A demonstration program to show the use of a VL53L3CX ToF sensor on a F401 board with a x-nucleo shield. Uses Ranging library. Mbed 6.

Dependencies:   X_NUCLEO_53L3CX

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Jul 14 16:31:09 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+ * This VL53L3 Expansion board test application performs range measurements
+ * using the onboard embedded sensor, and satellite boards, in interrupt mode.
+ * Measured ranges are output on the Serial Port, running at 115200 baud.
+ *
+ * The Reset button can be used to restart the program.
+ *
+ * *** Note :
+ * Default Mbed build system settings disable printf floating-point support.
+ * Online builds seem unable to configure this.
+ * Offline builds can enable printf floating-point support.
+ * https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/blob/master/platform/source/minimal-printf/README.md
+ * .\mbed-os\platform\mbed_lib.json
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "vl53L3_I2c.h"
+#include "vl53lx_platform_user_data.h"
+#include "53l3a2_ranging_sensor.h"
+#include "VL53L3A2_RangingClass.h"
+#define BSP_ERROR_NONE                         0
+#if (MBED_VERSION  > 60300)
+UnbufferedSerial  pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+extern "C" void wait_ms(int ms);
+#include "53l3a2_ranging_sensor.h"
+VL53L3A2_SENSOR *sensor; //class for sensor commands
+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define POLLING_PERIOD              (250U)
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+static int32_t status = 0;
+uint8_t ToF_sensor = 1;  // centre
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+void MX_TOF_Process(void);
+ void MX_TOF_Init(void)
+	uint16_t i2c_addr;
+	uint32_t id;
+	// shut down sensors
+	sensor->VL53L3A2_RANGING_SetPowerMode(ToF_sensor, RANGING_SENSOR_POWERMODE_OFF); 
+	wait_ms(100);
+  /* power on the device, initialize it and change it's address.
+   * once the address is updated, the communication with the devices is checked
+   * reading its ID.
+   */
+	sensor->VL53L3A2_RANGING_SetPowerMode(ToF_sensor, RANGING_SENSOR_POWERMODE_ON); 
+	wait_ms(100);
+	sensor->VL53L3A2_RANGING_Init(ToF_sensor);
+	if (status)
+	{
+		printf("VL53L3A2_RANGING_SENSOR_Init failed for sensor %d \n",ToF_sensor);
+	}
+	wait_ms(100);
+	i2c_addr = (0x52 + (ToF_sensor + 1) * 2);	/* 0x54, 0x56, 0x58 */
+	sensor->VL53L3A2_RANGING_SetAddress(ToF_sensor, i2c_addr);
+			printf("VL53L3A2_RANGING_SENSOR_ReadID\n");
+	wait_ms(100);
+	id =0;
+	sensor->VL53L3A2_RANGING_ReadID(ToF_sensor, &id);
+	printf("#######ToF sensor %d - ID: %04lX\n", 0, id);
+ void MX_TOF_Process(void)
+    RANGING_SENSOR_Result_t Result;
+    RANGING_SENSOR_ProfileConfig_t Profile;
+    printf("MX_53L3A2_MultiSensorRanging_Process\n");
+    Profile.RangingProfile = RS_MULTI_TARGET_LONG_RANGE;
+    Profile.TimingBudget = 30; /* 16 ms < TimingBudget < 500 ms */
+    Profile.Frequency = 0; /* not necessary in simple ranging */
+    Profile.EnableAmbient = 0; /* Enable: 1, Disable: 0 */
+    Profile.EnableSignal = 0; /* Enable: 1, Disable: 0 */
+    printf("MX_53L3A2_MultiSensorRanging_Process start sensors\n");
+	wait_ms(100);
+	sensor->VL53L3A2_RANGING_ConfigProfile(ToF_sensor, &Profile);
+    if (status != BSP_ERROR_NONE)
+    {
+      printf("VL53L3A2_RANGING_SENSOR_ConfigProfile  failed sensor %d status %d\n",ToF_sensor,status);
+    }
+    wait_ms(100);
+	status = sensor->VL53L3A2_RANGING_Start(ToF_sensor, RS_MODE_BLOCKING_CONTINUOUS);
+    if (status != BSP_ERROR_NONE)
+    {
+        printf("VL53L3A2_RANGING_SENSOR_Start failed sensor %d status %d\n",ToF_sensor,status);
+    }
+    printf("MX_53L3A2_MultiSensorRanging_Process read sensors\n");
+	// repeatedly read data and start next measurement
+    while (1)
+    {
+	  status = sensor->VL53L3A2_RANGING_GetDistance(ToF_sensor, &Result);
+	  if (status == BSP_ERROR_NONE)
+	  {
+		printf("\n |---> ");
+		printf("Status = %ld, Distance = %5ld mm",
+				Result.ZoneResult[0].Status[0],
+				Result.ZoneResult[0].Distance[0]);
+	  }
+	  wait_ms(POLLING_PERIOD);
+    }
+/*=================================== Main ==================================
+int main()
+	pc.baud(115200);  // baud rate is important as printf statements take a lot of time
+	printf("53L3A2 One Sensor Ranging demo application\n");
+	sensor = new VL53L3A2_SENSOR();
+	MX_TOF_Init();
+  while (1)
+  {
+     MX_TOF_Process();
+  }
+// needed for later versions of mbed
+#if (MBED_VERSION  > 60300)
+extern "C" void wait_ms(int ms)
+    thread_sleep_for(ms);