Cleaner code

Dependencies:   mbed C12832

--- a/main.cpp	Sat Jun 20 11:16:58 2020 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Jul 28 09:45:20 2020 +0000
@@ -8,59 +8,39 @@
 C12832 lcd(p5, p7, p6, p8, p11);
-DigitalIn fire(p14);
-PwmOut spkr(p26);
-AnalogIn pot1(p19);
+int x=0; //sets variable x to 0
-int x = 0;
-Timer debounce;
 void flip() {
  led = !led; // toggles the led when the joystick button is pressed.
- x = 1;
- lcd.printf("debounce = "+debounce.read_ms());
- if(debounce.read_ms()==1)
- {
-      lcd.printf("ms 150");
-     //assignment
-     }
-    debounce.reset();
+ x=1;  //  sets variable x to 1
+void reset()
+    x=0;
 int main() {
  joystickcenter.rise(&flip); // attach the function address to the rising edge
  button.mode(PullUp); // With this, no external pullup resistor needed
  button.rise(&flip); // attach the function address to the rising edge
  while(1) { // wait around, interrupts will interrupt this!
- flash = !flash; // turns LED4 on if off, off if on
- //wait(0.25); // the instruction to wait for a quarter-second
- if(x==1) // check loop
- {
-     //lcd.printf("Variable set");
-     x = 0;
+  if (x==1){ //if variable 'x' is equivalent to 0
+ lcd.locate(0,0); // Sets location on lcd to 0,0
+ lcd.printf("Variable set to 1");  // Prints Variable set if loop parameter is true
+ wait(10); //waits for 10 seconds, to show print on MBED lcd
+ lcd.cls(); //clears lcd screen
+ reset();;  //resets x to 0
-for (float i=2000.0; i<1000.0; i+=100) {
-    spkr.period(1.0/i);
-    spkr=0.5;
-    wait(0.1);
-    }
-    spkr=0.0;
-    while( < 0.0000005) {} // this uses the pot to control the program
- }
+ flash = !flash; // turns LED4 on if off, off if on
+ wait(0.25); // the instruction to wait for a quarter-second
-//What's needed is a global variable with its own name, for example:
-//int x;
-//Now, you set x to 1 inside the flip() function. In main(), inside the infinite loop starting with while (1) { , you check whether x ==1 and if it is, you print to the LCD and set x to 0.
-//(Be very careful about this. x=1 sets x to 1. x==1 compares x to 1.)
\ No newline at end of file
+ }
\ No newline at end of file