Basic 3D graphics for the MBED application-shield on-board LCD (initial/incomplete).

Dependents:   co657_lcdplay


Font updates. default tip

2015-11-29, by co657_frmb [Sun, 29 Nov 2015 00:03:41 +0000] rev 9

Font updates.

Assorted updates.

2015-11-28, by co657_frmb [Sat, 28 Nov 2015 01:40:16 +0000] rev 8

Assorted updates.

Assorted tidying and some optimisations.

2015-11-27, by co657_frmb [Fri, 27 Nov 2015 22:46:17 +0000] rev 7

Assorted tidying and some optimisations.

Assorted optimisations for texture mapping and other stuff. Mapping looks half-decent, [just] acceptably fast.

2015-11-27, by co657_frmb [Fri, 27 Nov 2015 11:58:05 +0000] rev 6

Assorted optimisations for texture mapping and other stuff. Mapping looks half-decent, [just] acceptably fast.

Various updates, commit before optimising some stuff.

2015-11-25, by co657_frmb [Wed, 25 Nov 2015 23:58:07 +0000] rev 5

Various updates, commit before optimising some stuff.

Various updates for Z buffering and edge-buffer.

2015-11-18, by co657_frmb [Wed, 18 Nov 2015 10:34:25 +0000] rev 4

Various updates for Z buffering and edge-buffer.

Various updates, some Z buffering

2015-11-15, by co657_frmb [Sun, 15 Nov 2015 21:43:31 +0000] rev 3

Various updates, some Z buffering

Minor updates, very much under construction still.

2015-10-27, by co657_frmb [Tue, 27 Oct 2015 10:28:53 +0000] rev 2

Minor updates, very much under construction still.


2015-10-25, by co657_frmb [Sun, 25 Oct 2015 11:27:33 +0000] rev 1


some initial content, tested to mostly work!

2015-10-25, by co657_frmb [Sun, 25 Oct 2015 11:26:02 +0000] rev 0

some initial content, tested to mostly work!