
Dependents of jsonlite

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Use this "Hello-World" program to stream accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope sensor data from FRDM-STBC-AGM01 to the cloud using AT&T M2X Data Services.
This is a simple home automation system which communicates with a Bluetooth app to control home systems such as HVAC and lighting. This was done for El-Sharkaway's ECE595 Class
ECE533 project
Sample code for AT&T IoT Services DevLab with IoT StarterKit.
AT&T example LPC1768
Initial commit
This the the improved and updated project and program for the earlier automatic pill dispenser project. Includes and rfid, stepper, servo, led-ldr and a load sensor integrate. time stamp is …
I added functionality to get the RSSI, BER, and Cell Neighbor for reporting connection issues to M2X AT commands, m2x
Two HC-SR04 based security system using FRDM-K64F board.