A four-wheeled vehicular prototype which imitates the structure of a modern car of rear wheeled motor transmission and controlling it using an android app via Bluetooth using FRDMK64F

Dependencies:   Servo mbed

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Thu Mar 30 18:37:35 2017 +0000
Commit message:
A four-wheeled vehicular prototype which imitates the structure of a modern car of rear wheeled motor transmission and controlling it using an android app via Bluetooth using FRDMK64F.

Changed in this revision

Servo.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Servo.lib	Thu Mar 30 18:37:35 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Mar 30 18:37:35 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+/* Code for manual controls of Smart Auto Car using Bluetooth  */
+#include "mbed.h"
+//#include "Map.hpp"
+#include "Servo.h"// The desired Servo sweep range is 60 degrees
+// But due to some mechanical Load errors it has been calibrated to 0 to 70 degrees
+// The front facing position varies from 27 degress to 38 degrees due to the servo motion slip.
+// Variable declaration
+Servo myservo(D3);// Object to declare the servo functionalities
+int pos = 33;// Default avg front facing posiion of the Servo
+int i;
+int j;
+int i1;
+int j1;
+int Flg=0; // Flag to enable motions (Forward, Backward, Stop state)
+int FlgSt = 0;// Unused Variable
+float Level = 0.30;// Variable to store the PWM Levels activated by the gear Button in the App.
+float pwm_Level;// Unused Variable
+// Function Initialisation
+void handleInput(int in); 
+void drive_forward(float level);
+void drive_backward(float level);
+void Robot_Stop();
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);//Tx Rx for Serial Communication (UART)(PC to Processor)
+Serial BT(PTC15,PTC14);// Tx Rx for Bluetooth Communication () 
+PwmOut ENApwm(D5); // Motor driver Enable A
+PwmOut ENBpwm(D6); // Motor driver Enable B
+// Setting coresponding pins to output mode for Motor movements
+DigitalOut LeftMotor_P1(D8);
+DigitalOut LeftMotor_P2(D9);
+DigitalOut RightMotor_P1(D11);
+DigitalOut RightMotor_P2(D10);
+// The main Function 
+int main() {
+    pc.baud(9600);// UART communication in 9600 bits per seconds
+    BT.baud(9600);// Bluetooth communication in 9600 bits per seconds
+    // Printing some execution statements to ensure the controller is communicating properly.
+    pc.printf(" Hello User!\r\n");
+    printf(" Are You Ready \r\n");    
+   // At the start set servo to its default front facing  position 
+    if(pos>33){
+        myservo = (27/100.0);
+    }
+    else{
+         myservo = (38/100.0);        
+    }
+    while(1){ // run an infinite loop to read blutooth data & call corresponding navigation function
+        if (BT.readable()){ // Read incoming Bluetooth Data
+         int BT_Val = (int)(pc.putc(BT.getc()));// get the Ascii value of the incomming 1 byte data
+           //int i = atoi((int)BT_Val);        // Convert it to Interger.
+           //BT_Val -='0';
+           pc.printf("%d \r\n",BT_Val); // print the Bluetooth data in serial Monitor for cross validation
+           // Bluetooth data below decimal 25 contains certain values for the button operations 
+           // Bluetooth data above 25 triggers the PWM pins of EnA and EnB for motor speed control
+           if (BT_Val >= 25 && BT_Val <=100){
+               Level = ((float)BT_Val/100);               
+               pc.printf("%f \r\n",Level);
+               //float pwm_Level = Level;
+               }
+           else if (BT_Val < 25){
+                handleInput(BT_Val);
+               }
+           if (Flg == 1){
+                drive_forward((float)Level);                
+            }
+           else if (Flg == 2){
+                drive_backward((float)Level);
+            } 
+           else if (Flg == 0){
+                Robot_Stop();
+            } 
+        //if BT_Val == 'B'               
+        }
+    }
+// Function which calls specific execution for corresponding incomming Serial inputs from Bluetooth
+void handleInput(int in) {
+    switch(in) { 
+    //Motor Rotation Controls       
+        case 6 :// Forward Motion
+            Flg = 1;
+            break;        
+        case 7 :
+            Flg = 2;// Backward Motion
+            break;
+        case 0 :  // Robot Stop      
+            Flg = 0;
+            break;
+    //Servo Rotation Controls
+        case 1:// Turn 30 degree Left and back to front facing
+            if (pos >0){
+                myservo = (pos/100.0);
+                for( j1=pos; j1>=0; j1--) {
+                    myservo = (j1/100.0);
+                    //printf("%f\r\n",myservo.read());
+                    wait(0.01);        
+                }
+                pos=j1;
+                for(i1=pos; i1<=38; i1++) {
+                    myservo = (i1/100.0);
+                    //printf("%f\r\n",myservo.read());
+                    wait(0.01);
+                }
+                pos=i1;         
+            }
+            else{
+                 myservo = (0/100.0); 
+                 pos = 0;
+                 for(i1=pos; i1<=38; i1++) {
+                    myservo = (i1/100.0);
+                    //printf("%f\r\n",myservo.read());
+                    wait(0.01);
+                }
+                pos=i1;                
+            }                
+            break;
+        case 2: //Turn 30 degree Left 
+            if (pos >0){
+                //myservo = (pos/100.0);
+                for( j1=pos; j1>=0; j1--) {
+                    myservo = (j1/100.0);
+                   // printf("%f\r\n",myservo.read());
+                    wait(0.01);        
+                }
+                pos=j1;         
+            }
+            else{
+                 myservo = (0/100.0);                
+            }      
+            break;
+        case 3: // Sweep Servo to forward position irrespective of its current position
+            if(pos >40){
+                //myservo = (pos/100.0);
+                for( j=pos; j>=27; j--) {
+                    myservo = (j/100.0);
+                    //printf("%f\r\n",myservo.read());
+                    wait(0.01);        
+                }
+                pos=j;
+            }
+            else if (pos < 25){
+                //myservo = (pos/100.0);
+                for(i1=pos; i1<=38; i1++) {
+                    myservo = (i1/100.0);
+                    //printf("%f\r\n",myservo.read());
+                    wait(0.01);
+                }
+                pos=i1;   
+            }
+            else{
+                myservo = (pos/100.0);                
+            }
+            break;
+        case 4://Turn 30 degree Right
+            if (pos <70){
+               // myservo = (pos/100.0);
+                for(i=pos; i<=70; i++) {
+                    myservo = (i/100.0);
+                    //printf("%f\r\n",myservo.read());
+                    wait(0.01);
+                }
+                pos=i;                
+            }
+            else{
+                myservo = (70/100.0);                 
+            }
+            break;
+        case 5:// Turn 30 degree Right and back to front facing
+            if (pos <70){
+                //myservo = (pos/100.0);
+                for(i=pos; i<=70; i++) {
+                    myservo = (i/100.0);
+                    //printf("%f\r\n",myservo.read());
+                    wait(0.01);
+                }
+                pos=i; 
+                for( j=pos; j>=27; j--) {
+                    myservo = (j/100.0);
+                    //printf("%f\r\n",myservo.read());
+                    wait(0.01);        
+                }
+                pos=j;               
+            }
+            else{
+                myservo = (70/100.0);
+                pos = 70;
+                for( j=pos; j>=27; j--) {
+                    myservo = (j/100.0);
+                    //printf("%f\r\n",myservo.read());
+                    wait(0.01);        
+                }
+                pos=j;                 
+            }
+            //break;
+            break;
+        case 8:// Turn Servo Left by 5 degrees irrespective of its current position
+            pos = pos-5;
+            myservo = (pos/100.0);
+            if (pos < 0){
+                pos = 0;                
+            }   
+            break;
+        case 9: // Turn Servo right by 5 degrees irrespective of its current position
+            pos = pos+5;
+            myservo = (pos/100.0); 
+            if (pos > 70){
+                pos = 70;                
+            }            
+            break; 
+        default:
+            pc.printf("I don't know: \"%d\"\n", in);
+            break;
+    }
+// Function to move rear wheel DC motors forward
+void drive_forward(float level){
+     ENApwm.write(level);
+     ENBpwm.write(level); 
+     LeftMotor_P1=1; 
+     LeftMotor_P2=0;
+     RightMotor_P1=1;
+     RightMotor_P2=0; 
+// Function to move rear wheel DC motors backward 
+void drive_backward(float level){
+     ENApwm.write(level);
+     ENBpwm.write(level); 
+     LeftMotor_P1=0; 
+     LeftMotor_P2=1;
+     RightMotor_P1=0;
+     RightMotor_P2=1; 
+ } 
+// Function to stop rear wheel motion
+void Robot_Stop() {
+     //ENApwm.write(level);
+     //ENBpwm.write(level); 
+     LeftMotor_P1=1; 
+     LeftMotor_P2=1;
+     RightMotor_P1=1;
+     RightMotor_P2=1; 
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