Library to display menus on TextLCDs. Interaction with functions Up,Down and Select (Buttons or RPG) Based on menu-library from pyeh9

Fork of Menu by Peihsun Yeh

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00001 #ifndef NAVIGATOR_H
00002 #define NAVIGATOR_H
00004 #include "mbed.h"
00005 #include "Menu.h"
00006 #include "TextLCD.h"
00008 /** Class Navigator does the Navigation in the menu and updates the display.
00009  *  Interaction from outside is done by calling moveUp(), moveDown() or select().
00010  *  Could be done by an RPG or via Buttons. 
00011  *
00012  * Example:
00013  *
00014  * @code
00015  *
00016  * #include "MenuItem.h"
00017  * #include "Menu.h"
00018  * #include "Navigator.h"
00019  * #include <vector>
00020  * #include <string>
00021  * PinDetect  T1 ( p21,PullNone); //Button 1 - UP
00022  * PinDetect  T2 ( p22,PullNone); //Button 2 - Down
00023  * PinDetect  T3 ( p23,PullNone); //Button 3 - Select
00024  * ...
00025  *     // Here is the heart of the system: the navigator. 
00026  *     // The navigator takes in a reference to the root and a reference to an lcd
00027  *     Navigator navigator(&rootMenu, &lcd);
00028  *     
00029  *     // attach the methods for buttons Up, Down, Select to the navigator
00030  *     T1.attach_asserted( &navigator, &Navigator::moveUp);
00031  *     T2.attach_asserted( &navigator, &Navigator::moveDown);
00032  *     T3.attach_asserted( &navigator, &Navigator::select);
00033  *     // do whatever you need to do in your main-loop.
00034  *        while( 1 ) {
00035  *          led4 = !led4;
00036  *          wait( 1 );
00037  *        }
00038  * @endcode
00039 */
00040 class Navigator
00041 {
00043 public:
00044     Navigator(Menu *, TextLCD_Base *);
00045     Menu *activeMenu; // the current menu - can change when Menue-item is selected on selection with child menu
00047     TextLCD_Base *lcd;
00049     /** Move up one line in menu.
00050     *   call this method when user moves up one line. 
00051     *   can be triggered by RPG or Button (PinDetect) or otherwise.
00052     */
00053     void moveUp();
00055     /** Move down one line in menu.
00056     *   call this method when user moves down one line.
00057     *   can be triggered by RPG or Button (PinDetect) or otherwise.
00058     */
00059     void moveDown();
00061     /** User presses Select Button.
00062     *   call this method when user wants to select an item.
00063     *   can be triggered by RPG or Button (PinDetect) or otherwise.
00064     */
00065     void select();
00067     /** print the menu on LCD
00068     */
00069     void printMenu();
00071     /** print cursor on the beginning of line
00072     */
00073     void printCursor();
00075 private:
00076     /** Show Yes/No Dialog and wait fo Selection
00077     */
00078     void show_yes_no(bool yesorno);
00079     /** Show a long Text and wait for Select. Scroll Up/Down in Text
00080     */
00081     void show_longtext(void);
00083     int _display_rows; // number of rows the LCD can display
00084     int _display_cols; // number of lines of LCD
00085     int _cursorPos;    // what selection the cursor points to
00086     int _cursorLine;   // what line of the lcd the cursor is on. 1 = first line, 2 = second line
00087     int _start_line;   // display a long text starting from this line
00088     bool _wait_for_select;  // only accept Select Button to go Back
00089     bool _wait_for_yesno;   // up/don change selection ; Select accepts
00091 };
00093 #endif