, 250*16 - (sine_wave_lookup[i])*16) );
+    function: collect_data
+    description:  store ADC samples
+void collect_data(void)
+    static const uint16_t num_pts = 100;
+    static float    collect_time = 0,
+                    plot_time = 0,
+                    trigger_time = 0;
+    static uint16_t i = 0x00,
+                    j = 0x00;
+    static Timer    timer;
+    static float    begin[3]    = {0,0,0},  // {trigger, sample, plot}
+                    end[3]      = {0,0,0};  // {trigger, sample, plot}
+//    static const uint16_t threshold = 10;
+    // data sample from ADC
+    static uint16_t data_raw_a9[num_pts] = {};     
+    timer.start();
+    begin[0] = timer.read_us(); // trigger_begin
+    //do while trigger[0] < trigger[1]
+    //essentially find falling edge
+    do
+    {
+        data_raw_a9[0] = ((analog_in9.read_u16()>>7) & 0x1FF );
+        data_raw_a9[1] = ((analog_in9.read_u16()>>7) & 0x1FF );
+    }
+    while(data_raw_a9[1] < data_raw_a9[0]);
+    do
+    {
+        data_raw_a9[0] = ((analog_in9.read_u16()>>7) & 0x1FF );
+        data_raw_a9[1] = ((analog_in9.read_u16()>>7) & 0x1FF );
+    }
+    while(data_raw_a9[1] > data_raw_a9[0]); 
+        //do
+//    {
+//        data_raw_a9[0] = ((analog_in9.read_u16()>>7) & 0x1FF );
+//        data_raw_a9[1] = ((analog_in9.read_u16()>>7) & 0x1FF );
+//    }
+//    while(data_raw_a9[1] < data_raw_a9[0]);
+//    do
+//    {
+//        data_raw_a9[0] = ((analog_in9.read_u16()>>7) & 0x1FF );
+//        data_raw_a9[1] = ((analog_in9.read_u16()>>7) & 0x1FF );
+//    }
+//    while(data_raw_a9[1] > data_raw_a9[0]);
+    timer.stop();
+    end[0] = timer.read_us();   //trigger_end
+    timer.start();
+    begin[1] = timer.read_us(); // sample_begin
+    //collect data
+    for(i=2;i<num_pts;i++)
+    {
+        //collect adc 9 most significant bits
+        data_raw_a9[i] = ((analog_in9.read_u16()>>7) & 0x1FF );
+    }
+    timer.stop();
+    end[1] = timer.read_us();   // sample_end
+    timer.start();
+    begin[2] = timer.read_us(); // plot_begin
+    //green plot
+    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00,  0xFF,   0x00));
+    //plot data
+    for(i=0;i<num_pts;i++)
+    {
+        TFT.DL(VERTEX2F(8*i*16, TFT.DispHeight*16 - data_raw_a9[i]*15));    //  15/16 *512 = 480 which is disp_height
+    }
+    timer.stop();
+    end[2] = timer.read_us();   // plot_end            
+    trigger_time =(end[0]-begin[0])/1000;
+    collect_time =(end[1]-begin[1])/1000;
+    plot_time = (end[2]-begin[2])/1000;
+    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF));
+    //data points
+    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth*7/8), TFT.DispHeight/32, font_button, OPT_RIGHTX, " data points: ");        // draw Text with font 31
+    TFT.Number((TFT.DispWidth*7/8), (TFT.DispHeight/32),font_button,0,num_pts);
+    //trigger time
+    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth*7/8), TFT.DispHeight*3/32, font_button, OPT_RIGHTX, " trigger time [ms]: ");        // draw Text with font 31
+    TFT.Number((TFT.DispWidth*7/8), (TFT.DispHeight*3/32),font_button,0,trigger_time);
+    //sample time
+    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth*7/8), TFT.DispHeight*5/32, font_button, OPT_RIGHTX, "sample time [ms]: ");        // draw Text with font 31
+    TFT.Number((TFT.DispWidth*7/8), (TFT.DispHeight*5/32),font_button,0,collect_time);
+    //plot time
+    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth*7/8), TFT.DispHeight*7/32, font_button, OPT_RIGHTX, "plot time [ms]: ");        // draw Text with font 31
+    TFT.Number((TFT.DispWidth*7/8), (TFT.DispHeight*7/32),font_button,0,plot_time);
+/* Checks for an SD card and reads/writes the calibration data              */
+/* from the SD card                                                         */
+uint8_t read_calibration()
+    static ft_char8_t temp_string[32] = {"\0"};
+    static uint8_t tcal[24];                                                                                                   // touch screen Calibration
+    while( {
+        // checks for SD card, if not present hold program until a SD card is inserted
+        error_screen("Error!","Insert SD card!");               // write error screen to LCD
+    }
+    sd.mount();
+    FILE *fp= fopen("/sd/TCal/TCalData.txt", "r");
+    if (fp != NULL) {
+        //file successfully opened for reading!
+        fread(temp_string,24,1,fp);
+        for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
+            // convert from int to char
+            tcal[i] = temp_string[i];
+        }
+        TFT.write_calibrate(tcal);                              // write cal data to screen
+        fclose(fp);
+        sd.unmount();
+        return 0;
+    } else {
+        //file not opened. might not exist.
+        TFT.Calibrate();                                        // calibrate the touch screen
+        TFT.read_calibrate(tcal);                               // read in cal data from screen
+        mkdir("/sd/TCal", 0777);                                // open file for saving calibration data
+        FILE *fp = fopen("/sd/TCal/TCalData.txt", "w");
+        for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) {                              // save integers one at a time to the file
+            fprintf(fp, "%c", tcal[i] );
+        }
+        fclose(fp);
+        sd.unmount();
+        return 1;
+    }
+* tests functional operation of sd card by read/write
+uint8_t sd_test(void)
+    while( {
+        // checks for SD card, if not present hold program until a SD card is inserted
+        error_screen("Error!","Insert SD card!");               // write error screen to LCD
+    }
+    TFT.DLstart();                         // start a new display command list
+    TFT.DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(0,0,0));    // clear the screen and set the background to green
+    TFT.DL(CLEAR(1,1,1));                  // clear buffers -> color buffer,stencil buffer, tag buffer
+    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(255,255,255));
+    sd.mount();
+    //Perform a write test
+//    printf("\nWriting to SD card...");
+    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), 150, 28, OPT_CENTERX, "Writing to SD card...\0");                // draw Text with font 31
+    FILE *fp = fopen("/sd/sdtest.txt", "w");
+    if (fp != NULL) {
+        //file successfully opened for writing!
+        fprintf(fp, "We're writing to an SD card!");
+        fclose(fp);
+        TFT.DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(0,255,0));    // clear the screen and set the background to green
+        TFT.DL(CLEAR(1,1,1));                  // clear buffers -> color buffer,stencil buffer, tag buffer
+        TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), 200, 28, OPT_CENTERX,"open file success\0" );                // draw Text with font 31
+    } else {
+//        printf("failed!\n");
+        TFT.DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(255,0,0));    // clear the screen and set the background to green
+        TFT.DL(CLEAR(1,1,1));                  // clear buffers -> color buffer,stencil buffer, tag buffer
+        TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), 200, 28, OPT_CENTERX, "open file failed!\0");                // draw Text with font 31
+    }
+    //Perform a read test
+//    fprintf("Reading from SD card...");
+    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), 250, 28, OPT_CENTERX, "Reading from SD card...\0");                // draw Text with font 31
+    fp = fopen("/sd/sdtest.txt", "r");
+    if (fp != NULL) {
+        char c = fgetc(fp);
+        if (c == 'W') {
+//            printf("success!\n");
+            TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), 300, 28, OPT_CENTERX, "correct char!\0");                // draw Text with font 31
+        } else {
+//            fprintf("incorrect char (%c)!\n", c);
+            TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), 300, 28, OPT_CENTERX, "incorrect char!\0");                // draw Text with font 31
+        }
+        sd.unmount();
+        TFT.DL(DISPLAY());                                                      // display the image
+        TFT.Swap();                                                             // swap the current display list
+        TFT.Flush_Co_Buffer();                                                  // download the command list into fifo
+        TFT.WaitCmdfifo_empty();                                                // wait till coprocessor completes the operation
+        TFT.Sleep(2000);
+        fclose(fp);
+        return 0;
+    } else {
+//        printf("failed!\n");
+        TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), 250, 31, OPT_CENTERX, "failed to read!\0");                // draw Text with font 31
+        sd.unmount();
+        TFT.DL(DISPLAY());                                                      // display the image
+        TFT.Swap();                                                             // swap the current display list
+        TFT.Flush_Co_Buffer();                                                  // download the command list into fifo
+        TFT.WaitCmdfifo_empty();                                                // wait till coprocessor completes the operation
+        TFT.Sleep(2000);
+        return 1;
+    }
+uint8_t bitmap_test(uint16_t x,uint16_t y)
+    TFT.DLstart();                         // start a new display command list
+    TFT.DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(0,0,0));    // clear the screen and set the background to green
+    TFT.DL(CLEAR(1,1,1));                  // clear buffers -> color buffer,stencil buffer, tag buffer
+    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(255,255,255));
+    //following 3 lines can be replaced with TFT.set_bitmap(0x00, 0, )
+    TFT.DL(BITMAP_LAYOUT(ARGB1555,2*x_size,y_size));
+    TFT.DL(BEGIN(BITMAPS));     //start drawing bitmaps
+    TFT.DL(VERTEX2II(25,25,0,0));                                      // draw logo image with bit handle 0
+    TFT.DL(END());
+    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), 170, 31, OPT_CENTERX, "bitmap_test() called\0");                // draw Text with font 31
+    TFT.DL(DISPLAY());                                                      // display the image
+    TFT.Swap();                                                             // swap the current display list
+    TFT.Flush_Co_Buffer();                                                  // download the command list into fifo
+    TFT.WaitCmdfifo_empty();                                                // wait till coprocessor completes the operation
+    return 0;
+/* function to load jpg file from filesystem */
+/* return 0 if jpg is ok                     */
+/* also return x_size and y_size of jpg      */
+int8_t Load_jpg(char* filename, ft_int16_t* x_size, ft_int16_t* y_size, ft_uint32_t address)
+    static int8_t rval = 0x00;
+    while( {
+        // checks for SD card, if not present hold program until a SD card is inserted
+        error_screen("Error!","Insert SD card!");               // write error screen to LCD
+    }
+    sd.mount();
+    rval = TFT.Load_jpg( filename, x_size, y_size, address);
+    sd.unmount();
+    return rval;
+    function: display_message
+    description: draws a pass/fail type message to the screen.
+    useful for debugging return values from functions.
+void display_message(uint8_t error, const ft_char8_t *pass, const ft_char8_t *fail)
+    TFT.DLstart();                         // start a new display command list
+    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0,0,0));
+    if(error == 0x00) {
+        TFT.DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(0,255,0));    // clear the screen and set the background to green
+        TFT.DL(CLEAR(1,1,1));                  // clear buffers -> color buffer,stencil buffer, tag buffer
+        TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), 170, 31, OPT_CENTERX, pass);                // draw Text with font 31
+    } else {
+        TFT.DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(255,0,0));    // clear the screen and set the background to red
+        TFT.DL(CLEAR(1,1,1));                  // clear buffers -> color buffer,stencil buffer, tag buffer
+        TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), 170, 31, OPT_CENTERX, fail);                // draw Text with font 31
+    }
+    TFT.DL(DISPLAY());                                                      // display the image
+    TFT.Swap();                                                             // swap the current display list
+    TFT.Flush_Co_Buffer();                                                  // download the command list into fifo
+    TFT.WaitCmdfifo_empty();                                                // wait till coprocessor completes the operation
     function: Start_Screen
     description: draws boot up screen as images are loaded from the sd card
-ft_void_t Start_Screen(ft_char8_t *str)
+ft_void_t start_screen(ft_char8_t *str)
     TFT.DLstart();                                             // start a new display command list
     TFT.DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(255,255,255));                      // set the clear color to white
     TFT.DL(CLEAR(1,1,1));                                      // clear buffers -> color buffer,stencil buffer, tag buffer
     TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0x00,  0x7C,   0xC4));    // generate border in SMC blue, all functions are in 1/16 pixel format
     TFT.DL(LINE_WIDTH(8 * 16));
@@ -617,14 +971,46 @@
     TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), TFT.DispHeight/2, 31, OPT_CENTERX, str);        // draw Text with font 31
     TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), 350, 31, OPT_CENTERX, text_author);            // draw Text with font 31
     TFT.Spinner((TFT.DispWidth/2),TFT.DispHeight/4, 0,0);                       // draw a animated spinner
     TFT.DL(DISPLAY());                   // Display the image
     TFT.Swap();                          // Swap the current display list
     TFT.Flush_Co_Buffer();               // Download the command list into fifo
     TFT.WaitCmdfifo_empty();             // Wait till coprocessor completes the operation
-    TFT.Sleep(1000);                     // Wait 1s to show    
+/* This function displays the error screen                                  */
+/* the function causes the screen to flash yellow and writes text to the LCD*/
+void error_screen(ft_char8_t *str1, ft_char8_t *str2)
+    TFT.DLstart();                         // start a new display command list
+    TFT.DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(255,242,0));    // clear the screen and set the background to yellow
+    TFT.DL(CLEAR(1,1,1));                  // clear buffers -> color buffer,stencil buffer, tag buffer
+    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0,0,0));
+    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), 170, 31, OPT_CENTERX, str1);                // draw Text with font 31
+    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), 215, 31, OPT_CENTERX, str2);                // draw Text with font 31
+    TFT.DL(DISPLAY());                                                      // display the image
+    TFT.Swap();                                                             // swap the current display list
+    TFT.Flush_Co_Buffer();                                                  // download the command list into fifo
+    TFT.WaitCmdfifo_empty();                                                // wait till coprocessor completes the operation
+    TFT.Sleep(500);
+    TFT.DLstart();                                                          // start a new display command list
+    TFT.DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(255,255,255));                                   // set clear color to white
+    TFT.DL(CLEAR(1,1,1));                                                   // clear buffers -> color buffer,stencil buffer, tag buffer;
+    TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0,0,0));
+    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), 170, 31, OPT_CENTERX, str1);                // draw Text with font 31
+    TFT.Text((TFT.DispWidth/2), 215, 31, OPT_CENTERX, str2);                // draw Text with font 31
+    TFT.DL(DISPLAY());                                                      // display the image
+    TFT.Swap();                                                             // swap the current display list
+    TFT.Flush_Co_Buffer();                                                  // download the command list into fifo
+    TFT.WaitCmdfifo_empty();                                                // wait till coprocessor completes the operation
+    TFT.Sleep(500);
\ No newline at end of file