simple wifi test program. Will connect to an HTTP server for testing.
The program brings up the WiFi and the underlying network interface, and uses it to scans available networks, connects to a network, prints interface and connection details and performs simple HTTP operation.
Supported hardware:
MTB_ADV_WISE_1530 WiFi module used with DB-1505 carrier board or WISE-ED22 Daplink module. UBLOX Odin board built-in WiFi module REALTEK_RTL8195AM built-in WiFi module NUCLEO_F401RE with X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 WiFi expansion board using pins D8 D2 NUCLEO_F429ZI with ESP8266-01 module using pins D1 D0 NUCLEO_L476RG with ESP8266-01 module using pins D8 D2 Other mbed targets with ESP8266 module or X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 expansion board Not that the mbed target board the WiFi shield gets connected to shouldn't have any other network interface e.g. Ethernet.
ESP8266 is a fallback option and will be used if the build is for unsupported platform.