1 sensory wired directly to the F401. Uses Ayoub's Custom library. Mb6
I had changed the name of X_NUCLEO_53L3CX but not the repository where it is store. This fixes.
2021-07-22, by charlesmn [Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:44:40 +0000] rev 5
I had changed the name of X_NUCLEO_53L3CX but not the repository where it is store. This fixes.
Change name of library to X_NUCLEO_53L3CX
2021-07-21, by charlesmn [Wed, 21 Jul 2021 14:56:21 +0000] rev 4
Change name of library to X_NUCLEO_53L3CX
remove commented out code
2021-07-21, by charlesmn [Wed, 21 Jul 2021 12:10:49 +0000] rev 3
remove commented out code
Fix NumberOfZones issue. Fix printing of results
2021-07-21, by charlesmn [Wed, 21 Jul 2021 12:09:20 +0000] rev 2
Fix NumberOfZones issue. Fix printing of results
Uses Result.NumberOfZones to flag if there is data in the received packet
2021-07-20, by charlesmn [Tue, 20 Jul 2021 16:04:57 +0000] rev 1
Uses Result.NumberOfZones to flag if there is data in the received packet
Uses Ayoub's Custom library. Mbed 6. 1 Sensor wired directly to the F401.
2021-07-14, by charlesmn [Wed, 14 Jul 2021 15:15:45 +0000] rev 0
Uses Ayoub's Custom library. Mbed 6. 1 Sensor wired directly to the F401.