Simple port of the 4d genie arduino code. Works, but needs more work to be fully functionnal as a class!
Demo application updated to work with the new 4dgenie class
2014-07-06, by chris215 [Sun, 06 Jul 2014 17:24:43 +0000] rev 5
Demo application updated to work with the new 4dgenie class
Mbed4dGenie example
2014-02-23, by chris215 [Sun, 23 Feb 2014 17:41:02 +0000] rev 4
Mbed4dGenie example
test with thermometer
2013-12-07, by chris215 [Sat, 07 Dec 2013 02:34:40 +0000] rev 3
test with thermometer
Phase 1 - Now the Mbed is using WiflyInterface to connect to my network and the 4d genie interface to talk to the LCD screen
2013-11-20, by chris215 [Wed, 20 Nov 2013 22:47:46 +0000] rev 2
Phase 1 - Now the Mbed is using WiflyInterface to connect to my network and the 4d genie interface to talk to the LCD screen
added hello world string
2013-11-18, by chris215 [Mon, 18 Nov 2013 03:04:46 +0000] rev 1
added hello world string
First commit of a working implementation of the 4d genie interface on mbed
2013-11-18, by chris215 [Mon, 18 Nov 2013 02:39:18 +0000] rev 0
First commit of a working implementation of the 4d genie interface on mbed