on test and not completed based on nucleo_hello_encoder library

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of Nucleo_Hello_Encoder by David Lowe

--- a/main.cpp	Tue Sep 29 06:56:28 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Sep 30 08:15:19 2015 +0000
@@ -19,25 +19,36 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "counter.h"
+#include "Encoder.h"
-TIM_IC_InitTypeDef counterSet1;
-TIM_HandleTypeDef timer1;
+TIM_Encoder_InitTypeDef encoder2;
+TIM_HandleTypeDef timer2;
+TIM_IC_InitTypeDef counterSet2;
 int main()
-    CounterInit(counterSet1, timer1, TIM1, 0xffff);
+    //examples
+    //counting on A-input only, 2 ticks per cycle, rolls over at 100
+    //EncoderInit(encoder1, timer1, TIM1, 0xffff, TIM_ENCODERMODE_TI1);
-    printf("STM HAL encoder demo\n\r");
-    while(1) {
+    //counting on both A&B inputs, 4 ticks per cycle, full 32-bit count
+    EncoderInit(encoder2, timer2, counterSet2, TIM2, 0xffff, 0);
+    TIM2->SMCR |= 0x0007; // Ext. clk mode 1
+    TIM2->SMCR |= 0x0060; // TI2FP2 as ext. clock
+    TIM2->CR1 |= 0x0001; // enable counting
+    TIM2->CNT = 0; // reset counter
+ while (1) {
         int16_t count1;
-        count1=TIM1->CNT; //OK 401 411 TICKER 030
+        count1=TIM2->CNT; 
         printf("%d\r\n", count1);
-    }
+   if (GPIOE->IDR & 0x01) TIM2->CNT = 0; // reset counter
+   if (1 * TIM_CR1_DIR) TIM2->CR1 |= 0;  // 0 - count up; 1 - count down
+ //if (GPIOE->IDR & 0x02) TIM2->CR1 |= 0x01; // enable counter
+ //if (GPIOE->IDR & 0x04) TIM2->CR1 &= ~0x01; // disable counter
+ }