Fork from to use a local and namespaced MotionSensor.h header that would otherwise clash with other libraries.

Dependents:   TALab2B_Part2_ECE595 TALab3C_i2c_acc Project1 FinalProject ... more

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for FXOS8700Q


FXOS8700Q FXOS8700Q accelerometer example
FXOS8700QAccelerometer FXOS8700QAccelerometer interface
FXOS8700QMagnetometer FXOS8700QMagnetometer interface
motion_data_counts_t Motion_data_counts_t struct
motion_data_units_t Motion_data_units_t struct
MotionSensor Motion Sensor Base Class Useful for accessing data in a common way


FXOS8700Q.cpp [code]
FXOS8700Q.h [code]
MbedComponentMotionSensor.h [code]