This program is for an autonomous robot for the competition at the Hochschule Luzern. We are one of the 32 teams. <a href=""></a> The postition control is based on this Documentation: Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots: An Experimental Overview from Alessandro De Luca, Giuseppe Oriolo, Marilena Vendittelli. For more information see here: <a href=""></a>

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of autonomousRobotAndroid by Christian Burri

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Feb 07 17:43:19 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ * main.cpp
+ * Copyright (c) 2012, Pren Team1 HSLU T&A
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "math.h"
+#include "defines.h"
+#include "State.h"
+#include "HMC5883L.h"
+#include "HMC6352.h"
+#include "RobotControl.h"
+#include "Ping.h"
+#include "PowerControl/EthernetPowerControl.h"
+#include "Android.h"
+// LiPo Batterie
+AnalogIn battery(p15);           // Battery check
+// compass
+//HMC5883L compass(p9, p10, PERIOD_COMPASS);       // sda, sdl (I2C)
+HMC6352 compass(p9, p10, PERIOD_COMPASS);        // sda, sdl (I2C)
+// ultrasonic sensor
+//Ping ultrasonic(p30);
+//hall1, hall2, hall3
+Hallsensor hallLeft(p18, p17, p16);
+//hall1, hall2, hall3
+Hallsensor hallRight(p27, p28, p29);
+// Motors
+//enb, ready, pwm, actualSpeed, Hallsensor object
+MaxonESCON leftMotor(p26, p25, p24, p19, &hallLeft);
+//enb, ready, pwm, actualSpeed, Hallsensor object
+MaxonESCON rightMotor(p23, p22, p21, p20, &hallRight);
+// Robot Control
+RobotControl robotControl (&leftMotor, &rightMotor, &compass, PERIOD_ROBOTCONTROL);
+// Logging & State
+state_t s; // stuct state
+State state(&s, &robotControl, &leftMotor, &rightMotor, &compass, &battery, PERIOD_STATE);
+// Communication
+//Android android(&s, &robotControl, &leftMotor, &rightMotor, PERIOD_ANDROID);
+// PC USB communications
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+float magout[3] = {0};
+// LiPo Batterie
+float batterie_voltage;
+int main()
+    /** Normal mbed power level for this setup is around 690mW
+    * assuming 5V used on Vin pin
+    * If you don't need networking...
+    * Power down Ethernet interface - saves around 175mW
+    * Also need to unplug network cable - just a cable sucks power
+    */
+    PHY_PowerDown();
+    robotControl.start();
+    compass.setOpMode(HMC6352_CONTINUOUS, 1, 20);
+    compass.start();
+    robotControl.setEnable(false);
+    wait(1);
+    robotControl.setEnable(true);
+    wait(1);