Contains Ayoub's Ranging and Custom interfaces for the VL53L3CX

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vl53l3cx_class.h	Wed Jul 21 14:19:31 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2644 @@
+ Copyright © 2018, STMicroelectronics International N.V.
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the
+ names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __VL53LX_CLASS_H
+#define __VL53LX_CLASS_H
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+  #ifdef VL53LX_API_EXPORTS
+    #define VL53LX_API  __declspec(dllexport)
+  #else
+    #define VL53LX_API
+  #endif
+  #define VL53LX_API
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "RangeSensor.h"
+#include "vl53lx_def.h"
+#include "vl53L3_I2c.h"
+#include "PinNames.h"
+#include "vl53lx_error_codes.h"
+#include "vl53lx_platform_user_data.h"
+#include "vl53lx_nvm_structs.h"//cgm
+#include "vl53lx_xtalk_private_structs.h"
+#include "vl53lx_hist_private_structs.h"
+#include "vl53lx_dmax_private_structs.h"
+#include "vl53lx_api.h"
+#include "Stmpe1600.h"
+#if (MBED_VERSION  > 60300)
+extern "C" void wait_ms(int ms);
+#define VL53LX_DEFAULT_DEVICE_ADDRESS           0x52
+#define VL53LX_MAX_I2C_XFER_SIZE 256
+#define CONT_CONTINUE 0
+#define CONT_NEXT_LOOP  1
+#define CONT_RESET  2
+/* vl53lx_api.c */
+#ifndef MIN
+  #define MIN(v1, v2) ((v1) < (v2) ? (v1) : (v2))
+#ifndef MAX
+  #define MAX(v1, v2) ((v1) < (v2) ? (v2) : (v1))
+#define FDA_MAX_TIMING_BUDGET_US 550000
+#define VL53LX_NVM_POWER_UP_DELAY_US             50
+#define VL53LX_NVM_READ_TRIGGER_DELAY_US          5
+#define VL53LX_D_002  0xFFFF
+#define VL53LX_D_008  0xFFFF
+#define VL53LX_D_003  0xFFFFFF
+#define VL53LX_D_007  0xFFFFFFFF
+#define VL53LX_D_005  0x7FFFFFFFFF
+#define VL53LX_D_009  0xFFFFFFFFFF
+#define VL53LX_D_010  0xFFFFFFFFFFFF
+#define VL53LX_D_004  0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
+#define VL53LX_D_006  0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
+#define VL53L1X_DEFAULT_DEVICE_ADDRESS                      0x52
+#define HIGH 1
+/* Classes -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** Class representing a VL53L3CX sensor component
+ */
+class VL53L3CX : public RangeSensor {
+  public:
+    /** Constructor
+     * @param[in] &i2c device I2C to be used for communication
+     * @param[in] &pin_gpio1 pin Mbed InterruptIn PinName to be used as component GPIO_1 INT
+     * @param[in] DevAddr device address, 0x52 by default
+     */
+    VL53L3CX(vl53L3_DevI2C *i2c, Stmpe1600DigiOut *pin, PinName pin_gpio1, uint8_t dev_addr = VL53LX_DEFAULT_DEVICE_ADDRESS) 
+    : RangeSensor(), dev_i2c(i2c), _expgpio0(pin)
+    {
+        Dev = new VL53L3CX_Object_t;
+	    I2cDevAddr = dev_addr;
+        _gpio0 = NULL;
+        if (pin_gpio1 != NC) {
+            _gpio1Int = new InterruptIn(pin_gpio1);
+        } else {
+            _gpio1Int = NULL;
+        }
+        i2c_inst = i2c;
+    }
+    /** Destructor
+     */
+    virtual ~VL53L3CX() {}
+    /* warning: VL53LX class inherits from GenericSensor, RangeSensor and LightSensor, that haven`t a destructor.
+       The warning should request to introduce a virtual destructor to make sure to delete the object */
+    /*** Interface Methods ***/
+    /*** High level API ***/
+    /**
+     * @brief       PowerOn the sensor
+     * @return      void
+     */
+        /* turns on the sensor */
+    virtual void VL53LX_On(void)
+    {
+        printf("VL53L1_On\r\n");
+        if (_gpio0) {
+            *_gpio0 = 1;
+        } else {
+            if (_expgpio0) {
+                *_expgpio0 = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        wait_ms(100);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief       PowerOff the sensor
+     * @return      void
+     */
+    /* turns off the sensor */
+    virtual void VL53LX_Off(void)
+    {
+        printf("VL53L1_Off\r\n");
+        if (_gpio0) {
+            *_gpio0 = 0;
+        } else {
+            if (_expgpio0) {
+                *_expgpio0 = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        wait_ms(100);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief       Initialize the sensor with default values
+     * @return      0 on Success
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error InitSensor(uint8_t address)
+    {
+      VL53LX_Error status = VL53LX_ERROR_NONE;
+      VL53LX_Off();
+      VL53LX_On();
+      status = VL53L3CX_SetDeviceAddress(address);
+	  wait_ms(100);
+      if (status == VL53LX_ERROR_NONE) {
+        status = VL53L3CX_WaitDeviceBooted();
+		printf("VL53L3CX_WaitDeviceBooted %d \n",status);
+      }
+      if (status == VL53LX_ERROR_NONE) {
+        status = VL53L3CX_DataInit();
+				printf("VL53L3CX_DataInit %d %d\n",status,Dev->IO.Address );
+      }
+      return status;
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * @brief One time device initialization
+     * @param void
+     * @return     0 on success
+     */
+    virtual int Init()
+    {
+      return VL53L3CX_DataInit();
+    }
+    int init(void *init)
+	{
+		     return VL53L3CX_DataInit();
+	}
+    /* Read function of the ID device */
+    virtual int ReadID()
+    {
+      uint64_t Uid;
+      VL53L3CX_GetUID(&Uid);
+      if (Uid == 0x00FF000000FF) {
+        return 0;
+      }
+      return -1;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Get ranging result and only that
+     * @param pRange_mm  Pointer to range distance
+     * @return           0 on success
+     */
+    virtual int GetDistance(uint32_t *piData)
+    {
+      (void)piData;
+      return 0;
+    }
+    /* vl53lx_api.h */
+    /** @defgroup VL53LX_group VL53LX Function Definition
+     *  @brief    VL53LX Function Definition
+     *  @{
+     */
+    /** @defgroup VL53LX_general_group VL53LX General Functions
+     *  @brief    General functions and definitions
+     *  @{
+     */
+    /**
+     * @brief Return the VL53L3CX driver Version
+     *
+     * @note This function doesn't access to the device
+     *
+     * @param   pVersion              Rer to current driver Version
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE     Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"    See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_GetVersion(VL53LX_Version_t *pVersion);
+    /**
+     * @brief Reads the Product Revision for a for given Device
+     * This function can be used to distinguish cut1.0 from cut1.1.
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                 Device Handle
+     * @param   pProductRevisionMajor  Pointer to Product Revision Major
+     * for a given Device
+     * @param   pProductRevisionMinor  Pointer to Product Revision Minor
+     * for a given Device
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE        Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"    See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_GetProductRevision(uint8_t *pProductRevisionMajor, 
+	                                         uint8_t *pProductRevisionMinor);
+    /**
+     * @brief Reads the Device information for given Device
+     *
+     * @note This function Access to the device
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                 Device Handle
+     * @param   pVL53LX_DeviceInfo  Pointer to current device info for a given
+     *  Device
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE   Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"  See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_GetDeviceInfo(
+      VL53LX_DeviceInfo_t *pVL53LX_DeviceInfo);
+    /**
+     * @brief Reads the Device unique identifier
+     *
+     * @note This function Access to the device
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                 Device Handle
+     * @param   pUid                Pointer to current device unique ID
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE   Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"  See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_GetUID(uint64_t *pUid);
+    /** @} VL53LX_general_group */
+    /** @defgroup VL53LX_init_group VL53LX Init Functions
+     *  @brief    VL53LX Init Functions
+     *  @{
+     */
+    /**
+     * @brief Set new device address
+     *
+     * After completion the device will answer to the new address programmed.
+     * This function should be called when several devices are used in parallel
+     * before start programming the sensor.
+     * When a single device us used, there is no need to call this function.
+     *
+     * When it is requested for multi devices system this function MUST be called
+     * prior to VL53LX_DataInit()
+     *
+     * @note This function Access to the device
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                   Device Handle
+     * @param   DeviceAddress         The new Device address
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE     Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"    See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_SetDeviceAddress(uint8_t DeviceAddress);
+    /**
+     *
+     * @brief One time device initialization
+     *
+     * To be called after device has been powered on and booted
+     * see @a VL53L3CX_WaitDeviceBooted()
+     *
+     * @par Function Description
+     * When not used after a fresh device "power up", it may return
+     * @a #VL53LX_Error_CALIBRATION_WARNING meaning wrong calibration data
+     * may have been fetched from device that can result in ranging offset error\n
+     * If VL53LX_DataInit is called several times then the application must restore
+     * calibration calling @a VL53LX_SetOffsetCalibrationData()
+     * It implies application has gathered calibration data thanks to
+     * @a VL53LX_GetOffsetCalibrationData() after an initial calibration stage.
+     *
+     * @note This function Access to the device
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                   Device Handle
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE     Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"    See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_DataInit();
+    /**
+     * @brief Wait for device booted after chip enable (hardware standby)
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                   Device Handle
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE     Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"    See ::VL53LX_Error
+     *
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_WaitDeviceBooted();
+    /** @} VL53LX_init_group */
+    /** @defgroup VL53LX_parameters_group VL53LX Parameters Functions
+     *  @brief    Functions used to prepare and setup the device
+     *  @{
+     */
+    /**
+     * @brief  Set the distance mode
+     * @par Function Description
+     * Set the distance mode to be used for the next ranging.<br>
+     * The modes Short, Medium and Long are used to optimize the ranging accuracy
+     * in a specific range of distance.<br> The user select one of these modes to
+     * select the distance range.
+     * @note This function doesn't Access to the device
+     *
+     * @warning This function should be called after @a VL53LX_DataInit().
+     * @param   Dev                   Device Handle
+     * @param   DistanceMode          Distance mode to apply, valid values are:
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE               Success
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_MODE_NOT_SUPPORTED This error occurs when DistanceMode
+     *                                          is not in the supported list
+     * @return  "Other error code"              See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_SetDistanceMode(
+      VL53LX_DistanceModes DistanceMode);
+    /**
+     * @brief  Get the distance mode
+     * @par Function Description
+     * Get the distance mode used for the next ranging.
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                   Device Handle
+     * @param   *pDistanceMode        Pointer to Distance mode
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE            Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"           See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_GetDistanceMode(
+      VL53LX_DistanceModes *pDistanceMode);
+    /**
+     * @brief Set Ranging Timing Budget in microseconds
+     *
+     * @par Function Description
+     * Defines the maximum time allowed by the user to the device to run a
+     * full ranging sequence for the current mode (ranging, histogram, ASL ...)
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                                Device Handle
+     * @param MeasurementTimingBudgetMicroSeconds  Max measurement time in
+     * microseconds.
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE            Success
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_INVALID_PARAMS  Error timing parameter not
+     *                                       supported.
+     *                                       The maximum accepted value for the
+     *                                       computed timing budget is 10 seconds
+     *                                       the minimum value depends on the preset
+     *                                       mode selected.
+     * @return  "Other error code"           See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_SetMeasurementTimingBudgetMicroSeconds(uint32_t MeasurementTimingBudgetMicroSeconds);
+    /**
+     * @brief Get Ranging Timing Budget in microseconds
+     *
+     * @par Function Description
+     * Returns the programmed the maximum time allowed by the user to the
+     * device to run a full ranging sequence for the current mode
+     * (ranging, histogram, ...)
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                                    Device Handle
+     * @param   pMeasurementTimingBudgetMicroSeconds   Max measurement time in
+     * microseconds.
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE            Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"           See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_GetMeasurementTimingBudgetMicroSeconds(uint32_t *pMeasurementTimingBudgetMicroSeconds);
+    /** @} VL53LX_parameters_group */
+    /** @defgroup VL53LX_measurement_group VL53LX Measurement Functions
+     *  @brief    Functions used for the measurements
+     *  @{
+     */
+    /**
+     * @brief Start device measurement
+     *
+     * @details Started measurement will depend on distance parameter set through
+     * @a VL53L3CX_SetDistanceMode()
+     *
+     * @note This function Access to the device
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                  Device Handle
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE                  Success
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_TIME_OUT    Time out on start measurement
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_INVALID_PARAMS This error might occur in timed mode
+     * when inter measurement period is smaller or too close to the timing budget.
+     * In such case measurements are not started and user must correct the timings
+     * passed to @a VL53LX_SetMeasurementTimingBudgetMicroSeconds() and
+     * @a VL53LX_SetInterMeasurementPeriodMilliSeconds() functions.
+     * @return  "Other error code"   See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_StartMeasurement();
+    /**
+     * @brief Stop device measurement
+     *
+     * @details Will set the device in standby mode at end of current measurement\n
+     *          Not necessary in single mode as device shall return automatically
+     *          in standby mode at end of measurement.
+     *
+     * @note This function Access to the device
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                  Device Handle
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE    Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"   See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_StopMeasurement();
+    /**
+     * @brief Clear the Interrupt flag and start new measurement
+     * *
+     * @note This function Access to the device
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                  Device Handle
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE    Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"   See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_ClearInterruptAndStartMeasurement();
+    /**
+     * @brief Return Measurement Data Ready
+     *
+     * @par Function Description
+     * This function indicate that a measurement data is ready.
+     * This function is used for non-blocking capture.
+     *
+     * @note This function Access to the device
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                    Device Handle
+     * @param   pMeasurementDataReady  Pointer to Measurement Data Ready.
+     * 0 = data not ready, 1 = data ready
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE      Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"     See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_GetMeasurementDataReady(
+      uint8_t *pMeasurementDataReady);
+    /**
+     * @brief Wait for measurement data ready.
+     * Blocking function.
+     * Note that the timeout is given by:
+     *
+     *
+     * @note This function Access to the device
+     *
+     * @param   Dev      Device Handle
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE        Success
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_TIME_OUT In case of timeout
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_WaitMeasurementDataReady();
+    /**
+     * @brief Retrieve all measurements from device with the current setup
+     *
+     * @par Function Description
+     * Get data from last successful Ranging measurement
+     *
+     * @warning USER must call @a VL53LX_ClearInterruptAndStartMeasurement() prior
+     * to call again this function
+     *
+     * @note This function Access to the device
+     *
+     * @note The first valid value returned by this function will have a range
+     * status equal to VL53LX_RANGESTATUS_RANGE_VALID_NO_WRAP_CHECK which means that
+     * the data is valid but no wrap around check have been done. User should take
+     * care about that.
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                      Device Handle
+     * @param   pMultiRangingData        Pointer to the data structure to fill up.
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE        Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"       See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_GetMultiRangingData(VL53LX_MultiRangingData_t *pMultiRangingData);
+    /**
+     * @brief Get Additional Data
+     *
+     * @par Function Description
+     * This function is used to get lld debugging data on the last histogram
+     * measurement. shall be called when a new measurement is ready (interrupt or
+     * positive VL53LX_GetMeasurementDataReady() polling) and before a call to
+     * VL53LX_ClearInterruptAndStartMeasurement().
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                      Device Handle
+     * @param   pAdditionalData          Pointer to Additional data
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE        Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"       See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_GetAdditionalData( VL53LX_AdditionalData_t *pAdditionalData);
+    /** @} VL53LX_measurement_group */
+    /** @defgroup VL53LX_Calibration_group VL53LX Calibration Functions
+     *  @brief    Functions used for Calibration
+     *  @{
+     */
+    /**
+     * @brief Set Tuning Parameter value for a given parameter ID
+     *
+     * @par Function Description
+     * This function is used to improve the performance of the device. It permit to
+     * change a particular value used for a timeout or a threshold or a constant
+     * in an algorithm. The function will change the value of the parameter
+     * identified by an unique ID.
+     *
+     * @note This function doesn't Access to the device
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                          Device Handle
+     * @param   TuningParameterId            Tuning Parameter ID
+     * @param   TuningParameterValue         Tuning Parameter Value
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE        Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"       See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_SetTuningParameter(
+      uint16_t TuningParameterId, int32_t TuningParameterValue);
+    /**
+     * @brief Get Tuning Parameter value for a given parameter ID
+     *
+     * @par Function Description
+     * This function is used to get the value of the parameter
+     * identified by an unique ID.
+     *
+     * @note This function doesn't Access to the device
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                          Device Handle
+     * @param   TuningParameterId            Tuning Parameter ID
+     * @param   pTuningParameterValue        Pointer to Tuning Parameter Value
+     * for a given TuningParameterId.
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE        Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"       See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_GetTuningParameter(
+      uint16_t TuningParameterId, int32_t *pTuningParameterValue);
+    /**
+     * @brief Performs Reference Spad Management
+     *
+     * @par Function Description
+     * The reference SPAD initialization procedure determines the minimum amount
+     * of reference spads to be enables to achieve a target reference signal rate
+     * and should be performed once during initialization.
+     *
+     * @note This function Access to the device
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                          Device Handle
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE        Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"       See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_PerformRefSpadManagement();
+    /**
+     * @brief Enable/Disable dynamic Xtalk compensation feature
+     *
+     * Enable/Disable dynamic Xtalk compensation (aka smudge correction).
+     *
+     * @param   Dev    Device Handle
+     * @param   Mode   Set the smudge correction mode
+     * See ::VL53LX_SmudgeCorrectionModes
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE        Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"       See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_SmudgeCorrectionEnable(
+      VL53LX_SmudgeCorrectionModes Mode);
+    /**
+     * @brief Enable/Disable Cross talk compensation feature
+     *
+     * Enable/Disable Cross Talk correction.
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                       Device Handle
+     * @param   XTalkCompensationEnable   Cross talk compensation
+     *  to be set 0 = disabled or 1 = enabled.
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE        Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"       See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_SetXTalkCompensationEnable(
+      uint8_t XTalkCompensationEnable);
+    /**
+     * @brief Get Cross talk compensation rate enable
+     *
+     * Get if the Cross Talk is Enabled or Disabled.
+     *
+     * @note This function doesn't access to the device
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                        Device Handle
+     * @param   pXTalkCompensationEnable   Pointer to the Cross talk compensation
+     *  state 0=disabled or 1 = enabled
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE        Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"       See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_GetXTalkCompensationEnable(
+      uint8_t *pXTalkCompensationEnable);
+    /**
+     * @brief Perform XTalk Calibration
+     *
+     * @details Perform a XTalk calibration of the Device.
+     * This function will launch a  measurement, if interrupts
+     * are enabled an interrupt will be done.
+     * This function will clear the interrupt generated automatically.
+     * This function will program a new value for the XTalk compensation
+     * and it will enable the cross talk before exit.
+     *
+     * @warning This function is a blocking function
+     *
+     * @note This function Access to the device
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                  Device Handle
+     * the calibration sets appropriate
+     * distance mode and thus override existing one<br>
+     * The calibration uses a target which should be located at least @60cm from the
+     * device. The actual location of the target shall be passed
+     * through the bare driver tuning parameters table
+     *
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE    Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"   See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_PerformXTalkCalibration();
+    /**
+     * @brief Define the mode to be used for the offset correction
+     *
+     * Define the mode to be used for the offset correction.
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                       Device Handle
+     * @param   OffsetCorrectionMode      Offset Correction Mode valid values are:
+     * @li                                VL53LX_OFFSETCORRECTIONMODE_STANDARD
+     * @li                                VL53LX_OFFSETCORRECTIONMODE_PERVCSEL
+     *
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE         Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"        See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_SetOffsetCorrectionMode(
+      VL53LX_OffsetCorrectionModes OffsetCorrectionMode);
+    /**
+     * @brief Perform Offset simple Calibration
+     *
+     * @details Perform a very simple offset calibration of the Device.
+     * This function will launch few ranging measurements and computes offset
+     * calibration. The preset mode and the distance mode MUST be set by the
+     * application before to call this function.
+     *
+     * @warning This function is a blocking function
+     *
+     * @note This function Access to the device
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                  Device Handle
+     * @param   CalDistanceMilliMeter     Calibration distance value used for the
+     * offset compensation.
+     *
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_OFFSET_CAL_NO_SAMPLE_FAIL the calibration failed by
+     * lack of valid measurements
+     * @return  VL53LX_WARNING_OFFSET_CAL_SIGMA_TOO_HIGH means that the target
+     * distance combined to the number of loops performed in the calibration lead to
+     * an internal overflow. Try to reduce the distance of the target (140 mm)
+     * @return  "Other error code"   See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_PerformOffsetSimpleCalibration(
+      int32_t CalDistanceMilliMeter);
+    /**
+     * @brief Perform Offset simple Calibration with a "zero distance" target
+     *
+     * @details Perform a simple offset calibration of the Device.
+     * This function will launch few ranging measurements and computes offset
+     * calibration. The preset mode and the distance mode MUST be set by the
+     * application before to call this function.
+     * A target must be place very close to the device.
+     * Ideally the target shall be touching the coverglass.
+     *
+     * @warning This function is a blocking function
+     *
+     * @note This function Access to the device
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                  Device Handle
+     *
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_OFFSET_CAL_NO_SAMPLE_FAIL the calibration failed by
+     * lack of valid measurements
+     * @return  VL53LX_WARNING_OFFSET_CAL_SIGMA_TOO_HIGH means that the target
+     * distance is too large, try to put the target closer to the device
+     * @return  "Other error code"   See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_PerformOffsetZeroDistanceCalibration();
+    /**
+     * @brief Perform Offset per Vcsel Calibration. i.e. per distance mode
+     *
+     * @details Perform offset calibration of the Device depending on the
+     * three distance mode settings: short, medium and long.
+     * This function will launch few ranging measurements and computes offset
+     * calibration in each of the three distance modes.
+     * The preset mode MUST be set by the application before to call this function.
+     *
+     * @warning This function is a blocking function
+     *
+     * @note This function Access to the device
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                  Device Handle
+     * @param   CalDistanceMilliMeter     Distance of the target used for the
+     * offset compensation calibration.
+     *
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_OFFSET_CAL_NO_SAMPLE_FAIL the calibration failed by
+     * lack of valid measurements
+     * @return  VL53LX_WARNING_OFFSET_CAL_SIGMA_TOO_HIGH means that the target
+     * distance combined to the number of loops performed in the calibration lead to
+     * an internal overflow. Try to reduce the distance of the target (140 mm)
+     * @return  "Other error code"   See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_PerformOffsetPerVcselCalibration(
+      int32_t CalDistanceMilliMeter);
+    /**
+     * @brief Sets the Calibration Data.
+     *
+     * @par Function Description
+     * This function set all the Calibration Data issued from the functions
+     * @a VL53LX_PerformRefSpadManagement(), @a VL53LX_PerformXTalkCalibration,
+     * @a VL53LX_PerformOffsetCalibration()
+     *
+     * @note This function doesn't Accesses the device
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                          Device Handle
+     * @param   *pCalibrationData            Pointer to Calibration data to be set.
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE            Success
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_INVALID_PARAMS  pCalibrationData points to an older
+     * version of the inner structure. Need for support to convert its content.
+     * @return  "Other error code"           See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_SetCalibrationData(
+      VL53LX_CalibrationData_t *pCalibrationData);
+    /**
+     * @brief Gets the Calibration Data.
+     *
+     * @par Function Description
+     * This function get all the Calibration Data issued from the functions
+     * @a VL53LX_PerformRefSpadManagement(), @a VL53LX_PerformXTalkCalibration,
+     * @a VL53LX_PerformOffsetCalibration()
+     *
+     * @note This function doesn't Accesses the device
+     *
+     * @param   Dev                          Device Handle
+     * @param   *pCalibrationData            pointer where to store Calibration
+     *  data.
+     * @return  VL53LX_Error_NONE            Success
+     * @return  "Other error code"           See ::VL53LX_Error
+     */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_GetCalibrationData(
+      VL53LX_CalibrationData_t  *pCalibrationData);
+    /** @} VL53LX_Calibration_group */
+    /** @} VL53LX_group */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_RdWord(VL53LX_DEV Dev, uint16_t index, uint16_t *data);
+ // protected:
+    /* vl53lx_api_core.h functions */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_version(VL53LX_ll_version_t  *pversion);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_data_init(uint8_t read_p2p_data);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_read_p2p_data();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_part_to_part_data(VL53LX_calibration_data_t *pcal_data);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_part_to_part_data(VL53LX_calibration_data_t *pcal_data);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_tuning_debug_data(VL53LX_tuning_parameters_t *ptun_data);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_inter_measurement_period_ms(uint32_t inter_measurement_period_ms);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_inter_measurement_period_ms(uint32_t *pinter_measurement_period_ms);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_timeouts_us(
+      uint32_t            phasecal_config_timeout_us,
+      uint32_t            mm_config_timeout_us,
+      uint32_t            range_config_timeout_us);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_timeouts_us(
+      uint32_t           *pphasecal_config_timeout_us,
+      uint32_t           *pmm_config_timeout_us,
+      uint32_t           *prange_config_timeout_us);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_user_zone(
+      VL53LX_user_zone_t *puser_zone);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_user_zone(
+      VL53LX_user_zone_t *puser_zone);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_mode_mitigation_roi(
+      VL53LX_user_zone_t *pmm_roi);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_zone_config(
+      VL53LX_zone_config_t  *pzone_cfg);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_zone_config(
+      VL53LX_zone_config_t  *pzone_cfg);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_preset_mode(
+      VL53LX_DevicePresetModes     device_preset_mode,
+      uint16_t                     dss_config__target_total_rate_mcps,
+      uint32_t                     phasecal_config_timeout_us,
+      uint32_t                     mm_config_timeout_us,
+      uint32_t                     range_config_timeout_us,
+      uint32_t                     inter_measurement_period_ms);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_preset_mode_timing_cfg(
+      VL53LX_DevicePresetModes     device_preset_mode,
+      uint16_t                    *pdss_config__target_total_rate_mcps,
+      uint32_t                    *pphasecal_config_timeout_us,
+      uint32_t                    *pmm_config_timeout_us,
+      uint32_t                    *prange_config_timeout_us);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_zone_preset(
+      VL53LX_DeviceZonePreset  zone_preset);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_enable_xtalk_compensation();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_disable_xtalk_compensation();
+    void VL53L3CX_get_xtalk_compensation_enable(
+      uint8_t       *pcrosstalk_compensation_enable);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_init_and_start_range(
+      uint8_t                         measurement_mode,
+      VL53LX_DeviceConfigLevel        device_config_level);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_stop_range(); // remove
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_measurement_results(
+      VL53LX_DeviceResultsLevel   device_result_level);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_device_results(
+      VL53LX_DeviceResultsLevel  device_result_level,
+      VL53LX_range_results_t    *prange_results);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_clear_interrupt_and_enable_next_range(
+      uint8_t          measurement_mode);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_histogram_bin_data(
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t *phist_data);
+    void VL53L3CX_copy_sys_and_core_results_to_range_results(
+      int32_t                           gain_factor,
+      VL53LX_system_results_t          *psys,
+      VL53LX_core_results_t            *pcore,
+      VL53LX_range_results_t           *presults);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_zone_dss_config(
+      VL53LX_zone_private_dyn_cfg_t  *pzone_dyn_cfg);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_dmax_mode(
+      VL53LX_DeviceDmaxMode   dmax_mode);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_dmax_mode(
+      VL53LX_DeviceDmaxMode   *pdmax_mode);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_dmax_calibration_data(
+      VL53LX_DeviceDmaxMode           dmax_mode,
+      VL53LX_dmax_calibration_data_t *pdmax_cal);
+	VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_dmax_calibration_data(
+		VL53LX_DeviceDmaxMode           dmax_mode,
+		VL53LX_dmax_calibration_data_t *pdmax_cal);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_offset_correction_mode(
+      VL53LX_OffsetCalibrationMode   offset_cor_mode);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_offset_correction_mode(
+      VL53LX_OffsetCorrectionMode  *poffset_cor_mode);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_et_zone_calibration_data(
+      VL53LX_zone_calibration_results_t *pzone_cal);
+	VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_zone_calibration_data(
+		VL53LX_zone_calibration_results_t  *pzone_cal);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_tuning_parm(
+      VL53LX_TuningParms             tuning_parm_key,
+      int32_t                       *ptuning_parm_value);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_tuning_parm(
+      VL53LX_TuningParms             tuning_parm_key,
+      int32_t                        tuning_parm_value);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_dynamic_xtalk_correction_enable();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_dynamic_xtalk_correction_disable();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_dynamic_xtalk_correction_apply_enable();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_dynamic_xtalk_correction_apply_disable();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_dynamic_xtalk_correction_single_apply_enable();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_dynamic_xtalk_correction_single_apply_disable();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_current_xtalk_settings(
+      VL53LX_xtalk_calibration_results_t *pxtalk
+    );
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_current_xtalk_settings(
+      VL53LX_xtalk_calibration_results_t *pxtalk
+    );
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_load_patch();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_unload_patch();
+    /* vl53lx_register_funcs.h */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_static_nvm_managed(
+      VL53LX_static_nvm_managed_t  *pdata,
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_static_nvm_managed(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_static_nvm_managed_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_static_nvm_managed(
+      VL53LX_static_nvm_managed_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_static_nvm_managed(
+      VL53LX_static_nvm_managed_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_customer_nvm_managed(
+      VL53LX_customer_nvm_managed_t  *pdata,
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_customer_nvm_managed(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_customer_nvm_managed_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_customer_nvm_managed(
+      VL53LX_customer_nvm_managed_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_customer_nvm_managed(
+      VL53LX_customer_nvm_managed_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_static_config(
+      VL53LX_static_config_t    *pdata,
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_static_config(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_static_config_t    *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_static_config(
+      VL53LX_static_config_t    *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_static_config(
+      VL53LX_static_config_t    *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_general_config(
+      VL53LX_general_config_t   *pdata,
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_general_config(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_general_config_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_general_config(
+      VL53LX_general_config_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_general_config(
+      VL53LX_general_config_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_timing_config(
+      VL53LX_timing_config_t    *pdata,
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_timing_config(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_timing_config_t    *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_timing_config(
+      VL53LX_timing_config_t    *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_timing_config(
+      VL53LX_timing_config_t    *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_dynamic_config(
+      VL53LX_dynamic_config_t   *pdata,
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_dynamic_config(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_dynamic_config_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_dynamic_config(
+      VL53LX_dynamic_config_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_dynamic_config(
+      VL53LX_dynamic_config_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_system_control(
+      VL53LX_system_control_t   *pdata,
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_system_control(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_system_control_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_system_control(
+      VL53LX_system_control_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_system_control(
+      VL53LX_system_control_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_system_results(
+      VL53LX_system_results_t   *pdata,
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_system_results(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_system_results_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_system_results(
+      VL53LX_system_results_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_system_results(
+      VL53LX_system_results_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_core_results(
+      VL53LX_core_results_t     *pdata,
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_core_results(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_core_results_t     *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_core_results(
+      VL53LX_core_results_t     *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_core_results(
+      VL53LX_core_results_t     *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_debug_results(
+      VL53LX_debug_results_t    *pdata,
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_debug_results(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_debug_results_t    *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_debug_results(
+      VL53LX_debug_results_t    *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_debug_results(
+      VL53LX_debug_results_t    *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_nvm_copy_data(
+      VL53LX_nvm_copy_data_t    *pdata,
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_nvm_copy_data(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_nvm_copy_data_t    *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_nvm_copy_data(
+      VL53LX_nvm_copy_data_t    *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_nvm_copy_data(
+      VL53LX_nvm_copy_data_t    *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_prev_shadow_system_results(
+      VL53LX_prev_shadow_system_results_t  *pdata,
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_prev_shadow_system_results(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_prev_shadow_system_results_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_prev_shadow_system_results(
+      VL53LX_prev_shadow_system_results_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_prev_shadow_system_results(
+      VL53LX_prev_shadow_system_results_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_prev_shadow_core_results(
+      VL53LX_prev_shadow_core_results_t  *pdata,
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_prev_shadow_core_results(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_prev_shadow_core_results_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_prev_shadow_core_results(
+      VL53LX_prev_shadow_core_results_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_prev_shadow_core_results(
+      VL53LX_prev_shadow_core_results_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_patch_debug(
+      VL53LX_patch_debug_t      *pdata,
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_patch_debug(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_patch_debug_t      *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_patch_debug(
+      VL53LX_patch_debug_t      *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_patch_debug(
+      VL53LX_patch_debug_t      *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_gph_general_config(
+      VL53LX_gph_general_config_t  *pdata,
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_gph_general_config(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_gph_general_config_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_gph_general_config(
+      VL53LX_gph_general_config_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_gph_general_config(
+      VL53LX_gph_general_config_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_gph_static_config(
+      VL53LX_gph_static_config_t  *pdata,
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_gph_static_config(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_gph_static_config_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_gph_static_config(
+      VL53LX_gph_static_config_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_gph_static_config(
+      VL53LX_gph_static_config_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_gph_timing_config(
+      VL53LX_gph_timing_config_t  *pdata,
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_gph_timing_config(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_gph_timing_config_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_gph_timing_config(
+      VL53LX_gph_timing_config_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_gph_timing_config(
+      VL53LX_gph_timing_config_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_fw_internal(
+      VL53LX_fw_internal_t      *pdata,
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_fw_internal(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_fw_internal_t      *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_fw_internal(
+      VL53LX_fw_internal_t      *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_fw_internal(
+      VL53LX_fw_internal_t      *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_patch_results(
+      VL53LX_patch_results_t    *pdata,
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_patch_results(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_patch_results_t    *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_patch_results(
+      VL53LX_patch_results_t    *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_patch_results(
+      VL53LX_patch_results_t    *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_shadow_system_results(
+      VL53LX_shadow_system_results_t  *pdata,
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_shadow_system_results(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_shadow_system_results_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_shadow_system_results(
+      VL53LX_shadow_system_results_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_shadow_system_results(
+      VL53LX_shadow_system_results_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_shadow_core_results(
+      VL53LX_shadow_core_results_t  *pdata,
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_shadow_core_results(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_shadow_core_results_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_shadow_core_results(
+      VL53LX_shadow_core_results_t  *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_shadow_core_results(
+      VL53LX_shadow_core_results_t  *pdata);
+    /* vl53lx_nvm.h */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_nvm_enable(
+      uint16_t       nvm_ctrl_pulse_width,
+      int32_t        nvm_power_up_delay_us);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_nvm_read(
+      uint8_t        start_address,
+      uint8_t        count,
+      uint8_t       *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_nvm_disable();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_nvm_format_decode(
+      uint16_t                   buf_size,
+      uint8_t                   *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_decoded_nvm_data_t *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_nvm_decode_optical_centre(
+      uint16_t                             buf_size,
+      uint8_t                             *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_optical_centre_t             *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_nvm_decode_cal_peak_rate_map(
+      uint16_t                             buf_size,
+      uint8_t                             *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_cal_peak_rate_map_t          *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_nvm_decode_additional_offset_cal_data(
+      uint16_t                             buf_size,
+      uint8_t                             *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_additional_offset_cal_data_t *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_nvm_decode_fmt_range_results_data(
+      uint16_t                             buf_size,
+      uint8_t                             *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_decoded_nvm_fmt_range_data_t *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_nvm_decode_fmt_info(
+      uint16_t                       buf_size,
+      uint8_t                       *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_decoded_nvm_fmt_info_t *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_nvm_decode_ews_info(
+      uint16_t                       buf_size,
+      uint8_t                       *pbuffer,
+      VL53LX_decoded_nvm_ews_info_t *pdata);
+    void VL53L3CX_nvm_format_encode(
+      VL53LX_decoded_nvm_data_t *pnvm_info,
+      uint8_t                   *pnvm_data);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_read_nvm_raw_data(
+      uint8_t        start_address,
+      uint8_t        count,
+      uint8_t       *pnvm_raw_data);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_read_nvm(
+      uint8_t                    nvm_format,
+      VL53LX_decoded_nvm_data_t *pnvm_info);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_read_nvm_optical_centre(
+      VL53LX_optical_centre_t             *pcentre);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_read_nvm_cal_peak_rate_map(
+      VL53LX_cal_peak_rate_map_t          *pcal_data);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_read_nvm_additional_offset_cal_data(
+      VL53LX_additional_offset_cal_data_t *pcal_data);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_read_nvm_fmt_range_results_data(
+      uint16_t                             range_results_select,
+      VL53LX_decoded_nvm_fmt_range_data_t *prange_data);
+    /* vl53lx_platform_ipp.h */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_ipp_hist_process_data(
+      VL53LX_dmax_calibration_data_t    *pdmax_cal,
+      VL53LX_hist_gen3_dmax_config_t    *pdmax_cfg,
+      VL53LX_hist_post_process_config_t *ppost_cfg,
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t       *pbins,
+      VL53LX_xtalk_histogram_data_t     *pxtalk,
+      uint8_t                           *pArea1,
+      uint8_t                           *pArea2,
+      uint8_t                           *phisto_merge_nb,
+      VL53LX_range_results_t            *presults);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_ipp_hist_ambient_dmax(
+      uint16_t                           target_reflectance,
+      VL53LX_dmax_calibration_data_t    *pdmax_cal,
+      VL53LX_hist_gen3_dmax_config_t    *pdmax_cfg,
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t       *pbins,
+      int16_t                           *pambient_dmax_mm);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_ipp_xtalk_calibration_process_data(
+      VL53LX_xtalk_range_results_t       *pxtalk_ranges,
+      VL53LX_xtalk_histogram_data_t      *pxtalk_shape,
+      VL53LX_xtalk_calibration_results_t *pxtalk_cal);
+    /* vl53lx_hist_funcs.h */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_hist_process_data(
+      VL53LX_dmax_calibration_data_t    *pdmax_cal,
+      VL53LX_hist_gen3_dmax_config_t    *pdmax_cfg,
+      VL53LX_hist_post_process_config_t *ppost_cfg,
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t       *pbins,
+      VL53LX_xtalk_histogram_data_t     *pxtalk,
+      uint8_t                           *pArea1,
+      uint8_t                           *pArea2,
+      VL53LX_range_results_t            *presults,
+      uint8_t                           *HistMergeNumber);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_hist_ambient_dmax(
+      uint16_t                            target_reflectance,
+      VL53LX_dmax_calibration_data_t     *pdmax_cal,
+      VL53LX_hist_gen3_dmax_config_t     *pdmax_cfg,
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t        *pbins,
+      int16_t                            *pambient_dmax_mm);
+    /* vl53lx_core_support.h */
+	 uint8_t VL53L3CX_decode_vcsel_period( uint8_t vcsel_period_reg);
+	uint32_t VL53L3CX_events_per_spad_maths(
+      int32_t   VL53LX_p_010,
+      uint16_t  num_spads,
+      uint32_t  duration);
+    uint32_t VL53L3CX_isqrt(
+      uint32_t  num);
+    void VL53L3CX_hist_calc_zero_distance_phase(
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t    *pdata);
+    void VL53L3CX_hist_estimate_ambient_from_thresholded_bins(
+      int32_t                      ambient_threshold_sigma,
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t *pdata);
+    void VL53L3CX_hist_remove_ambient_bins(
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t    *pdata);
+    uint32_t VL53L3CX_calc_pll_period_mm(
+      uint16_t fast_osc_frequency);
+    uint16_t VL53L3CX_rate_maths(
+      int32_t   VL53LX_p_018,
+      uint32_t  time_us);
+    uint16_t VL53L3CX_rate_per_spad_maths(
+      uint32_t  frac_bits,
+      uint32_t  peak_count_rate,
+      uint16_t  num_spads,
+      uint32_t  max_output_value);
+    int32_t VL53L3CX_range_maths(
+      uint16_t  fast_osc_frequency,
+      uint16_t  VL53LX_p_014,
+      uint16_t  zero_distance_phase,
+      uint8_t   fractional_bits,
+      int32_t   gain_factor,
+      int32_t   range_offset_mm);
+    void VL53L3CX_copy_xtalk_bin_data_to_histogram_data_struct(
+      VL53LX_xtalk_histogram_shape_t *pxtalk,
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t    *phist);
+    void VL53L3CX_init_histogram_bin_data_struct(
+      int32_t                      bin_value,
+      uint16_t                     VL53LX_p_021,
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t *pdata);
+    void VL53L3CX_decode_row_col(
+      uint8_t   spad_number,
+      uint8_t  *prow,
+      uint8_t  *pcol);
+    void VL53L3CX_hist_find_min_max_bin_values(
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t   *pdata);
+    void VL53L3CX_hist_estimate_ambient_from_ambient_bins(
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t    *pdata);	  
+    uint32_t VL53L3CX_calc_pll_period_us(
+      uint16_t fast_osc_frequency);
+    uint32_t VL53L3CX_duration_maths(
+      uint32_t  pll_period_us,
+      uint32_t  vcsel_parm_pclks,
+      uint32_t  window_vclks,
+      uint32_t  periods_elapsed_mclks);
+    /* vl53lx_core.h */
+    void VL53L3CX_init_version();
+    void VL53L3CX_init_ll_driver_state(
+      VL53LX_DeviceState ll_state);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_update_ll_driver_rd_state();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_check_ll_driver_rd_state();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_update_ll_driver_cfg_state();
+    void VL53L3CX_copy_rtn_good_spads_to_buffer(
+      VL53LX_nvm_copy_data_t  *pdata,
+      uint8_t                 *pbuffer);
+    void VL53L3CX_init_system_results(
+      VL53LX_system_results_t      *pdata);
+    void VL53L3CX_init_zone_results_structure(
+      uint8_t                 active_zones,
+      VL53LX_zone_results_t  *pdata);
+    void VL53L3CX_init_zone_dss_configs();
+    void VL53L3CX_init_histogram_config_structure(
+      uint8_t   even_bin0,
+      uint8_t   even_bin1,
+      uint8_t   even_bin2,
+      uint8_t   even_bin3,
+      uint8_t   even_bin4,
+      uint8_t   even_bin5,
+      uint8_t   odd_bin0,
+      uint8_t   odd_bin1,
+      uint8_t   odd_bin2,
+      uint8_t   odd_bin3,
+      uint8_t   odd_bin4,
+      uint8_t   odd_bin5,
+      VL53LX_histogram_config_t  *pdata);
+    void VL53L3CX_init_histogram_multizone_config_structure(
+      uint8_t   even_bin0,
+      uint8_t   even_bin1,
+      uint8_t   even_bin2,
+      uint8_t   even_bin3,
+      uint8_t   even_bin4,
+      uint8_t   even_bin5,
+      uint8_t   odd_bin0,
+      uint8_t   odd_bin1,
+      uint8_t   odd_bin2,
+      uint8_t   odd_bin3,
+      uint8_t   odd_bin4,
+      uint8_t   odd_bin5,
+      VL53LX_histogram_config_t  *pdata);
+    void VL53L3CX_init_xtalk_bin_data_struct(
+      uint32_t                        bin_value,
+      uint16_t                        VL53LX_p_021,
+      VL53LX_xtalk_histogram_shape_t *pdata);
+    void VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_uint16_t(
+      uint16_t    ip_value,
+      uint16_t    count,
+      uint8_t    *pbuffer);
+    uint16_t VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_uint16_t(
+      uint16_t    count,
+      uint8_t    *pbuffer);
+    void VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_int16_t(
+      int16_t     ip_value,
+      uint16_t    count,
+      uint8_t    *pbuffer);
+    int16_t VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_int16_t(
+      uint16_t    count,
+      uint8_t    *pbuffer);
+    void VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_uint32_t(
+      uint32_t    ip_value,
+      uint16_t    count,
+      uint8_t    *pbuffer);
+    uint32_t VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_uint32_t(
+      uint16_t    count,
+      uint8_t    *pbuffer);
+    uint32_t VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_with_mask(
+      uint16_t    count,
+      uint8_t    *pbuffer,
+      uint32_t    bit_mask,
+      uint32_t    down_shift,
+      uint32_t    offset);
+    void VL53L3CX_i2c_encode_int32_t(
+      int32_t     ip_value,
+      uint16_t    count,
+      uint8_t    *pbuffer);
+    int32_t VL53L3CX_i2c_decode_int32_t(
+      uint16_t    count,
+      uint8_t    *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_start_test(
+      uint8_t        test_mode__ctrl);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_firmware_enable_register(uint8_t value);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_enable_firmware();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_disable_firmware();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_powerforce_register(
+      uint8_t            value);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_enable_powerforce();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_disable_powerforce();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_clear_interrupt();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_force_shadow_stream_count_to_zero();
+    uint32_t VL53L3CX_calc_macro_period_us(
+      uint16_t fast_osc_frequency,
+      uint8_t  VL53LX_p_005);
+    uint16_t VL53L3CX_calc_range_ignore_threshold(
+      uint32_t central_rate,
+      int16_t  x_gradient,
+      int16_t  y_gradient,
+      uint8_t  rate_mult);
+    uint32_t VL53L3CX_calc_timeout_mclks(
+      uint32_t  timeout_us,
+      uint32_t  macro_period_us);
+    uint16_t VL53L3CX_calc_encoded_timeout(
+      uint32_t  timeout_us,
+      uint32_t  macro_period_us);
+    uint32_t VL53L3CX_calc_timeout_us(
+      uint32_t  timeout_mclks,
+      uint32_t  macro_period_us);
+    uint32_t VL53L3CX_calc_decoded_timeout_us(
+      uint16_t  timeout_encoded,
+      uint32_t  macro_period_us);
+    uint16_t VL53L3CX_encode_timeout(
+      uint32_t timeout_mclks);
+    uint32_t VL53L3CX_decode_timeout(
+      uint16_t encoded_timeout);
+    VL53LX_Error  VL53L3CX_calc_timeout_register_values(
+      uint32_t                 phasecal_config_timeout_us,
+      uint32_t                 mm_config_timeout_us,
+      uint32_t                 range_config_timeout_us,
+      uint16_t                 fast_osc_frequency,
+      VL53LX_general_config_t *pgeneral,
+      VL53LX_timing_config_t  *ptiming);
+    uint8_t VL53L3CX_encode_vcsel_period(
+      uint8_t VL53LX_p_030);
+    uint32_t VL53L3CX_decode_unsigned_integer(
+      uint8_t  *pbuffer,
+      uint8_t   no_of_bytes);
+    void   VL53L3CX_encode_unsigned_integer(
+      uint32_t  ip_value,
+      uint8_t   no_of_bytes,
+      uint8_t  *pbuffer);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_hist_copy_and_scale_ambient_info(
+      VL53LX_zone_hist_info_t        *pidata,
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t    *podata);
+    void  VL53L3CX_hist_get_bin_sequence_config(
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error  VL53L3CX_hist_phase_consistency_check(
+      VL53LX_zone_hist_info_t     *phist_prev,
+      VL53LX_zone_objects_t       *prange_prev,
+      VL53LX_range_results_t      *prange_curr);
+    VL53LX_Error  VL53L3CX_hist_events_consistency_check(
+      uint8_t                      event_sigma,
+      uint16_t                     min_effective_spad_count,
+      VL53LX_zone_hist_info_t     *phist_prev,
+      VL53LX_object_data_t        *prange_prev,
+      VL53LX_range_data_t         *prange_curr,
+      int32_t                     *pevents_tolerance,
+      int32_t                     *pevents_delta,
+      VL53LX_DeviceError          *prange_status);
+    VL53LX_Error  VL53L3CX_hist_merged_pulse_check(
+      int16_t                      min_max_tolerance_mm,
+      VL53LX_range_data_t         *pdata,
+      VL53LX_DeviceError          *prange_status);
+    VL53LX_Error  VL53L3CX_hist_xmonitor_consistency_check(
+      VL53LX_zone_hist_info_t     *phist_prev,
+      VL53LX_zone_objects_t       *prange_prev,
+      VL53LX_range_data_t         *prange_curr);
+    VL53LX_Error  VL53L3CX_hist_wrap_dmax(
+      VL53LX_hist_post_process_config_t *phistpostprocess,
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t       *pcurrent,
+      int16_t                           *pwrap_dmax_mm);
+    void VL53L3CX_hist_combine_mm1_mm2_offsets(
+      int16_t                              mm1_offset_mm,
+      int16_t                              mm2_offset_mm,
+      uint8_t                              encoded_mm_roi_centre,
+      uint8_t                              encoded_mm_roi_size,
+      uint8_t                              encoded_zone_centre,
+      uint8_t                              encoded_zone_size,
+      VL53LX_additional_offset_cal_data_t *pcal_data,
+      uint8_t                             *pgood_spads,
+      uint16_t                             aperture_attenuation,
+      int16_t                             *prange_offset_mm);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_hist_xtalk_extract_calc_window(
+      int16_t                             target_distance_mm,
+      uint16_t                            target_width_oversize,
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t        *phist_bins,
+      VL53LX_hist_xtalk_extract_data_t   *pxtalk_data);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_hist_xtalk_extract_calc_event_sums(
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t        *phist_bins,
+      VL53LX_hist_xtalk_extract_data_t   *pxtalk_data);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_hist_xtalk_extract_calc_rate_per_spad(
+      VL53LX_hist_xtalk_extract_data_t   *pxtalk_data);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_hist_xtalk_extract_calc_shape(
+      VL53LX_hist_xtalk_extract_data_t  *pxtalk_data,
+      VL53LX_xtalk_histogram_shape_t    *pxtalk_shape);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_hist_xtalk_shape_model(
+      uint16_t                         events_per_bin,
+      uint16_t                         pulse_centre,
+      uint16_t                         pulse_width,
+      VL53LX_xtalk_histogram_shape_t  *pxtalk_shape);
+    uint16_t VL53L3CX_hist_xtalk_shape_model_interp(
+      uint16_t      events_per_bin,
+      uint32_t      phase_delta);
+    void VL53L3CX_spad_number_to_byte_bit_index(
+      uint8_t  spad_number,
+      uint8_t *pbyte_index,
+      uint8_t *pbit_index,
+      uint8_t *pbit_mask);
+    void VL53L3CX_encode_row_col(
+      uint8_t  row,
+      uint8_t  col,
+      uint8_t *pspad_number);
+    void VL53L3CX_decode_zone_size(
+      uint8_t   encoded_xy_size,
+      uint8_t  *pwidth,
+      uint8_t  *pheight);
+    void VL53L3CX_encode_zone_size(
+      uint8_t  width,
+      uint8_t  height,
+      uint8_t *pencoded_xy_size);
+    void VL53L3CX_decode_zone_limits(
+      uint8_t   encoded_xy_centre,
+      uint8_t   encoded_xy_size,
+      int16_t  *px_ll,
+      int16_t  *py_ll,
+      int16_t  *px_ur,
+      int16_t  *py_ur);
+    uint8_t VL53L3CX_is_aperture_location(
+      uint8_t   row,
+      uint8_t   col);
+    void VL53L3CX_calc_max_effective_spads(
+      uint8_t     encoded_zone_centre,
+      uint8_t     encoded_zone_size,
+      uint8_t    *pgood_spads,
+      uint16_t    aperture_attenuation,
+      uint16_t   *pmax_effective_spads);
+    void VL53L3CX_calc_mm_effective_spads(
+      uint8_t     encoded_mm_roi_centre,
+      uint8_t     encoded_mm_roi_size,
+      uint8_t     encoded_zone_centre,
+      uint8_t     encoded_zone_size,
+      uint8_t    *pgood_spads,
+      uint16_t    aperture_attenuation,
+      uint16_t   *pmm_inner_effective_spads,
+      uint16_t   *pmm_outer_effective_spads);
+    void VL53L3CX_hist_copy_results_to_sys_and_core(
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t      *pbins,
+      VL53LX_range_results_t           *phist,
+      VL53LX_system_results_t          *psys,
+      VL53LX_core_results_t            *pcore);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_save_cfg_data();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_dynamic_zone_update(
+      VL53LX_range_results_t *presults);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_update_internal_stream_counters(
+      uint8_t     external_stream_count,
+      uint8_t     *pinternal_stream_count,
+      uint8_t     *pinternal_stream_count_val
+    );
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_multizone_hist_bins_update();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_histogram_multizone_initial_bin_config(
+      VL53LX_zone_config_t           *pzone_cfg,
+      VL53LX_histogram_config_t      *phist_cfg,
+      VL53LX_histogram_config_t      *pmulti_hist
+    );
+    uint8_t VL53L3CX_encode_GPIO_interrupt_config(
+      VL53LX_GPIO_interrupt_config_t  *pintconf);
+    VL53LX_GPIO_interrupt_config_t VL53L3CX_decode_GPIO_interrupt_config(
+      uint8_t   system__interrupt_config);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_GPIO_distance_threshold(
+      uint16_t      threshold_high,
+      uint16_t      threshold_low);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_GPIO_rate_threshold(
+      uint16_t      threshold_high,
+      uint16_t      threshold_low);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_GPIO_thresholds_from_struct(
+      VL53LX_GPIO_interrupt_config_t *pintconf);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_ref_spad_char_config(
+      uint8_t       vcsel_period_a,
+      uint32_t      phasecal_timeout_us,
+      uint16_t      total_rate_target_mcps,
+      uint16_t      max_count_rate_rtn_limit_mcps,
+      uint16_t      min_count_rate_rtn_limit_mcps,
+      uint16_t      fast_osc_frequency);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_set_ssc_config(
+      VL53LX_ssc_config_t *pssc_cfg,
+      uint16_t             fast_osc_frequency);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_spad_rate_data(
+      VL53LX_spad_rate_data_t  *pspad_rates);
+    uint32_t VL53L3CX_calc_crosstalk_plane_offset_with_margin(
+      uint32_t     plane_offset_kcps,
+      int16_t      margin_offset_kcps);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_low_power_auto_data_init();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_low_power_auto_data_stop_range();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_dynamic_xtalk_correction_calc_required_samples();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_dynamic_xtalk_correction_calc_new_xtalk(
+      uint32_t        xtalk_offset_out,
+      VL53LX_smudge_corrector_config_t  *pconfig,
+      VL53LX_smudge_corrector_data_t    *pout,
+      uint8_t         add_smudge,
+      uint8_t         soft_update
+    );
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_dynamic_xtalk_correction_corrector();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_dynamic_xtalk_correction_data_init();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_dynamic_xtalk_correction_output_init(
+      VL53LX_LLDriverResults_t *pres
+    );
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_xtalk_cal_data_init();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_config_low_power_auto_mode(
+      VL53LX_general_config_t   *pgeneral,
+      VL53LX_dynamic_config_t   *pdynamic,
+      VL53LX_low_power_auto_data_t *plpadata
+    );
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_low_power_auto_setup_manual_calibration();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_low_power_auto_update_DSS();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_compute_histo_merge_nb(uint8_t *histo_merge_nb);
+    /* vl53lx_wait.h */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_wait_for_boot_completion();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_wait_for_firmware_ready();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_wait_for_range_completion();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_wait_for_test_completion();
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_is_boot_complete(uint8_t        *pready);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_is_firmware_ready(uint8_t        *pready);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_is_new_data_ready(uint8_t        *pready);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_poll_for_boot_completion(uint32_t        timeout_ms);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_poll_for_firmware_ready(uint32_t        timeout_ms);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_poll_for_range_completion(uint32_t     timeout_ms);
+    /* vl53lx_zone_presets.h */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_init_zone_config_structure(
+      uint8_t x_off,
+      uint8_t x_inc,
+      uint8_t x_zones,
+      uint8_t y_off,
+      uint8_t y_inc,
+      uint8_t y_zones,
+      uint8_t width,
+      uint8_t height,
+      VL53LX_zone_config_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_init_zone_config_histogram_bins(
+      VL53LX_zone_config_t   *pdata);
+    /* vl53lx_api_preset_modes.h */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_init_refspadchar_config_struct(
+      VL53LX_refspadchar_config_t     *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_init_ssc_config_struct(
+      VL53LX_ssc_config_t     *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_init_xtalk_config_struct(
+      VL53LX_customer_nvm_managed_t *pnvm,
+      VL53LX_xtalk_config_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_init_xtalk_extract_config_struct(
+      VL53LX_xtalkextract_config_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_init_offset_cal_config_struct(
+      VL53LX_offsetcal_config_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_init_zone_cal_config_struct(
+      VL53LX_zonecal_config_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_init_hist_post_process_config_struct(
+      uint8_t                              xtalk_compensation_enable,
+      VL53LX_hist_post_process_config_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_init_dmax_calibration_data_struct(
+      VL53LX_dmax_calibration_data_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_init_tuning_parm_storage_struct(
+      VL53LX_tuning_parm_storage_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_init_hist_gen3_dmax_config_struct(
+      VL53LX_hist_gen3_dmax_config_t   *pdata);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_preset_mode_standard_ranging(
+      VL53LX_static_config_t     *pstatic,
+      VL53LX_histogram_config_t  *phistogram,
+      VL53LX_general_config_t    *pgeneral,
+      VL53LX_timing_config_t     *ptiming,
+      VL53LX_dynamic_config_t    *pdynamic,
+      VL53LX_system_control_t    *psystem,
+      VL53LX_tuning_parm_storage_t *ptuning_parms,
+      VL53LX_zone_config_t       *pzone_cfg);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_preset_mode_histogram_ranging(
+      VL53LX_hist_post_process_config_t *phistpostprocess,
+      VL53LX_static_config_t            *pstatic,
+      VL53LX_histogram_config_t         *phistogram,
+      VL53LX_general_config_t           *pgeneral,
+      VL53LX_timing_config_t            *ptiming,
+      VL53LX_dynamic_config_t           *pdynamic,
+      VL53LX_system_control_t           *psystem,
+      VL53LX_tuning_parm_storage_t      *ptuning_parms,
+      VL53LX_zone_config_t              *pzone_cfg);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_preset_mode_histogram_characterisation(
+      VL53LX_hist_post_process_config_t *phistpostprocess,
+      VL53LX_static_config_t            *pstatic,
+      VL53LX_histogram_config_t         *phistogram,
+      VL53LX_general_config_t           *pgeneral,
+      VL53LX_timing_config_t            *ptiming,
+      VL53LX_dynamic_config_t           *pdynamic,
+      VL53LX_system_control_t           *psystem,
+      VL53LX_tuning_parm_storage_t      *ptuning_parms,
+      VL53LX_zone_config_t              *pzone_cfg);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_preset_mode_histogram_xtalk_planar(
+      VL53LX_hist_post_process_config_t *phistpostprocess,
+      VL53LX_static_config_t            *pstatic,
+      VL53LX_histogram_config_t         *phistogram,
+      VL53LX_general_config_t           *pgeneral,
+      VL53LX_timing_config_t            *ptiming,
+      VL53LX_dynamic_config_t           *pdynamic,
+      VL53LX_system_control_t           *psystem,
+      VL53LX_tuning_parm_storage_t      *ptuning_parms,
+      VL53LX_zone_config_t              *pzone_cfg);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_preset_mode_histogram_long_range(
+      VL53LX_hist_post_process_config_t *phistpostprocess,
+      VL53LX_static_config_t            *pstatic,
+      VL53LX_histogram_config_t         *phistogram,
+      VL53LX_general_config_t           *pgeneral,
+      VL53LX_timing_config_t            *ptiming,
+      VL53LX_dynamic_config_t           *pdynamic,
+      VL53LX_system_control_t           *psystem,
+      VL53LX_tuning_parm_storage_t      *ptuning_parms,
+      VL53LX_zone_config_t              *pzone_cfg);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_preset_mode_histogram_medium_range(
+      VL53LX_hist_post_process_config_t *phistpostprocess,
+      VL53LX_static_config_t            *pstatic,
+      VL53LX_histogram_config_t         *phistogram,
+      VL53LX_general_config_t           *pgeneral,
+      VL53LX_timing_config_t            *ptiming,
+      VL53LX_dynamic_config_t           *pdynamic,
+      VL53LX_system_control_t           *psystem,
+      VL53LX_tuning_parm_storage_t      *ptuning_parms,
+      VL53LX_zone_config_t              *pzone_cfg);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_preset_mode_histogram_short_range(
+      VL53LX_hist_post_process_config_t *phistpostprocess,
+      VL53LX_static_config_t            *pstatic,
+      VL53LX_histogram_config_t         *phistogram,
+      VL53LX_general_config_t           *pgeneral,
+      VL53LX_timing_config_t            *ptiming,
+      VL53LX_dynamic_config_t           *pdynamic,
+      VL53LX_system_control_t           *psystem,
+      VL53LX_tuning_parm_storage_t      *ptuning_parms,
+      VL53LX_zone_config_t              *pzone_cfg);
+    void VL53L3CX_copy_hist_cfg_to_static_cfg(
+      VL53LX_histogram_config_t  *phistogram,
+      VL53LX_static_config_t     *pstatic,
+      VL53LX_general_config_t    *pgeneral,
+      VL53LX_timing_config_t     *ptiming,
+      VL53LX_dynamic_config_t    *pdynamic);
+    void VL53L3CX_copy_hist_bins_to_static_cfg(
+      VL53LX_histogram_config_t *phistogram,
+      VL53LX_static_config_t    *pstatic,
+      VL53LX_timing_config_t    *ptiming);
+    /* vl53lx_silicon_core.h */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_is_firmware_ready_silicon(
+      uint8_t        *pready);
+    /* vl53lx_xtalk.h */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_xtalk_calibration_process_data(
+      VL53LX_xtalk_range_results_t        *pxtalk_ranges,
+      VL53LX_xtalk_histogram_data_t       *pxtalk_shape,
+      VL53LX_xtalk_calibration_results_t  *pxtalk_cal);
+    /* vl53lx_api_calibration.h */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_run_ref_spad_char(
+      VL53LX_Error            *pcal_status);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_run_device_test(
+      VL53LX_DeviceTestMode      device_test_mode);
+    VL53LX_Error   VL53L3CX_run_xtalk_extraction(
+      VL53LX_Error                       *pcal_status);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_get_and_avg_xtalk_samples(
+      uint8_t                       num_of_samples,
+      uint8_t                       measurement_mode,
+      int16_t                       xtalk_filter_thresh_max_mm,
+      int16_t                       xtalk_filter_thresh_min_mm,
+      uint16_t                      xtalk_max_valid_rate_kcps,
+      uint8_t                       xtalk_result_id,
+      uint8_t                       xtalk_histo_id,
+      VL53LX_xtalk_range_results_t *pxtalk_results,
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t  *psum_histo,
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t  *pavg_histo);
+    VL53LX_Error   VL53L3CX__run_phasecal_average(
+      uint8_t                 measurement_mode,
+      uint8_t                 phasecal_result__vcsel_start,
+      uint16_t                phasecal_num_of_samples,
+      VL53LX_range_results_t *prange_results,
+      uint16_t               *pphasecal_result__reference_phase,
+      uint16_t               *pzero_distance_phase);
+    void VL53L3CX_hist_xtalk_extract_data_init(
+      VL53LX_hist_xtalk_extract_data_t   *pxtalk_data);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_hist_xtalk_extract_update(
+      int16_t                             target_distance_mm,
+      uint16_t                            target_width_oversize,
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t        *phist_bins,
+      VL53LX_hist_xtalk_extract_data_t   *pxtalk_data);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_hist_xtalk_extract_fini(
+      VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t        *phist_bins,
+      VL53LX_hist_xtalk_extract_data_t   *pxtalk_data,
+      VL53LX_xtalk_calibration_results_t *pxtalk_cal,
+      VL53LX_xtalk_histogram_shape_t     *pxtalk_shape);
+    VL53LX_Error   VL53L3CX_run_hist_xtalk_extraction(
+      int16_t                       cal_distance_mm,
+      VL53LX_Error                 *pcal_status);
+    /* vl53lx_api_core.c static functions */
+    void VL53L3CX_histo_merge(VL53LX_histogram_bin_data_t *pdata);
+    /* vl53lx_api.c static functions */
+           int BDTable[11];
+    /* Write and read functions from I2C */
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_WrByte(VL53LX_DEV Dev, uint16_t index, uint8_t data);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_WrWord(VL53LX_DEV Dev, uint16_t index, uint16_t data);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_WrDWord(VL53LX_DEV Dev, uint16_t index, uint32_t data);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_RdByte(VL53LX_DEV Dev, uint16_t index, uint8_t *data);
+ //   VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_RdWord(VL53LX_DEV Dev, uint16_t index, uint16_t *data);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_RdDWord(VL53LX_DEV Dev, uint16_t index, uint32_t *data);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_UpdateByte(VL53LX_DEV Dev, uint16_t index, uint8_t AndData, uint8_t OrData);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_WriteMulti(VL53LX_DEV Dev, uint16_t index, uint8_t *pdata, uint32_t count);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_ReadMulti(VL53LX_DEV Dev, uint16_t index, uint8_t *pdata, uint32_t count);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_I2CWrite(uint8_t DeviceAddr, uint16_t RegisterAddr, uint8_t *pBuffer, uint16_t NumByteToWrite);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_I2CRead(uint8_t DeviceAddr, uint16_t RegisterAddr, uint8_t *pBuffer, uint16_t NumByteToRead);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_GetTickCount(uint32_t *ptick_count_ms);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_WaitUs(VL53LX_Dev_t *pdev, int32_t wait_us);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_WaitMs(VL53LX_DEV Dev, int32_t wait_ms);
+    VL53LX_Error VL53L3CX_WaitValueMaskEx(VL53LX_DEV dev, uint32_t timeout_ms, uint16_t index, uint8_t value, uint8_t mask, uint32_t poll_delay_ms);
+	// dummy routines needed for inherited functions
+	int read_id(uint8_t *id)
+	{
+		printf("dwwdji");
+		return 26;
+	}
+	int get_distance(uint32_t *pi_data)
+	{
+		return 43;
+	}
+  //protected:
+    /* IO Device */
+    vl53L3_DevI2C *dev_i2c;
+    /* Digital out pin */
+    int gpio0;
+    /* Device data */
+    VL53LX_Dev_t MyDevice;
+    VL53LX_DEV Dev;
+    vl53L3_DevI2C *i2c_inst;
+    /* Digital out pin */
+    DigitalOut *_gpio0;
+    /* GPIO expander */
+    Stmpe1600DigiOut *_expgpio0;
+    /* Measure detection IRQ */
+    InterruptIn *_gpio1Int;
+	int I2cDevAddr;
+#endif /* _VL53LX_CLASS_H_ */