
Dependencies:   mbed QEI

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Mon Dec 24 03:44:24 2018 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

PID.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
QEI.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
QEI_lib.lib Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 4e7b392ed0aa -r f82e86e63928 PID.h
--- a/PID.h	Wed Mar 18 17:17:58 2015 +0000
+++ b/PID.h	Mon Dec 24 03:44:24 2018 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-//Ben Katz, 2013
 //PID Controller class
-#include "mbed.h"
 #ifndef PID_H
 #define PID_H
diff -r 4e7b392ed0aa -r f82e86e63928 QEI.lib
--- a/QEI.lib	Wed Mar 18 17:17:58 2015 +0000
+++ b/QEI.lib	Mon Dec 24 03:44:24 2018 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
diff -r 4e7b392ed0aa -r f82e86e63928 QEI_lib.lib
--- a/QEI_lib.lib	Wed Mar 18 17:17:58 2015 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 4e7b392ed0aa -r f82e86e63928 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Mar 18 17:17:58 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Dec 24 03:44:24 2018 +0000
@@ -1,37 +1,33 @@
-//Ben Katz, 2013
 #include "QEI.h"
 #include "PID.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "math.h"
 #define pi  3.14159265358979323846
-Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
-AnalogIn p_pot (p15);
-AnalogIn d_pot (p16);
-AnalogIn a_pot (p17);
+AnalogIn Current(p17);         //Current   Connect to pin CS
+PwmOut   pwm(p22);
+DigitalOut INA(p19);
+DigitalOut INB(p20);
-PwmOut Motor1(p21);             //Ouput pin to h-bridge 1
-PwmOut Motor2 (p22);            //Output pin to h-bridge 2
-AnalogIn Current (p20);         //Current sense pin
+Ticker position_ticker;
 int steps_per_rev = 1200; //Encoder CPR * gearbox ratio
 Timer timer;
 // Setup parameters
-float volt2amp = 3.3 / .525; //(0-3.3V input) * (voltage divider muiltiplier) / (.525 V/A)
+float volt2amp = 3.3 / .140; //(0-3.3V input) * (voltage divider muiltiplier) / (.140 V/A)
 float PWM_frequency = 20000.0;  // MC33926 h-bridge limited 20 kHz (.00005 seconds)
 //Use X4 encoding.
-QEI wheel(p13, p14, NC, steps_per_rev, QEI::X4_ENCODING);       //(encoder channel 1, encoder channel 2, index (n/a here), counts per revolution, mode (X4, X2))
+QEI wheel(p15, p16, NC, steps_per_rev, QEI::X4_ENCODING);       //(encoder channel 1, encoder channel 2, index (n/a here), counts per revolution, mode (X4, X2))
-float pulsesToRadians(float pulses) //Encoder steps to revolutions of output shaft in radians
-    return ((pulses/steps_per_rev)*(2*pi));
 float pulsesToDegrees(float pulses) //Encoder steps to revolutions of output shaft in degrees
@@ -43,71 +39,111 @@
 void signal_to_hbridge( float signal)   //Input of -1 means full reverse, 1 means full forward
 {                                       //An input of magnitude > 1 gets reduced to 1 (or -1) by the pwm.write() function
     if (signal < 0) {
-        Motor1.write(0);
-        Motor2.write(signal * -1);
+        INA=1;
+        INB=0;
+        pwm.write(1);
     } else if (signal > 0) {
-        Motor1.write(signal);
-        Motor2.write(0);
+        INA=0;
+        INB=1;
+        pwm.write(1);
     } else {
-        Motor1.write(0);
-        Motor2.write(0);
+        INA=0;
+        INB=0;
+        pwm.write(0);   
-void pulse_motor(float pulse_time, float pulse_interval)  //Usefull for testing peak torque.
-                                                          //pulse_time = motor on time.  pulse_interval = motor off time
-    timer.start();
-    while (timer.read() < pulse_time){
-      Motor1.write(1);
-      Motor2.write(0);
-      //Prints current draw to PC
-      printf("%F", (Current.read())*volt2amp);  //Arithmetic converts the analog input to Amps
-      printf("\n");
-    }
-    timer.stop();
-    timer.reset();
-    wait(pulse_time);
-    Motor1.write(0);
-    Motor2.write(0);
-    wait(pulse_interval);
-  }
+void initialize()
+    INA=0;
+    INB=0;
+    pwm.write(0);
+void forward()
+    INA.write(1);
+    INB.write(0);
+    pwm.write(1);   
+void back()
+    INA.write(0);
+    INB.write(1);
+    pwm.write(1);   
+void begin()
+    INA.write(1);
+    INB.write(0);
+    pwm.write(0.05);   
+int get_position(int position)
+       if (position > 40){
+             position = 40;
+             return position;
+            }
+        else if (position< 1){
+             position = 1;
+             return position;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+         return position;    
+        }
 int main()
-    Motor1.period(1 / PWM_frequency);       //Set PWM frequency.  MC33926 h-bridge limited 20 kHz (.00005 seconds)
-    Motor2.period(1 / PWM_frequency);
-    float desired_position = 40;
-    float torque = 0.1;
-    float position_P_gain = 0.1;
-    float position_D_gain = 3;
-    float position_I_gain = 0;
-    float torque_P_gain = 0.0007;
-    float torque_I_gain = 0.0000001;
-    PIDController controller(desired_position, torque, position_P_gain, position_D_gain, position_I_gain, torque_P_gain, torque_I_gain);
-    //timer.start();
+    int position;
+    wait(5);
+    printf("Iiitializing.....\n\r");
+    initialize();
+    pwm.period(1/ PWM_frequency);       //Set PWM frequency.  limited 20 kHz (.00005 seconds)
-    printf("%F", pulsesToDegrees(wheel.getPulses()));
-    printf("\n\r");
+    printf("Begining\n\r");
+    //position_ticker.attach(&update_position, 0.5);
+    begin();
+    wait(2);
+    int direction;
+    while(1){
-    while(1){
-        signal_to_hbridge(controller.command_position_tm());
-        printf("%F", pulsesToDegrees(wheel.getPulses()));
+       int current_position=pulsesToDegrees(wheel.getPulses());
+       int position=get_position(current_position);
+        if(position==1||position==0)
+        {
+            direction=1;    
+        }
+        else if(position==40)
+        {
+            direction=-1;    
+        }    
+       float command = sin(direction*position*pi/40 );
+        if(command>0)
+            { forward();}
+        else if(command<0)
+            { back();}
+        printf("position:%d\n",position);
+        printf("%f\n",command);
+     //signal_to_hbridge(controller.command_position());
@@ -148,90 +184,17 @@
     float p_gain = this->kp_p;
     float d_gain = this->kd_p;
     float i_gain = this->ki_p;
-    if (this->timer.read_us() >  400){
-         float currentPosition = pulsesToDegrees(wheel.getPulses());  //Change pulsesToDegrees() to pulsesToRadians() if you would prefer to use radians
-        this->error = (currentPosition - desired_position);
-        this->integral_error += this->error;
-        this->command = p_gain*(this->error) + d_gain*(this->error - this->old_error) + i_gain*(this->integral_error);
+    float current_Position = pulsesToDegrees(wheel.getPulses());  //Change pulsesToDegrees() to pulsesToRadians() if you would prefer to use radians
+    int currentPosition=(int)current_Position; 
+    this->error = (currentPosition - desired_position);
+    this->integral_error += this->error;
+    if (this->integral_error > 1.0)
+        this->integral_error = 1.0;
+    else if (this->integral_error < -1.0)
+        this->integral_error = -1.0;
+    this->command = p_gain*(this->error) + d_gain*(this->error - this->old_error) + i_gain*(this->integral_error);
         this->old_error = error;
-        }
     return this->command;
-float PIDController::command_position_tm(void){  //Torque Mode position control
-    wait(.0003);
-    float desired_position = this->goal_position;
-    float p_gain = this->kp_p;
-    float d_gain = this->kd_p;
-    float i_gain = this->ki_p;
-    if (this->timer.read_us() >  400){
-        this->current_position = pulsesToDegrees(wheel.getPulses());  //Change pulsesToDegrees() to pulsesToRadians() if you would prefer to use radians
-        this->old_error = this->error;
-        this->error = (this->current_position - desired_position);
-        this-> command = p_gain*(this->error) + d_gain*(this->error - this->old_error) + i_gain*(this->integral_error);
-        this->integral_error += this->error;
-        this->torque_command = command;
-        this->timer.reset();
-       }
-    return this->command_torque();
-float PIDController::command_torque(void){
-    wait(.0004);
-    float current_torque;
-    if (this->direction != 0){
-        current_torque = this->direction*(Current.read() * volt2amp);
-    }
-    else{
-        current_torque = (Current.read() * volt2amp);
-    }
-   float average = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
-        this->past_currents[i] = this->past_currents[i+1];
-        average += past_currents[i];
-    }
-    average += current_torque;
-    average = average/5;
-    average = current_torque;
-    this->past_currents[4] = current_torque;
-    this->c_torque = average;
-    this->c_error = (this->torque - average);
-    this->error_sum += this->c_error;
-    this->torque_command += -1*(this->kp_c*this->c_error  + this->ki_c*this->error_sum);
-    if (this->torque_command > 0){
-        this->direction = -1;
-    }
-    else if(this->torque_command < 0){
-        this->direction = 1;
-    }
-    else{
-        this->direction = 0;
-   }
-   if (this->torque_command > 1){
-        this->torque_command = 1;
-        }
-   else if (this->torque_command < -1){
-        this->torque_command = -1;
-        }
-    return this->torque_command;