Build upon MMA7660_HelloWorld to pull out x, y, z axes from device and print to LCD on mbed Application Board
Dependencies: C12832_lcd MMA7660 mbed
Fork of MMA7660_HelloWorld by
Here reside bits and pieces of coding that is mostly derivative of the work of others. Mostly extensions and other modifications.
The proprioception board project.
Board design images follow.
Takes readings of stability, assigns to score [+1] for each success.
2013-06-27, by chapfohn [Thu, 27 Jun 2013 05:26:26 +0000] rev 6
Takes readings of stability, assigns to score [+1] for each success.
; If ten consecutive readings are stable [score 10] prints 'NEXT LEVEL',
; LED2 HIGH for ten seconds, score assignment reset.
; Any unstable reading resets score assignment.
Take x, y data into array, summation and average.
2013-06-05, by chapfohn [Wed, 05 Jun 2013 01:27:07 +0000] rev 5
Take x, y data into array, summation and average.
; Prints data to LCD.
; Tests stability in x, y plane, prints STABLE/UNSTABLE flag to LCD.
; Interest statement included.
Program reads x, y axis data into array, totals and averages.
2013-06-04, by chapfohn [Tue, 04 Jun 2013 04:16:34 +0000] rev 4
Program reads x, y axis data into array, totals and averages.
; Removed Debug wait artefacts.
Program reads x, y axis data into array, toatals and averages.
2013-06-04, by chapfohn [Tue, 04 Jun 2013 04:10:17 +0000] rev 3
Program reads x, y axis data into array, toatals and averages.
; Display on LCD.
Axes labelled, separated into columns.
2013-05-06, by chapfohn [Mon, 06 May 2013 02:10:12 +0000] rev 2
Axes labelled, separated into columns.
Built upon MMA7660_HelloWorld to pull out x, y, z axes from device and print to LCD on mbed application board.
2013-04-30, by chapfohn [Tue, 30 Apr 2013 01:47:56 +0000] rev 1
Built upon MMA7660_HelloWorld to pull out x, y, z axes from device and print to LCD on mbed application board.
Hello World 1.0
2012-10-17, by Sissors [Wed, 17 Oct 2012 16:40:45 +0000] rev 0
Hello World 1.0