Implementation of 3G USB Modem Huawei E372

Dependents:   PYRN

diff -r fbf17fb09581 -r 61ac95f0af72 PPPIPInterface.cpp
--- a/PPPIPInterface.cpp	Fri Feb 20 17:15:55 2015 +0000
+++ b/PPPIPInterface.cpp	Tue Apr 14 13:27:07 2015 +0000
@@ -16,25 +16,27 @@
-#define __DEBUG__ 0
+#define __DEBUG__ 3
 #ifndef __MODULE__
 #define __MODULE__ "PPPIPInterface.cpp"
+#include "MyDebug.h"
-#include "dbg.h"
-#define DBG(x, ...) USB_DBG(x, __VA_ARGS__)
+#include "core/errors.h"
 #include "core/fwk.h"
+#include "core/IOStream.h"
 #include "rtos.h"
 #include <cstdio>
 using std::sscanf;
 #include "PPPIPInterface.h"
+#include "USBSerialStream.h"
+#define PPP_SERIAL_PORT 0
 #define MSISDN "*99#"
 #define CONNECT_CMD "ATD " MSISDN "\x0D"
 #define EXPECTED_RESP CONNECT_CMD "\x0D" "\x0A" "CONNECT" "\x0D" "\x0A"
 #define EXPECTED_RESP_DATARATE CONNECT_CMD "\x0D" "\x0A" "CONNECT %d" "\x0D" "\x0A"
@@ -43,418 +45,345 @@
 #define ESCAPE_SEQ "+++"
 #define HANGUP_CMD "ATH" "\x0D"
 #define NO_CARRIER_RESP "\x0D" "\x0A" "NO CARRIER" "\x0D" "\x0A"
 extern "C" {
 #include "lwip/ip_addr.h"
 #include "lwip/inet.h"
 #include "lwip/err.h"
-#include "lwip/dns.h"
+//#include "lwip/dns.h"
+#include "lwip/tcpip.h"
 #include "netif/ppp/ppp.h"
-PPPIPInterface::PPPIPInterface(IOStream* pStream) : LwIPInterface(), m_linkStatusSphre(1), m_pppErrCode(0), m_pStream(pStream), m_streamAvail(true), m_pppd(-1)
-  m_linkStatusSphre.wait();
+PPPIPInterface::PPPIPInterface(USBSerialStream* pStream): 
+    pppStream(pStream),
+    pppSession(0),
+    ipInitiated(false),
+    pppInitiated(false),
+    connected(false) {}
+PPPIPInterface::~PPPIPInterface() { }
-/*virtual*/ PPPIPInterface::~PPPIPInterface()
+void PPPIPInterface::stackInits(const char* user, const char* pw)  {
+    // LwIP Stuffs
+    if(!ipInitiated) {
+        DBG("LwIP: Init Stack");
+        tcpip_init(PPPIPInterface::tcpipInitDoneCb, this);
+        DBG("LwIP: Wait for setup");
+        while (!ipInitiated)
+            Thread::wait(1);
+        DBG("LwIP: setup done");
+    }
+    // PPP Stuffs
+    if(!pppInitiated) {
+        pppInit();
+        pppSetAuth(PPPAUTHTYPE_ANY, user, pw);
+        pppInitiated = true;
+    }
-/*virtual*/ int PPPIPInterface::init() //Init PPP-specific stuff, create the right bindings, etc
-  DBG("Initializing LwIP");
-  LwIPInterface::init(); //Init LwIP, NOT including PPP
-  DBG("Initializing PPP");
-  pppInit();
-  DBG("Done");
-  return OK;
+int PPPIPInterface::dial(void) {
+    int ret;
+    char buf[32];
+    size_t len;
+    DBG("Sending %s", CONNECT_CMD);
+    ret = pppStream->write((uint8_t*)CONNECT_CMD, strlen(CONNECT_CMD), osWaitForever);
+    if( ret != OK )
+        return NET_UNKNOWN;
+    DBG("Expect %s", EXPECTED_RESP);
+    /*
+    size_t readLen;
+    ret = pppStream->read((uint8_t*)buf, &readLen, EXPECTED_RESP_MIN_LEN, 10000);
+    if( ret != OK )
+        return NET_UNKNOWN;
+    DBG("Readed %d chars", readLen);
+    DBG_MEMDUMP("PPPAT",buf,readLen);
+    */
+    len = 0;
+    size_t readLen;
+    ret = pppStream->read((uint8_t*)buf + len, &readLen, EXPECTED_RESP_MIN_LEN, 10000);
+    if( ret != OK )
+        return NET_UNKNOWN;
+    len += readLen;
+    while( (len < EXPECTED_RESP_MIN_LEN) || (buf[len-1] != LF) ) {
+        ret = pppStream->read((uint8_t*)buf + len, &readLen, 1, 10000);
+        if( ret != OK )
+            return NET_UNKNOWN;
+        len += readLen;
+    }
+    buf[len]=0;
+    DBG("Got %s[len %d]", buf, len);
+    int datarate = 0;
+    if( (sscanf( buf, EXPECTED_RESP_DATARATE, &datarate ) != 1) && (strcmp(EXPECTED_RESP, buf) != 0) ) {
+        //Discard buffer
+        do { //Clear buf
+            ret = pppStream->read((uint8_t*)buf, &len, 32, 0);
+            DBG("Got %s[len %d]", buf, len);
+        } while( (ret == OK) && (len > 0) );
+        return NET_CONN;
+    }
+    DBG("Transport link open");
+    if(datarate != 0)
+        DBG("Datarate: %d bps", datarate);
+    return OK;
-int PPPIPInterface::setup(const char* user, const char* pw)
-  DBG("Configuring PPP authentication method");
-  pppSetAuth(PPPAUTHTYPE_ANY, user, pw);
-  DBG("Done");
-  return OK;
+int PPPIPInterface::escape(void) {
+    DBG("Sending %s", ESCAPE_SEQ);
+    Thread::wait(1000);
+    int ret = pppStream->write((uint8_t*)ESCAPE_SEQ, strlen(ESCAPE_SEQ), osWaitForever);
+    Thread::wait(1000);
+    if( ret != OK )
+      return NET_UNKNOWN;
+    return OK;
+int PPPIPInterface::connect(const char* user, const char* pw) {
+    DBG("Trying to connect with PPP");
+    // Init the lWIP Stacks
+    stackInits(user,pw);
+    // Clear the line
+    cleanupLink();
+    // Do the dialing
+    dial();
+    // Launch the ppp session
+    pppSession = pppOverSerialOpen(this, PPPIPInterface::linkStatusCb, this);
+    DBG("PPP over serial opening returned = %d, pppSession");
+    if (pppSession >= 0) {
+        // the thread was successfully started.
+        int retries = 600; // Approx (600*100ms) = 60s
+        while (!connected && (retries-- > 0)) {
+            Thread::wait(100);
+        }
+        if (retries!=0) {
+            // We are connected on lwIP over PPP!
+            DBG("Got Connected");
+            return OK;
+        } else {
+            DBG("Got a Timeout");
+            return NET_UNKNOWN;
+        }    
+    }else {
+        DBG("Could not get ppp session");
+        return NET_UNKNOWN;
+    }
+int PPPIPInterface::disconnect() {
+    DBG("Do something on ppp stack and close the session");
+    pppClose(pppSession);
+    escape();
+    cleanupLink();
+    return OK;
-/*virtual*/ int PPPIPInterface::connect()
-  int ret;
-  char buf[32];
-  size_t len;
-  DBG("Trying to connect with PPP");
-  cleanupLink();
-  DBG("Sending %s", CONNECT_CMD);
-  ret = m_pStream->write((uint8_t*)CONNECT_CMD, strlen(CONNECT_CMD), osWaitForever);
-  if( ret != OK )
-  {
-    return NET_UNKNOWN;
-  }
-  DBG("Expect %s", EXPECTED_RESP);
-  len = 0;
-  size_t readLen;
-  ret = m_pStream->read((uint8_t*)buf + len, &readLen, EXPECTED_RESP_MIN_LEN, 10000);
-  if( ret != OK )
-  {
-    return NET_UNKNOWN;
-  }
-  len += readLen;
-  while( (len < EXPECTED_RESP_MIN_LEN) || (buf[len-1] != LF) )
-  {
-    ret = m_pStream->read((uint8_t*)buf + len, &readLen, 1, 10000);
-    if( ret != OK )
-    {
-      return NET_UNKNOWN;
-    }
-    len += readLen;
-  }
-  buf[len]=0;
-  DBG("Got %s[len %d]", buf, len);
-  int datarate = 0;
-  if( (sscanf( buf, EXPECTED_RESP_DATARATE, &datarate ) != 1) && (strcmp(EXPECTED_RESP, buf) != 0) )
-  {
-    //Discard buffer
-    do //Clear buf
-    {
-      ret = m_pStream->read((uint8_t*)buf, &len, 32, 0);
-    } while( (ret == OK) && (len > 0) );
-    return NET_CONN;
-  }
-  DBG("Transport link open");
-  if(datarate != 0)
-  {
-    DBG("Datarate: %d bps", datarate);
-  }
-  m_linkStatusSphre.wait(0);
-  if((m_pppd != -1) && (m_pppErrCode == 0)) //Already connected
-  {
-    return NET_INVALID;
-  }
-  ret = pppOverSerialOpen(this, PPPIPInterface::linkStatusCb, this);
-  if(ret < 0)
-  {
-    switch(ret)
-    {
-    case PPPERR_OPEN:
-    default:
-      return NET_FULL; //All available resources are already used
-    }
-  }
-  m_pppd = ret; //PPP descriptor
-  m_linkStatusSphre.wait(); //Block indefinitely; there should be a timeout there
-  if(m_pppErrCode != PPPERR_NONE)
-  {
-    m_pppd = -1;
-  }
-  switch(m_pppErrCode)
-  {
-  case PPPERR_NONE: //Connected OK
-    return OK;
-  case PPPERR_CONNECT: //Connection lost
-    return NET_INTERRUPTED;
-  case PPPERR_AUTHFAIL: //Authentication failed
-    return NET_AUTH;
-  case PPPERR_PROTOCOL: //Protocol error
-    return NET_PROTOCOL;
-  default:
-    return NET_UNKNOWN;
-  }
+void PPPIPInterface::setConnected(bool val) {
+    connected = val;
+bool PPPIPInterface::isConnected(void) {
+    return connected;
-/*virtual*/ int PPPIPInterface::disconnect()
-  int ret = m_linkStatusSphre.wait(0);
-  if(ret > 0) //Already disconnected?
-  {
-    m_pppd = -1; //Discard PPP descriptor
-    switch(m_pppErrCode)
-      {
-      case PPPERR_CONNECT: //Connection terminated
-      case PPPERR_AUTHFAIL: //Authentication failed
-      case PPPERR_PROTOCOL: //Protocol error
-      case PPPERR_USER:
-        return OK;
-      default:
+int PPPIPInterface::cleanupLink() {
+    int ret;
+    char buf[32];
+    size_t len;
+    do { //Clear buf
+        ret = pppStream->read((uint8_t*)buf, &len, 32, 100);
+        if(ret == OK) {
+            buf[len] = '\0';
+            DBG("Got %s", buf);
+        }
+    } while( (ret == OK) && (len > 0) );
+    DBG("Sending %s", HANGUP_CMD);
+    // Here we could need to pass the ATStream to hangup
+    IOStream *hangupPort = pppStream;   
+    ret = hangupPort->write((uint8_t*)HANGUP_CMD, strlen(HANGUP_CMD), osWaitForever);
+    if( ret != OK )
         return NET_UNKNOWN;
-      }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    if(m_pppd == -1)
-    {
-      return NET_INVALID;
+    size_t readLen;
+    //Hangup
+    DBG("Expect %s", HANGUP_CMD);
+    len = 0;
+    while( len < strlen(HANGUP_CMD) ) {
+        ret = hangupPort->read((uint8_t*)buf + len, &readLen, strlen(HANGUP_CMD) - len, 100);
+        if( ret != OK )
+            break;
+        len += readLen;
+        /////
+        buf[len]=0;
+        DBG("Got %s", buf);
+    }
+    buf[len]=0;
+    DBG("Got %s[len %d]", buf, len);
+    //OK response
+    DBG("Expect %s", OK_RESP);
+    len = 0;
+    while( len < strlen(OK_RESP) ) {
+        ret = hangupPort->read((uint8_t*)buf + len, &readLen, strlen(OK_RESP) - len, 100);
+        if( ret != OK ) {
+            break;
+        }
+        len += readLen;
+        /////
+        buf[len]=0;
+        DBG("Got %s", buf);
+    }    
+    buf[len]=0;
+    DBG("Got %s[len %d]", buf, len);
+    //NO CARRIER event
+    DBG("Expect %s", NO_CARRIER_RESP);
+    len = 0;
+    while( len < strlen(NO_CARRIER_RESP) ) {
+        ret = pppStream->read((uint8_t*)buf + len, &readLen, strlen(NO_CARRIER_RESP) - len, 100);
+        if( ret != OK ) {
+            break;
+        }
+        len += readLen;
+        /////
+        buf[len]=0;
+        DBG("Got %s", buf);
-    pppClose(m_pppd);
-    do
-    {
-      m_linkStatusSphre.wait(); //Block indefinitely; there should be a timeout there
-      DBG("Received PPP err code %d", m_pppErrCode);
-    } while(m_pppErrCode != PPPERR_USER);
-    m_pppd = -1; //Discard PPP descriptor
-  }
-  DBG("Sending %s", ESCAPE_SEQ);
-  ret = m_pStream->write((uint8_t*)ESCAPE_SEQ, strlen(ESCAPE_SEQ), osWaitForever);
-  if( ret != OK )
-  {
-    return NET_UNKNOWN;
-  }
-  cleanupLink();
-  return OK;
+    buf[len]=0;
+    DBG("Got %s[len %d]", buf, len);
+    do { //Clear buf
+        ret = pppStream->read((uint8_t*)buf, &len, 32, 100);
+        if(ret == OK) {
+            buf[len] = '\0';
+            DBG("Got %s", buf);
+        }
+    } while( (ret == OK) && (len > 0) );
+    return OK;
+// IP Stuffs
+char *PPPIPInterface::getIPAddress(void) {
+    return ipAddress;
+void PPPIPInterface::setIPAddress(char *ip) {
+    strcpy(ipAddress,ip);
+// PPP Stuffs
+extern "C" {
+    u32_t sio_write(sio_fd_t fd, u8_t *data, u32_t len) {
+        //DBG("LEN %d",len);
+        //DBG_MEMDUMP("IN",(const char*)data,len);
+        PPPIPInterface* pIf = (PPPIPInterface*)fd;
+        USBSerialStream *s = pIf->pppStream;
+        int ret = s->write(data, len, osWaitForever); //Blocks until all data is sent or an error happens
+        //DBG("sio_write OUT");
+        if(ret != OK) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        return len;
+    }
+    u32_t sio_read(sio_fd_t fd, u8_t *data, u32_t len) {
+        //DBG("sio_read");
+        PPPIPInterface* pIf = (PPPIPInterface*)fd;
+        size_t readLen;
+        int ret = pIf->pppStream->read(data, &readLen, len, osWaitForever); //Blocks until some data is received or an error happens
+        if(ret != OK) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        return readLen;
+    }
+    void sio_read_abort(sio_fd_t fd) {
+        //DBG("sio_read_abort");
+        PPPIPInterface* pIf = (PPPIPInterface*)fd;
+        pIf->pppStream->abortRead();
+    }
-int PPPIPInterface::cleanupLink()
-  int ret;
-  char buf[32];
-  size_t len;
-  do //Clear buf
-  {
-    ret = m_pStream->read((uint8_t*)buf, &len, 32, 100);
-    if(ret == OK)
-    {
-      buf[len] = '\0';
-      DBG("Got %s", buf);
-    }
-  } while( (ret == OK) && (len > 0) );
-  DBG("Sending %s", HANGUP_CMD);
-  ret = m_pStream->write((uint8_t*)HANGUP_CMD, strlen(HANGUP_CMD), osWaitForever);
-  if( ret != OK )
-  {
-    return NET_UNKNOWN;
-  }
-  size_t readLen;
-  //Hangup
-  DBG("Expect %s", HANGUP_CMD);
-  len = 0;
-  while( len < strlen(HANGUP_CMD) )
-  {
-    ret = m_pStream->read((uint8_t*)buf + len, &readLen, strlen(HANGUP_CMD) - len, 100);
-    if( ret != OK )
-    {
-      break;
-    }
-    len += readLen;
-    /////
-    buf[len]=0;
-    DBG("Got %s", buf);
-  }
-  buf[len]=0;
-  DBG("Got %s[len %d]", buf, len);
-  //OK response
-  DBG("Expect %s", OK_RESP);
-  len = 0;
-  while( len < strlen(OK_RESP) )
-  {
-    ret = m_pStream->read((uint8_t*)buf + len, &readLen, strlen(OK_RESP) - len, 100);
-    if( ret != OK )
-    {
-      break;
-    }
-    len += readLen;
-    /////
-    buf[len]=0;
-    DBG("Got %s", buf);
-  }
-  buf[len]=0;
-  DBG("Got %s[len %d]", buf, len);
-  //NO CARRIER event
-  DBG("Expect %s", NO_CARRIER_RESP);
-  len = 0;
-  while( len < strlen(NO_CARRIER_RESP) )
-  {
-    ret = m_pStream->read((uint8_t*)buf + len, &readLen, strlen(NO_CARRIER_RESP) - len, 100);
-    if( ret != OK )
-    {
-      break;
-    }
-    len += readLen;
-    /////
-    buf[len]=0;
-    DBG("Got %s", buf);
-  }
-  buf[len]=0;
-  DBG("Got %s[len %d]", buf, len);
-  do //Clear buf
-  {
-    ret = m_pStream->read((uint8_t*)buf, &len, 32, 100);
-    if(ret == OK)
-    {
-      buf[len] = '\0';
-      DBG("Got %s", buf);
-    }
-  } while( (ret == OK) && (len > 0) );
-  return OK;
+// LwIP Callbacks
+void PPPIPInterface::tcpipInitDoneCb(void *ctx) {
+    PPPIPInterface *pIf = (PPPIPInterface*)ctx;
+    pIf->ipInitiated = true;
-/*static*/ void PPPIPInterface::linkStatusCb(void *ctx, int errCode, void *arg) //PPP link status
-  PPPIPInterface* pIf = (PPPIPInterface*)ctx;
-  struct ppp_addrs* addrs = (struct ppp_addrs*) arg;
+void PPPIPInterface::linkStatusCb(void *ctx, int errCode, void *arg) { 
+    PPPIPInterface* pIf = (PPPIPInterface*)ctx;
+    struct ppp_addrs* addrs = (struct ppp_addrs*) arg;
-  switch(errCode)
-  {
-  case PPPERR_NONE:
-    WARN("Connected via PPP.");
-    DBG("Local IP address: %s", inet_ntoa(addrs->our_ipaddr));
-    DBG("Netmask: %s", inet_ntoa(addrs->netmask));
-    DBG("Remote IP address: %s", inet_ntoa(addrs->his_ipaddr));
-    DBG("Primary DNS: %s", inet_ntoa(addrs->dns1));
-    DBG("Secondary DNS: %s", inet_ntoa(addrs->dns2));
-    //Setup DNS
-    if (addrs->dns1.addr != 0)
-    {
-      dns_setserver(0, (struct ip_addr*)&(addrs->dns1));
-    }
-    if (addrs->dns2.addr != 0)
-    {
-      dns_setserver(1, (struct ip_addr*)&(addrs->dns1));
-    }
-    pIf->setConnected(true);
-    pIf->setIPAddress(inet_ntoa(addrs->our_ipaddr));
-    break;
-  case PPPERR_CONNECT: //Connection lost
-    WARN("Connection lost/terminated");
-    pIf->setConnected(false);
-    break;
-  case PPPERR_AUTHFAIL: //Authentication failed
-    WARN("Authentication failed");
-    pIf->setConnected(false);
-    break;
-  case PPPERR_PROTOCOL: //Protocol error
-    WARN("Protocol error");
-    pIf->setConnected(false);
-    break;
-  case PPPERR_USER:
-    WARN("Disconnected by user");
-    pIf->setConnected(false);
-    break;
-  default:
-    WARN("Unknown error (%d)", errCode);
-    pIf->setConnected(false);
-    break;
-  }
-  pIf->m_linkStatusSphre.wait(0); //If previous event has not been handled, "delete" it now
-  pIf->m_pppErrCode = errCode;
-  pIf->m_linkStatusSphre.release();
-//LwIP PPP implementation
-extern "C"
+    switch(errCode) {
+        case PPPERR_NONE:
+            WARN("Connected via PPP.");
+            DBG("Local IP address: %s", inet_ntoa(addrs->our_ipaddr));
+            DBG("Netmask: %s", inet_ntoa(addrs->netmask));
+            DBG("Remote IP address: %s", inet_ntoa(addrs->his_ipaddr));
+            DBG("Primary DNS: %s", inet_ntoa(addrs->dns1));
+            DBG("Secondary DNS: %s", inet_ntoa(addrs->dns2));
+            //Setup DNS
+            if (addrs->dns1.addr != 0) {
+                //dns_setserver(0, (struct ip_addr*)&(addrs->dns1));
+            }
+            if (addrs->dns2.addr != 0) {
+                //dns_setserver(1, (struct ip_addr*)&(addrs->dns1));
+            }
- * Writes to the serial device.
- *
- * @param fd serial device handle
- * @param data pointer to data to send
- * @param len length (in bytes) of data to send
- * @return number of bytes actually sent
- *
- * @note This function will block until all data can be sent.
- */
-u32_t sio_write(sio_fd_t fd, u8_t *data, u32_t len)
-  DBG("sio_write");
-  PPPIPInterface* pIf = (PPPIPInterface*)fd;
-  int ret;
-  if(!pIf->m_streamAvail) //If stream is not available (it is a shared resource) don't go further
-  {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  ret = pIf->m_pStream->write(data, len, osWaitForever); //Blocks until all data is sent or an error happens
-  if(ret != OK)
-  {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  return len;
+            pIf->setConnected(true);
+            pIf->setIPAddress(inet_ntoa(addrs->our_ipaddr));
+            break;
+        case PPPERR_CONNECT: //Connection lost
+            WARN("Connection lost/terminated");
+            pIf->setConnected(false);
+            break;
+        case PPPERR_AUTHFAIL: //Authentication failed
+            WARN("Authentication failed");
+            pIf->setConnected(false);
+            break;
+        case PPPERR_PROTOCOL: //Protocol error
+            WARN("Protocol error");
+            pIf->setConnected(false);
+            break;
+        case PPPERR_USER:
+            WARN("Disconnected by user");
+            pIf->setConnected(false);
+            break;
+        default:
+            WARN("Unknown error (%d)", errCode);
+            pIf->setConnected(false);
+            break;
+    }
- * Reads from the serial device.
- *
- * @param fd serial device handle
- * @param data pointer to data buffer for receiving
- * @param len maximum length (in bytes) of data to receive
- * @return number of bytes actually received - may be 0 if aborted by sio_read_abort
- *
- * @note This function will block until data can be received. The blocking
- * can be cancelled by calling sio_read_abort().
- */
-u32_t sio_read(sio_fd_t fd, u8_t *data, u32_t len)
-  DBG("sio_read");
-  PPPIPInterface* pIf = (PPPIPInterface*)fd;
-  int ret;
-  size_t readLen;
-  if(!pIf->m_streamAvail) //If stream is not available (it is a shared resource) don't go further
-  {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  ret = pIf->m_pStream->read(data, &readLen, len, osWaitForever); //Blocks until some data is received or an error happens
-  if(ret != OK)
-  {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  DBG("ret");
-  return readLen;
+    //pIf->m_linkStatusSphre.wait(0); //If previous event has not been handled, "delete" it now
+    //pIf->m_pppErrCode = errCode;
+    //pIf->m_linkStatusSphre.release();
- * Aborts a blocking sio_read() call.
- *
- * @param fd serial device handle
- */
-void sio_read_abort(sio_fd_t fd)
-  DBG("sio_read_abort");
-  PPPIPInterface* pIf = (PPPIPInterface*)fd;
-  if(!pIf->m_streamAvail) //If stream is not available (it is a shared resource) don't go further
-  {
-    return;
-  }
-  pIf->m_pStream->abortRead();
-  DBG("ret");