Code for the first mbed for the drum hero project

Dependencies:   4DGL SDFileSystem mbed

Fork of drums2 by Yusuf Kuris

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "TFT_4DGL.h"
00003 #include "note.h"
00004 #include "song.h"
00005 #include <vector>
00007 // Define all the ports
00008 // Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00009 TFT_4DGL screen(p9,p10,p11); // serial tx, serial rx, reset pin;
00010 AnalogIn drum1(p18);
00011 AnalogIn drum2(p19);
00012 AnalogIn drum3(p20);
00013 DigitalOut musicOn(p22);
00014 DigitalIn button(p21);
00016 // Define objects
00017 Ticker t1;
00018 DigitalOut led1(LED1);
00019 DigitalOut led2(LED2);
00020 DigitalOut led3(LED3);
00022 // Define and initiate global variables
00023 std::vector<Note> noteArr; 
00024 int beatNumber = 0;
00025 char buffer[2];
00026 int skipped = 0;
00027 int temp;
00028 int score = 0;
00029 Song s = Song(1);
00031 // Define the drum variables
00032 volatile int r1;
00033 volatile int r2;
00034 volatile int r3;
00035 volatile int r11;
00036 volatile int r22;
00037 volatile int r33;
00039 // Function that draws the initial game frame
00040 void initiateScreen() {
00041     // Initiate the screen and the background
00042     screen.baudrate(3000000);
00043     screen.display_control(0x0c, 0x01);
00044     screen.background_color(0x000000);
00046     // Draw the frame
00047     screen.rectangle(192, 120, 447, 450, 0xD38A41);
00048     screen.line(256, 120, 192, 450, 0x96411F);
00049     screen.line(296, 120, 277, 450, 0x96411F);
00050     screen.line(332, 120, 362, 450, 0x96411F);
00051     screen.line(372, 120, 447, 450, 0x96411F);
00052     screen.triangle(192, 120, 192, 450, 256, 120, 0x000000);
00053     screen.triangle(372, 120, 447, 450, 447, 120, 0x000000);
00054     screen.rectangle(447, 120, 450, 450, 0x000000);
00056     screen.rectangle(256, 100, 296, 120, 0xFF0000);
00057     screen.rectangle(296, 100, 332, 120, 0x00FF00);
00058     screen.rectangle(332, 100, 372, 120, 0x0000FF);
00060     // Define the points
00061     screen.graphic_string("POINTS:", 30, 100, FONT_8X8, WHITE, 2, 2);
00063     screen.graphic_string("OB-LA-DI", 430, 100, FONT_8X8, WHITE, 2, 2);    
00064 }
00066 // The function that the ticker will be running, it checks if the piezo sensors
00067 // sense a hit two cycles (0.002 sec) in a row. Checking for two consecutive
00068 // high values discards the noise in the piezo sensors.
00069 void checkDrums() {
00070     if (drum1 == 1) {
00071         if (r1 == 1) {
00072             r11 = 1;
00073         } else {
00074             r1 = 1;
00075         };   
00076     } else if (drum2 == 1) {
00077         if (r2 == 1) {
00078             r22 = 1;
00079         } else {
00080             r2 = 1;
00081         };   
00082     } else if (drum3 == 1) {
00083         if (r3 == 1) {
00084             r33 = 1;
00085         } else {
00086             r3 = 1;
00087         }; 
00088     }
00089 }
00091 // Main methods that runs the main loop that checks the drums hits and draws the
00092 // next set of notes on the board.
00093 int main() {
00094     button.mode(PullDown);    
00095     screen.text_string("DRUM HERO 1.0", 15, 8, FONT_8X8, WHITE);  
00096     screen.text_string("PRESS THE BUTTON", 14, 16, FONT_8X8, WHITE);
00097     screen.text_string("TO START", 18, 19, FONT_8X8, WHITE);    
00099     musicOn = 0;
00100     while(!musicOn) {
00101         if(button) {
00102             musicOn = 1;
00103         }    
00104     }  
00106     // Initiate the screen and the main graphics
00107     initiateScreen();   
00109     t1.attach(&checkDrums, 0.001);
00111     while (true) {        
00112         // Check if the song is ended
00113         if (beatNumber < s.length) {
00114             // Check if the drum ticker sensed any hits
00115             if (r11) {
00116                 // Draw hit drums for user feedback
00117                 screen.rectangle(192,450,277,470,0xFF0000);
00118                 led1 = 1;
00119                 // Notes move down 5 times, check the note array in the index of 
00120                 // 5 notes before and see if it matches with the right drum
00121                 if (s.notes[beatNumber - 5] == 1) {
00122                     score++;
00123                 }
00124                 r1 = 0;
00125                 r11 = 0;
00126             } else if (r22) {
00127                 screen.rectangle(277,450,362,470,0x00FF00);
00128                 led2 = 1;
00129                 if (s.notes[beatNumber - 5] == 2) {
00130                     score++;
00131                 }
00132                 r2 = 0;
00133                 r22 = 0;
00134             } else if (r33) {
00135                 screen.rectangle(362,450,447,470,0x0000FF);
00136                 led3 = 1;
00137                 if (s.notes[beatNumber - 5] == 3) {
00138                     score++;
00139                 }
00140                 r3 = 0;
00141                 r33 = 0;
00142             } else {
00143                 screen.rectangle(192,450,447,470,0x000000);
00144                 led1 = 0;
00145                 led2 = 0;
00146                 led3 = 0;
00147             }
00149             // Read the next beat (0,1,2,3)
00150             temp = s.notes[beatNumber++];
00151             // Check if there's a beat/note (not 0)
00152             if (temp) {
00153                 // If beat/note exists, create the object for it and push
00154                 // it to the array of current notes on the screen
00155                 Note n1 = Note(temp);
00156                 noteArr.push_back(n1);
00157             }   
00159             for (int i = skipped; i < noteArr.size(); i++) {
00160                 if (noteArr[i].consumed) {
00161                     skipped += 1;
00162                 } else {
00163                     noteArr[i].drawNote();
00164                 }
00165             }
00166         } else {
00167              // Game over screen
00168              screen.rectangle(0,0,640,480,0x000000);
00169              screen.graphic_string("GAME OVER", 240, 170, FONT_8X8, WHITE, 2, 2);
00170              screen.graphic_string("YOUR SCORE IS:", 210, 230, FONT_8X8, WHITE, 2, 2);
00171              screen.graphic_string(buffer, 290, 260, FONT_8X8, WHITE, 2, 2);
00172              wait(30);               
00173         }
00174         // Update the score after each iteration
00175         sprintf(buffer,"%d",score);
00176         screen.graphic_string(buffer, 30, 120, FONT_8X8, WHITE, 2, 2);
00177     }
00178 }